Monologue- A Caulfield Flaw

-enters on stage, shy and timid, addresses the audience- Hi...nice of you all to...come. -long pause- Heh, hey, heard somethin' funny the other day.I heard that the number one fear of most Americans is bein' on stage, did you know? I kinda think that's true, too, if you want to know what I think. Which you probobly don't. But, uh, I gotta admit, I get pretty damned scared when there's a lotta people around.I don't know what it is. It's even worse when there's only one person in the room. You know? Because then you kinda feel obligated to talk to em. Because if you ignore them, well then they're gonna think you're thinking stange things about them or you get this tension type thing because you both know you're thinkin' about sayin' something but you don't really want to or you don't know what to say. And you also know if you DO say something, in the back of their mind they're thinkin', 'who the hell does this shmuck think he is?' Or somethin' like that, ya know? I don't care for people much. I went shopping last week with my friend and she noticed I kept putting my back to walls and lookin' at people and stuff. She asked me what the hell my problem was. I told her that I always got nervous around strange people. This is the same girl I went camping with a couple nights ago and she got all scared at night and I asked her what the hell her problem was and she said she always got nervous when there were strange animals around. I just looked at her and blinked. I had a really good idea for this and it went to shite, but oh well. I think I've wasted enough time for one day. "Toodles" Carrie "Dollface"
Read 2 comments
I catch, But i already saw it.

Not that I wouldnt mind seein it again. Get the plans and the times and i'll see if I got the resources.


K, well, I'll talk to some peeps and see what'll pull through, savvy? I'm going on a movie-going rampage next week because there are so many good flicks out. Anyhow, I'll tag ya nother day with the 411, capish? (capishe? Kapish..kap...oh, forget it. you know what i mean. Sad, I'm Italian and can't spell capish..)