{42} Love Sucks

i am kinda depressed now. Well i wasn't all day, it was just that after reading a friends entry, i realized that i am very much alone. I want someone that can hold me, i want someone to say i love you and really mean it. I want to know i am loved and that someone loves me. I feel so alone, and i get the feeling that i might be that way for a while. No can seem to look past my body and get through to see that i am good person. I know i am not exactly looking for anything right now, but if something found me i wouldn't mind soo much. Anyone who put interest in me i wouldn't really care that much, i would give anyone a chance. I feel soo, well, i feel like an idiot. Never had a realationship, never been kissed, never been loved. I have thought about suicide before, but never for this. I thought about it for different reasons. But i am starting to think that much of my life is just useless. It doesn't matter anymore. I don't want to kill myself, but if i died soon, i would welcome it. I know i sound like a sad sappy case, but this is how i feel right now, and it hurts, alot. and the ironic thing is that because of my pain, i have no one to comfort me, and make me feel better. On a happier note, i got blade trinity and i am going to watch it soon. I love vampires, just the mythology, everything about them entertains me. The one thing that make me like so much is their lust. I fantisize about how it must be to have that much lust, and how no one can refuse you. How it is to live for soo long and not die. It is the things in life i might never have. I love to read as well, and i have read Interview with a Vampire and i have seen the movie and i enjoyed it very much! i want to read all the books in the Vampire Cronicles. The next one is The Vampire Lestat, and then Queen of the Damned. I have seen that movie too, i think that Lestat is hot in that movie! lol i am crazy Well i have been working hard on my site and other things. Well i don't really have anything to say anymore...ttyl...maybe
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haha awesome diary!! I'm totally kickin the background n shit!!
I love Daniel. He is so damn sexy. But I didn't know that he plays guitar. Rather interesting.
