{262} Death Will Come

Well yesterday was awesome! We went to see Final Destination 3 and it was an awesome movie with a lot of death, blood and boobs. Haha Anyways, after the movie was the best. We were all on the escalator, and we were joking that it was the order that we were going to die in. Of course me and Meaghan are first to go. Eep. Then we were standing outside and this car drives by blasting the Spice Girls, and then 5 prep chicks got out. Talk about cliché. Then we went back inside cause it was cold, and stood around a bit. Heather hand cuffed me to the wall, and took a picture of me; I actually kind of like the picture lol I’ll post it on here when she sends it to me. Then everyone left, and Heather took me to Tim Horton’s. Then I came home, got on the computer and started talking to John. That was my night. Exciting eh? O yeah. Today I want to do something, but I don’t want to plan this huge thing. Maybe someone else will plan something lol Nothing really left to write about. Nikki won the little game. Everyone she listed was right, except the Hole In My Soul one. That one was just a song title. She will get something. Im not sure yet lol
Read 4 comments
i agree last night was really fun :) we should do it again some time yay.
I agree! Girls Night Shall continue! lmao. YAY! IAN<3 (shhh..)He was awesome! lol. What about when you handcuffed yourself to me?
Later, HBO ILU;)
:( my whole comment didn't show because I put the Less than 3 heart:(
What about when you handcuffed urself to moi? lol, Well later, HBO ILU;)
HaHa! Well thanks for the comment! You seem cool and funny! And I agree with ya on the whole being a bitch thing, cuz im like that too! woohoo!! What a quinky dink! haha! But yeah thanks again! Toodles!