{45} Almost Better

Well i am alomost better! lol i went back to school on wednesday and today. but i still kinda feel like crap sometimes. I went to zellers today after school and my grandmother bought me some new clothes yay! i am soo happy! lol well i did the unthinkable and i am going to wear a skirt =O yes i bought a skirt today, a nice, long, pretty jean skirt. With a stripy shirt too! Well i have more clothes now! i used to only have 3 shirts and 2 pants. now i have 5 shirt, 4 pants, and 1 skirt! i am slowly getting more clothes, and slowly getting more colour! well i am really hyper, i need something to drink..... {Edit} Song: Anarchy in the UK - Motley Crue Well i got my drink! lol drink drink drink drink drink drink! lol i am really hyper, and amanda said my comment was...cute...
d(+_+)b {{Linds}} d(+_+)b {{ Stupid Ville, Population=you! }} says: bahhh! lol i commented on your journal lol [:: nerd-sama ::]says: lol. [:: nerd-sama ::]says: Thats cute *heart*. d(+_+)b {{Linds}} d(+_+)b {{ Stupid Ville, Population=you! }} says: ....huh? [:: nerd-sama ::]says: yur comment d(+_+)b {{Linds}} d(+_+)b {{ Stupid Ville, Population=you! }} says: ...ok d(+_+)b {{Linds}} d(+_+)b {{ Stupid Ville, Population=you! }} says: lol d(+_+)b {{Linds}} d(+_+)b {{ Stupid Ville, Population=you! }} says: *dances*
...ooo this was the comment by the way...
1. it wasn't there to begin with 2. i am using numbers because i am bored 3. Go you! lol 4. *dances* 5. Can't wait... 6. ..till friday! 7. Linds
Song: Primal Scream - Motley Crue Well ya thats it lol i dunno why it is cute though o well. I am going to try and go for a really long entry! lol Well i read alot alot of Harry Potter fics, and well the best pair is H/D! they are the greatest man! lol well i decided to read #5 again...getting ready for the half blood prince! omg i am sooo exicted about it! Well on with my story! lol i was reading the %th book and well i came upon things that hinted to H/D!!!!!! like they caught eachother looking at eachother! ooooooo well ya maybe JK is getting some ideas about the half blood prince! ooo i would die for some H/D action in HBP!!!!!! lol amanda would too i bet! lol look what she did to me! lol well no she didn't. Song: Home sweet home - Motley Crue I got myself in all that. before i moved here i started to read fanfics and stuff and than i came across the slash stuff. well that was when i didn't know that you call it slash! lol well ya i did soo *sticks tounge out* i am not amanda, i am just like her! As well as the Manga, i was into that before i moved to oshawa. But in Richmond hill i didn't have any friends, or new any people that could teach me more! but then i meet amanda and jason! yay me! Well this entry is getting longer and longer and longer....lol Song: Hooligan's Holiday - Motley Crue i need some new balck Cd's so i can rock out man! lol i hate listing to music on the computer because you can't crank it high enough! lol i bet you my grandmother is like going trough a blast from the past! lol this is all the kinds of stuff my dad cranked when he was livin at home! lol like father like daughter! I grew up on rock baby! lol i was listing to Motley Crue, Aerosmith, Queen, Guns N' Roses, Metallica, Iron Maiden, ect ect when i was born! My father sang Sweet child o mine to us, and i would dance! I am born with the same rock blood that ran through my parents! Yes my mother was a rocker, she likes Aerosmith, and Motley Crue and ect ect...lol O and don't forget Bob Marley! This used to be my dads drinking music, but it was still good and will always be. Now that my dad is on the wagon it is just music Song Misunderstood - Motley Crue o scratch that my brother is starting to play guitar yay i got some live action here now! as we all know my brother is going to be in the talent show! yay! and he is going to play highway to hell, and the lyrics are going to be psted up so people can sing with him playing! and we are even going to dress dave up like Angus! that should be cool! I hope my brother wins, it will be a big bost in his confindence! lol well i am really tired of typing thats about how long it is going to get! lol well i think i will make a new background and change the CSS codin a little ;D talk to you all later!
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