{265} Its Alright

Well I was worried about something that someone said before, but it turned out to the a lie. No worries here, Im still happy :) There is also something else that was brought to my attention, that just plain pisses me off. I can't stand it anymore, and if it keeps up this way Im going to throw a bitch fit. Well I love John, and he loves me, no doubt about it. Wonders what a little conversation can do. Im telling you, you got to TALK to eachother about things. Yup, so thats a small update. I shall write an essay some other time.
Read 4 comments

Thats all i got as well..lol..u know i rock.
LoL...hope you have fun writing that essay of a diary entry :D
by the way that first comment was from me...NIKKKKKI incase u couldnt already tell lol