Tan Lines

It's about bloody time I got myself out into the sun--and so I have. CK and I have spent some precious hours in the delightful rays of the sun and the tan lines are noticeably there. Wa-hoo. So in the ways of progress, I'm getting tired every night from work and am surprisinly pleased to be switching my hours from the night shift to the morning one. This means I'll have to drag my arse out of bed early(ier), but I'll then have all my nights free and available to spend with my darling loved ones. : ) Also, I'm slowly working on my summer scrap book and have been--with great frustrations and sparse appeal--working at various beginnings to this summer's hot novel. My writing peak seems to blossom at 7 and (usually by the time I get to a computer) at 10ish, the words have...evaporated. Not even so much the words, but the ideas. My biggest problem, so I'm finding, is that i keep getting too personal. There are so many incredible people in my life that would be perfect for a story, but putting them in a story would also entitle giving them trouble--every story has a problem you know. And the problems that already exist...well, why the hell would I want to put all that icky stuff down? I keep thinking of the true life stories and say to myself, "I'll write it when I'm older, when we're all older and no one will care." Anyways, that's that. Day off tomorrow--yaaaay! I'm planning on getting our early though and running all my errands. It was my sister's birthday the other day and to celebrate, we're all going out to dinner tomorrow night. I need to get her a card and a little something, God knows what since she has (as we all know) everything. But then I was thinking, you can't have everything. And when you get so caught up on buying the big, elaborate and expensive things, sometimes you turn blind to all the wonderful small things. At any rate, I'm hoping that tomorrow--wherever I happen to go--that I'll find something of interest. I also need to go to Barnes and Noble to reserve my copy of the next HP--soo stoked!! And while I'm there, I want to ask if they're hiring actors for the midnight wait. I'd love to walk around in a Hogwarts uniform and a British accent to charm little kids all night. Last year Nik and I got dressed up and spoke with accents and all and people got such a kick out of it. Since it is summer and people seem to be slacking with keeping up with their journals, I'm extending a small ambition of amusement for daily (or every other day..weekly...) polls. SO, for today: If you could be any character from a book you've read, who would you be and why? Post your answers and I hope you're having an awesome summer! Carrie
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*That is way to hard to choose. If it were Harry Potter it would be Hermione bc she is my favorite. Other than that it would be The 8ight and the character is Cat because her character is so much like me.*