OK comment now! i want comments and you know it!!!!! now on with our regular programing. Yeah so i am sitting here in photography, friggin moring and i want to get out of school. I still have to go to english and that sucks like shit....yeah, you all suck like shit. non-commenting people, i am going on a commenting strike!! o btw you should read my story bellow. I have been toying with the idea of it for a while and i wanted to go through with it. Yeah, so i am going to go now before i get in trouble. COMMENT ALL OF YOU!!!!!!!! or i will kick your ass!
DON'T FUCKIGN START WITH ME >:( I am soooo pissed off right now, the whole day friggin pissed me off. Lets list the poeple that pissed me off today Colton, the fucking bastard was there at lunch, omg i was one step away from beating the living shit out of him. FUCK!! -smashes a tv- Then there was Math, everything in math pissed me off today. FUCKKKKKKKK!!! -smashes broken piece of shit radio- and then year book, that class was pissin me off so much. And randy, omg randy x_x its ok tho, i laughed more then i got pissed off at randy. But the teacher, hell i am going to kill myself. Then i get home to find out my nanny says she has no money what do i find out later after i called my dad and asked for money. she has fucking money. she wasn't going to give it to me, and she was going to make me stay home. She wanted to make sure it was ok with my dad, she is friggin freaking out because we aren't going to the movie theater in the OC. And she was going to let me sit at home, after i told her my friends started this whole movie thing to make me feel a little better. SHE WAS GOING TO FUCKING LET ME SIT AT HOME WITH OUT FUCKING TELLING ME SHIT ABOUT GETTING THE OK FROM MY DAD. OOOO i am soo pissed right now, right about now i would snap and throw something or scream, but i don't want to ruin the chances to going to the movies now. I need to get out of the fucking house and see some people. FUCK!!!!!!!!! FUCKING SHIT DAMN HELL BITCH BASTARD MOTHER FUCKING CUNT!!!!!! omg i am so pissed right now, i am trying not to break somthing. BAHHHHHH fucking comment you whores. on a somewhat happy note, i have been inspired and i am starting the design for Grimly Fiendish. It looks cool now, but i will edit it on the computer when i am done. FUCK i am mad i want to shoot my nanny, i want her to suck on another one of her cancer sticks and die already. everyone hates her in the family. my uncle won't even take her. 8 years, 8 years i have had to live with this crazy women, and everyone is sick of her. she gets on my nerves, my father's and my brother's. o man. i need to get out and have a night to myself. X_X read my story bellow fuckers
movies were great man, i really needed somthing like that. props to thomas for doing like everything XD the movie was friggin sweet man, i thought it was wicked. all the fighting, and ball crushing, and russian killing. it was great. they should have left the anorexic half naked gun toting bitch out of it. i was amazed she could even handle a gun. if your gonna have a girl, atleast get one that really looks like most women in the world. But it was after the movie that was the best. I wasn't so twitchy after the movie. I had alot of fun. "You go play with your stick but do it in private" yeah, you people wouldn't get it unless you were there and this was great, we sent adam to go ask how much 1 chicken nugget was XD o well it was all good,i am going to go find somthing better to do.
Read 8 comments
awesomness.. good comment or no?
well.. ya it was me.. and sounds like u had an uber bad day.. math does suck
awesomness.. cookies rock lol.. yeh.. u can call me adam.. i like that name i guess..
Ok ok. Damn...I've never seen you that pissed. Holy mother of Grievous...I'm going to try very very hard not to get on your bad side lol.

-commenting dude
hello there. wow you chnaged your background again. i like it.
hmmm someone really does need a night of fun. poor you. but cheer up because i gave you a darn good coment. well hope you find soem fun...

Later Days!
calm teh fook down. at least you dont have to get up at 8 tomorrow.
bah grandparents can be so stupid. especially if there living with u.
yeah man....that movie was effin awesome...glad you had fun

-commenting dude