"...don't pick the youngest one, I hear she's quite plump

Feeling: radiant
Ah, the ecstacy of writing! A joy I often dream and seldom feel. Distance makes the heart grow fonder, and each day that keeps me busy and apart from my world of wonders, stronger does the imagination grow, as does the desire. I was in the mood for sinners, (after having a long talk with Amy today), and so turned to "Sin Is A Myth", a novel I love for its purpose as well as it's character names. Tonight I introduced chapter II and two new characters,Worthmyre and Falcom, whose purpose has not yet been told to me, but they talk most importantly nonetheless. It was a pleasure to sit, un-interrupted and finally trudge forward through the mud of story-writing. It's deeper than you think, and if you find the story dry, you're walking through the wrong swamp. "You just be nice and pretend to be impressed. I don’t want anyone getting insulted. And watch that raffish mouth of yours. You just stand there and look charming." *bounds away* Carrie PS- Quote's and title from the story, in case you couldn't figure it out.
Read 2 comments
Romantically confusing lyrically or literally? Cause like I said, it isnt really rooted in a real relatioship experience.

ps- I hope you are feeling better from the sickness in the previous entry. And I am not sure if surprising you is a good thing or not...
