I want to be a virus!!

Hi. Just dropping by to say that everythig is peachy again. I talked to T; said some things I needed to say, heard some things I needed to hear, end of story. I'm really happy Amy got cast and I'm really excited to see what this cast is capable of. As for school related drama, I've definitely stopped caring (at least for the weekend). Sent in a scholarship today so cross you fingers for me. God knows I could use it. My savings is dwindling to nothing. On that note, as happy as I am to be helping out at DP, I'm going to get another job so I can have steady hours Thurs-Sun. So hopefully problems will correct themselves... K, well, just wanted to say that things are good again. Great job today drumline, even with glitches and all, it sounded good. I'm hoping there might be a chance I can jump on board...? You know, be a virus and do interperative dances and such...lol k, well, off with me then. Carrie
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