I'm back. Here, anyway.

Listening to: shhh, it's bedtime.
Feeling: romantic
Well, I spent two or so hours working on that new collection I mentioned. I got a good start on two of the stories: Miasma and Fly. I know the endings, I'm just boggled down with the middle stuff. It's all in my head, it just takes so much effort to get down sometimes. I think writing used to be easy. I can't remember. But I don't recall the moment when it became a chore. It is a chore. It's difficult, you know. Writing. An idea is such a simple thing, but a well-written idea takes so much effort. Anyway, both stories are a bit morbid but that's ok. miasma does, after all, have a dark connotation to it. And now? Now I'm restless. I want to talk to someone but there's nobody online that I want to talk to. I want to write but don't have the energy. I also want to go to sleep but don't want to go to bed. It's about qaurter to 12, but that's ok because I can sleep in tomorrow. That will be weird. I'm still stuck on this fashion thing. I was thinking about it more today. I even got a little notebook thing to start storing some sketches. You know, the first person who suggestion fashion designing to me was Nikki. It was last year when we had to draw ideas of our costumes for A Midsummer Night's Dreams. She saw what I had done and liked it. I don't know why, but that strikes me as funny. Funny in an ironic sense I suppose. Ok, here's an open forum. I need more ideas for this story collection. Inspiration is a fickle thing and you'll find it where you least expect it. Example; there is a fly in my house that keeps following me around. Maybe there's two flies. One is very loud and the other is quiet, just sort of meandering about. At any rate, they're annoying, but I have to thank them for sparking the idea for my short story of Fly. SO, if you have an idea, anything really, feel free to drop it by. I'm currently in the market for a muse since my last one...well, nevermind my last one. But send me stuff. Anything. Pleasant dreams. Carrie Allen Poe. (kidding)
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