Think on that one

Listening to: Static-X
Feeling: bothered
"Another white page and more black text. The water to fill the ocean, the salt inside your tears, the soul within the man. That’s what writing is. That’s what stories represent. They are the creations and wonders of dreamers and creative thinkers. Stories are the blood of a person with purpose and dedication, a life of devotion for words. And those words, I promise you, are not just words. But it would take a writer to understand their true meaning." -J.B. Dreams I don't know what today was. The morning was sunny but sort of cold. I kept my scarf around my neck and giggled because I was wearing a tank top beneath my jacket. I swear, only in Arizona will you find girls in skirts and tanks wearing scarves. The afternoon turned grey. All I wanted to do when I got home was snuggle up by the fire and eat a bowl of soup. But I didn't. Can't eat this early and a fire is too messy, says mum. *rolls eyes* I scribbled another idea for Sessions today. It came to me in history class because we were watching some political stuff my teacher had recorded and had a whole long discussion over republicans and democrats. Anyways, for my other Session I'll draw the stage to the diplomats, the rulers of the country, and those that the common people rely on. Our government is virtually perfect; on paper. People have messed things up and made it corrupt. So these men will have to fix that. It's a huge deal to make a side-plot and will take a lot of thinking out, but I plan on turning to history for most of the info. : ) Finals next week Sabers...aren't you excited?? Two weeks and Mitch will be here. I can't wait. I miss him sooo much. I haven't really talked to him since he moved and he's staying for a week and a half. I told him that he better set aside time for us to hang out. Bothered: I don't like grey skies unless they promise rain. These skies right now only promise greyness, yells, and tears. The radio is also bothering me much because of the stupid commercials. And this Christmas season is bothering me on many reasons: I have no money, the advertising world is going crazy, and gram is in Penn when she SHOULD be here. *sigh* Carrie
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It's raining...kinda.

Also I am too lazy to Log into my account
