{284} Dazed And Confused

Im currently very confused. And mixed up. I Just was some clarity. Why would he say something like that to me. I thought I would and could be ok, in time. But that all reset it. Im finding myself drifting off in thought again. Wanting to be alone. There is only one person I would kill to be around. And its not who you think it is. I just want someone, mainly him, to explain what me meant by telling me that. What did he want to gain? What was the purpose? Why? But when I try to talk to him. Nothing comes out at all. I can't find the words. And I can't even look him in the face. I want to escape. I just want to cry. But most of all, I want to know why. Im just dazed and confused. L0V3 = D347H ♥
Read 3 comments
Oo..this is a copy of ur myspace thingy. and i commented on it on urspace so thats where the real comment is. lol
thats a song name! MUHA!! led zeppelin!
as much as I love the zeppelin tune, I know who you're talking about and I dunno if I should say so I won't, but I dunno if he's worth all the heartache and pain again. That's just me though. Don't wanna see you getting hurt again.

-commenting dude