{224} Stop!

Well here is another little survey thinger, i like doing 'em lol. --FIRSTS-- :-: first best friend = A girl I used to know, names Lesly :-: first job = Don't have one yet :P :-: first screen name = lindsey_is_cool :-: first self purchased cd = I think the first and only CD I bought myself was Billy Talent. :-: first funeral = My Poppy's :-: first piercing/tattoo = My ears, still waiting to get me a tat :-: first enemy = Kelly :-: first big trip = Quebec --LASTS-- :-: last big car ride = Drive home from my grandmothers :-: last good cry = A couple of weeks ago, yes it was one of the times i actually cried. :-: last library book checked out = Lasher :-: last beverage drank = Kool-aid :-: last food consumed = Cake, last night. :-: last phone call = No one calls me, and i call no one. :-: last time showered = This morning :-: last shoes worn = my running shoes :-: last cd played = Aerosmith - Big ones :-: last annoyance = uuuhhmmm :-: last shirt worn = The one i have on now... :-: last website visited = this one :P --DESCRIBE YOUR…-- :-: wallet = Its black and it has a kitty on it :) :-: underwear = You don't need to know what my underwear look like! :-: tattoos = don't have one yet :-: hair = Shoulder length, and its red, but now i have brown roots, so i am going to die it a more vibrant red. I like the red colour :) :-: eyes = Mostly Green, with a little redish-brown :-: hands = They are hands..... :-: feet = They are feet..... :-: room = Sitting in C6 right now, with my yearbook class, its very class like in here. :-: boyfriend/girlfriend = *groan* I don't have one :( :-: parents = I love my Dad, my grandmother is crazy, and my mother is a fuck up... --THIS OR THAT-- :-: [boxers or briefs] = doesn't matter :-: [plaid or striped] = BOTH!!! :D :-: [salt or pepper] = Salt :-: [okay, ok, or o.k.] = ok :-: [bright colors or dark colors] = dark :-: [tic-tacs or certs] = certs :-: [sunshine or rain] = Both, i like sun showers. :-: [rain or snow] = Aren't they basicly the same thing? :-: [sun or moon] = Moon :-: [silver or gold] = Silver :-: [silk, cotton, or flannel sheets] = dark red silk sheets :) :-: [preps or freaks] = freaks! I am a freak, so i like to be around freaks :) :-: [popcorn-with or w/out butter] = with butter :-: [ketchup, mayo, mustard, or relish] = everything but mayo :-: [shampoo + conditioner in one or separate] = Seperate --IF YOU WERE_______, WHAT WOULD YOU BE?-- :-: an animal = Tiger, i am my own self, and if you get in my way or cross my path, you'll get the claws! :-: a fruit = A watermellon, sweet most of the time, but annoying when you get a seed ;) :-: a vegetable = CARROTS!!! LMAO! eh meaghan ;) :-: a color = Blue, red or black :-: a bug = Praying Mantis --SHORT ANSWER-- :-: are you smart? = I think i am a little smart, but not really. :-: do you like onions? = yup :-: what instruments can you play? = none. I can play Smoke on the water on guitar ;) :-: what words do you overuse? = Man :-: do you sleep with socks on? = no :-: are you ticklish? = very... :-: are you shy? = if i don't know you. :-: do you talk to yourself? = All the time lmao its cool to talk to yourself. :-: do you have a basement or an attic? = basement :-: did you go to preschool? = nope :-: are you a morning person? = Jeeze no, i got to sleep when the morning people are getting up lmao --FRIENDS-- :-: who you are closest to = All my friends, yup, that means all of you. :-: who makes you laugh the most = Randy and Meaghan :-: who is the most trustworthy = Megan, Emma, Meaghan. :-: who has the best house = uh....I do :P :-: who is the most daring = Daring? none of them. foolish? all of them. :-: who cares more about their hair then anything else = uhh i dunno :-: who is most likely to become an actress/actor = Probably none of them. :-: who makes you cry the most = don't want to answer that question..... :-: who is the craziest = All my friends are crazy, the good kind of crazy :) :-: who is the most flirty = MEAGHAN! no contest lmao :-: who is most likely not going to call = all of them lmao no one calls me :( LAYER TWO: -- your heritage: To logn to explain, but French -- your fears: The deaths of the ones i love. -- your perfect pizza: My dads -- goal you'd like to achieve: Find someone. LAYER THREE: -- your most overused phrase on MSN: anything with man in it lmao -- your thoughts first waking up: NO NOT SCHOOL! -- your thoughts at bedtime: I am not thinking, i am about to go to sleep....*coughdumbasscough* lmao -- your most missed memory: I have all my memories thank you very much.... LAYER FOUR: -- pepsi or coke: i don't like coke, or pepsi, but i will drink pepsi if i have to, but i almost never drink coke. -- mcdonald's or burger king: McDonalds -- single or group dates: Any klind would be great :( -- adidas or nike: doesn't matter -- lipton iced tea or nestea: Doesn't matter -- chocolate or vanilla: Chocolate -- cappuccino or coffee: Cappuccino LAYER FIVE: -- smoke: no -- curse: Fuck yeah :P -- sing: sometimes, but not well. -- take a shower everyday: pretty much, sometimes i have a bath -- have a crush: ummm...... -- do you think you've been in love: Yes -- want to go to college: yes -- like(d) high school: meh, its ok -- want to get married: Some day -- believe in yourself: not all the time -- get motion sickness: no -- think you're a health freak: no -- get along with your parent(s): My dad... -- like thunderstorms: Yup, its the best when its night, and the power has gone out, its quiet and all you can hear is the rain and the thunder. Its the best when you are up north. -- play an instrument: no LAYER SIX: in the past month... -- drank alcohol: nope -- smoked: no -- done a drug: nope -- had sex: nope -- gone to the mall?: yeah -- eaten an entire box of oreos: Not the entire box, but a couple. -- eaten sushi: no -- been on stage: no -- been dumped: not really, but pretty much. -- gone skating: no -- made homemade cookies: yup -- gone skinny dipping: in my bath tub lol -- dyed your hair: nope -- stolen anything: maybe..... LAYER SEVEN: ever... -- played a game that required removal of clothing: no -- if so, was it mixed company: no -- been trashed or extremely intoxicated: not yet -- been caught "doing something": Stealing cookies from the cookie jar..... -- been called a tease: i don't think so -- gotten beaten up: I don't get beat up, i beat people up :P -- changed who you were to fit in: nope LAYER EIGHT: -- age you hope to be married: not soon, i know that for sure -- numbers and names of children: no children please -- describe your dream wedding: i don't think about it -- where you want to go to college: yup -- what do you want to be when you grow up: Graphic desinger, Photographer, or writter -- what country would you most like to visit: France LAYER NINE: in a guy/girl.. -- best eye color: I like blue, and green. -- best hair color: Doesn't matter to me. -- short or long hair: Depends on if its longer then mine :P -- height: I would prefeer taller, but i don't care really -- best articles of clothing: as long as they got their clothes on....for a while that is ;P LMAO! -- best first date location: Doesn't matter -- best first kiss location: Doesn't matter LAYER TEN: -- # of drugs taken illegally: none -- # of people i could trust with my life: 5 -- # of pets you have, what kinds, names: 1, dog, kimmy -- # of CDs that i own: Alot -- # of piercings: 2 -- # of tattoos: none -- # of scars on my body: to many to count, i am a tom boy and i used to scrape my knees, and then there was my old cat, friggin clawed up my arm.
Read 3 comments
:O thats a lie. i've called u a few times. jeez
-Nikki :)
I like the quizes lol i do them! haha. Hey linds what's your phone number?
sorry, I don't have msn. I'll add you too.