"A New Day" she called it

Listening to: Marching Band...
Feeling: blasphemous
I'm aware it's Easter, but I've committed enough blasphemy for one day I think. My family and I actually went to church today. Ate and drank the 'body and blood' of Jesus. It made me sick, to tell you the truth. The drink, not the ceremony. The ceremony was nice I guess. I don't know, I didn't have much time to ponder, I was so damned nervous. I just wanted to leave. You know, I've tried to believe, honestly. I've made really strong efforts to believe. But in the end it just comes out that I feel like a liar saying I do. If I'm wrong, I'll apologize and all, honestly I will, but I just can't accept that right now. The theme of today was "A new day". Self-explanitory, I think. It's been a pretty good weekend, even though I haven't really expressed that. Last night I babysat- took the two little girls to see The Prince and Me (very good movie, boys, take notes) and we also rented Cheapter By the Dozen, which I did not get to see the ending of on account of the folks getting home early. Oh yeah, and Jo-football called me. Wanted to know what happend Friday night. Whoops? Have you ever tasted a memory? I had this discussion with Steve. It's so easy to remember how something tastes. Like...right now...I'm tasting Jesus...oh, the humor! Ok, well, yeah, sick of writing. Zack and I are trying to study French. We've both come to conclusion that French sucks. No, French doesn't suck, our teacher sucks. PS- Zack invited me to take swing dance lessons with him. Aw man this will be interesting!! Carrie *amused and BEmused*
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