{232} A

Well I am sitting here in Photography, listening to some Yngwie, which i do love so. I am also on a website when i shopuld be doing my Photography digital portfolio, but you know i am the bad kid, i never do what i am told to do. Anyways i see that my new friend todd is hanging out here on the website now, so i decided i would say hello....Hello Todd :P Yeah.......so i am going to surf around the web a little more. maybe come back later and write some more. [EDIT] Well now i am sitting in Yearbook. it is really boring and i have nothing to do. I have finished all the work i can do today, and i am a little angry at one of the teachers. I went to Meaghans, and then i went to the mall, and then we came home to my house yeasterday. It was really fun, lets recap what happened! Well after school we hung around to watch the talent show auditions and then went to meaghans house and left for the bus stop. That is where i made a blood oath that i will kill someone for meaghan :P Then we were off to the mall. Of course Meaghan talks to all the strange people. When the bus was pulling into the mall terminal, i saw my dad =) he was on the phone with Jenn. I hadn't seen him in a couple of days and i was really happy to see him. So then we got into the mall, we went to the Body shop, then we went to McDonalds. And after we ate we were off to Chapters. Where Meaghan bought alot of books and i wrote some down that i wanted to buy. After that we made for home. When we got there, Thomas and John were still there. We hung out for a bit and then they had to go home. When we were waiting outside for their ride, they decided to throw snow balls. John couldn't hit me, no matter how hard her tried. It was funny. then he went to go hit meaghan and fell on the driveway. It was pricless. Then my dog ran down the street. And then they went home, then soon after that meaghan went home. Then i read. That was my night. Interesting eh? Well i had alot of fun. I know that i won't get on the computer much tonight. I have to do my essay and go to the Expresso Legato tonight. I have one hell of a night in front of me. >_< Comment. I really like comments. =)
Read 6 comments
have you read my user info???
hello Linds=P lol. I'll do the Survey, but not right now though. I don't have much time left.
you're user info. seems like me. I always have my nose stuck in a book =P
I have about five minutes left of this class. I would like to stay and talk to you but My Wesley would be made at me(I'm his Teacher's Aide)
sorry, I've got to go =(. Talk to you later!! =P