A good come-back

Uneventful day, really; until the afternoon. (My history quiz went okay, in case you were wondering). I got to Saguaro and found T in his office. We chatted and I bumped into a lot of theatre friends and all was bubbles. Then we got down to business. I told him a rough summary, gave some descriptions of the characters and the sort of people I had in mind for each character, we tossed around some other stuff (T tends to talk a lot and half the time I don't know why he's saying what he's saying). To get down to it, he's going to ask the people we thought of to come together on a Saturday to just do a read-through. This, he said, would give me a good idea of what the story sounds like, if it flows, if everything makes sense...(a lot of the stuff I've already put countless hours considering and revising). But it will be awesome to finally hear it in the voices I've been thinking of. The play won't be performed until (most likely) the spring because the schedule is so tight. I had been hoping it would have taken place of a show, but that might have been asking too much. So I have quite some time before anything really gets moving, but that's okay. The bottom line is that it is going to be done. I am going to produce my own play. *ecstatic* After our chat and some rehearsal watching, I headed over to my other home--the band room. It felt so good to be there again. I don't know if I ever realized it at the time, but high school really holds you; the air puts its arms around you and hugs you to the walls, claiming you as a high school student. I didn't feel that embrace quite so tightly, but the air of belonging was still drifting; that certain aroma of importance, when nothing mattered more than marching in step with high toes, was still wafting around. I had planned to go home right after their warm up but...well, come on, I had to go to the game. So I did. Sat with Mrs. Miller and, throughout the game, ran into many other alumni, including Alex. Justin and Scott came up, Ben, Travis, Andrea, Sam, Kristen, Curtis, and I'm sure there may have been a few others as well. It was really cool. Close to half time Mrs. Miller said she needed to review her script to make the announcements for the band. I asked if I could do it and she giggled and said okay, "Mike will be a bit surprised not to hear my voice, but sure!" So I did. : ) And it was really fun! The band did really good; I couldn't hear too much of the music portion being in the booth, but they looked good. Only some nasty spots in the more difficult portions of the drill. Mr. Miller said they improved a lot since their last performance, so that's good. I am so proud of the seniors who have really stepped up this year. I knew they could do it. : ) So after half-time, I met Mr. Miller down on the track, "They've got this new announcer up there, don't know what they're thinking!" Mr. Miller replied, smiling, "yeah, she was alright." He hugged me, said good job, I returned the compliment and we went on discussing marching band. Lots more talking and hugs from friends, and then I decided I needed to go home. As I was leaving, I hugged Mrs. Miller and, giggling, she asked if we had the double rooms set up for when Kris came over. I didn't answer her, we both just giggled. I walked down the steps to say goodbye to Mr. Miller and this conversation took place: (bear in mind the previous) Mr. Miller: So, I hear it's someone's birthday this weekend. Me: Yeah...think about this: I'm going to be 19 and your son is only 17. Mr. Miller: (looking down on me with a devilish grin) Yeah...illegal, isn't it? *laughter....sigh* Funny stuff. Anyway, I'm home now, very hungry (last meal was at lunch), and I want to talk to my mommy. : ) G'night. Tomorrow: Kristofer. :D Carrie
Read 2 comments
You had a very nostalgic day. Happy birthday again, and FYI if you need techies for your play you know where to come.

Happy Birthday! I hope you have a great day!! Glad things are going well for you!
Casey the former deb