What do you mean it's Christmas Eve?!?

I know Christmas is on the same day every year and it doesn't change and it's marked on the calendar and all that, but somehow it really does spring upon us. We know it's coming--I knew it was coming--but all of a sudden I blinked and it's here! Miraculously I got all my shopping/wrapping done, but the to-do list seems never ending. Or maybe that's just because my mom is such an incredible host, that she thinks of all the tiny details from the seating to the garnish, and so she always finds things that can be fixed or made better. You gotta love her for it, but I get easily annoyed by her "do this" when all I want to do is the stuff I've been trying to do all week--English reading, research, writing, I've got dad's graphics to work on, projects to finish, and my room can't get clean enough. Anyway, tonight we're going to church to ring handbells and then to our annual Christmas Eve dinner at the Hyatt. Too cold today to ride the gondellas tonight I think. Shame, too, since Kris will be with us. We might go...we'll see. Happy Christmas to everyone, hope you have a wonderful day with family and friends--feel free to stop by my house any time after 7. It's open house all Christmas night for desserts and laughter. Carrie
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