Oh look, I'm an ugly age. :(

Feeling: destructive
(stfu, Good Charlotte's new album is actually pretty good) Words: 4,200 Average reading time (At 250 words/minute): 17 minutes So, it's time for my annual birthday writing thing. I don't want it to be my birthday. I want everyone to forget it's my birthday. So I'm writing this entry to make sure you all forget that it's my birthday today. *nods head* I'm 17 now. 17 is such an ugly number. 16 is such a stereotypical number, but I've grown quite attached to it, and it's a lot more attractive than 17. Nowhere near as pretty as 19 (or any other number ending in a 9, except for 39...Which reminds me, I really need to find out how old my mom is, 'cause the last birthday I remember, she was 39...Which probably makes her pretty happy.) and 21. 21 just looks nice though. I live in Canada, and shit's legal at 19, not 21. *remembers jokes about America, where you can buy a gun at 19, but booze at 21, so you ask for alcohol, but he won't sell you any, so you buy a gun and hold him up* ...I feel awkward accepting money for my birthday. I have this intense compulsion to keep track of the money I make and spend, and accepting ANY money from ANYONE kicks me in the face. No particular reason why, it doesn't mess up my records or anything, it just feels weird and dirty and ew. Needless to say, my parents love me. OH! I have a bunch of half-written entries somewhere, but I really don't feel like trying to find them. Quick update on my life: Remember Deanna? Sure ya' do. Well now you don't have a reason to, you creepy stalker person, 'cause now she's gone, and you need to get a life. Remember all the raves I went to? Probably not. But I've started raving, thanks to Mikey. I've come to the conclusion that I hate pot (both 'cause I smoke it 'till I'm sick, as well as the basic social acceptance behind it. "Oh, it won't kill your brain cells!" "Nope. It'll just put them to sleep, and we have no way of waking them up again...Much like Walt Disney is frozen right now, but he'll be back." Or "Oh, pot isn't addictive" "Neither is heroin. If it's not addictive, then you should stop smoking it when your man-boobs start giving you back problems."), and that I love alcohol. Alcohol is amazing. I'm the happiest drunk in the world (next to Mikey), and then when I'm alone, it'll make the me the most miserable person in the world. I love it. It's so becoming a compulsion for stress and helplessness. And finally, raving on ecstasy is one of the best fucking feelings in the world. The [up to] two years of dysthymia I'm going through because of the amphetamines is fucking shit though. Coincidentally, the last time I rolled was on Valentine's, which three years ago was when I asked Deanna out. We lasted a little over two years, and the dysthymia can last up to two years. Deanna had a way of making everything seem enjoyable, and ecstasy has this thing of making nothing enjoyable. Now I think I'm just gonna be like Mike. Go to majour raves, get drunk when possible, and...Well, I'm not gonna have random sex, but I'll totally hit y'all up with random drunken e-mails if you want. No one has any clue what I'm getting at, so I'll skip on a little. So basically, I'm a bit nuts with drugs now. Not so much abusing them, as researching them. I always loved behavioural sciences, and this summer I started hanging around a lot of substance abusers and it made me curious about addictions and chemicals and stuff. I've also been listening to Loveline a lot (if you don't know what it is, then you're going to think I'm a loser 'cause of the name of the show. It's a great show, and not as pathetic as the title makes it sound. =P) and Dr Drew has pretty much become one of my main role models. I like to think that if he had a mustache, I'd grow one too. So I love learning about how drugs work, why they do things to you, why your chemicals get screwed up, the withdrawal symptoms, what parts of your brain get shredded to fuck, etc. Yet I was still really eager to try them. Yes, I'm an idiot. I know what they do, and I still wanted to try them. However, now that I'm experiencing a few of the after-effects of amphetamines, I'm like "fuck this shit, I'm not doing anymore stimulants". But I still really really want to try smoke crystal and rail coke, but I can't. I just...Can't. It's like me wanting to be in a car accident, or get shot, or have something bigger than a cherry bomb blow up in my hands... However, I'm still open to trying downers. (not so much halis, 'cause they don't really appeal to me, and they TOTALLY FUCK YOU UP, WITH BARELY ANY PATHALOGICNESS WHAT-SO-EVER.) If someone offered me heroin, I'd probably try it...Just 'cause it's more physical misery than mental misery. I can go on and on about drugs (and sound really retarded about it), but again, it must be cut short. Now I'm thinking I want to be a doctor (totally inspired by Scrubs. <3)...Preferably a psychologist...And then preferably an addiction specialist. I know the last few paragraphs make me sound like a retard, but I make up for it in mah madd listenin'-'n'-noddin' skills. Moving on with my life, I've started buying CDs. I buy maybe 2-4/month, just 'cause I can hop on a bus and go to HMV directly from my work. btw, I had to sign some shit the other day for my work, which takes me from a temp student person, to an actual part time employee. Which is really shitty, 'cause now I have to do work. Before, I could have just been like "I don't want to work". Now it's like "for a few more dollars/hour, you're the boss's bitch. Come in for two hours and move those boxes around." I SPENT 19 HOURS CLEANING AND SORTING THIS WHOLE ROOM OF SHIT, AND A WEEK LATER, IT'S A MESS AGAIN, AND NOW 8 MONTHS LATER, I'M TASKED WITH SORTING IT ALL, SO THAT IT CAN BE THROWN OUT EFFICIENTLY. HABIGABLAHBOO! I'm really unhappy with this. It was kinda forced on me too. I really don't want a "part time position". I just want to be "that kid who comes in on weekends and at nights when we have a really repetitive task." It was fuckin' awesome. I was getting paid $10/hour to do like, nothing. I wasn't even an employee there. I could eat in the server room, and no one would walk in and be like "OMG, I'M TELLING HR ON YOU!"...'Cause HR didn't know I was there...Very few people knew. Now for a few bucks more, I suddenly have responsibilities and rules and shit. *sigh* having a well-paying-job-for-my-level-of-education-and-experience handed to me is such a bitch. What else is new...Oh, I'm going to a new church now. The youth group is awesome, I love it. They meet on a different day than the normal church service, so it's...Better, I think. We break up into small groups after the teaching and stuff, to do whatever we want (discuss stuff, socialize, whatever) and my small group leader turns out to be the IT guy for the network of churches. (Or something like that. Basically he's the techy) I'm like "wow. This is awesome. <3". (His name's Larry, btw) It's a fairly big youth group too, and the people are friendly, and a lot of them are really fucked up. Oh! Oh! I went on this youth retreat a few weeks ago, and this girl (Monica), Larry, and I went out swimming in the lake, and we broke a bunch of the ice and stuff. Monica was like "I want to go swimming now", and Larry was like "let's go", so we kicked off our shoes and ran in. When I went to walk out, I couldn't lift my legs. XD A little while after that, we had some fun in the mud. All the snow had melted earlier that week, but then it had snowed again, but the ground was still warm, so it melted, but it was still like, freezing temperatures. Anyway, there's this huge field, and we were all split into four teams. I was the red. Reppin' red fo' life bitch. There was paint involved. I won't go into all that, but there's some stuff behind it, but that's not important. The first game we did, was this game where the four teams had a corner in a mud pit (the girls had their own pit...It's funny, 'cause the guys were so into our pit, that some of the teachers and stuff who didn't play, commented on how none of the guys even glanced at the girls mud wrestling. XD) and we were each given a tire and a ball. The goal is to put your ball through another team's tire, and you can do whatever it takes to either get it all the way through, or to prevent the other team from doing it to you. And you get an additional five points if you get someone from another team out of the pit. Naturally, it just broke down into chaos, and you could tell right from the beginning that everyone knew points wouldn't be kept track of, but you should go all out anyway. Oh, and you have to do all this on your knees. In a game like this, I'd usually just sit back and guard the tire, and when another team charges at me (it was awesome, someone would shout out "SCORE ON THE BLUES!", and everyone would just turn, and slaughter them) I'd run away. But I actually got into it. As soon as it started, Larry came in and knocked like three reds out of the square, then he picked me up and (literally) threw me out, so I waited outside for 30 seconds (the rules), and then I charged in again and grabbed him from behind while he was pushing someone else out, then he turned around again, and threw me out, and then it happened once more. Then it happened with a few other people (one guy actually lifted me over his head...Granted, he was down pretty low, but still) but it was tons of fun. I actually knocked someone off a tire, and helped hold off another team member, while helping one of my team mates score. Holy shit was I ever manly. *grins cockily and rubs the 5 o'clock shadow on my chin* Overall, it was awesome. But the nights were pretty sad, 'cause I couldn't sleep, and I was pissed off at Shay, and I didn't know what to do, and there was an LCBO right down the road (which is quite far away, 'cause the campground is fucking huge...There were supposedly three other groups there, and I barely ever saw anyone from them) and I would bundle up and go outside at like 4am with a book and some music, and be like "mmm, numb misery would be nice right now". Am I pathetic? Probably. I will attempt to re-affirm myself through someone else. Namely, Shay. 'Cause I haven't written a real entry since I met her, and apparently we're best friends, and now I hate her guts a lot of the time, and she has to repay me for me doing a shit load of work for her, but whatever. This entry is dedicated to her, I suppose. Oh, speaking of which, if you live in Ontario, and you're 18, and you don't even have your G1 yet (aka, if you're name's Shay, and you're gay. (She claims she's not gay, even though her name rhymes with it, which means she obviously is)) then I should remind you of the notes: Check page 17 for a list of things they test on. --- Basic Numbers to Remember --- - 30 days, 60 days - One year, Three years, Ten years, a lifetime - 2 DP = Letter, 6 DP = interview, 9 DP = 60 day suspension. DP gets reset to 6 after suspension. - 6 DP = warning, 9 DP = interview, 15 DP = 30 day suspension. DP gets reset to 7 after suspension. - 50Km/h in villages/cities/built up areas, 80Km/h anywhere else. - 150M, or 60M - You must call the police if damage exceeds $1000 --- Basic/random notes to remember --- - Always yield when unsure. For example, when facing oncoming traffic in your lane in a traffic zone, with no one directing traffic, yield to oncoming traffic, and go when the way is clear. - When unsure, always come to a complete stop. For example, the test may ask "when making a right turn at a red light...a) blare your horn and hit the corner as fast as you can, b) Slow down before the intersection, so that you can make a safe turn after all other vehicles have crossed the intersection, c) Come to a complete stop at the intersection, look left, right, then left again, then if the way is clear, make the turn." - Places to stop: stop line, if no stop line, then stop at the crosswalk, then at the edge of sidewalk, and finally, at the edge of intersection. (not really important) - When you're pulling over on a one-way road, you can pull over to the right, or the left, rather than just the right side. (for trick questions) - In most cases, yield to vehicles to the right. - In a four-way stop sign intersection, yield to the vehicle that comes to a stop first. - Read the part about blank traffic lights on page 92. --- Seatbelts --- - Drivers that don't buckle up can be fined up to $500. - G1 and G2 drivers who do not wear a seat belt, or do not ensure there is a working seat belt for every passenger can lose their license for 30 days. - Never put more than one person in a seat belt. - Children 12 years or younger are safest in the back seat, away from the airbags --- Traffic Signs and Lights --- - A flashing red beacon is practically the same as a stop light. - A flashing yellow beacon over construction or an obstacle means "caution". - Make sure you take note that the crossed out left/right turn arrow means no left/right turns at that intersection. (the right arrow one means no right turns on a red light, left means no left turns period) - Get a basic idea of what the sign "types" look like/inform you about, from the section about signs. One of the questions on my test was "this sign...a) means x, b) means y, c) means z, d) is a regulatory sign". --- Emergency Vehicles --- - When approaching a parked emergency vehicle on the side of a highway with more than one lane, you must change lanes if you're in the lane (on the far left/right) that the vehicle has pulled off of. - You must pull over to the side of the road for emergency vehicles approaching from behind. (On a one way street, you can pull over to the left, or right) - Stay back 150M from fire trucks or ambulances. --- Headlights --- - Overdriving headlights is when your stopping distance is farther than your headlights can see. - When facing oncoming headlight glare, look up, beyond, and slightly to the right. - When an oncoming vehicle is within 150M of you, you must switch to lowbeams. - When following a vehicle within 60M, switch to lowbeams. (roughly half of 150M) - When approaching corners or hills, where you can not see oncoming vehicles, dim your headlights so that you can see vehicles approaching, and if there are none approaching then turn your headlights back up. If there are vehicles approaching, keep your lowbeams on, so as not to blind the driver as s/he comes around the corner. - Use lowbeams in fog, as moisture reflects light. --- Speed Limits --- - 50Km/h in villages/cities/built up areas, 80Km/h anywhere else. --- Getting on and off the Highway --- - You'd have to be a complete tard to not know how to do this. If you don't do it right, you're gonna get wrecked anyway, so whatevah to ya. --- Dealing with Streetcars and Busses --- - When a bus comes to a stop to drop off passengers, you must stop too - Come to a complete stop 20M from the back of the bus, if you are approaching from behind. - You must come to a complete stop if you are in the opposite direction of the bus, if there is no divider between the directions. (You do not have to stop 20M back though) - Pass street cars on the right. - You do not need to stop at street car drop off island in the middle of the road, but you are expected to go at reasonable speeds, and be alert for sudden pedestrian movement. - When street cars stop, stay 2M back from the back door. (not the back of the street car) --- Passing other vehicles --- - Do not pass within 20 M of pedestrian crossings - Read the steps to passing or changing lanes, just so you can recognize the steps if you are asked "what to do when passing" on a multiple choice question. - I'm not really sure where this would go, but this was actually on the test, so make sure you remember your hand signals for if you have no signals on your vehicle. In Ontario, you'll usually be using your left hand to signal. Remember: - Having your arm straight out means you're pointing that you're going left. - Having your arm up, is like pointing over your vehicle, to indicate you're turning right. Remember that it's like you're signals in your car. Moving it upwards turns on the right-hand signal. - Having your arm down, means you're pointing at the ground, and the driver of the vehicle behind you should look at the ground, so that when you brake, they won't notice, and will rear end you. - Having either arm in view of the driver behind you, with the middle finger up, means that the driver already has rear ended you. --- Driver License Suspensions --- - If your license has been suspended, canceled, or expired for more than three years, you must re-apply. --- G1/2 Drivers --- - You can get suspended if you get, or exceed 9 Demerit Points (DP) in 2 years. - 2 DP = a letter - 6 DP = possible interview - If you don't go to the interview, you will be suspended - 9 DP = suspension for 60 days. - After being suspended, you will be returned to 4 DP - Read page 106 - 107 - You will get your license suspended for 30 days if you have any alcohol in your blood (actual question on the test) --- G Drivers --- - 6 DP = you will be told about your record, and will be urged to improve - 9DP = Interview to give reasons to keep your license, and possible driver re-evaluation - If re-evaluation is failed, your license will be canceled. - If you fail to give good reason at the interview, or fail to attend, you will be suspended. - 15 DP = 30 day suspension from the point you hand in your license. - Read page 105 - If you are convicted of failing to stop for a police officer, and the court believes you willfully avoided police during pursuit, you license will be suspended for five years. - If a G1/2 has a blood-alcohol level higher than 0. (any alcohol in them at all) - You can be suspended for medical reasons. - You can have your license suspended for 90 days if you fail, or refuse to give a blood sample when asked by police, or if your blood alcohol concentration is more than 80 milliGRAMS in 100 milliLITRES, of blood. (0.08) - Basically, read through page 103, 108-110 There's a lot of stuff in there, and I'd basically just be reprinting the book in here. (I covered most of the main points though) --- Demerit Point System --- - You'll have to memorize these on your own...I didn't have anything about DP in my test, but you never know. However, here are some ways to remember (yes, I know they're lame, but who doesn't even have their G1, hmm?): - 7 Points: The police will be involved somehow. - 6 Points: Acting the way you do in pretty much every driving game - 5 Points: The odds that you'll ever commit this offense are...Quite fuckin' small. - 4 Points: You gotta be going fairly fast to be following too closely. (but not too fast, so you don't hit the other driver, and send him/her flying out their back window) - 3/2 Points: Eh, it's all general now, gl hf n00b. --- Collision Reporting --- - You are required to call police if injuries or property damage exceeds $1000 - You are required by law to exchange information in a crash, no matter how expensive the damages are. - You should read the section on collision safety and stuff, just so you can actually be a good driver. Wouldn't you feel retarded if someone died because you didn't know to pull someone out of a burning car? That was for Shay, btw, incase you did end up reading all that. Oh, btw, I have my G1 (in Canada you get your G1, which means you can drive with a fully licensed person in the vehicle, then you get your G2, then your G...I don't really get the difference between G2 and G, but that's okay) which doesn't really mean much. For some of the stuff I had to fill out for work, one of them was a disabilities thing. One of the questions was do I have any mental illnesses. I do not, but when I'm alone in the office, I like to walk across the street to the store, buy an energy drink or two, and then do laps. Sometimes the cleaning crew show up, and that's kind of embarrassing, but whatever. That's just me abusing my I'm-alone-in-a-big-office powers...Nothing to do with manicness. The relevant question to this paragraph though, is that it asked if I had any driving disabilities...And I had to check "yes", and write that I only had my G1...That's pretty embarrassing. It's a lot better than if I was like 25, but still. In the vein of new things, I am now roughly a month and a half behind in my school work. I've never been this far behind before...The cool part, is that the school hasn't e-mailed me about it or anything yet. It's kind of scary, 'cause I know they're planning something now. I want to get my school done, but it's just...So...Fuck. I kinda just fell apart a few days before the youth retreat I told you about [thanks mostly to Shay], and since then, I've decided to just take a break from everything, and try get it back together. And now the science I'm doing (it's grd 10 science, 'cause I take a long time to do my grd 9/10 required courses) is trying to teach me about physics. Now I, as a total nerd, completed grd 12 calculus at the age of 14. This course is trying to teach me about acceleration. And it's totally fucked. And it's trying to teach about instantaneous velocity, and IT'S NOT THE RIGHT WAY TO DO IT! THE ONLY WAY TO GET AN EXACT ANSWER IS THROUGH CALCULUS! They're like "okay, pick two points close to it, and blah blah blah"...THAT'S AN ESTIMATE! YOU HAVE TO DIVIDE BY 0 TO GET IT EXACT! WHY ARE YOU WASTING MY TIME WITH THIS BULLSHIT?! ADFLJSADFLJSFHSAKFH IT'S ALL JUST SO...FUCKING...*ponders*...FLAWED! It's like they don't even know what acceleration is! Similarly, grd 9-11 math is so basic! I was doing someone's math (I do people's math courses for them, btw. Don't tell anyone.) and they were teaching about powers. There were people actually struggling with these questions. Granted, it took me like three hours of frustration to figure out how a basic y = mx + b works, but I was TEN at the time. These people are like five years older. They should be able to comprehend this shit by now. I blame the damn hippies and their illegal narcotics. >:( Anyway, now that Scott is getting sitD back in motion, I'm thinking I might start posting short random things in here every so often.
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The Legion of DOOOOOM

Yeah, I know I've been writing a ton of entries lately, but I just wanted to copy this from my site: I just wanted to post this, 'cause I'm currently hosting The Legion of Doom's album, Incorporated. They're encouraging people to share their music (even though doing so is still illigal, since they're mashups of other artists...Although I can't really get in trouble for it, since it's not the actual artist's creation, but rather a variation of their creation, distributed by TLOD, and...Yeah, whatever) More information Who are TLOD? Well, they're two guys who "mash together" awesome songs, to create another awesome song. I'm no good at placing bands in genres, but I've broken down the songs they use into your basic genres: "Really emo" (Taking Back Sunday, Dashboard Confessional) "Rock" (Thrice) "Heavy emo" (Underoath) "Hardcore" (Norma Jean) "Metal[core]" (From Autumn to Ashes, Every Time I Die) "Rap" (Sage Francis) It's mostly emo bands, but most of the emo bands they use at least having screaming. =P I was amazed at the diversity of the music they were able to take from, and always manage to "mash it together", and always have it sound like their "style". Anyway, enough talk of them, here's three sample songs (I write what they sound like in quotations, bcause because the sound is only relative to the rest of the album): The Legion of Doom - Dangerous Business Since 1979 (Mewithoutyou vs. Underoath)("Ambiotic") The Legion of Doom - Ebola in Memphis (Every Time I Die vs. Norma Jean) (feat. KRS ONE) ("Heavy") The Legion of Doom - Hands Down Gandhi (Dashboard Confessional vs. Sage Francis) ("Rap") If you like them, then here's the .rar of the album: The Legion of Doom - Incorporated.rar If you don't have a archiver that can read .rars, I uploaded it as a .zip for you losers: The Legion of Doom - Incorporated.zip Here's the tracklisting incase you want to see what bands they used before downloading (the name of the song is a hint as to what songs they mashed): 01 - I Know What You Buried Last Summer (Taking Back Sunday vs. Senses Fail) 02 - Dottie in a Car Crash (The Get Up Kids vs. Thursday) 03 - The Quiet Screaming (Dashboard Confessional vs. Brand New) 04 - Dangerous Business Since 1979 (Mewithoutyou vs. Underoath) 05 - Stupid Kill (Thrice vs. Alkaline Trio) 06 - Destroy All Vampires (My Chemical Romance vs. Static Lullaby) (feat. Triune) 07 - At Your Funeral for A Friend (Saves the Day vs. Funeral for A Friend) 08 - Lolita's Medicine (From Autumn to Ashes vs. Dead Poetic) 09 - Icarus Underwater (Armor for Sleep vs. Hopesfall) (feat. Planet Asia) 10 - Ebola in Memphis (Every Time I Die vs. Norma Jean) (feat. KRS ONE) 11 - Devil In a Blue Dress (Coheed and Cambria vs. Senses Fail) 12 - A Threnody for a Grand (Atreyu vs. It Dies Today) 13 - My Holiday Burn (The Get Up Kids vs. Matchbook Romance) 14 - Hands Down Gandhi (Dashboard Confessional vs. Sage Francis) As you can see, there's a lot of different artists in there. I was amazed by the differnce in bands they used. Like, I've never met anyone other than me who likes Every Time I Die, Sage Francis, Armor for Sleep, and A Static Lullaby. Like, most people who listen to Autumn to Ashes would think that Dashboard Confessional is too light...Or someone who listens to My Chemical Romance, would probably find Sage Francis annoying. (Meanwhile everyone else thinks MCR fans are annoying. XD) I'm sure there's lots of people out there who like all this music as well, I mean they're all emo-oriented bands, and pretty much all of them have been on tour with a least one of the other bands, but I'm just saying I've never met any of those poeple. =P Also, I found out about these guys from the Underworld Evolution soundtrack, and apparently that's where a lot of other people found out about them too. They've got awesome songs on that album as well, but I can't upload that, but I do recomend checking that OST out, 'cause, you know, it's awesome and stuff. (Minus a couple songs...Slipknot in particular...I so wish the members of Slipknot would die) They also did a song for the Saw II soundtrack, which, "for a limited time" can be downloaded from their website's download page. It too, kicks ass. Okay, that was the entry from my site. In other news: -I'm 16 as of today. -I dunno how much longer Deanna and I will lsat. (holy shit, so much I haven't written...Maybe some other time when I've got time. Our two-year anniversary was a couple months ago. Yay) -Read Mike's entry -Why have so many people taken me off their friends list?! It's only been 6 months. :( -I'm currently feeling depressed because of a combination of all of the above. I don't wanna get older. At 16, you're expected to be able to do anything...It's not like when I created 64Digits when I was 14 or something...I need to do somethign amazing, real quickly... I feel like a 60 year old woman..."I don't want go through menopause! Let's have a baby real quick!"
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I hate people who make long entries

Feeling: melancholy
Writing began: 8:00pm - October 15 Completed writing: 12:11am - October 16 Words: 11k Average reading time (At 250 words/minute): 45 minutes. Okay, gotta keep this short, 'cause I want to get a math module done. Math this year is really boring btw. I'm doing grd 12 data management, and boy oh boy, how I miss differentiating things. So far there's been no actual equations. Actualy, I had to create the equation of a line from two points once, but that's it. (y = mx + b) Which is pretty pathetic. Anyway, a LOT has happened since my last entry. For example, As I Lay Dying won the "who's next" thing on Launch. (Remember how I made you guys go vote for them in my last entry? You don't? Man you guys suck, it was only three months ago.) OH! Before I forget, get out your notepads, because I want comments other than "omg robbie, that was the coolest fucking entry ever...But I forgot what I was going to comment on". You should all be like Kayla, and write notes...And if they don't all fit on one page, write another page of notes! Ye, Kayla kicks ass. Anyway, the reason I havn't been updating, is because I just use this place as a place to spread my theories to the masses. However, back in July, Deanna (g/f) gained access to hotmail, and e-mailed me. Then I e-mailed back. Then the next day she e-mailed me back. Then I e-mailed her back. And so on. Eventualy I just started writing random stuff that would usualy go in a blog entry, into the e-mails I sent to her...I feel bad though, 'cause she'd have like 10 minutes to sneak onto the computer and e-mail me, and she'd have to read some 3,000 word e-mail about absolutly nothing. A while ago Matt gave me his old cellphone, and we got a pay-as-you-go simcard. Then I gave the cellphone to Deanna, and now we txt each other. (I use the computer, she uses the phone) It's really quite nifty-neato. And Deanna and I went to buy phone cards. So that was nifty neato too. So yeah. For once it's not Mike's fault. It's Deanna's. I think it's time for a...CAMP STORY! I'm just gonna copy and paste the e-mails I sent Angela about that weekend. But first, the prelude: On Monday, five days before the story begins, my parents got a $60,000 Lexus IS 300. Sexiest fucking lexus ever. (Considering lexus designs SUCK ASS) And it's the 2005 model, with the non-crappy 2006 tail lights. And driving it is just orgasmic. (I got to drive it the night we got the car) Then, during that week, I was invited to go to some church camp thing on the weekend with Deanna, so of course I wanted to go. But random peoples' mothers don't like me, so there was a lot of stress...In the end I went. Now, it was a long weekend. So my family went to our cottage, and left me behind. (They did that all summer. Sub-story about one time they left me: I went over to Matt's house, with his 5.1 surround sound, set up my computer (Matt was in indonesia, and his family had gone to my cottage too, so I was home alone) and didn't sleep all week. Then at like 5:00am sunday morning, I fell asleep. (I just wanted to take a quick nap) I had set up my computer to start playing screamo and hardcore over the speakers at 6:00, so I could be ready for church, and had turned the volume up to half way. (pretty loud) So I fell asleep...And when I woke up, the bed was shaking, my ears were ringing, and some guy was screaming about killing me or something. Then I looked over at the clock and it was 8:30. So I slept through 2.5 hours of screamo and hardcore. Pretty awesome eh? I was able to catch the bus to church too, so doubly awesome.) And had left the lexus behind, for some reason. (You'd think you'd want to drive the luxury car for 3 hours, rather than some crappy Honda Odyssey) They took the keys to the lexus, but they had left the spare key to the lexus...Get where I'm goign with this? Anyway, long story short, I drove the lexus Thursday night, dented and scratched it, and had to pay $700 to get it fixed. (When I was writing the e-mails to Angela, my parents hadn't confronted me about the car yet) Here's what I wrote to Angela about it: Quote I can SO become a motivational speaker now. "Always aim high! Do you think I got where I am now, by sitting at my computer all day?! NO!..Well, sort of. But I was always aspiring to be the best! Why, the first car I ever went for a joy ride in, was a $60,000 lexus!" I hit the mirror, and side of the car backing it back into the garage though, 'cause my dad had parked it all the way to the side of the garage, and I had to get the car exactly back into the chalk outline I had drawn, so I hit a couple things with the car. *shifty eyes* I wish I had recorded it. It would have been so funny to watch now. I hit the mirror, then I hit the side of the car. Both times I drove right back out onto the driveway, hopped out of the car, and ran over to the side of the car in a panic. And it took me like 20 minutes of trying to get it back into the garage the way it was. I could swear I heard the neighbors laughing at me. k, e-mail 1. (I wrote the e-mails over several days) If I have to add stuff to the e-mails, I'm gonna use the colour...Umm...Use the colour red...Like blood...Mmm, blood. E-mail 1 k, now for camp...What I remember of it: (I'm really tired, so I'll make this short. =P) k, remember how I took my dad's lexus out on Thusday night? (*drools* Fun) [This story starts on Friday afternoon] Well, I went to put something in the recycle bin in the garage, and I saw a light blinking on the dashboard, so I went to look at it. The light said "security" beside it. I was like "O_O *squeak*holy fuck*squeak*" So I ran around looking for the owner's manual, but my dad had taken it to the cottage with him. So I looked on the internet, and found out how to turn it off. So I went out into the car, pressed the brakes and accelerator at the same time, inserted the original master key, and then...The door bell rang. So I got out of the car, and went and answered the door. (It was 5:15, so I thought it was some neighbor kid) I opened the door, and there was Deanna. "Hi, sorry we're early. (She wasn't supposed to get here until 5:30) My mom thought there'd be traffic and stuff." So I'm standing there in my boxers. "Oh, it's no problem, lemme get dressed, and grab my stuff." (I was planning to start getting ready around 5:00, but that was when I noticed the light in the car, so I spent 15 minutes on that...I never did get that light off btw, so I was worring about the car all weekend. btw(2) I was also going to e-mail you again before I left, but there was no time.) That was a long first paragraph. I hope I get this done before I fall asleep. So then Deanna's mom dropped us off at Deanna's friend's pastor's house, where we got in a van with Jessie, Hannah, Nate, and Scott. Jessie is that friend who's mean to me and Deanna, and also doubles as Deanna's best friend. Hannah and Nate are brother and sister, and also double as Scott's kids. Scott is the pastor. We drove for like, an hour and a halfish, to Turkey Point. I don't really remember much of what happened there. Just that Hannah made fun of my tape player. =( (I use a portable tape player instead of like, an mp3 player or something, 'cause it was free, and I don't like spending money. =P) Oh, we stopped at wendys, and I wasn't hungry, but Deanna bought me a Frosty anyway. So now I owe her money for that. I also owe her money from a ski trip two years ago, when she bought me pop. And also that one time she...Man, she has to stop buying me things! >_ Things makin' sense so far? Good. The rest of the e-mails might have random parts that don't make sense. Maybe I'll scan them and add little things that make sense. E-mail 2 omg, today school starts. I had no idea. My mom just woke me up "Okay, time to do school." I'm gonna tell you about the rest of camp now. =) (Doesn't really matter to you, but I'm gonna type it out to you anyway, 'cause I'm just gonna copy and paste this into some random place.) k, so I had woken up, and showered. I then decided to head outside, and wait outside the girls' cabin for Deanna, Jessie, and Hannah to come out. I had to wait longer than I thought I would have to. I figured 'They've already showered, what's left for them to do?' =P Then we walked down to the...Food place...Where you eat stuff...Cafeteria! Yeah, there we go. We went down to the Cafeteria, and ate breakfast. Holy crap, they fed us so much that weekend. That's the most I've eaten in like, months. Then we all walked back to our cabin, and I waited for the girls to go get their bible. (I had cargo pockets, so I just kept my bible in my pocket.) It took them so long to get their bibles. I'm sitting there on the picnic table (There were two picnic tables in front of the cabins) trying to decide if I should knock on the door to tell them to hurry up or not. (You arn't alowed in each other's cabins [Like most camps], and a boy and a girl arn't alowed to ever be alone without a third person there, so Jessie was always like "I'm just here to chaprone you two"...Simple rules.) Once they had their bible, we'd sit at the picnic table, for like, 10 minutes, then head back to the rec hall for the teaching thing. (Meals were for an hour, but we'd be done eating in half) This happened after every meal. After the teaching, which ended at 11, it was free time until lunch. Free time is awesome. The four of us (Deanna, Jessie, Hannah, and me) pretty much just sat around at every free time, doing our own little thing, rather than joining everyone else at volley ball or something. At this free time we...Wrote on name tags/our nails with sharpies, I think. The only name tag I wrote was "Kick me, not Robbie", and stuck it on Deanna's back. She just peeled it off, and stuck it on me. Heh heh, fortunatly, Jessie had made me a name tag with my name on it, so everyone knew not to kick me. =) So we did that until lunch, Then in the free time after lunch, every was out by the picnic tables, and Hannah was like "Everybody! Listen to Robbie's giggle!" (She's been obsesed with my giggle ever since I started giggling on the drive to Turkey Point) She kept doing that at every free time for the rest of the day, so by the end of the day, everyone knew my giggle. There was this one counciler guy named Zade, who would always make me giggle, by trying to imitate me. [I now know that his name is spelt zaid, not zade.] *zade walks by* "Hi Robbie, Teehee" So anyway, after that free time, we went back to the rec hall for the teaching. (They also anounced that they're gonna have a tallent show that night, so that people can practise stuff for the tallent show during the free time, rather than just sit around) After the teaching, there was free time, where we (When I say "we", without specifying who "we" is, I mean Deanna, Jessie, Hannah, and me) just sat around and talked/showed people my giggle. After that, was a camp game, involving water baloons, and giant slingshots, and...Stuff. It was guys versus girls, but no one really cared when I snuck onto the girl's side. =P After a while, the game kind of fell apart, and everyone just started throwing water baloons at the girls. (The girls threw them at each other, and the guys just threw them at the girls. At this point, I was glad I was a guy.) Then we played some other game, where you throw a ball, and the other team has to go get it, while the first time runs around in circles, and...Yeah. In the end, the guys ended up winning by one point, because some girl made her team loose three points, because the kicked the ball, after someone had thrown it crappily. So at the end of the game, the counciler was like "We knew someone on the girls' team would mess it up for them, so that's why we decided to get rid of the water baloons first." The only reason the girls would have won, was because the guys all spread out, to be ready for the ball anywhere, but when the girls had to run for the ball (We have to grab the ball, and make a line with the team, and pass it back through your legs) they would all be in a clump, and they'd all run to where the ball was, in a straight line. It was funny, but sad for the guys. Then we all went swimming. Nothing much happened there. Then we all came back for supper. After supper, while they were getting their bibles again, I went and got my knife that Matt gave me, and started playing with it while I was waiting for them. Then Deanna saw the knife, and was like "=O That's so awesome! Lemme see it!" (We both love knives) So she played with it all through the tallent show that night, and for the rest of the weekend, whenever she was bored, and didn't feel like playing with a pen, she'd play with it. Then, at the 10:00 free time, when the teaching ended, we (Jessie, Deanna, and me. Hannah had gone off with nate and his friends) sat around talking for a while. Then I felt like doing a front flip, so I did it, and landed on my back. Then...Umm...I don't know how to spell his name. It's like cenone, or something. (When he introduced himself to me the -1st day, he said "Hi, I'm cenone, like 'C-9'." Also, Cenone is Zade's brother) So anyway, he wanted to see me do it again, so I did it again, and landed it that time. But my knife fell out of my pocket. He picked it up and snuck it back into my hand. "Here, don't let nobody see that. *nudge nudge*". My knife only fell out when he was around. He was always the one that picked it up for me. (My knife fell out a couple times when I was doing flips) So then Deanna wanted to see my attempt at a 540 kick. (A 540 kick, is where you kick up with one leg (my left leg) and use that leg as like, a spinning point, and then you bring your other leg (right leg) over your left leg, and land on your right. I managed to do that a couple times on night, and was all like "yay!". But most of the time when I do that, I just spin horrizontaly, without the kick.) So I tried to do it, but I leaned too far back (To spin horizontaly, you have to lean back, so that your body is paralel with the ground) and landed on my head, and everything went white for a second: *lands on head* *lays there for a second while the white and the stars go away* *stands up for a second* "Holy fuck..." *falls over* *Jessie was laughing, so she was no help. <_<* *Zade comes along, and starts poking me, to make me giggle.* *Deanna found that funny, and started laughing* ...*sigh*, some people have no sympathy for the kid with the broken neck. =( I left a dent in the ground where I landed too, so that was cool. So after a while, I got up, and they made fun of my inability to land properly/said it looked cool. Then we had to go to bed. That was day 1. I'll tell my-future-self-through-you about day 2 later. Right now, I have to do school. O_o [Now I can't do normal spins or anything on the trampoline. It's even hard to do a spinning backflip on the trampoline now.] E-mail 3 Day 2ish: When we last saw our hero, he had just landed on his head, and had to go to bed. Now, he's sitting in his bunk, with his headphones on, putting money back in his wallet, when some kid walks up to him and asks if he can have some money. The young lad, being only a few years younger than our hero, is given a quarter, and is--Screw talking like this. I gave some kid a quarter, and he got all excited, and a couple other people came over for quarters. Then Zade (that cool counciler-type guy) noticed, and decided to come get the greedy people's mind off my money, so he walks over and makes me giggle. Everyone quickly forgets my money, calls their friends over to listen to my giggle. So basicaly, by the end of Day 1, everyone knew my giggle. (The girls had already heard it...Girls just tend to be more observitive like that.) Day 2, I wake up, and the girls had duct taped our cabin door shut...It was pretty sad. Girls sucks at duct taping stuff. =P So I woke up to a counciler yelling at the girls "This means war!" and all this dramatic stuff. I love that guy, he's so funny. So then I go outside, and a bunch of girls are sitting at the picnic table, and the counciler who was yelling at the girls (Jeff) was talking with his daughter (who was like, 8) and his daughter was like "Well, she did it, and she did it, and she did it", pointing at the girls, and the girls were like "it wasn't me, it was her", etc. It was funny. Then Deanna, Jessie, and Hannah came out, and day 1 is pretty much repeated until lunch. (Not that that's bad, day 1 was awesome. I just don't want to type it out again. =P) Except that at breakfast, the head male counciler made an anouncment that the guys would not be trying to get even, because it wouldn't be very nice, and they would get theirs in due time, and that they were already fighting amongst themselves, and all these reasons why it wasn't very christian to haev revenge, etc. He said it all preachy and stuff, it was funny. (He was being sarcastic btw.) So anyway, in the free time after the teaching (which was after lunch) and before the "organized game", we were all sitting around the picnic table with Zade, his brother, and his friend, and we somehow got to the subject of me previously doing front flips off the picnic table. So the first time I landed on my back (on purpose) and the second time, I landed it. Zade was like "Ha, you're gonna become one of those people who giggle at pain." Then Tim (The head counciler, who's wife is also the camp nurse) came out of the staff cabin, which was right beside the guys' cabin. "C'mon guys, time to play the game." "You said that if you're seriously injured, you don't have to play the games, right?" "Yeah." "k, watching this." *does the front flip off the top of the picnic table, and landed on back* *tim walks up* "Pfft, you're sitll playing. You can be a base. Look in my eyes, do you see sympathy? No." Tim is awesome too. The game was baseball with a football, and...Stuff. I was on Jessie and Deanna's team. ^_^ Deanna never batted. =( I almost got out of batting too, but I got caught. =P (Jessie was up next, then me, then Deanna, but me and Deanna ditched Jessie at the front of the line.) Deanna, Jessie, and I, had taken off our sweaters, and put them in a pile. When the game ended, one of the councilers asked me to help bring a chair inside, so I did, and when I came out, Deanna and Jessie were walking towards the building, with the sweaters, and Deanna was putting mine on. I'm like "THEIF!" and she froze for a second with her head in the sweatshirt, before pulling it on all the way. So I ended up with Jessie's sweatshirt-like-garment, because Jessie was wearing Deanna's, and Deanna was wearing mine. Jessie's long-sleeved-garment, was like a long-ish knittied coat, with like, skinny sleeves, with a wide opening at the wrists. So as we were walking back to get our bathingsuits on, I handed Deanna my knife, and we both looked at my hand. "Ah! It looks like a girl's hand!" Complete with pink bracelets. =P While I was waiting outside for the girls to change, Jessie came out, with Deanna's towel, and she put it on one table, and sat down at the other one. Then Emily (The little girl who was like "She did, and she did it, and she did it...") was beside the towel, so she asked her to pass it to her. But me and Zade were between them, so we both grabbed the towel when Emily threw it to Jessie. So then Emily was like "Give it to her, or I'll dump this pop on your head!" Zade just grinned at me, and let go/tossed it to me. Anyway, long argument with an 8 year old short, I got pop dumped all over my head. Fortunatly, I had given Deanna back Jessie's sweatshirt-like-object, and Deanna had given back my sweatshirt, so Jessie's shirt didn't get soaked. At the beach, Deanna and I were both too cold to get completly wet. We tried to get each other wet, but I suck at splashing, so I ended up the only one getting wet. =( So we both got out of the water early (Everyone else was just fine in the water) and buried Jessie's shorts in the sand. Then Jessie came out, and kicked sand all over my wet t-shirt. (I had to rinse it off, 'cause of the pop)' We got back from the beach an hour before supper (We didn't think we'd all be back so soon, otherwise they wouldn't have made us come back so early) so we sat around for a while, doing stuff. (And Deanna got my sweater again. I forget how) Basicaly, I was just doing more stuff with Deanna's bug spray, Deanna was playing with my knife, Jessie was sitting there "chaproning" us, and Hannah had gone off somewhere with her friend. I kept spraying myself in the eye with the bug spray. It was almost empty, so you have to press it all the way down, so I'd stare at it, and slowly press it down, then at the very end, it'd spray me, and I'd jump back, and...Yeah. Zade, his brother, his other brother (I think it was his brother) and his friend, were sitting there too for part of the time. "Hey, you're crying (Whenever I'd spray myself in the eye, I'd be like "Waaaah. It burns, and cover up my eye.") is the same as your giggling!" Oh, and then Francis (some girl) and Hannah came to the picnic table, and started talking to us. Francis is one of those really talkitive people who needs to know everything. "omg, you two are going out? How long? How much has he bought you? How'd you meet? Blah blah blah." Deanna's just like "Meh", "You know...", "Not often", "It wasn't really like that", "It's amazing what he'll do when you point a gun at him"...Stuff like that that. And...I'm going to bed now. I'll write the rest of it tomorow. Stay tuned, some very important people leave the story very soon! =O E-mail 4 I guess I should write about the rest of the weekend at camp. k, so we went to supper after swimming, and we all wore our own sweatshirt. (Sort of. Deanna wore Jessie's sweater-like-coat-thing, and Jessie wore Deanna's sweatshirt) I fall backwards off stuff a lot. (Ever since I went to her house back in the summer, and people were whipping balls at me, and I kept falling backwards off the trampoline.) So I did it on the bench in the cafeteria too. Anyway, a counciler had his video camera out, and was video taping the room, so I fell backwards off the bench, so he couldn't see me. (Ew, evil cameras) Me: "Is the camera gone yet?" Deanna: "Yup." *grabs my hand and pulls me up. So that's the closest to holding hands for the weekend. =P (Except for the ride home) Oh, and people wanted to hear me giggle, but I can't force my giggle, so Deanna had to poke me to get me to giggle. So that was funny. So after supper, we had a meeting thing, and at the end one of the churches had to leave that night. (I don't know why they couldn't just wait unitl Monday, but they had to leave) But they were gonna have a bon fire, so they said that if it was alright with the kids' parents, they could stay until 9ish, so they could do the fire. Oh, they also gave out camp t-shirts that night too. (Heh, I'm so good at making a story flow together) As we were getting up to leave the cabin, Deanna and I switched sweatshirts again, and my hands looked all girly again. So we went to the picnic table to wait for them to get the fire started. Then once they had it started, we didn't go anyway for like, an hour and a half. Jessie, Deanna, and I just sat there and listened to music and stuff. Deanna was playing with my knife, I was listening to her portable CD player thing, and Jessie was off at some other picnic table with her music. "I'm just here to make sure nothing happens between you two. You never know, you two might get within 10 feet of each other!" (She's amused by the fact that Deanna and I are so...Whatever it is we are. "Hey Hannah, let's listen to Deanna and Robbie's conversation! *sits and stares at Deanna and I*") We had conversations while sitting at the picnic table, but of course, Jessie was listening to her music, and heard nothing. v_v Eventualy, people came and made us go to the camp fire, where the three of us just sat off in the darkness. (We were all wearing black) It was funny, 'cause we didn't think it was so dark where we were, but people would come over and be like "Woah! There are people here, I thought I was seeing things." So then that one church had to leave (By a "church", I mean the kids from a church. People from three different churches came) so everyone was like "aww, good bye", etc. Of course, I didn't really know any of the people very well, but a couple of them still came up to me to hear me giggle again. =P One girl who's always hyper, came running up to me to hug me and say good bye. I was like "ahhh! Help me! *tries to spray her with bug spray*" "Fine, no hug for you." "Fine, no bug spray in the eyes for you." She's funny. I think I scare her every time she tries to talk to me though. Meh. So then the remaining two churches all sat around the fire (and made us sit at the fire too) and the head counciler was telling us about how awesome we were, and how the people who owned the camp were gonna get rid of it, but we're the biggest group they've had all year, and they saw how much we liked it here, and we were all nice to the owners and stuff (the owners were the cooks.) so they might keep the place, and...Yeah, it was pretty much just a "you should all be proud of yourselves" speech. While it was happening, Deanna, Jessie, and I were all on a rickity bench, so we made it fall backwards once. That was funny. Then when we put it up again, it wasn't very sturdy, so as we were all getting ready to put the fire out, I was like "hmmm...*leans back hard*" and the bench fell over again. Then while we were waiting for everyone to finish up with the fire, Deanna, Jessie, and I went "star spinning". You know how when you look up, and keep your eye on one star, and spin around in circles? That's star spinning. I didn't really enjoy that too much, 'cause I used to do it a lot with clouds, but meh, Deanna really liked it. =P So we all went back to the cafeteria, where the lady who works for the camp had left out all the leftover cookies and stuff, for us to eat. (The owners go home after they cook us supper) It felt really sad, sitting there in the cafeteria eating without that other church there. That church was like, half the kids in the camp, so it was really quiet. From Jessie's church, there was just Jessie, Deanna, Hannah, Nate (her brother), and Me. And from the other church, most of the people were like in their late teens, to early twenties, so it was really weird, compared to the other days. On the way back to the cabins to go to bed, Jessie was doing cartwheels, and landing on her back, and everyone was laughing at her. Deanna was like "Pfft, she so stole that from you." So that was the end of day 2. ...Or was it? You'll have to find out once I've done enough schoolwork to get my mom to stop being mad at me. =) Between e-mail 4, and e-mail 5, I went on a bike ride with Deanna and Andrea. E-mail 5 Well, it's been a couple weeks, I think you're now worthy to hear more of the camp story. (Or at least my future-self-through-you should be ready) k, so we had gone to bed at the end of day 2. A little while after we went to bed (I don't remember the times at this point, sorry. =P) Luke (one of the councilers. He's really cool, but really quiet, which makes him even cooler.) got out of bed, and went over to the door, and there were loud noises. So nate goes "Luke, what're you doing?" (The cabins were divided up into Two-bunk "cell" kind of things, with one big "hall" running down the middle. Kind of like a prison, but with no bars. =P So we couldn't see the door from our bunks.) Luke: "Moving a picnic table." Nate: "What? Why?" Luke: "The girls put a picnic table up on the railing on the stairs in front of our door." (There were three stairs leading up to the door of the cabin) Zade: "Meh, we'll get them back tomorow." Then, this Sunday, [Sunday = bike ride] I found out that it was Deanna's idea to do that. "I didn't think they'd actualy do it." If Luke hadn't been there to open the door, I never would have gotten out of the cabin. Now she knows how to keep me away from her if I ever get too creepy. "Let me out of this closet! There's no computer in here! Help!" The next morning we woke up, and went outside, and they had put paper towel all over the councilers' cars. (They're parked outside the cabin) So before the head councilers, who were in their own staff cabin, came outside, the guys got shaving cream, and put it all over the cars that didn't belong to them. (Except for Zade, he put it on his car.) Then we just blamed it on the girls. By 8:00, everyone was up, and acting spazmatic about their cars, etc, and heading down to breakfast. I still had Jessie's sweater-coat-thing, and Deanna still had my sweat shirt. I had put my new camp shirt over jessie's sweater, which I had put on over a t-shirt, so it was really tight, and caused the bottom of the coat/sweater to bulge out at the bottom. "Nice skirt Rob." At breakfast, Tim anounced that after breakfast we had to clean our cabins, and pack up, and since the councilers would be cleaning their cars, the girls would have to clean the staff cabin too. "But we used up all our paper towel on your car." Cenone, Zade, and the rest of the people-who's-names-I-can't-rember that drove with them had to clean off their car as soon as they had packed, so they didn't help clean up the cabin, and since Luke didn't really participate much in activities at the camp, he had packed his stuff up already, so he started cleaning the cabin will Nate and I packed. (We were the only non-counciler-type-people in the guys cabin who hadn't left the previous day.) Once we were done, we asked if Luke needed help, so he sent me to get some more cleaning supplies for him. When I got back, he said he didn't need any help, so that freed Nate and I up. No one wanted me to help them with their cars (I wonder why) so I just waited for the girls to finish. After a while, Zade, Nate, Jessie, Hannah, and I (Deanna was done her stuff too, but as usual, she was helping other people with their stuff.) made a circle, and started kicking the soccer ball. I did a bicycle kick and landed on my back. That was fun. Eventualy Deanna finished and came over to play too. After a couple more minutes, everyone but Jessie, Deanna, and I went off to play volley ball. Deanna really likes soccer though, so we kept playing. Random stuff happened, a couple rounds of "kick the ball at jessie's head" were played, etc. After about half an hour, Zade and Luke came back, and started playing. A couple minutes later, led by a stick bug, we headed to the volleyball net sand box thing. Zade then forced the three of us to play volleyball until lunch. After lunch, we sat around the picnic table again until it was time to leave. (Which was about 15 minutes) In that time, Deanna wrote her signature on my hand, and I in turn, unscrewed the lid from her bugspray, and took out the spray tube thingy inside, and licked it. Then, I bit my tongue, so that only the tip of it was sticking out, and I touched the end of it to my tongue, where there was no blood circulation ('cause I was biting my tongue) and left it there for a while, letting all the bug spray drip onto my tongue. "I'm fine. =)" But as soon as I stopped biting my tongue, it started BURNING LIKE FUCK. I was like "ow ow ow ow *spit* ow ow ow *spit* Be right back! *runs off to rince out mouth* *comes back* That didn't really help." So my tongue burned for the rest of the day. When I got home I took a nap, and woke up again, and it was still agitated. I couldn't eat or drink anything for the rest of the day. =P In the end, she just gave me the bug spray. (it was almost empty anyway,) The ride back home was pretty cool. I still had Jessie's sweater, and Deanna still had mine, so I took of Jessie's, and it was all dirty on the back, from doing bicycle kicks, and unsucesful frontflips. "Heh heh, don't tell Jessie." (We were in a van. Deanna and I were in the very back, Jessie and Hannah were in the middle, and Nate and the pastor dude were in the front.) Then she took off mine, folded it up nicely, and put it on the seat. After a while, she let me listen to my CDs on her CD player. A while later, she and Jessie got out nail polish. "Want some Rob?" "Sure." "k, gimme your hand." (Cheaply holding hands again. =P) So I had a bright red pinky fingernail. =) "That looks so wrong." "It does indeed." "Want it off?" "Is it possible to get it off?" "Yeah, here. *does stuff, without nail polish remover.*" "There's still a little left." "Meh, no one will notice. Just don't try and scrape it off with a knife. My brother tried to do that to me once, and cut off half my nail." Then they dropped me off at home. (Deanna had to tell them how to get there, 'cause I have no idea where the hell I live, yet oddly, she knew. *shifty eyes* creepy. ...Don't say anything about how I'm creepy. <_<) So they stopped the van in front of my drive way, I got out, grabbed my bags, showed Deanna the new Lexus quickly, then they left, and I snuck downstairs wihtout my parents knowing I was home, and took a nap. I had left my sweatshirt and CD (in the CD player) in the van, so Deanna kept them at her house. As soon as she walked in the house, her grandma was like "That's not your sweater!" So her grandma washed my sweater, before Deanna gave it back. I was like "Aww, now it doesn't smell like you, and I can't sniff it in a creepy manner at night." Her grandma was like "o0o0o, you wore his clothes." Heh heh, gotta love her grandma. So yeah, that was my weekend. The times that we did stuff was probably a little messed up, but meh, my future-self-through-you won't care. A couple weeks later I went to band camp, but I'll save those stories for the most anoying times possible. Anyway, this summer has been awesome...For me anyways. The rest of this is just for me to read back over later in life. (While I'm copying more e-mails, I might as well copy all of them) E-mail to Angela Well, I took the bus TO church. Then I got a ride back home with Deanna...Sort of. My parents went to my cottage with my family, and Canadonian's family went with them. So I've been home alone at HIS house, for the week. So anyway, we were like, a minute from the Surlaya's house (Surlaya = Matt's last name. Matt = Canadonian) when her mom asks "So, who's home", and Deanna's like "No one! He's all alone! He's already burnt down half the house, and starved their dogg!" Nah, she's just like "No one, he's home alone". And her mom's like "Oh...Well then...Do you want to come over for lunch? I mean, it must be lonely, being there alone for a week." AND IT WAS! I WAS SO DESPERATE TO GO TO CHURCH! I NEEDED HUMAN INTERACTION! So anyway, I said "Sure! =D" And her mom was all like "equals D? wth?" So then I was all like "omg, you're like, soooo unhip, lawl." So we turned around, and drove to her house...Sort of...Again. We stopped to buy bread somewhere, but they didn't have any money, but I did, so ha, and...Yeah. So anyway, me and Deanna went in to buy bread, 'cause I had money, and Deanna's mom didn't want to go into the store. So anyway, the stuff was about $5, so I paid. Then we got to her house, and Julia, her yougnest sister, was making little butterfly things to stick to the window, so Deanna's like "Here, go bug Julia, while I get your money." so I...Tried. It wasn't easy...Flippin' smart little girls, and their butterflies... So then Deanna comes down from her room with 20 bucks. So I pull out 15 bucks...But she wouldn't take it. Then on top of that, she made my buttefly. =( Then, after a while, Carina, her other sister, who's younger than Deanna, but older than Julia, came along, with stick-on tatoos. So I got a wolf tatoo. Yay! So then after that, her Grandma came in, blowing some random whistle, and telling us that lunch was ready. Her grandma is funny. They got her to start saying "yo" and stuf. =P So then I ate the biggest meal I've eaten all week, which they didn't think was very much...It was like, a scoop of salad, a piece of chicken, a shirmp, and a potato. How is that not a lot? The chicken was spicy...I thought so anyway. Naturaly, Deanna and her sisters dissagreed. Then, I ate the shrimp...Minus the head, and aparntly I also missed part of the meat in it's tail. And apparently it's guts were still intact, so I had to cut off the shell, and cut the shrimp, and pull out that vein thingy, and...Blah. So complicated! *cries* Heh, I suck at cutting little shrimp. Deanna went and got me a massive knife, that had apparently been used to cut down trees, or something. I eventualy gave up trying to get the vein out, and just ate the damn thing. Then I moved on to the potato, and that was...Fun/awkward. I got to cut the potato with the big knife. =D (I don't eat much other than rice and cereal, so yeah...) Then her cousin's daughter came over, and we all went on the trampoline. Then we went swimming...Sort of. Her and her dad (and her three older brothers were supposed to help, but they didn't do much) spent a week putting together their pool. Then last week, it broke apart again, and all the water went spilling out, and teh liner ripped, and, blah...They were like "aww...Fuck." So anyway, they had gotten it back together, and were filling up the pool that day. So it was like, a quarter full when I got there. So anyway, by the time we were done on the trampoline, it was a bit more than a quarter full, and her mom was like "do you guys wanna go in?" At first I thought she was joking, but we ended up going in. Holy crap it was cold. I just sat curled up in the corner of the pool, shivering, while her little sisters and cousin's daughter (From now on, I'm just going to call her cousin's daughter, her cousin...Just 'cause it's quicker. =P) were splashing me, and spraying me with the hose and stuff. Then deanna came out from changing into her bathing suit, and got all mad at them. It would have been a lot funnier, if I wasn't frozen. =P So I eventualy got out of the pool, then Deanna, then Carina. Julia and her cousin (I don't remember her name. =P) stayed in the pool a bit longer. Then...I don't remember what happened. We kept going on the trampoline, then the pool, and doing random stuff, and...Yeah. Then we had soup for supper. I was still so full from lunch, but I managed to eat it all anyway. Then we all sat around for a couple hours doing tatoos. Then Andrew came down, and...OH! I forgot! Deanna's sisters/cousin had gone inside, and we were just sitting beside her pool talking about...I think we were talking about her hair at the time. (I'd given back the hairclip thing I wrote about in my last entry, so that's what started it) So anyway, we're just sitting there on the railing on her pool deck thingy, and a car pulls into her driveway. (She's got like, a side yard, which is like, a front yard, and...Yeah...basicaly, everything is out in her front/side yard, where everyone can see) So anyway, a car pulls into her driveway, and Deanna's like "Oh shit.." and drops down off the railing. So I look over, and see the car pulling in, and there was a guy isnide it. (All the guys in her family scare me) So I'm like "*eep* *drops down too*" "It's my brother...Quick, what's your excuse?" "For what?" "Living." That was funny...But scary. More scary than funny actualy. So anyway, he gets out of his car, and Carina runs up to him, and Deanna's like "Oh good, she's gonna go suck up to him." So he gets out of his car, and Carina's there, talking to him, and he locks his eyes on me, and starts walking towards me, with Carina following him, talking and stuff. I found he walks very slowly...So me and Deanna are sitting there, and the guy is taking so long to get to us, that Deanna started telling me about what he said he'd do to the guy she goes out with. (Her family doesn't really know about us...So yeah...) "...Standing there with a baseball bat, and...k, he's almost here..." So he gets to where we are, and starts talking about the pool. Then he went on the trampoline for a minute, then went inside. "Wow, I can't believe he didn't say anything about you." So anyway, back to the tatoo parlour after supper. They brought out cookies, but I was so full I could only eat two! TWO! I wanted to eat the whole bag. =( So then Andrew (the brother that came home...Who's in his late 20s I think) came downstairs, and we hooked him up wit' a few tatoos. Oh! You know that spiderman necklace thing Carina gave me? I couldn't get it on, 'cause it's got one of those clip things, that most necklaces do, that I can't get on, 'cause it hurts my thumb. So anyway, Carina puts it on for me, and while she's doing it, she's like "nice bracelet *snicker*" And Deanna's like "Yup, we hook him up wit' all his jewlery yo." Yeah, so anyway, after tatooing everyone for a couple hours, we went back out and watched Julia and her cousin swim around, playing games and stuff in the still-not-full pool. rofl, Kayla (deathbymurder on sitdiary) just came on AIM, and was like "GUESS WHAT HAPPENED!" and she showed me a picture of her bleeding nose. ('cause...Wow, I guess you've never seen that picture of my bleeding nose. Unless you read that one entry with it. It's here: http://photobucket.com/albums/v224/FirestormX/?action=view¤t=robbleeding.jpg) k, so anyway, it was like, 9:30, and the ground was all muddy 'cause..Well, the pool kinda fell apart there, so yeah..Anyway, the result was a bunch of mosquitos. So Deanna's like there's bug spray on the table", so I got it, and started spraying myself like crazy, and it got all in my mouth and stuff. (Hey, I don't spray myself with stuff very often) Then Deanna and Carina were spraying each other in the eye with the bug spray and stuff. "Ow, that burns...*waits a few seconds*...*sprays Carina in the eye with it*" "Ow! If I'm blind, I'm gonna steal your knife!" So yeah. Then mosquitos kept coming at me, so I sprayed myself in the mouth some more. Then Julia got out of the pool, and I'm like "noo! Stay in the pool! Be gone with you!" And I went to spray her with the bug spray, but I was holding it backwards, and it went in my face. That actualy happened a couple times. Julia was just sitting there beside me, and every so often, I'd go to spray her in the eyes, and I'd spray myself by accident. I hit her ONCE...But that time I was aiming at her feet...Just to be safe. By the time I aimed at her eyes, she had pulled a towel over her head. Then she started poking me in the eye...With the bug spray on her hands (I sprayed her fingers, while they were holding the towel over her eyes) So that hurt. I'm like "grrr, I'm gonna throw your pants in the water." Oh! Did I tell you about when we threw Carina's pants in? No I did not. Carina had just got her pants and shirt on over her bathing suit after swimming earlier that day, then Julia and her cousin wanted her to come back in, so she took off her shirt and pants, and went back in. So while they were swimming, me and Deanna were on the trampoline, then Deanna's like "Watch, they're gonna do some messed up dance" So we watch them for a minute, then we go up and sit on the railing around the deck thingy beside the pool, and she's like "Do it again, or we'll throw your pants in." So they did it again, with Carina feeling all awkward. It was funny. =P Then Carina got out, and dried off, and when she turned around, Deanna threw Carina's pants into the pool anyway. So then Carina turns around, and she's like "Grrr" "I didn't do it!" So she got them out of the pool, and went to hang them on the clothesline behind the house. So while she was doing that, Deanna's like "wanna sneak around the other way, and steal them again?" So that was fun. We went around, and grabbed her pants all mission imposible style. But she caught us sneaking back around the house. =( But later that evening, Julia managed to get her hands on Carina's pants, and we put them back in the water. =P So anyway, after swallowing a couple litres of bug spray, we went on the trampoline, and I tried to do the splits in midair, and land them (Julia can do that...It's amazing) and it didn't work out too well. Then her dad got home with the van, which had my bike in it...I had ridden my bike to my friend's house, and then bussed from her house, so on the way home from church, we picked up my bike. (Remember how we were like, a minute from home, before we turned around to go back to Deanna's) So anyway, now that we had my bike and backpack back, I had to go home. So I tried to give Deanna back 10 bucks (She said 15 was too much, so I figured 10 would work) but she wouldn't take it, so I held it out, and said I'd drop it. "So drop it." So I did...Then ran in the opposite direction of the van. So she picked up the money, and followed me. Then I had to turn around to get to the van, so I turned around, and went past her, and she somehow got the money into my hand. I just walked past, and I'm like "Woah! How the hell did you do that?!" I mean, I felt her hand, but I didn't notice the money go into my hand, or that I had closed my hand. So yeah, that was scary. So then she came along on the drive home (Her mom drove me home...Which is good, 'cause she doesn't seem to hate me...But her dad...is scary) Since I hadn't slept in a little under 48 hours, I was like, dozing off in the back seat, and her mom starts talking about which way to go, and I'm like "go that way!" "Their house is over this way..." "Oh...Heh heh...Whoops." And...That's all I realy have to say about that day. Except that the Surlaya's got home that evening, and I had left a note on matt's door, that said in big bold letters "I'VE RUN AWAY FROM HOME!" then in little letters underneath: "actualy, I've jsut bussed to church, and if I'm not back by the time you get home, I'm fixing Andrea's computer". So they got home, and I wasn't at Andreas, but aparently they told Mrs Surlaya that I had gone to Deanna's, so they called their house, and blah blah blah, so basicaly, they wanted me home by 11. So they dropped me off at 10:55. =P Oh, and I tried to get the money to Deanna, by throwing the money in her window as her mom was pulling out, but she grabbed it all, and threw it back out, and closed the window. I was like "heh, I'm glad there's no cops around. I probably look like a male hooker, getting money from someone's car window." So yeah. Now I need a plan to get the money back to her. E-mail to Angela, about going to Deanna's house Wow, my computer has been deadish for the past couple of days, and I've barely slept since saturday, so I've forgoten most of what happened when my youth group had it's party thingy there. =P Actualy, I've forgoten everything signifigant except for spraying my cupcake with bugspray and eating it. Oh, and remember how before people would throw stuff at me, and I'll fall backwards off the trampoline? We were doing that again, and I was laying on my back, with the air knocked out of me, and Deanna's little sister runs around the trampoline, and gives me a stick with buds on it, and says "Put this in your mouth, and say 'Hi Deanna'". So I pop up beside Deanna (Everyone was sitting around the edge of the trampoline talking...We rarely jump on the trampoline. =P) with it in my mouth, and said it. 'twas funny. Oh, we played with hoolahoops a lot. Me and Deanna held the hoolahoop for Julia, and we kept spinning it whenever she tried to jump through it, and Julia got all mad, and started chasing me. She's cute. XD Everyone who was there was fighting over the three hoolahoops though, so they kinda got broken. =( Oh, and remember that 15 bucks I owed Deanna? She gave me another 5 bucks. One of the guys in the youth group was like "I want money!" So she pulls out 5 bucks and throws it at the guy. (She's as loose with money as I am. =P) Then the guy was just like "Meh, nevermind." and throws it at me. So then I tried to give it back to Deanna, but she's like "Ha, now you've gotta keep that money too!" So anyway, as I was leaving, I threw the money (There were four five dollar bills) on the trampoline, and ran to my van. (with electric doors) So I'm standing there waiting for the door to open, and Deanna's little sister runs up behind me and gives me one of my 5 dollars. Then dan (youth leader guy) came up, and showed me his laser cut key, that can open the windows when you unlock the car, and blah blah blah, and I know nothing about cars, so I just stood there nodding for like 30 seconds, then I saw Deanna coming around with the other 15 bucks, so I'm like "Uhh, yeah, that's awesome. Can you give this to Deanna tomorow at church? Thanks, sorry. *runs away from Deanna*" So I get chased down to one end of the street, then I turn around, and go back to past Dan, and he's just like "you guys are rediculus", and gets in his car. So anyway, that at was like 10:00. It was pretty fun running away from money in the dark. Then on Sunday (next day) me and this other kid who's site I'm hosting, tried to give Deanna the 15 bucks I had. (Dan forgot the 5 bucks. <_<. Oh, and the whole youth group thing was outside) That was fun. "You help me give her back her money, or no more hosting for you." We tried a couple of ways. The first couple of trys resulted in getting chased by people trying to give me money. It brought me back to my days as a male prostitute. *zones out* I kept running out of breath and falling down, so I always got the money back. =( Man, my legs hurt so much when I got home. (Aparently I'm out of shape.) Then everyone went back into church except me and Tino. (Tino = helper kid with horribly thought out plans) So we're sneaking around Deanna's van, trying to find a place to put the money. We tried lots of places, but the money would always ge wet. (It was drizzling out) We were just going to stick the money in my pretty much empty wallet, and stick it under the windshield wipers, but I'd have to make sure that she noticed it before her parents, and if I was there to make sure that she was the first one, she'd be able to just chase me, and give it back. So anyway, we're standing there planning, and Deanna just walks around the corner of the van out of nowhere, so we're like "*fake panic* Run!" so we run around and duck behind another car, and she comes around that car too "She found us again! Ahh!" So Tino ran off with the money, but I stayed and tried to get her to take the money which Tino had, and...Well, a long story short, none of me or Tino's talking got her to keep the money for very long. So finally I got her grandma to get her to keep the money. I got home and felt bad for having to get her grandma to have Deanna take the money, but meh. The next day, she e-mailed and was like "Meh, I should have just taken the money." Her grandma is cool. So anyway, I went to her house AGAIN the next day (monday) this time it was just us and her sisters. First we sat around on the trampoline, and got Julia to try jump through the hoolahoop some more. "Fine, I'll hold it so you can go through..." then as soon as she started to jump toward the hole: "If you've got enough skills *twist the hoolahoop so she can't go through*" ...I'm easily amused by my own antics. Oh, before that, Julia gave me four neon bracelet things. Two bright pink ones, a purple one, and an orange one. Then today my cousin, who is also named Julia, came to drop off my brother's wallet, and was like "nice bracelets." So I'm gonna give the bracelets back. I mean, if my cousin thinks they're nice, they must be horrible. I mean, her fashion sense is HORIBLE! Nah, I'm just kidding. Don't tell her I said that. Then we went inside and played pool. The first time it was just Deanna and I (she won) then Julia and Carina wanted to play, so Julia was on my team, and Carina was on Deanna's team. We lost the first time, and Deanna/Carina lost the second time. Both times was because we forgot to call what pocket we were shooting the 8 ball into. I blame our loss on Julia. She should have reminded me. <_< Then we started watching Gone in 60 Seconds. (Deanna's favorite movie) About half an hour into the movie, I had to leave (=() Aparently Carina had tried to count how many times I laughed during the movie, but didn't know exactly how many times. She estimated at least 90 times. So yeah, Gone in 60 Seconds is a hilarious movie. Deanna explained some stuff to me during the movie, 'cause like I said, I know nothing about cars. =P Uhh...Yeah... It's like 3:00am, and I've barely slept since Saturday, 'cause of my stupid computer, so I can't remember much else... Oh, Carina was talking about the movie before we watched it, and was like "Oh Deanna, what's the name of that stupid guy?...The computer guy...The one that gets shot." And Deanna's like "=O Carina! Robbie's right there!" and I'm like "The stupid computer guy that gets shot eh..." *shrugs* It's funnier when you've barely slept in two days. k, nap time... Another time k, uhhh, first I tried to give the neon bracelets back to Deanna's little sister, but she's like "Nooo, keep them." Me: "But people are laughing at me!" Deanna: "Because it's funny." Then I got invited to her house for lunch again, but a bunch of her cousins and stuff were there, and they kept glaring at me, and stuff, it was scary. o_o They all went out to some party about half an hour after I got there though. Then her and her sisters tried to get me to eat everything in the house. (I only ate a piece of chicken.) Then we watched the end of gone in 60 seconds. My how I laughed, and laughed, and laughed, and laughted. Then we played pool, and I won all but the last time. (She kept getting it down to the 8 ball, but it would always miss the pocket she called for it to go in, and went in a different one, and she would loose...Either that or she'd sink the 8ball too soon) Then we played foosball, and aparently her friend had named the team wearing all black after me. (I only have black clothes) Then I had to go. Oh, and a long time ago she went to a wedding, and she got a new dress for it, and I was like "I wanna see you in it." So now, a month or two later, she gave me a picture of her in the dress. =) k, that will be fun to read when I'm old and senile. btw, the car cost $700 to get fixed. I dented it and scratched it in two places. And honestly, the paint isn't too much to buy, and I can fix the dent with pliars...Fucking grrr. It was estimated that it'd be like 2000, so yay, only 700. E-mail to Deanna Sorry I keep mentioning the car, a lot of things just remind me about it. Like, we'll stop at a stop light, and I see a nice car, and the car behind it is like, a full car away from the back of it, and I'm just like "Heh heh, that driver is scared that he'll...Dent...the...$4,000 bumper...Fuck." Honestly, who the hell makes a 4,000 bumper for a car?! And who actualy goes and looks for a little spot of un-even paint on a car? And what's wrong with just taking a pair of pliers, and straighting out that dent on that thing that's above the tires? Grrr. I'm gonna be like Mr. Lamborgini, and go talk to the owner of Lexus. "Hey buddy, your cars are crap. You should make the car pure, thick, metal, with a slightly spongy texture on the outside, so that no matter how often you scratch it, you can just re-paint it, and it'll look even. And why do you have sensors on the bumpers, if they're not gonna do anything?! They should deploy an airbag or something!" Then, Mr Lexus person will kick me out of his office, and I'll get all pissed off, and create a much nicer car. It'll be like a fuckin' tank. And it'll kick so much ass. And I'll call it a Toyot--Wait...Shit. I can't call it a Toyota. What should I call it?...*remebers back to Tim at camp. "Honda is a last name...I think Toyota is a last name too.."* I'll call it a...*looks around desk* Damnit, everything is already a brand name. ...I'll call it a Duke. Short and simple. So anyway, my Duke will be awesome, and everyone will be like "Woah, the Duke is so much better than the Lexus, and we're willing to pay more money on it, because I can crash it all I want! And it looks sexy too. All square, with a unix box in the middle, a knife tray in the glove compartment, and a big .50cal gun on the roof...I WANT IT SO BADLY!" After a couple years of seeing how hard it is to cause damage to itself, as well as other cars (due to the heavy duty airbags in the bumpers) the goverment will eventualy require you to have insurance ONLY if you're not driving a Duke. Of course, I'll have to patent it all, especialy the stuff like the airbag in the bumper, that should be able to cushion an impact up to 30km/h!(*gasp*) If I can develop and patent all these saftey features that prevent damage to other cars, before other companies can, I'll build up a polygomy, because everyone will want to buy a Duke, because insurance is optional. TAKE THAT PERSON IN CHARGE OF LEXUS! Heh, I could replace Lexus in the global Toyota family. (Lexus is part of Toyota...Which you probably already knew.) In the same e-mail: Same e-mail Let's talk about...Slushies! I went to Mac's Milk twice this evening. The first time they were out of large, and second-largest cups, so I had to get a second-smallest cup. Which was a dollar eighty-two I think. Then, I went back a couple hours later, and they only had small cups left, which was a dollar fifty-twoish. So I got home, and I noticed the second-smallest cup was 710ml, and the smallest cup was 350ml. The second-smallest cup is twice as large as the smallest cup, but it only costs 30 cents less! Since I was home alone, and in a bad mood, I get all mad at the cups, and mac's milk, because they didn't have any large cups left, and thus made me loose money. I wish I had taped that. I could have put it on the internet, and become famous as "that idiot who was muttering about cups for thee minutes straight." Stupid slushies. Stupid candy. They're getting so expensive now. Skittles used to be 89 cents. Now it's like $1.10. Okay, that's it for the e-mails. Now random creepy Deanna stuff. I've talked more on the phone to Deanna this summer, than I've spent on the phone to anyone in the past 10 years. Wow! I'm watching tv RIGHT NOW, and some Story of the Year song just came on! A new one! It stats off so awesomely! It sounds so...Retro...I didn't even know they had a new album out! *runs off to get it* Deanna doesn't go to my church anymore. Once her parents find a church they want to stay at, I'm gonna start bussing there. I used to have Deanna's blood on my knife. (I got an awesome new knife from Matt btw...You might have read about it in the camp story) You all know how I like to draw with blood, right? Well, the blood on the very edge of the blade didn't get wiped off, and Deanna noticed it (I have no idea how she could have seen it) and was like "wtf is this? I'm taking this." Then she gave it back the next day. "I pricked my finger, and got the blood on your knife...Sorry." Wow, writing it out like this makes me feel like it's something Angela made up. Also, with the help of Angela, I tried to make a period calender...It didnt' work though...Long story. Umm...Yeah. Like I said, I say most of the stuff I usualy say on here, to Deanna in e-mails. And I don't feel like re-typing it. So yeah, You just get to read a bunch of stories. Was it worth boycotting me Justine? OH! I just remembered something Justine said to me: You're getting sunburnt with me whether you like it or not! See, the good thing about you being unhealthily weird & never going outside is you probably have really healthy skin because it's not sundamaged. The bad part is that you're really, really weird and too smart about book-learning things for your own good. Example: nobody should be that good at math. That was from months ago...And I still remember it. Heh heh, I kick ass. That's pretty much it. Remember kids; once you go yellow, you dump him for a black fellow. Also, Kayla is far cooler than Mike.
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One Year, Bitch

Writing began: 1:30am Completed writing: 2:30am (Wow, shortest time I've written an entry in so long.) Words: 2k (Wow, shortest entry I've written in so long) Average reading time (At 250 words/minute): 8 minutes (Wow, shortest anyone's read an entry of mine in so long) So today is my one year aniversary here at sitD. Pretty awesome. The history of my time here at stiD: - I joined a forum simply called Nakusama. It is now offline. - While there, I met Ryoko and Dark Tiger. - They got me to sign up here at sitD. I was reluctant to join, 'cause I wanted to code a blogging system on my own site, and use it instead, so I kept stalling joining here. - My thoughts eventualy couldn't stay in my head any longer, so on November 7, 2004, 11:12 pm, I signed up here. (I take forever to build sites, if you havn't noticed.) - Englishsongbird was the first one to welcome me to sitD, followed quickly by Ryoko. - My entries kept getting longer and longer, until last entry, when it was so long, that I had to edit out a bunch of stuff so that it would save it all. (11,000 words motha fucka) - One year later, I've only made 60 entries. Yay, wasn't that an awesome list. ANOTHER! ANOTHER! Let's get people to stalk me. (I wrote this out for twisterghost, so ya'll better hurry if you want to rape me while I'm nice and tight.) Twisterghost e-mail: My routines are almost always the same. On Tuesday-Thursday, I wake up around 10, take a 10 minute shower, grab a bowl of cereal, and go back to the basement to sit down at my computer (I live in the basement) where I: 1) Do school work. (I do my school over the internet) 2) Go to forums. 3) Read people's blogs. 4) Check out the admin panel on 64D, for any new activity on the site. 5) Code random sites. 6) Have random msn convos. So I sit there doing that stuff until 4 in the morning. Whenever I start to get pissed off at stuff, I a) Jump on my trampoline for a couple minutes. Everything makes more sense when you're upside down. b) Go for a walk to the convenience store and buy a slushie, candy, and/or minutes for my g/f's cellphone, which she uses to txt my msn, and I txt back, and we quickly use up all the minutes. =P c) Start to walk upstairs to go out, but I punch the wall on the way upstairs, which makes me feel much better, so I just turn around and go back. On a weekend, I haul my computer to Canadonian's house, where we sit in his basement and work on random sites. (He designs, I code) And now that he's got a car, we usualy go out at night and go pick up his friends to go see a movie, or go play DDR, etc. Sometimes we just go to Tim Hortons, then go do random things with the car. But mostly, we try and work. We work all day until like 6, then we go out in the car, come back at like midnight, and sometimes we'll go to sleep, other times we'll get back to work. Then the next morning we sleep 'till like noon, and work all night again. On Sundays, I go to church (Canadonian goes to the same church as me, so I just go with his parents) then my family usualy goes back to Canadonian's house after church, and we work some more, then go out again in the evening. On Monday, my homeschool group rents a church from 1:30-3:30, which has a gym (basketball court thingy) in it. So every monday I go to "gym day", which is actualy half gym, half some teaching thing. The only reason I go is to see my g/f. On Friday, my homeschool group rents a hockey rink from 11:45-12:45 (But the rink isn't usualy used from 11-1:30, so we usualy get on early, and get off late. =P) Now that's fun. Since it's only our homeschool group, we can do whatever we want, so the kids play British Bulldog on the ice every Friday, and everyone else just skates around the rink. It's soooo fun. Skating and DDR are the only active things I like doing. (They make me feel very Canadian and Japanese. XD) Sometimes Canadonian shows up at my door with his car, and we go look for fun things to do. Sometimes I'll go do random things with Deanna. (Like a bike ride, or going to some friend's house or something) But most of my life is pretty much spent working on the computer. This summer the only thing i did to make money, was making websites and stuff for people. In the winter I shovel people's driveways, and...Make websites... When I'm pissed off in the winter, I'll go shovel people's driveways, or work on my massive igloo that I build every year. (I only go outside at night in the winter. It's so surreal and calming...) Yay. There'd better be someone outside my window by tomorrow night...MIKE. I've bought Deanna $65 worth of minutes on her cellphone in the past 8 days. I msg her phone from msn, and she txts back, then I message back, etc, and this goes on and on and on into the wee hours of the morning, thus using up all her minutes. She sent 200 messages in three days. How insane is that. Therefore, I need to get her a better phone, with better ways of communcating. (Angela is really helping with that. ^_^) Best $65 I've spent in a long while though. =) I hate english. It's fucking useless. I have to read Frankestein and some other 500 page book, and take "readers notes" on them, by the end of today. But eh, fuck english. I'm goin' to see Deanna. It's a formative assignment anyway, so the teacher can kiss my ass. And who really needs to learn how to take "readers notes" anyway? It doesn't even teach you how to in the course. If it's not something you're teaching, or building off of, I don't see a point in making me work on it. And my math this year isn't helping. Usualy I can just go off and swear at my math, 'cause I know that there's only one answer I can possibly correctly get. And if I can't get it, I can puch and swear and study until I find that answer. With english, I just sit there and stare at the blank screen, trying to think of an answer that will please the teacher. I don't see why people have to have four years of english. At least with math, if people arn't going to use it later in life, they don't have to take it in grd 12 (Although, it'd be nicer if they stopped required math at grd 10) But with english, you have to do the full four years. And the last two you barely learn anything. Most of the time it's just writing essays and stuff. I wish I could just show my english teacher my diary entries, and then all I would haev to do is learn stuff, instead of waste my fucking important time (XD) on writing useless essays that no one will ever read, or reading useless books that teach jack. I mean, my entries fail misserably at english standards, but fuck, who cares? Can you understand it? Yes you can. The only reason my entries fail, is because I have no set topic to write about. When I have to write reports and stuff, they'll probably be better. (Probably) Am I ever going to be an author? Fuck no. Am I ever going to need to write an essay in any career I find even remotely interesting? No. At the moment, the only occupation I can think of that would need to write anything along the lines of an essay, is a historian. And to most people, that's just a hobby. If you don't plan on having a career in anything that needs the extensive use of english or math, I think you should be able to stop at like grd 10. And at least in math, you're constantly learning something new, then you practise it for a little while, then you build off what you've learned to build a bigger formula, etc. But noooo, not in english. I didn't learn a single thing in english last year. NOT A SINGLE THING. If people enjoy writing as a hobby, I can see why they would want to keep taking english. I mean, this year I'm doing my second grd 12 math course, 'cause I love math...I wish I could trade in my math credits for english credits. Like fuck man, a grd 12 knowledge of english is NEVER going to help you. You can get along in life just fine with a grd 9 knowledge of english. And as you grow up, your english will continue to improve, and blah blah blah. So basicaly what I'm saying is, I'll pay someone to do my english homework for me. I mean, I'm gonna get rich because I'll be able to get a job that pays $60/hour. How much money does someone who focuses on things you would use english for? Pretty much nothing. For most people, writing is just a hobby. Must we really waste 2/15ths of our school time on something that will be used as a hobby to a FEW SELECT people?! ...I gotta talk to my english teacher, and ask her what uses english has in careers. Once I'm equiped with that knowledge, I might write a rant about english or something. Anyway, I'm tired, so I can't think of anything to write about... A lot of cool stuff has been happening lately, but those are for my "private" entries. =) Heh heh, Matt and I got in trouble for staying out too late. (Mostly Matt got in trouble, 'cause he's the one driving) We failed at sneaking in at 3 in the morning. v_v It's so awesome that Matt can drive. I can do all these things that other people won't let me do. Like jump out of the car. The fastest I did it was at like 20/h, but meh, it still hurts when you roll into a tree. MAN the Lexus is fun to drive...*drool* It's so little, and fast, and comfy, and...it's got low profile tires. They're awesome and all, but I can't peel out, or have any fun with the handbreak, 'cause the tires are like 400 dollars each. And since they're low profile, the tires will dissapear pretty quickly. I can peel out in the van though. =D The Honda Odysee isn't the most fun vehicle to drive, but it's a lot nicer than most vans. I WANT MY DRIVERS LISCENCE! I never really cared until last Sunday. My mom and I drove to church early, and when we got there, some poeple wanted coffess, so my mom and I went to Tim Hortons to get them some, and I asked if I could drive, and she said "No"...Of course. However, after that, she said "I won't mind when you have a permit, but until then, I don't want you driving on majour roads." So now that I know she's fine with me driving, I want my liscence sooooo baaaaaad. I want an ipod. Someone give me an ipod. And cookies. Gimme some cookies too. And a Boost i205 for Deanna. No sim card needed. HOLY SHIT. I was supposed to go to a Thrice concert, which had Underoath and The Bled supporting them (I only wanted to see Underoath and The Bled) a couple weeks back, but that same night Deanna was coming over, so I couldn't go. (Michelle got me an awesome underoath t-shirt though. ^_^) So anyway, I'm sitting here watching the news on Much Music, and they were showing clips of The Bled from that concert. *sigh*... It was worth missing it though. =) This is rediculus. I have nothing left to say, and I've only got 2000 words. Meh, good night.
Read 176 comments

Quick entry (aka, dedicated to Jen)

Feeling: aggravated
Writing began: 11:00pm Completed writing: 5:00am Words: 6,200 Average reading time (At 250 words/minute):25 minutes. Time how long it REALLY takes you to read this entry. Like, use a stop watch or something. I want to know how long it really takes you people to read it. =P 400 fuckin' comments on my previous entry. I think it's time for a new one, don't you? I do. This is going to be an uber-fucking-short entry. (Aw, I'm gonna miss random people going "Holy shit dude, you write long entries") Justine assured me that writing a short entry wouldn't mean the end of the world. However, that's the funny thing about regreting stuff. You don't regret it, until after it's done.--Now hurry up and shoot me! --Er, I mean, yeah...I'm gonna write a quick entry. I think I'm just gonna fill most of it up with quizes. *inocent look* I have nothing to talk about...*Rocks back and forth on feet*...*peaks at list of stuff to write about* Holy shit man. This list is so old. Most of it is on CURRENT events in MY life. (Three more days, and it's been a month since I last wrote an entry) Let's see, quick updates: -Deanna didn't go back to her baby sitting job. Which means no msn. -Deanna got the computer. She's not alowed to instal a fucking modem. FDSAFJ;LJDSFLKJDSFECKLDSAMKCJNDSUOFHNEOWF -There is no sitD account called "emo". -I finnished coding my site. (It's of no use to any of you sit diaryans. Unless you want to use it to blog. But sitD is much better for that.) -White chocolate is not chocolate, because it doesn't contain cacao beans. -Deanna's cousin's girlfriend thinks I'm a loser. =) Enough listing. I don't like making lists. Lists are for n00bs who have better things to do. It's complaining time. *puts on sunglasses as the camera zooms in on me* *Slides into trench coat* *Puts on leather gloves* *Straps a HecateII to back* *grabs black briefcase* *climbs to the top of a building* *runs along the rooftops* *trips because it's night time, and I'm wearing sunglasses* *shrugs and sits down* *opens up briefcase* *pulls out laptop* Okay, here goes. Piano sucks. Yup. That's that. But seriously. I'm in grd 8 piano. And I have yet to find one good use for it. When is it going to help me in life? -You're fired. Unless you can play this song. -I'm giving you a raise! If you can play this song. -Okay, we'll let you out of jail. If you can play this song. -Your car just crashed. The only way we can get you to the hospital before you die, is if you can play this song. -Here's a Hecate II for playing that song. -Playing this song will create a 1-line physics code. Hell, it's not even fucking entertaining! "The guests are bored Robbie. Go play Waltz in a minor." It has no future applicatoins. "Oh, but you might want to use it in the future." So? The odds that I'll want to know how to code in JAVA in the future are WAY fucking higher. And it has far more potential than...Being able to play a minuet. My online school is the only school I've ever seen that actualy teaches anything useful about computers. Namely, programming. Seriously, it's not too hard to use Powerpoint. I figured out, and made a slideshow in 5 minutes. Now, aparently, in schools, hey give you FUCKING EXAMS on powerpoint. WHAT THE FUCKING HELL IS THAT?! We've spent a whole semester teaching you how to use Microsoft products. I think you're read for your final exam. That's the equivilant of saying: Congratulations Mr Toyota! You're 40 years old now! We'll just give you your "walk from that wall to this wall" test, and then you graduate from this day care! ^_^ I'll bet he fuckin' kids don't even learn binary! BINARY! If they're not gonna be taught how the cpu works together with the ram, they should at least know how the fuck it interprets stuff. Educators these days. Geez. Need to get their priorities straight. Oh, do you guys like my new "sorta quote" boxes? Old:'sup hosers. New: Sexeh motha fucka. *shrugs* my non-artistic mind likes it. Nice and bland. Hey, Dani decided to read my diary. w00t...Sorta. "Hey, I'm mentioned here." "Uhh...Erm...Look! A hott guy!" I saved some really old convos with her, planning to put them up here. But like I said, this list of stuff to write about is a month old. She claims to have figured out why she hates me: (a)Angel-Chica- Burn in hell Robbie!!!!!!!!!!!: THIS is why I started hating you (a)Angel-Chica- Burn in hell Robbie!!!!!!!!!!!: you got scaaaaaaary Evissesbo - Member of DFC and APC {"Rob, I called you a peophile because...Well, no need for explanation there."}: :O Evissesbo - Member of DFC and APC {"Rob, I called you a peophile because...Well, no need for explanation there."}: You hate me 'cause I'm scary?! (a)Angel-Chica- Burn in hell Robbie!!!!!!!!!!!: xD (a)Angel-Chica- Burn in hell Robbie!!!!!!!!!!!: you scare me (a)Angel-Chica- Burn in hell Robbie!!!!!!!!!!!: lol (a)Angel-Chica- Burn in hell Robbie!!!!!!!!!!!: so naturally my defenses go up Evissesbo - Member of DFC and APC {"Rob, I called you a peophile because...Well, no need for explanation there."}: :O *glares* Evissesbo - Member of DFC and APC {"Rob, I called you a peophile because...Well, no need for explanation there."}: How do I scare you? (a)Angel-Chica- Burn in hell Robbie!!!!!!!!!!!: um....lets see (a)Angel-Chica- Burn in hell Robbie!!!!!!!!!!!: you like blood (a)Angel-Chica- Burn in hell Robbie!!!!!!!!!!!: o_o (a)Angel-Chica- Burn in hell Robbie!!!!!!!!!!!: your blood is GREEN (a)Angel-Chica- Burn in hell Robbie!!!!!!!!!!!: you hate the sun Evissesbo - Member of DFC and APC {"Rob, I called you a peophile because...Well, no need for explanation there."}: lmao (a)Angel-Chica- Burn in hell Robbie!!!!!!!!!!!: you laugh at weird times o_o (a)Angel-Chica- Burn in hell Robbie!!!!!!!!!!!: um.....you NEVER leave your house (a)Angel-Chica- Burn in hell Robbie!!!!!!!!!!!: well sometimes you do :P (a)Angel-Chica- Burn in hell Robbie!!!!!!!!!!!: but you HATE goung OUT (a)Angel-Chica- Burn in hell Robbie!!!!!!!!!!!: you HATE ppl (a)Angel-Chica- Burn in hell Robbie!!!!!!!!!!!: so um yah (a)Angel-Chica- Burn in hell Robbie!!!!!!!!!!!: its scary (a)Angel-Chica- Burn in hell Robbie!!!!!!!!!!!: lol Evissesbo - Member of DFC and APC {"Rob, I called you a pedophile because...Well, no need for explanation there."}: lol (a)Angel-Chica- Burn in hell Robbie!!!!!!!!!!!: not to mention your just a dork and its fun to make fun of you Evissesbo - Member of DFC and APC {"Rob, I called you a pedophile because...Well, no need for explanation there."} says:So...If I start liking the sun, start going out, change my blood colour, and hate my blood, you'll go out with me? She said no. But later on... Angel-Chica- Pucci's in ((hurting Robbie is getting old )) HOTT GUY FOR TODAY: Orlando Bloom (NOT broom Robbie -_-) says: thanks to you Robbie, I've finally figured out my type Evissesbo - Member of DFC and APC {"Rob, I called you a pedophile because...Well, no need for explanation there."} says: w00t Evissesbo - Member of DFC and APC {"Rob, I called you a pedophile because...Well, no need for explanation there."} says: What is your type? Angel-Chica- Pucci's in ((hurting Robbie is getting old )) HOTT GUY FOR TODAY: Orlando Bloom (NOT broom Robbie -_-) says: like you, only not scary, out going, likes the sun and hates blood Ha. I was going somewhere with all this, but this is supposed to be a short entyr, and it's already 1:40am. I need to get some work done soon. Image time. My MSN avatar: By clicking this link, I admit that Robbie is cooler than me. If I had a dollar for every person who's called me a freak/pervert... You probably think it's pr0n. You're not going to click the link are you? Fine then. Here. Notice the blood there? My nose bleeds a LOT. One time I had my brother's webcam hooked up, 'cause I was taking pics of bloody drawings I was doing that night. I left it hooked up for the following day. Mikey (I'm just calling you that to piss of Alanna...Even though she's never gonna read this Mike. =P) got online, and we were talking. Every time My nose bleed like three times that day while I was talking to Mike. (Oh Mikey. You turn me on baby!...Damnit, I really want to show this to Alanna.) Every time I would turn on the webcam. "omfg, again! are you picking your nose?" In short. I bleed a lot. I also draw/write in blood a lot. Blood is just as good as ink. Except for the whole bacteria growing on it thing... However, it's like Milk. You can leave it out for a few days, before it gets really gross. Now then, you know that joke about how it's cheaper just to buy a new fucking printer, rather than an ink catridge? Ink cartridges are fucking expensive. Blood is fucking free. See where I'm going with this? Something that REALLY FUCKING PISSES ME OFF, is when people print off some quick little thing, that they throw away after a few minutes. I'm no tree hugger, but HOLY SHIT YOU FUCKTARD, JUST SIT AT THE FUCKING COMPUTER AND READ, INSTEAD OF PRINTING IT OFF TO READ ON THE COUCH. Oh, but reading from the computer monitor is bad for you, and the radiation can kill you. Whoopdy fucking do. So can using the fucking microwave. However, if everyone thought like I do, it'd take you a couple years to use a $70 ink cartridge. But nooo, you dumbasses go through an ink cartidge every few months, with your fucking temporary printing. Now here's something that I'm sure I can get green peace to do some...March through a city or something...for. Every time you print off some tiny e-mail or something, you have to somehow get some blood out of your body (Probably through a needle), and put it in an ink cartridge, and use that blood to print your fucking documents. Green peace will love it. Do you know how many trees will be saved by people who are scared of blood/have AIDs, and arn't alowed to use their blood. So yeah, aside from spreading diseases, I think this system would work. So long as you get rid of the paper with the blood on it fairly quickly. k, some of you know, most of you don't (Basicaly, if you're not Mike, you won't know) that Mike wants to head over to BC this summer to see Alanna. And I want to come, and play around with an automatic weapon in a confined space. aka, press random switches and triggers on an MP5 in the car. But yeah, if we do manage to go, we've got all this stuff planned. Go here: http://diaries.suchisthis.com/mikyyyy/?cmd=view_entry&eid=43, and scroll down to the bottom, where you see the picture of the truck, and the missles. (Edit: Actualy, just scroll down a little, I added it to my entry) Then read what's under it. (If you can read this entry, you can read the four tiny paragraphs that Mike wrote. I told Jen to read that part a while ago. uz r planning to bomb ppls cars? Not to be mean or anything to Jen. We both just found that insanely funny. k, here's how it works. The missles are balloons. You strap them to the back of your car, and drive along, and it looks like you're getting chassed by missles. Actualy, you people probably arn't going to view Mike's entry. So I'll just copy the important part over: And not to take away from my purty girl, but: This is what me and Rob [firestormx] [If I ever mention 'Rob' then it's him, unless I specifically say otherwise =D. lol] plan to do during the summer: This first paragraph is derived from the plan of giving one of the missles to a homeless person and giving him ten bucks to run down the street with it strapped to him. "I can just imagine, we're driving alone in the car slowly, with a vid camera, taping it. And the missle is strapped to the guy's belt. And the missle gets stuck on a sign or something, and the guy is running and screaming, and he suddenly gets flung back, and the car + camera keep going for a few feet. Just like a cartoon. Let's put lead in the tips of the missles, and give the missles like, wings or something so they stay up when they're flying behind the car. Then, someone's driving beside us, and they see a stop sign coming up. So we stop, and the missles go flying into the back of the car. Let's buy sugar glass, and replace the backwindow with it." Ok so needless to say we're gonna have a FUCKING SUPER FUN SUMMER, if we don't get arrested. XD I should seriously make a list of all the stuff we want to do this summer. You'll laugh your ass off reading it. Hmmm, notice how at the begining of the quote, it says "Not to take away from my purty girl"? He had an image of Alanna right before that quote. Now, he writes fuckin' short entries. I write thousands and thousands of words on Deanna. Mike comes along and posts one picture of "his girl" (possesive freak) A word is 8 bytes. His image is 9784 bytes. 1223 words. In one quick little image. Cheap little bastard. No sirre, there is no point in this paragraph. Just felt like saying that. Moving on to the sell-out portion of my entry: Sorry, no one has asked me to sell-out. =( If someone asked me to, I would. Moving on to the advertising my own product portion of my entry: Who knows. There might be someone out there who can code in GML, and is looking for hosting. If you don't know wtf I'm talking about, don't bother clicking the banner. For my site - Actualy, me and my friend's site, but we both agree to just say it's "My site", whenever we're talking about it to someone else. (By "my site", I mean we both say "My site", not "Robbie's site") I coded it all, but he designed it/did the other half of the non-coding work. Anyway, for the site, we want to have google ads (Not now, but if the site gets big, we'll incorperate google ads into the layout). Now, we're getting the hosting for free. Check check check it out. Fuckin' amazing eh? Well, we don't get all of it for free. My friend's friend runs a buisness off of that server. He gave us something like 20 gigs of space, and...I forget how much bandwidth. But a hell of a fucking lot. So anyway, we're getting all that for free. Why would we want ads? Well, if there's one thing I've learned from Scott, is that php is fucking sexy. Another thing I've learned, is that a website WILL GENERATE MONEY. I see no reason to let this opirtunity go to waste. But Robbie! You're already a rich and sucessful buisness man, who can buy any country, pay for any speeding tickets you get from driving your hundreds of Lamborginis, and can get any girl he wants. Why would you need more money? Well, I don't. However, I've always wanted to sponsor some kid in Africa. (Wow I sound snobby and racist) It's really cheap to sponsor someone. A while back, I wrote about the price of Baby Bottle Pops (I think I copied that into a more recent entry too) I ended with "And so in conculusion, move to Africa, where you can live for two days, for the price of ONE overpriced candy". Well. the reason people don't donate to charity, is because it's too much of a hastle. Think about it. 30 bucks/month isn't too much money to loose right? $360/year. Not much eh. A lot of the people who read my diary, are REALLY OLD, AND SHOULD HAVE A SOCIAL LIFE BY NOW, RATHER THAN BE SITTING HERE READING MY DIARY. They should also have a job. For example *picks random person* Brooke. If you boss asked, would you let him/her take off 30 dollars from your paycheck, and send it to charity? I'll be you would. If World Vision could get some program like that going, where companies can have something like that set up, they wouldn't need so many informecials. So yeah, if you ever start your own buisness, I would sugest you impliment something like that. A lot of people say they want to give to charity. Well, this is probably the easiest way they could do it. Back to my site. If those same people want to help donate to charity, all they have to do is click the google ad. The money will accumulate, and at the end of the month, the kid gets fed. =) Wow. I'm done my "writing" part of my entry. And I'm only at 3,000 words. And Brooke just left me a comment: YOU ARE ABOUT TO GET DELETED IF YOU DONT UPDATE THE FUCK UP! Just to agrivate her, I'm going to keep writing this entry for a while. And just to agrivate Alanna (not Mike's Alanna) I'm going to write about Deanna! *gasp* Wait, no, I'mma c+p two really fucked up dreams I had, that I told Mike about: [02:41:29 PM] Me: omfg, I just remembered a dream I had last night. [02:42:33 PM] Me: It was a futurisitc iceage, and you and me were living in my garage-turned igloo. And out on my lawn, my neighbors were living in their igloo. (They have like 3 girls, and 3 boys. But in this dream, it was just the oldest girl, and one of the boys, and her mom, and two floating killer robots) [02:42:44 PM] Me: And it was like a movie. [02:43:15 PM] Me: As the plot developed, we found out that my neighbor's daughter liked me, but naturaly her mom hated me, and kept sending her killer robots to keep us in our igloo. [02:43:26 PM] Me: I kept making breaks for my neighbor's igloo though. I got through most of the time. [02:43:38 PM] Me: But sometimes I got shreded by the killer robots. [02:43:52 PM] Me: I would always wake up back in the igloo, perfectly fine. [02:44:47 PM] Me: So anyway, the dream ended just like a movie, where my neighbors moved, and I ran after them, and got pwned by their robots, and I just lay there in my blood soaked snow, and the camera goes up into the sky, focused on my mutilated body, and you can see the neighbors just walking away. [02:44:51 PM] Me: Then I woke up. [02:44:57 PM] Me: That was one hell of a fucked up dream. [02:45:51 PM] Mike: orgjk aldfg [02:45:51 PM] Mike: LMFAOL [02:45:54 PM] Mike: -L [02:46:40 PM] Me: It was such a sad movie. :( [02:46:45 PM] Mike: rofl [02:46:49 PM] Mike: what did i do? [02:46:53 PM] Mike: just sit in the igloo the whole time? [02:47:15 PM] Me: lol, no, you and me kept making new plots to get me to the neighbor's igloo. [02:47:17 PM] Mike: me being the tactical ops guru could have helped you pwn the robots and get the girl XD [02:47:32 PM] Me: rofl [02:47:34 PM] Mike: lol [02:47:35 PM] Me: You were no help. [02:47:44 PM] Me: You provided the slapstick comedy to the movie. [02:47:48 PM] Mike: "Walk like a polar bear, they won't see you" [02:47:49 PM] Me: Well, your plans did anyway. [02:47:49 PM] Mike: YES [02:47:51 PM] Me: roflmfao [02:47:52 PM] Mike: XD [02:48:34 PM] Me: "k, we climb up to the top of the roof with these skiis, then I just push you down, and you should slide right past the robots." [02:48:49 PM] Me: I got clotheslined half way down the roof. I want to help people write scripts. I suck at writing stories and stuff. But if someone writes a script, I could go through it, and add in comical stuff. I can think up stuff like that in my sleep. Such as dressing up as Mike, so the attack robots attack Mike, instead of me. That made no sense. But it worked in my dream. Mike got mutilated, while I made a break for my neighbor's igloo. XD Dream 2: [06:31:36 AM] Me: OMFG [06:31:37 AM] Mike: :O! [06:31:38 AM] Mike: lol [06:31:39 AM] Me: WEIRD DREAMS AGIAN [06:31:44 AM] Mike: tell me tell me [06:32:51 AM] Me: k, there was this vault at the top of my friend's house, which had somehow become some big office building. And at the top, was this tiny little vault, with a massive door that you haev to open, step into, close the door, and right in front of you, is the tiny little vault. But the room you step into, is like 2 feet by 2 feet. Andt he big heavy metal door closes behind you. [06:33:02 AM] Me: So I went up to steal whatever was in the tiny vault, I forget what it was. [06:33:09 AM] Me: And I got all claustriphobic when the door closed. [06:34:26 AM] Me: So I'm like, twitching, and sweating, when I finally get the little safe thingy open. Then I open the safe door, and there's a timer there. So I'm like FUCK FUCK FUCK! (I didn't know what the timer did, but I figured it was a bomb or something, so I'm spazing out, trying to get the big vault door open, in 30 seconds. [06:34:50 AM] Me: Then I turn around, and the timer stopped, and the screen showing the numbers opened up, and there was a jewel or soemthing there. [06:35:30 AM] Me: So I grab it, open the door, and run down the stairs. On my way down, I jump over an cartoon-looking police officer, and a girl. [06:35:38 AM] Me: They were drawn disney style. [06:35:44 AM] Me: It didn't seem weird at the time. [06:35:53 AM] Me: But it was a fucking cop. ANd I had just stolen a diamond. [06:36:29 AM] Me: So I ran like fuck, all the way down a path, until I got to some bush, which I had spent a lot of time digging up in...A previous dream. ^o) [06:36:50 AM] Me: I had also shot a cop who had tried to come and get me to stop digging it up in the previous dream, so the dead cop was there too. [06:37:15 AM] Me: k, there was this vault at the top of my friend's house, which had somehow become some big office building. And at the top, was this tiny little vault, with a massive door that you haev to open, step into, close the door, and right in front of you, is the tiny little vault. But the room you step into, is like 2 feet by 2 feet. And the big heavy metal door closes behind you. [06:37:15 AM] Me: So I went up to steal whatever was in the tiny vault, I forget what it was [06:37:15 AM] Me: And I got all claustriphobic when the door closed. [06:37:34 AM] Me: But anyway, I got there, and I had a TV there. So I turn it on, and there's a comercial for a new TV show called "Bruce Almighty." And on that show, was that black girl who was with the cop. Mike has signed out. Mike has signed in. [06:37:45 AM] Me: And...OMFG, DID YOU EVEN GET ANY OF THOSE MESSAGES?! [06:38:20 AM] Mike: sorry [06:38:22 AM] Mike: what did you say? [06:38:35 AM] Me: restarting: [06:38:37 AM] Me: lol [06:38:37 AM] Me: k, there was this vault at the top of my friend's house, which had somehow become some big office building. And at the top, was this tiny little vault, with a massive door that you haev to open, step into, close the door, and right in front of you, is the tiny little vault. But the room you step into, is like 2 feet by 2 feet. Andt he big heavy metal door closes behind you. [06:38:48 AM] Me: So I went up to steal whatever was in the tiny vault, I forget what it was. [06:38:49 AM] Me: And I got all claustriphobic when the door closed. [06:38:54 AM] Me: So I'm like, twitching, and sweating, when I finally get the little safe thingy open. Then I open the safe door, and there's a timer there. So I'm like FUCK FUCK FUCK! (I didn't know what the timer did, but I figured it was a bomb or something, so I'm spazing out, trying to get the big vault door open, in 30 seconds. [06:39:04 AM] Me: Then I turn around, and the timer stopped, and the screen showing the numbers opened up, and there was a jewel or soemthing there. [06:39:16 AM] Me: So I grab it, open the door, and run down the stairs. On my way down, I jump over an cartoon-looking police officer, and a girl. (They were drawn disney style) [06:39:26 AM] Me: It didn't seem weird at the time. [06:39:34 AM] Me: But it was a fucking cop. ANd I had just stolen a diamond. [06:39:35 AM] Mike: lmfao [06:39:47 AM] Me: So I ran like fuck, all the way down a path, until I got to some bush, which I had spent a lot of time digging up in...A previous dream. ^o) Me: says: I had also shot a cop who had tried to come and get me to stop digging it up in the previous dream, so the dead cop was there too. [06:39:57 AM] Me: But anyway, I got there, and I had a TV there. So I turn it on, and there's a comercial for a new TV show called "Bruce Almighty." And on that show, was that black girl who was with the cop. [06:39:59 AM] Mike: everything's all like totally real, all of the sudden you see popeye standing there in a cop uniform with ms. betty [06:40:07 AM] Me: roflmao [06:40:10 AM] Mike: XD [06:40:16 AM] Me: k, now to finnish the dream. [06:40:35 AM] Mike: black girl [06:40:36 AM] Mike: rofl [06:40:37 AM] Me: "Bruce Almighty. The girl who can stop crime with a snap of her fingers." [06:40:49 AM] Me: Even in my dreams, I suck at making comerical slogan thingies. [06:40:57 AM] Mike: XD [06:41:09 AM] Me: Then I look out through some branches of my bush, and see her go running by, looking for me. [06:41:12 AM] Mike: lmao [06:41:13 AM] Mike: dude [06:41:13 AM] Mike: omfg [06:41:14 AM] Mike: k [06:41:15 AM] Mike: wait [06:41:15 AM] Me: She ran right by the dead cop. [06:41:17 AM] Me: lol, k [06:41:33 AM] Mike: i just saw a commercial for orange juice with HALF the calories and HALF the something or other..... [06:41:42 AM] Mike: ISN'T JUICE SUPPOSED TO BE HEALTHY FOR YOU ANYWAYS>!!?!?!?! [06:41:55 AM] Me: Not in my twisted little druggy world. [06:41:58 AM] Mike: yay [06:42:09 AM] Mike: i want chocolate milk [06:42:18 AM] Me: lmao [06:42:32 AM] Me: k, the rest of the dream is kind of stupid. [06:42:38 AM] Mike: tell me [06:43:01 AM] Me: I got scared, and ran back into the building/friend's house, and put the diamond back. [06:43:06 AM] Mike: omfg [06:43:09 AM] Me: I stepped out of the vault, and I was naked. [06:43:12 AM] Mike: LMAO [06:43:19 AM] Me: And I sitll had the jewel. [06:43:22 AM] Mike: you were showing off for the black girl [06:43:24 AM] Me: (The one I stole) [06:43:26 AM] Me: rofl [06:43:29 AM] Mike: XD [06:43:39 AM] Me: Aparently, I had gotten my clothes, and the jewel mixed up. [06:43:49 AM] Mike: (huh) [06:43:49 AM] Mike: XD [06:44:24 AM] Me: And the cops/black girl (aka bruce) were coming up the stairs. So I jump over them on the stairs again, and get out on the road, and I just run like hell down the road. [06:44:28 AM] Me: It was like a movie. [06:44:43 AM] Me: A naked azn kid, running down the street, with a swarm of cops chasing. [06:44:45 AM] Mike: you named a black girl Bruce [06:45:02 AM] Mike: racist fuck [06:45:03 AM] Mike: XD [06:45:07 AM] Me: Yeah, they made a show called "Bruce almighty" [06:45:11 AM] Mike: yeah [06:45:13 AM] Mike: that was a movie [06:45:16 AM] Me: And the black girl is bruce. [06:45:23 AM] Mike: whaaaat [06:45:25 AM] Me: Yeah. But in my dream, they mdae it into a show. [06:45:30 AM] Mike: i don't remember that [06:45:31 AM] Mike: anyways [06:45:32 AM] Mike: lol [06:45:46 AM] Me: And the black girl is a cop, "Who can stop crime with a snap of her fingers" [06:45:55 AM] Mike: 8-) [06:45:56 AM] Mike: lopl [06:45:56 AM] Me: Yeah, was really fucked up. [06:45:57 AM] Mike: lol [06:45:58 AM] Mike: XD [06:45:58 AM] Me: lol [06:45:59 AM] Mike: no shit [06:46:19 AM] Me: Anyway, I think I just kept running 'till I woke up. [06:46:24 AM] Mike: lmao [06:46:52 AM] Me: OH! OH! lmao, I was running down a highway, and some girl from sitD drove by and honked her horn. I was gonna edit it, and fix it all up...Make it make sense and all that good stuff...But meh. You probably just skipped it. And I'm not gonna say who honked her horn. ;) Okay, enough with my dreams. On to...Deanna! Yay! Her dad is scary. Sure he seems friendly and stuff, but when he was giving you "the I'm watching you" glare for a month, your kinda scared of him for life. I don't think he hates me so much now, as when he first deemed me a bad influence, but he still scares me. I think he's trying to be nice and get to know me, and stuff. now. So that's cool. I guess. Sometimes I'm just sitting there at church, doing my math, and he comes up to me, and sits down beside me, and we talk for about 30 seconds, then he gets bored of me, and leaves. So anyway, our church uses a crappy-ass laptop to display stuff on the projector. The pastor has a kick-ass-ish laptop. He comes in with it this sunday, and asks if we can start using his computer for the overheads, instead of the craptop. So I set I instal the drivers and stuff for the projector real quick, and get it all set up and stuff. So then I'm sitting there bored (I get to church about an hour and a half before the service actualy starts, to help set stuff up) so I start making a quick website for the hell of it. So I'm sitting there obsorbed in making a DFC website, when suddenly Deanna's dad comes up behind me and tickles me. "Boo! *Tickle*" "AHH! I DIDN'T DO IT! PLEASE DON'T SHOOT ME!" Yeah, I didn't actualy say that, But it still scared me shitless. Then I'm really ticklish, so I pissed my pants laughing. So in theory, I should be dead. Heh. Hmm, two-three weeks ago, Deanna was at her friend's house. And they called my house. So I ran upstairs and answered the phone. Poor Mike and Kendy. I was in a multi convo with them, and I ran to get the phoen quickly, and it ended up going on for 45 mintues. Poor Kendy. I know she likes me Mike. You saw the way she said "nighttttt", and held the "t", just to stay in the convo box with me. =P btw, if you're Kendy's boyfriend, don't hurt me! You know what they say about skater boys hurting geeks. "A skater boy broke my head. I broke his board." Then again... "I broke a geek's head. He broke my board. I kicked his computer. He cried." k, anywaaayyyyyy. The phone call was funny. Deanna was doing her friend's homework, and asking me the answer to random questions which I couldn't answer because I was upstairs in the kitchen, and not at my computer. So I couldn't ask google. Blah. She tried to teach me to use a cordless phone, but after like 5 minutes, she concluded that the battery to the phone was dead. HOLY SHIT, psykopathalien just gave me my 500th comment! Holy shit. Back to Deanna... She had a ton of pants that didn't fit her anymore, so she was having her friend try them on. And she's making comments on how small her friend is, and stuff. (She's not someone who would say "Aww, I'm so fat.") Then, that sunday, I gave her some chocolate bunny thingy (The sunday before was easter. But operation secretly-get-bunny-to-deanna had failed. So after some stratigic planning, the operation was a sucess the next sunday.) and she's like "Great, now I'm gonna have to give Andrea some more clothes. =P" Anyway, the funniest part of the phonecall was when her friend came on and got all mad at me 'cause Deanna had to chew out one of her stalkers, and that I didn't do it for her. Ha! That'd be funny to see. Mike would tape it for sure. Akiko would just sit there going "Rob. You're a morron. -.-;" But yeah, remember that thingy: "A skater boy broke my head. I broke his board. He kicked my computer. I cried." wtf would I say to the guy anyway? I couldn't be all jocky and be like "GET THE FUCK AWAY FORM MY GIRL YOU FAGGOT! I'MMA BEAT YOU SENSELESS!" And I couldn't just sit him down and have a conversation with him. "Look, buddy...etc." "ha! Screw you." So yeah... Well...I'm fuckin' done. Now the easy/boring to read part. The quizes that no one cares about! Yay! I would sugest skipping to the end, unless you're really realy bored, 'cause there's nothing of importance here. Actualy, fuck the quizes. I'm too tired to come up with sarcastic answers. I MIGHT come back and edit this thing....Maybe.I doubt it though. OH, and a lot of you have been wondering why I havn't been updating. Well, my online math teacher wants me to submit 2.5 months worth of math per month now. SO, I don't have a day and a half to waste on doing nothing but writing long entries in here. (Yes, I once spent a day and a half straight writing in here. =P) AND, it's not just any math. It's grd 12 calculus. (I'm in grd 9.) So that's not really helping. Once school's over, I'll have lots of time to write in here. Especialy if I go to the cottage. With no internet. Blah. I'll sit in the basement 24/7 with a knife, and just write, and cut, and stare at walls. And if my parents go down to the beach or somehting, I'll probably do a fair bit of screaming too. I'll get back from a week there, with a 100,000 word entry on jack shit. XD Who knows. I might have some masterpiece drawn in blood to show you also. XD Mmm, now that I have something to do in the summer, it's gonna pwn. So anyways...I need something to count down now...Now that Val is 19, and Deanna didn't go back to her job, I have nothing left to count down. I know! I'll count down how many assignments I have left before I'm done school. Math: 9 assignments, two tests, final exam. Computer Science: 12 assignments, final exam. My two favorite subjects. And they're the two courses that are taking the longest to complete. Anyway, I'm back to my old standard of 6,000 words. I'd have more if I did the quizes...But meh. If there's not sarcastic answers, then there's no point in filling them out, 'cause no one wants to sit and read my normal answers.
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So, fuck your dog yet?

Feeling: happy
Writing began: 10:30pm, July 11th Completed writing: 5:00am, July 13th Words: 6,500 Average reading time (At 250 words/minute): 26 Minutes k, just a reminder here, go open up notepad. x nightmareline: you should start quizzing people x nightmareline: that would be awesome.:-D x nightmareline: just be like "what did i say in line 127 of this entry" x nightmareline: and then you could mail out medals with your face on them hahha x nightmareline: and then on the back put PS. still waiting for my boxers. x nightmareline = Kayla Normaly, I'd go through and find questions to quiz you people on myself, but naaaah, the first few people to read this, find questions for me to add to the end of this entry. k, now for the entry: Yeah, this entry is dedicated to Mike. Ya' know who's creepy? People who write loooooong entries, and refer to someone a lot in those long entries. If you ever meet someone like that, do not comment on their blog! Well, I don't have anything I want to share my biased opinion on for this entry, so, just like last entry, I'll simply tell you stories about my life. Why would you care about what's going on in my life? Well, you shouldn't. But in the oh-so-famous words of Tim Lambesis, of As I Lay dying: "*deep breath* *shriiieeekkkk*" k, that sentance is just there so that I can say: Go vote for As I Lay Dying for "Who's next" on launch. Actualy, aparently it's just for June, and when you vote it says check back on [insert today's date]! Know what's sad? I have to write down a note at the end of a day-where-something-happened-that-i-can-make-a-sarcastic-remark-about, so that I can remember to write about it here. It's sad, 'cause I only go out like once-twice a week. Now then, let's see what I have in my list for this entry...Wow, the list is a lot smaller than I thought. There's actualy just Saturday on my list. I know you all want to know what happened on Saturday, don't ya'? Well, in 50 minutes it'll be midnight, so I'll write about Saturday until midnight. Which could be like, 10 lines, 'cause I didn't know As I Lay Dying had music videos, so I started watching them on launch, and they keep playing screamo bands. So i keep getting sucked in to watch the music vids. It took me five mintues to write that. Stupid launch. k, so Saturday I went to laser quest (laser quest = cheesy laser tag game thing) with my youth group, because it was the cheapest thing they could find to do, that involved guns. So, to make a long story short, there were about 10 of us (Not including Dan and Judith (the youth leaders) because were too poor to play. =P) and a birthday party, who ran around the dark, smokey maze of mirrors, trying to shoot people. Actualy, you weren't alowed to run. You're also not alowed to make physical contact, but did that stop Carina (One of Deanna's little sisters) from running into me, and hitting me with her gun? No. Duuuude, go watch "Light The Torch" by "soliwork"! It's so fuckin' awesome! So anyway, getting pwned by an 11 year old with a giant plastic laser gun was like, the funnest thing about the actual game. There were funny parts though. I'm walking around, and I didn't really care about the game, so I'd just walk around, and if I could see someone's back for three seconds, I'd shoot them, and walk away. So anyway, I'm walking around, and some kid kept following me, shooting me in the back. At first I didn't care, I was just like "Meh, he'll get bored." So I just keep walking. I walk by Deanna, and she's like "Hi" "Hi" "How are you" "Good" (We didn't stop walking. We just talked louder as we moved further away.) And the kid is still following me. Imagine how that would look. It looks funier in your imagination than it really was. So anyway, we played two rounds. You have to pick a code name each time, so the first time I'm just like "Robbie". And they spelt it "Robby". Like pretty much everyone else does. Bastards. So then Jessie got mad, and was like "That's not a very funny name." "What should I be then?" "Bobert!" So this time they spelt Bobert right. Oh! I should put that as my name on here now. Val, Jan, and Joe are pretty much the only people who have called me Bobert in the past...Like..10 months. Wow, I miss being called Bobert. So anyway, it's almost midnight: My scores were: First round: 4 Second round: 1 The winners had: First round: 973 Second round: 1216 So yeah, I got owned there. Then, I was supposed to get a ride home with Dan and Judith. Therefore, we were the last to leave. Deanna and Jessie (who had come with Deanna) were the second last to leave. Deanna's mom and Judith talked and talked and talked for like, 20 minutes. So Deanna, Jessie, and Carina all sat around and talked, and made fun of me, and tried to convince me to grow my hair long, so it can be braided, Then Carina gave me her necklace with a silver spiderman on it. I was like "*squeal* yay!" It looks rediculus on me, but that's okay. I think I'll switch the chain, for some leather thingy. And only wear it when I'll be seen by people who would notice it. Oh, and on Sunday Julia (Deanna's other little sister) gave me my fixed bracelet. Oh, you guys don't know about the bracelet, do you? k, well, for those of you who read my last entry, and actualy remembered any of it, I went to wonderland with Deanna's family a while ago. (Kayla commented on it, so she must remember. look at you and deanna go. robbie getting some action in public places like amusement park lines!! you make me so proud. *cough* 40 *cough* ) And Deanna's little sisters gave me their girly bracelets to wear, and I was like "Yay! I feel so pretty!" But then at the end of the day, they took them back, and I'm like "Aw, I don't feel pretty anymore." So then that Sunday, she come's up to me "I felt baad for making you unpretty, so I made you your own bracelet. =)" It's cute, 'cause she's got a squeaking voice and stuff. =P So anyway, it came apart, so Julia had to fix it for me. So anyway, back to Saturday. As we're pulling out of the parking lot at the same time as Deanna's mom, Judith was driving the car, and Dan was like "Pfft, look at her. She thinks she's all that, 'cause she's driving a Cadalac. Pass her Judith! PASS HERRRRRRRRR!" Deanna's dad bought some old special edition Cadalac thingy...She explained it all to me on the way back from Wonderland, but I forgot most of it. Oh! Speaking of which! Kayla thought my idea of an escalade for her birthday was an awesome idea. Unlike most of you other people. *glares* 10 Minutes 'till midnight. I'm done writing about Saturday, so I'm gonna go watch some music vids for the next 10 minutes.* *10 minutes later* Happy birthday Mikey! You/mean Alanna (Not nice Alanna) can't get mad at me for calling you Mikey, 'cause I was using it to say happy birthday...Well, you can, but if you do, I won't be your friend anymore.) Oh, and in 12 hours, Deanna starts baby sitting again. Which means she'll probably be online. Yay! *lights self on fire, and eats cookies* I'm gonna start a happyness cult, and get everyone happy, and see what they do when they're uber-happy. Of course, I'll have to get someone to supply the drugs...Marcy! Find me some drugs! Hurry hurry hurry! MTV is waiting to air "When idiots get happy"! If I wern't Christian, I would probably start a cult. I'd start like, a suicide cult, and do experiments. Okay, take this colt .45, and run as fast as you can, then when you get to this point, jump in the air, and at the peak of your jump, shoot yourself in the forehead, and we'll measure how far you fly back. =) ...No no no, he didn't jump high enough...Damn. Okay loser, you're up next. *24 hours pass* k, I went off and started reading about perverted mages trying to summon stuff. Man, the ocult is hillarious. "Upon summoning it, display the voo...vu...That fucked up symbol for the Elder Ones...Anyawy, display it, lest the darkness wrap you in it's tentacles" Or something like that. I can't believe I reasearched ocult shit from 1:00am-3:00pm. It's all so amusing. (I'm Christian, but it's fun reasearching this stuff. Like, I'd never shoot someone, but I find war history interesting) Heh heh, Mike shall forever remeber the first few horus of his 16th birthday, laughing about perverted mages, who just need an excuse to generate "sexual energy" in public. XD So anyway, I have one of Deanna's hair clips. (Kyoko assures me that they're called hair clips...But then again, she is CLINICALY INSANE! Sorry Kyoko, I just have to side with Tom Cruise, and say that pills won't help you!) Tom Cruise is a morron. "Naaaaaah, fixing chemical imbalences won't make you un-depressed". Anyway, I'm trying to make a puppet show with it, but springs in these things are so strong. Every time it opens it's mouth, it has to scream. But it's very slow when it speaks. Not like 8 seconsd into Glassjaw - Siberian Kiss, where the guy shrieks out 3 lines in 2 seconds. More like 1:45 into Linkin Park - Faint, where chester screams slowly. Oh man, I love it when he does that in concert. It's so much better than on the album. So anyway, hair clips (At least the ones I've come into contact with.) suck for puppet shows. They are awesome to clamp onto your arm, while you're reading up on how many times you have to jack off on your manure, to spawn a humonculi. (Again, with the perverted mages) Ya' know another awesome music vid? Fear Before The March Of Flames - Should have stayed in the shallows By the end of the vid, they're covered in blood. It's like, raining blood. The screamer is spitting blood, man! It's so awesome. Speaking of blood, I should draw some more bloody pictures of saskue. Maybe next time. Oh! I got this e-mail from some girl who saw my photobucket. DAMNIT! I deleted the e-mail. I wanted to show it to you guys. Well, basicaly it just called me a sick bastard, and that I was lucky that my photobucket wasn't reported, or something. None of you agree with that, right? RIGHT? *pulls out knife* Know what's hot? Rambling Unorganized nuNs thAt are Waving And Yelling. Oh, check this out: Yeah. I even knew who the pictures of the people belonged to. I lost points, 'cause I don't know much about/own very much equipment about science. Oh yeah, since it's been 24 hours, I'm gonna dedicate the rest of this entry to Jen, 'cause she thinks she can get more love from stupid myspace. OH! OH! OH! Remember I said Deanna was supposed to come online today?! She did! Yay! *starts happy cult* Heh, a billion people added her. Anna got Deanna's e-mail from an unsuspecting Akiko a couple months ago. Anna then proceeded to get pissed off at me, and distribute her e-mail to everyone else. Everyone else then proceeded to add her to their msn. Deanna then proceeded to deny them all. Which means, Mike, that she won't be online for you. =P Heh heh, but Dani didn't get to meet her. Which is good. I think. But I sent her a screenshot of my convo with Deanna, to semi-prove to her that Deanna isn't one of my alternate personalities. Oh, and Meg is obsesed with proving that me and Dani love each other. -She says she hates you, and for you to go to hell, but she really means she loves you. -Opposites atract -Hate = LOVE -She's constantly talking about how much she hates you. Which means she must like you. -Kicking you in the nuts, means she wants in your pants. See kids, this is what happens when you find romance novels more interesting than Calculus. =O Calculus! I miss it soooooo fucking much. Sort of. This year I'm gonna take an easier grd 12 math course. Matt and I are both gonna do the course. Basicaly, I'm gonna do it, and he's gonna use my work as a copy reference. Since I'm only gonna be starting grd 10 this year, I have it all planned out what I'm gonna do for math for the next three years: This year: Data Management. The easy stuff. Next year: Trig. Ugh. I can't memorized all that crap. T_T Actual grd 12: Geometry. Mmmm, 3D graphs are sexeh. But I'm not sure if I'll be able to make a graphing program for them. Blah. Maybe I'll just download one. Geometry isn't something I'm really interested in, but 3D graphs are awesome, and if I STILL don't understand how 3d engines work, it ought to help out. Blah, learning Trig and Geometry are gonna be really anoying, but the things I'll be able to do with that knowledge will be...So...So...*drool* The formulas I'll be able to make. The algorathems I'll invent. The engines I'll design... BLAH, if only this was 8 years ago. I wish I was around back in the 80s. Do you know how cool it'd be to seen, and work with early web development languages? It'd be AWESOME! C and stuff was too early, and too raw. I wouldn't have had the patience to sit and learn that stuff. But the 80s is fine. Windows came out in the 80s, java was developed in the early 90s, php came along in the mid 1990s...Just...Man.. Watching soft/hardware coming along, and...Yeah. I'm just going around in circles. I wonder if I'm trying too hard to comprehend stuff right now. I mean, it's awesome to force yourself to comprehend how 3d works and stuff, but what's the point if you're gonna burn out and die at 19? Naaaaah. I'm azn. Azns can comprehend anything. Our eyes are so small, because at birth, we were able to comprehend so much already, that our brain imploded, and sucked our face inwards. If we can comprehend so much that our brain implodes at BIRTH, I don't see why I can't comprehend building a mechanical piece of equipment capable of interfacing with the world around it, at 15. Then again, our brains did implode upon birth. Which means we can comprehend, just not handle the comprehension. Ha, I love making up stuff. I should write some ocult book. It'd make so much more sense than the stuff they have now. Know what I'd probably be scared of if I saw one? A baT. I'd probably Hate to sEe a bat. I'm reallY scaREd of little things like that. Blood is CoOl and all, but My blood Is coolest. Only my damN blood. Not some fuckinG vampire bat's. Fuck man. I'm only at 2.5 thousand words. I know! I'll do quizes and stuff! Yay! Okay, here we go: I got this from here: http://www.bzoink.com/surveys.php?id=5369, but the little [input type="text"] boxes are too damn small. Does anyone look good in spandex? Me. But I look better in boxers. But I need my FUCKING BOXERS BACK. Does luck truely exist? Yes. Luck: WI (village, FIPS 46200) Location: 45.57517 N, 92.46729 W Population (1990): 1022 (501 housing units) Area: 4.3 sq km (land), 1.5 sq km (water) Zip code(s): 54853 For the record, Dildo also exists. Are superheroes allowed to do bad in order to do good? It obviously depends on how much greater the good is. Stealing a bag of skittles, order to construct a rainbow, to stop a nuclear missle from hitting my house, is definetly something spiderman would do. So if the good out-weighs the wrong, then I say yes. If, however, someone like that superman 'tard, were to steal MY bag of skittles, in order to stop a nuclear missle from hitting Dani's house...Well...I don't think that warrants the loss of my skittles. Why are there 26 letters in the alphabet, but like 28 in the Spanish alphabit Because of your mom. Is the answer really blowing in the wind? Depends what the question is. "Should I steal your skittles, to save Dani's house?" "Hmm...Lemme check the wind." "How long will it take to arrive?" "Let me just check the wind, and generate a mathimatical formula." Are rappers considered singers? What's your definition of singing? As far as I know, it's simply talking, while altering your voice and/or punctuation, to purposly match the background music. Therefore, yes. When is a heart attack not serious? When is someone important enough to be considered assinated, rather than murdered? Why is the first syllable of diet "DIE"? Same reason I slept with your mom. Is there a pot of gold at the end of every rainbow? Do you know how many people would be generating rainbows if that were true? Why are some myths called "Old Wives Tales"? Because "Old Wives Tales" (btw, "wives" should be "wive's") was created back before women started speculating that they were equal to men. (They actualy think they're better, but they figured they'd have a better chance at getting men to give them jobs, if men simply thought women thought they were equal. Just wait, in 2060, there'll be no more "women's equal rights" groups. They'll all have become "women are right" groups.) And so, men thought of women, as crazy old ladies, who generated babies. (And since they generated the babies, it's only fair that they take care of the babies too) Since women were old and crazy back then, nothing they said was taken seriously. Therefore, if they started making myths, they were simply called "old wive's tales", rather than myths, because old wives were insane. Where as Al Azif's necronomicon, must be full of truth. (For the record, I was being sarcastic in that paragraph. The necronomicon isn't actualy true.) What does "Keeping it Real" mean? It means "keeping it in your mom". Do clowns taste funny? Geez. The New York Times writes ONE article about my canibalism, and sudenly the whole world wants to know what things taste like. Can a blind man see the future? Can your mom see me throughing pebbles at her window? Are marbles made of marble? Is Evanescence called Metal? Yes. Is it Metal? No. I love Evanescence, but I want to slap people who call it Metal. And I'm not even a metal head. =O Isn't Disney World just a people trap operated by a mouse? =O Are you mocking Walt Disney? Ohhhh, you gonna get it once he's unfrozen! Can you get cornered in a round room? Define "cornered". In the context you've used it, I assume you mean "trapped". If so, then I'd inclined to say yes, depending on the radius of the room, and size of whatever is "cornering" you. Is a gold fork still considered "silverware"? Why wouldn't it be? Silverware is another word for "utensils". Is popcorn a vegetable? Is a hamburger meat? Yes. How did cops get the nickname of pigs? One could speculate for hours about this. Everything from eating donuts all day, to being greedy, and accepting bribes. Hell, it could just be something criminals made up to yell out, to insult the cops. Speaking of which, how is screaming "fucker!" at someone, an insult in today's sex-driven society? Were french fries first made in France? Wow. Has no one ever explained this to you? Educate yo' self, fucka! How is powdered sugar made? I've never actualy seen powdered sugar, but I would assume it's by grinding sugar particles? Since "peer" is not spelled pear, shouldn’t appear be pronounced ap-pear Alas, english phoenix isn't perfect when you translated a word over from other languages. Why is shampoo clear, while conditoner isn't? I'll come up with an answer to this, once I use conditioner. Would a pastor perfom his own wedding? Would an executioner behead himself? He could, but it'd be awkward. Can fat people go skinny dipping? Wow, you're shallow. Why isn't there mouse flavoured cat food? Because cats chase mice because the mouse is small, and moves around. Why don't they make yarn flavoured cat food, with little threads in it? Why is Goofy more respected than pluto? Their both dogs. Firstly, it's spelt "they're", not "their". Secondly, that's a very rediculus question. It's like asking "Why are azns more respected than white people? They're both humans." The simple answer is "Because Mike is white. Thus, making bringing down the respect of every white person out there. Now hurry up and kill him, before he starts pressuring me to pay him back his 50 bucks. It's for your white pride, fools! Why are their handicapp parking spaces at a skating rink? Because you spelt "handicap" with an extra "p" at the end of it. How does a black light work? Educate yourself, white fool. Are zebras black with white stripes, or white with black stripes? Are our bodies held together with skin, or hair? Why is there a posket in the front of my skirt? Probably the same reason there's a poCket in the front of your skirt. Shouldn't Tarzan have a beard? Funny things happen to your body, when all you eat is bugs. Can you dilute water? I can dilute your mom. Could you make a chocolate cow? As well as an icecream, and cheese cow. None of them would be able to function of course. And why the hell would I create a chocolate COW? That's like asking if I could create a brick wheelbarrow. If you think a chocolate cow will produce chocolate milk, then your logic is kind of screwed up. If a chocolate cow can create chocolate milk, then what do you call a cow that doesn't create chocolate milk? Just "cow", right? There's no adjective in front of "cow", to make it mean that it generates "normal" milk. So it would make more sense to think of a new name for this chocolate-milk-generating species. Do one legged ducks swim in circles? Do one-limbed humans swim in circles? No. They learn to balance themselves out. They can't swim as strong as they could if they had both limbs, but they don't swim in circles. Even though a Duck's legs arn't as fully rotatble as our leg joints, they still manage to get to where they're going. If you strangled a leprauchan would he turn blue? Depends on how their blood works, how thick their skin is, which veins (if any) you're stopping the circulation of, etc. How deep would the ocean be if there were no sponges? We don't even know how deep the ocean is now WITH sponges. What is the sound of one hand clapping? wtf kind of question is that? The answer depends on what you classify clapping as. The closest thing to clapping with one hand, is hitting your thumb against your fingers. That creates a very weak sound. However, the general concept of clapping your hands, is hitting both your hands together. Therefore, that's like asking "What is the highest number?" Why doesn't superglue stick to the sides of the tube? Go learn how glue works, then, if you still don't understand, read up on airtight tubes. Wow, I'm already at 4,000 words. One more quiz, then bed. (Wow, I've been wanting to do these thigns since march. I've got a big list of them still. =P) HAVE YOU EVER... 1. Kissed your cousin: Nope 2. Ran away: Nope 3. Pictured your crush naked: Just when I've had to summon a shoggoth. (perverted mage thing) So no. 4. Skipped school: Difficult to do when you've been homeschooled all your life. 5. Broken someone's heart: *snickers* Right. Like I could do that. I've really got to start making my own quizes. That way there's not QUESTIONS MISSING. 7. Cried when someone died: I don't know many people that've died. 8. Wanted someone you knew you couldn't have: Pfft, me? Not able to get something?! Ha. 9. Broken a bone: No. =( 10. Done something embarrassing: Ever seen that clip of a drunk guy running through a linux convention, naked, screaming "Windows pwns!"? Yeah... 11. Lied: I don't lie. (=O Was that a lie or not? =O) 12. Cried in school: School = Home, so yeah. WHICH IS [BETTER]... 13. Coke or Pepsi: I don't have a preference. 14. Sprite or 7UP: 7UP is sweeter. 15. Girls or Guys: Depends what you want done. 16. Flowers or Candy: COOKIES. 17. Scruff or Clean shaved: I don't particularly care. Oh! Funny quote (between a guy and a girl): "I miss it so much! But I guess I can't expect a woman to understand the relationship between a man and his facial hair." "Oh please, just get over it." "I'VE HAD THAT MUSTACHE FOR 10 YEARS!...How long have you had yours?" 18. Blondes or Brunettes: "They say Blondes have the most fun...But that's not true. Sluts have the most fun". I prefer Brunettes. 19. bitchy or slutty: Hmm, Dani or Anna...So hard to choose. 20. Tall or Short: So long as they can reach the shelf with the cookies on it at the grociery store, it doesn't matter. 21. Pants or Shorts: Pants. Always pants. Even when I swim. It's in my pants. Oh! Let's play the "in my pants" game! 22. Night or Day: Night...In my pants. WITH THE OPPOSITE SEX... 23. What do you notice first: Ummm...In my pants. 24. Last Person You Slow Danced with: N/A...In my pants. 25. Worst Question To Ask: In my pants? THE LAST TIME YOU... 26. Showered: This morning. In my pants. 27. Stepped outside: A couple days ago. In my pants. 28. Had Sex: Never in my pants. ABOUT YOU... 29. Romantic memory: IN MY PANTS. 30. Your Good luck charm: Whatever happens to be in my pants. 31. Person You Hate Most: I don't really hate many people...that are in my pants. 32. Best Thing That Has Happened: Stuff...In my pants. 33. Why wasn't there no question for 33?: Probably the same reason there was no number 6 in my pants. 34. Picture on your desktop: A blank screen, with the letters "If you can see this, you are not working in my pants." I don't see how people can not understand "if you can see this, you are not working". If you can see your desktop, you don't have a window open, thus you're not working. It's not too hard to comprehend... btw, I came up with that wallpaper *glares* FAVORITE... 35. Color: Black in my pants. 36. Movie: I don't really have one. I just always say "Black Hawk Down" in my pants. 37. Artist or band: I don't really have a favorite either, in my pants. 38. Cars: I dunno, some square car. Like an NSX, or a luxury car, like a bmw, or mercedes. In my pants. 39. Ice Cream: Whatever contains the most sugar in my pants. 40. Why is there no question for 40?: Because it's in my pants. 41. Food: You know...That...Stuff...In my pants. WHO... 42. Makes You Laugh The Most: Mike, in my pants. 43. Makes You Smile: Most people in my pants. 44. Can Make You Feel Better No Matter What: Deanna...No, no perverse ending here. 45. Has A Crush On You: Oh! Oh! Dani does! In my pants! (Pfft, right) 46. Do You Have A Crush On Someone? Yes, it's...In my pants. 47. Who Has It Easier?: Whoever is in my pants. 48. Gives You A Funny Feeling When You See Them: The thing that was in my pants. DO YOU EVER... 49. Sit By The Phone Waiting For A Phone Call All Night: Of course not...In my pants. 50. Save AIM Conversations: No, because I havn't found an auto-logging function in my pants. But I use messenger plus to log my msn 6 convos. Because msn 7 is fucked up in my pants. 51. Save E-mails: Just the ones about free porn, and cheap drugs that enhance stuff in my pants. 52. Forward Secret E-mails: And waste e-mail provider's bandwidth/space? Pfft in my pants. 53. Wish You Were Someone Else: Who else would I want to be in my pants? 54. Wish You Were A Member Of The Opposite Sex: only in my pants. 55. Wear perfume: I don't personaly put it on, but I have worn it a couple times in my pants. 56. Kiss: Nope in my pants. 57. Cuddle: Sometimes I unplug my computer, bring it to bed, and hold it really close in my pants. 58. Go Online For Longer Than Eight Hours At A Time: Of-fucking-course in my boxers. (Pfft, screw pants) HAVE YOU EVER 59. Fallen For Your Best Friend that was a girrl?: Never had a best friend that was a girrl in my pants. 60. Made Out With JUST A Friend?: No in my pants. 61. Kissed Two People In The Same Day?: Havn't even kissed one people in the same day, in my pants. 62. Had Sex With Two Different People In The Same Day?: Of course...In my pants...But it was to summon a shoggoth. 63. Been Rejected?: Why else would I confine myself to the computer? "I'm sorry sir, but you suck at disco. Therefore, you can not enter this club." I've been scared for life, ever since, in my pants. 64. Been In Love?: ...In my pants. 65. Set up two of ur friends:Mike: Okay, when I log off, tell Alanna I like her. Me: Okay. Alanna: So who does Mike like? Me: You. Mike would be quite sad if I repeated what she said to that. Never-the-less, they're together now. 66. Used Someone?: It's kind of in my patholigy, in my pants. 67. Been Used?: That's what happens when coding a database is the simplest thing in the world, in my pants. 68. Dumped Someone?: No in my pants. 69. Been Cheated On?: I'll never forget the day I found out my operating system was having intercourse with the melissa virus. Slut. In my pants. 70. Been Kissed: No in my pants. 71. Done Something You Regret?: Of course in my pants. ...What? You want examples? WHO WAS THE LAST PERSON... 73. You Talked To?: Myself, in my pants. 74. You Hugged?: Uhh...Probably my aunt. Like back at Christmas. In my pants. (ewwww) 75. You Instant Messaged?: Deanna. In my...MSN. Yeah. 76. You Kissed?: My monitor. Mmmmm in my pants. 77. You Yelled At?: MY FUCKING SLUT OF A COMPUTER. in my pants. 78. You Thought About?: The last /person/ I answered a question with...Therefore, Deanna. 79. Who Text Messaged You?: Ewww, cellphones in my pants. 80. Who Broke Your Heart?: My computer in my pants. 81. Who Told You They Loved You?: Probably Kayla. In my pants. MORE ABOUT YOU... 82. Color Your Hair? Black. Not brown. In my pants. 83. Have Tattoos? None, yet. I'm gonna get binary all up my arm. It'll say some awesome, geeky phrase. In my pants. 84. Have PiercingS: in my pants. 85. Boyfriend/girlfriend?: yes. 86. Own A Webcam?: Nope, in my pants. 87. Own A Thong?: It's hidden away in my pants. 88. Ever Get Off The Damn Computer?: Of course not. It's just so damn good in my pants. 89. Sprechen Sie Deutsch? Only in my pants. 90. Habla espanol?: Not even in my pants. HAVE YOU / DO YOU / ARE YOU... 92. Stolen Anything?: I shoved it in my pants. 93. Smoke?: Nope. in my pants. 94. Schizophrenic?: Pfft, of course not...In my pants. 95. Obsessive?: Fuck yes. In my pants. 96. Compulsive?: Meh, in my pants. 97. Obsessive compulsive?: Meh in my pants. 98. Panic?: Fuck yes in my pants. 99. Anxiety?: Lately, yes, in my pants. 100. Stressed?: Extremly in my pants. One more quick one...'cause everyone has done this one, and I want to be popular too. Put an x in the box ([ ]) of the ones that are true. [ ] I am bisexual or homosexual. [x] I've consumed alcohol. (My uncle gave me some beer when I was like, 5. Pfft, that doesn't explain why I act like I do now.) [ ] I've run away from home. [ ] I have lied to my parents about where I am. [ ] I don't like Bush because from what I hear, he is dumb. [x] I don't like Bush with my own reasons to back it up. [z] I am for Bush. (I support the war. And I defend him on a lot of retarded stuff people like Micheal Moore bring up about him...Thus I put a zed in the box.) [ ] I don't really care about Bush [x] I listen to political music. (I only put an x there, because if people think that fuckin' GREEN DAY's album is "so omgz political", then the music I listen to, must be like...Well, uber-political, or something. I personaly don't think anything I listen to is all that political, but like I said, compared to green day...) [x] I have collected comic books. Do PDFs of spiderman comics count? [x] I shut others out when I'm depressed. [ ] I open up to others easily. [x] I am keeping a secret from the world [x] I watch the news. [ ] I own over 5 rap CDs. [ ] I own an iPod or MP3 (I own a portable tape player. Ye', I'm so gangsta.) [ ] I own something from Hot Topic [ ] I love Disney Movies. [ ] I am a sucker for brown hair. [x] I don't kill bugs. (It's not that I like them, it's just that I'm terrified of them. I shriek and shriek and shriek, until Deanna's comes and kills it for me.) [x] I curse regularly. (As a reaction. I don't curse in regular conversations. Except when I'm talking to Mike, or writing in here.) [ ] I paid for that cell phone ring. [ ] I am a sports fanatic. [x] I have "x"s in my screen name. (Not in an emo way. =P) [x] I've slipped out an "lol" in a real conversation. [x] I love Spam. (I love making spam, ever since I came home from my cottage, and Angela had filled up my inbox with e-mails. Now I spam Deanna's inbox.) [ ] I bake well. [x] I would wear pajamas to school. [ ] I own something from Abercrombie. [ ] I have a job. [ ] I love Martha Stewart. [ ] I am in love with love. [ ] I am guilty oF tYpInG lIkE tHiS. [x] I am self conscious. (I refuse to type when someone's watching, and I don't like people reading my source code) [x] I like to laugh. [ ] I smoke a pack a day. [ ] I loved Perks of Being a Wallflower. [ ] I loved Go Ask Alice. [ ] I have cough drops when I'm not sick. [ ] I can't swallow pills. [ ] I can swallow about 5 pills at a time no problem [ ] I eat fast food weekly. [x] I have many scars. (I sucked at biking. Yet I loved trying to go off jumps on my bike.) [x] I've been out of this country. [x] I can't sleep if there is a spider in the room. [x] I am really ticklish. [ ] I see a therapist. [x] I love chocolate. [x] I bite my nails. [x] I am comfortable with being me. [x] I play video games. [ ] I'm single [x] I'm in a relationship [ ] Had someone cheat on you [ ] Miss someone right now [ ] lost a loved one [x] snuck out of the house [x] gotten lost in your city [x] saw a shooting star [x] been to any other countries besides the united states [ ] had a serious surgery [x] gone out in public in your pajamas (Basicaly, my boxers.) [ ] kissed a stranger [ ] hugged a stranger [ ] been in a fist fight [ ] been arrested [ ] done drugs [x] laughed and had a drink come out of your nose [ ] pushed all the buttons on an elevator [ ] made out in an elevator [ ] swore at your parents [ ] kicked a guy where it hurts [ ] been in love [ ] been close to love [x] been to a casino [ ] been skydiving [ ] broken a bone [ ] been high [ ] had sex [x] given someone a bruise [ ] skinny-dipped [ ] skipped school [x] flashed someone (I've lifted my shirt up.) [ ] had oral surgery [ ] done the splits [ ] drank a whole gallon of milk in one hour [x] bitten someone [x] been to Niagara Falls [x] gotten the chicken pox [ ] been dumped [ ] had feelings for someone who didnt have them back [ ] stole something from your job [ ] gone on a blind date [x] lied to a friend [ ] had a crush on a teacher (substitutes count too) [ ] saw someone die [ ] been to Africa [ ] Driven over 400 miles in one day [x] Been to Canada [x] Been to Mexico [x] Been on a plane [ ] Seen the Rocky Horror Picture Show [ ] Thrown up in a bar [x] Purposely set a part of myself on fire [x] Eaten Sushi [x] Been snowboarding [x] Met someone in person from the internet (facebook counts!) [ ] Been moshing at a rock show [ ] Been to a moto cross show [x] had real feelings for someone you knew only online (Heh, sort of) [ ] taken partially nude/nude photos of yourself [ ] been in an abusive relationship [ ] tried killing yourself [x] taken painkillers [ ] love someone or miss someone right now k, gimme the quiz questions I mentioned at the top of this entry. Questions so far: From spectrenectar: How many boxes have an X in it?
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Holy fuck, she's 15.

Feeling: alive
Writing began: 11:00pm Completed writing: 4:20am Words: 4.5k Average reading time (At 250 words/minute): 18 Minutes Okay, so it's been almost two fuckin' months. I figure, when people start boycotting my diary, I should start updating, eh? Alright, it is currently 11:00pm. I have to leave for my 'family reunion' in 12 hours. And you know it takes me like 5 hours to get dressed, shower, do my hair, put on my makeup, choose a suitable outfit, grab my book and borrowed CD player, and hop in the car! And since I can't wake up from my sleep without at least 6 hours of sleep, I'm simply not going to sleep tonight. Fortunately, before I started writing, I noticed there was some coffee still in the pot upstairs, which means I can make my special coffee mix! Fill the cup half way up with cream, a quarter with coffee, and the rest with sugar. It still tastes really bitter, but at least I can take a sip, and not spit it out. Oh! Oh! Speaking of spitting liquid out, I had a cavity filled this week, and my mouth got numbed, so whenever I would drink something, it'd all come flowing out. Man I love being numb! If anyone works at, or near a veterinary clinic, STEAL ME SOME NUMBING NEEDLES! Anyway my last entry was about me turning 15. (I'm still getting happy birthdays from people...YOU PEOPLE ARE TWO MONTHS LATE!...But you're awesome anyway.) Today Deanna turns 15. And yes, it was a coincidence that I decided to write this entry today. So yeah, two birthday entries in a row. FUCKIN' BLAH! I'm writing this entry in word, 'cause apparently I'm horrible at spelling stuff. Well, apparently I suck at sentence structure too, as those FUCKING ANOYING GREEN LINES are showing me. I'm gonna look through the options to see if I can turn it off. *three seconds later* holy fuck! Word has macros! I never knew that! Awesome! Holy crap, word has so many uber-1337 features! I never looked through ALL the menu options before! Holy crap, I have so much respect for MS Word, now that I've looked through the options. Hot diggity, I got rid of that fuckin' green line. =) Okay, so anyway, it's Deanna's birthday. All she wants are CDs for her birthday. I think that's awesome! But now I'm starting to think it was one of those weird, "I meant something different than what I actually said" kind of things, that girls apparently do. Therefore, I shall go to the...*shudder* mall tomorrow. (I'm so good at doing this stuff, eh? Waiting 'till the day after her birthday to buy her something) By mall, I mean wallmart. Because apparently everything is cheap, and the quality is crap. Cheap products + crappy quality = birthday girl appreciating the quality of my 20+ CDs! Nah, I'm not that stupid. But it's not going to be fun. When I walk into a store, I know exactly what I want, and I should know where I have to go to buy that item, within 20 seconds, or I start to panic, and run out the door screaming. So, wtf am I going to buy? I have no clue. But I'm going to be using the money I owe Mike to buy it. XD I've got a big bag of those "berries" candies for her. It was 5 bucks at Costco, so I just HAD to buy it! But then, I figured it was probably all hard and stale, so then I got the bright idea: "I know! I'll just give it to Deanna! This bag could easily look like it's worth 10 bucks!" Therefore, she gets a bag of candy. For the record, I bought another bag of it too, and if you eat the whole bag, without sleeping, you WILL get sick. Okay, it's past midnight now, so I won't bore you people with this. So instead, I'm going to talk about *looks at notes on what to write about* Holy fuck, I haven't written in two months, and I've barely got anything to write about. Let's see, first, click these two links: My site Just click it because I'm cool. You can close the window once you're done staring in awe. (Even though my friend designed the site...I just coded it...So you can't really see the part that I made) EMO DIARY DUDE, SOMEONE MADE A DIARY CALLED "emo"! Some of you might remember (I doubt any of you will) that a while ago, I wrote that there was no diary named "emo" in one of my other entries, so someone went and made a diary called emo! Read the first entry, just 'cause it makes me feel special. Okay, enough with the links. Back to the CDs, they're so awesome! For me anyway. With 20+ CDs, I'm listening to all these old songs I used to listen to. All the chicks start yellin' all the hot babes Throw their bras and their shirts and their panties on stage So like every single night they pick a fight with me But when we fight it's kinda like sibling rivalry Because they're back on stage the next night with me "Dude I just think your trying to steal the light from me" Yesterday Kuniva tried to pull a knife on me Coz I told him Jessica Alba is my wife-to-be This rockstar shit is the life for me And all the other guys just despise me because Wow, then there's all these old Eminem songs I used to listen to, and just...WOW, LINKIN PARK! Hmmm, what else *tries to look through the CDs without knocking them all down* -The Used -Tupac -Three Days Grace -Evanescence -Billy Talent -Swollen Members -Kittie (I swear, the screamer sounds like a guy) -Story of the Year -DMX -Breaking Benjamin -D12 -Papa Roach Man, my storage hard drive died...Holy crap, back in March! Anyway, now it's corrupted, and I can't even figure out how to format it. (I've given up on saving the information) All my music was on that hard drive. I've kept all the music I've had, for the past couple of years, on that hard drive. Ever since it corrupted, all I've really downloaded was screamo. Lots and lots of screamo. (And some emo with screaming) Stop sleepin' on the roof, bitch! Sorry, I'm gonna be quoting random stuff from the music now. Oh! I'll bet you guys want to know why I haven't updated in 2 months, right? No?! =O Oh well, I'll tell you anyway. As most of you know, I've been doing math 'till June 15th, then I've been working on other sites for people, and playing games...Lots and lots of playing. Fuckin' games are so addictive. I got half way through Killzone in one day. (Played about 14 hours straight) Fuckin' games. I hate them so much. So yeah, Math, Sites, and those Fucking Games. Damn, D12 world is such an awesome album. Know what's cool? Some lady from my church is a fuckin' PhD in PHYSICS from FUCKING OXFORD! A PhD in PHYSICS from OXFORD! She's really quiet, and timid, and looks kind of twitchy...Kind of like she's had a nervous breakdown, or something. It'd be so cool to be like that! I want to burn out some day. I'll have kids like me going "Wow, you're so cool", and I'll teach them all this awesome stuff, like in anime, where this old guy, who everyone thinks is useless, turns out to be a genius, and trains some random kid to save the village. Speaking of old stuff, I've got a book on C from 1988! It's from Microsoft! It's so awesome. My youth leader from church gave me a TON of old computer books. Most of them are un-returned library books. He's so cool. XD I want to teach my Sunday school class sometime. It'd be awesome. And I'll be just like him. He's funny, he invited me over to his house once, and we listened to some underoath (Him and Kayla are the only people I know who like screaming...Oh, and Lyndsey (I spelt it right!) likes it too, I think) then out of no where, he's like "I want a Popsicle", so we walked over to the store, and bought a Popsicle. On the way back, some kid rode his bike by, and was singing Brittany Spears, or something, and Dan (Youth leader) was like "What the fuck was with that kid?! Oh, sorry about swearing. You swear right?" "Yeah" "Yeah, that's right, I saw it in your MSN name" (He added me to MSN) "Heh" "Yeah...I cried all night when I saw that." So funny. And if I'm talking to fast it just means you're listening to slow And if you listen a little faster maybe you'll catch up, Bitch Jew Ja Jaw Jaw Da Dun Jew Ja You just made me mess up, Bitch Bleeb Blab Blah Blah Blah Blah It don't matter, I'm just blabbering Like you understand what I'm saying Anyway I'm just traveling In one ear and I'm out the other You're so fuckin drunk all you hear is the Beat da beat I hate people who just listen to the beat. It's the rapping that's important! I don't see why people would like instrumentals. They're so...Blah! Acapellas are awesome, but "music" is boring. That's why I like rap, and screamo. All the effort is put into the vocals. Of course, the lyrics have to be enjoyable, which means that most rap sucks. But meh, there is good rap out there. Like Eminem/D12, Sage Francis, Tupac, some DMX, KJ-52, etc. Remember, music about drugs and violence are much better than music about sex. And music that sounds good without any of the above (KJ-52? Linkin Park? (LP is cool, 'cause it's rapping AND a bit of screaming. w00t!)) I hate "mainstream" rap, so fuckin' much. (By mainstream, I mean pretty much anything that's not Eminem.) If you think about it, Eminem is pretty much the only rapper I know, who isn't constantly bragging about parties, how much money he has, how be "straight ballin'", or how he's so much better than everyone else. (For the record, I'm referring to Eminem's older stuff...His newest album is just so...Fucked up now.) I love his attitude, he's like "Yeah, I don't give a fuck what I say about myself, in fact, I think I'll start insultin' myself right now! - Wait! Did you just insult my daughter? I'm gonna FUCKING KILL YOU!" So awesome. And he's AMAZING at putting lyrics together. It's just that his newest album's topics for the lyrics are so fucked up. Like, look at this: Hickory Dickory Dirk Diggler Look at me work wizardry with these words Am I a jerk or just jerk chicken Or Chicka chicka chicka chicka jer jer jerkin the chain 22 jerks and a jerk circle Or is it a circle jerk or wait a minute What am I sayin, allow me to run it back and rewind it Or Either before, during or after peforming the act of that which Is normally referred to have such, more commonly known phrases That are more used by today's kids In a more derogatory way but Who's to say, what's fair to say, and what not to say? Let's ask Dr. Dre Dr. Dre? (What up?) I gotta question if I may? (Yeah) Is it gay to play Putt-Putt golf with a friend (Yeah) And watch his butt-butt when he tees off? (Yeah) But, ut! I ain't done yet In football the quarterback yells out hutt-hutt While he reaches in another grown man's ass Grabs on his nuts but just what if It was never meant it was just an accident But he tripped, fell, slipped and his penis went in His teeny tiny little round hiney but he didn't mean it But his little weenie flinched just a little bit And I don't mean to go in into any more details but What if he pictured it as a females butt? Is that gay? I just need to clear things up Til then i'll just walk around with a manly strut It flows together SO FUCKING AMAZINGLY! But it's SO FUCKING MESSED UP! Fortunately, I can fall back to something like Tupac. His lyrics are amazing, but he's (usually) got a decent topic for his lyrics. Well, sort of decent. It's better than "ass like that". A lot of what he says (up here in Canada anyway) is irrelevant now. If I knew Tupac in real life, I'd get SO FUCKING ANOYED with him talking about it being so hard being black. It'd be like an emo kid. XD "Nigga, kids are gettin' gunned down every day by drug dealers. *takes a puff of the blunt* I just wish there was some way I can stop all this useless violence." "...Argh! I'd slap you, if I wasn't scared you'd shoot me!" But that's about the only annoying part about Tupac. The rest of him is AWESOME! He was smart (in a creative way, not a logical way) and he was really nice to most people, but will still get offensive towards people who offend him, and stuff...And the best part...HE GOT SHOT IN THE FUCKING HEAD! (Among other places.) He got shot 5 times (once in the head), and he just gets up, and goes to smoke some weed. I wanna get shot in the head with something powerful when I die. 12 gauge at point-blank to the temple. Angled up a bit. I'd go flying like HL2. It's be so awesome. I also want to get shot WITHOUT dying, just 'cause it's cool to get shot. But anyway, you've got Tupac, vs the new Eminem, and...Ya' know what? You don't care, do you? If you cared, you'd be listening to these artists yourself, and wouldn't need me to tell you this. So let's go back to what I should buy Deanna. I was thinking an escalade, but Dani thinks that's a bad idea, and apparently Walmart doesn't sell them. They don't sell Mercedes, Lamborghini's, or BMWs either. Blah. I want to get some big, black SUV when I get rich. But me a kick-ass, government-looking suit, some awesome sunglasses, tint the windows fully black, then drive of into traffic. Then I'll just lean out the window and yell "GET OUT OF MY WAY, OR I'LL SHOOT YA'!" That'd be so awesome. Odds are, I'll need a cheaper car, before I can afford a nice SUV, so I want to get one of those old Hondas, or Toyotas. You know, the really square, small-looking ones? The ones that look like they're 500 bucks? They're so awesome eh? Some people think people will laugh at them if they drive those. I have a solution for them. Simply get some Porche stickers, and put them on your bumper or something, then tell all your friends "Yup, Porche pays me 500k to have those stickers there." Square cars are so awesome. I want an NSX. I'm running out of things to say, so I'm going to tell you everything I can remember about the past two months. Let's see...Two days ago I tried to do a backflip onto my trampoline, from the metal bar around the trampoline. (You know, the metal thing that all the springs are attached to, that attach to the trampoline mat?) I can do a backflip without much of a spring from the trampoline, so I wanted to see if I would be able to do it on the ground. So I tried it. Okay, I jumped up, started to bring my legs up over my head, stated to curl up...Right about then, I came straight down on my head, and my head curled into my chest (With a very loud "CRAAAACK", I might add) then my legs kept going over my head, and swung my body backwards, thus unfolding my face out of my chest, and burning it along the trampoline. And that is why I am paralysed, and have a rub-burnt nose. The moral of this story, is, that if you're going to do a backflip, do it off your snow fort, not your trampoline. Alright, that was your amusement. Now you must read through my past two weeks. (Or you could just skip it, I guess...Just remember, this is a DIARY, I have to tell about what I did these past two weeks) I've been sending e-mails back and forth with Angela, so she knows all about this...Actually, I'll just copy and paste (and edit) my e-mails to her. Okay, Deanna's little sisters came over to Matt's house, while I was at his house two Fridays ago (Deanna was at her uncle's house), and so I played on the trampoline with them all night. Apparently they had fun. I didn't. They beat me up, and called me "fat baby", and were showing off all their tricks that I couldn't do, etc. Cocky lil' 10/12 year olds. *glares* Nah, it was all fun. Deanna: Every time we come on the trampoline, they start talking about you. I feel special. =) -------- Then, on the Monday before last, I went to a picnic thing with my homeschool group (One of those mass-picnic things, where we take up a whole park) and I followed Deanna, who was following these two younger kids around. Then she had to leave early, so I went and sat on some rocks by Lake Ontario, with Matt's diskman, and sat there, watching the water, with screamo screamin' in my ears. I got so many awesome ideas...Which I won't bore you with...Because I forgot most of them. But anyway, it felt good, I want to do something like that again. -------- Last Friday, I went to Deanna's, with the rest of the youth group: I'm back from Deanna's! It was awesome. XD Most of the time me, her, her sisters, and a couple other people just sat around on the trampoline. First we started throwing random soccer balls at each other, and this one person started bleeding, and I was all like "Oh! Oh! Make me bleed!" so everyone started whipping ball at my face for the next 10 minutes, and I kept dramatically falling off the trampoline backwards, and landing on random sharp gardening equipment, etc. (I never actually did start bleeding) Then we played Horse (Someone does a trick, and everyone else has to match it, or they get a letter of the word horse) Deanna can do a backflip now! And I can do a double frontflip! (Two in the air) Then Deanna does a 180 backflip, then I do a 360 backflip, then I try to do a 540 backflip, and I landed on my face, still spinning, and got a burn all along the side of my face. (Still no blood. =() Then we just sat around talking, and abusing my rugburnt face some more with soccer balls. (And making me cry, by calling me a fat/skinny/cookie baby. =() I'm sore now. XD -------- ...Like me getting a haircut, and now I have short hair, and everyone wanting to rub it yesterday? I should probably tell you about yesterday. IT WAS THE MOST I'VE EVER TALKED, IN A LOOOOONG TIME! I think I'm starting to come out of that stupid shell. =P There's not really much to say...Deanna, her little sisters, and her friend walked around, dragging me on rides, poking me (I scream like a little girl when people poke me, and they find it fun.) Oh, and Deanna held my hand...Just to keep me from running away in line, but still. Er, lemme try and tell this story in chronological order: I arrived at Deanna's house around 9:30 (Her older brother was driving people, and I was using her mom's ticket, 'cause she was conveniently sick) So anyway, her brother was out 'till 6:00 that morning, so he didnt' want to get up until around 10:30. (We played cards, and read my book...Well, I read it, her sisters made fun of me for reading it, and Deanna was defending me. =P) So then Me, Deanna, and her two little sisters, drove over to her brother's girlfriend, and picked her up. Then we began our long drive to Canada's Wonderland. (The amusement park) On the trip there, Deanna had a diskman, and I conveniently had some cds in my backpack, and no one else liked the music Deanna's brother's g/f was playing on the radio, so me, Deanna, and her sisters all listened to my music...For about 10 seconds. Apparently they think they'll go deaf if they listen to too much screaming, so they let me hog the cd player. Of course, there was a price. I had to carry around their girly bracelets all day on my wrist. That was awesome, I felt so pretty wearing them. =) So anyway, we got there, feelin' all pretty 'n' stuff, And we went on rides and stuff 'till about 1. (Well, I only went on two of the rides. And the second one was only 'cause Deanna dragged me on. All the other ones I stayed behind and read my book) Then around 1, we met Jessie and Leah (People that we just so happened to be friends with) and we all went off to eat. I didn't want to eat, 'cause the food is SO FUCKING EXPENSIVE (Seriously, a hamburger and fries are 8 bucks) but her brother bought me a piece of pizza, and wouldn't take my money, so I ate. Then we walked around, for a while, then Jessie figured it'd be fun to hear me scream like a girl, so she started poking me, and I would scream. (for fun) Until about 4, the day basically consisted of them trying new ways to make me scream, and me ditching them when they went on rides. Then, after that, they started trying to figure out ways to get me to go on the rides. Offering me knives, blood, hugs, threats, etc. After going on a couple of rides, they ran out of stuff to bribe me with, so they dragged me into lines. I had lots of fun trying to escape the lines. =P After that, Deanna just said please at the rides, and I went. =P Except for this one ride, that I really didn't want to go on. She GRABBED MY HAND (There, we held hands. =P) and dragged me into the line. I almost escaped twice, but after her little sister tackled me, I figured I couldn't escape. Umm...A bunch of other stuff happened, but I forgot. If we're talking about something, I'll remember something from yesterday, and mention it. So if you want to find out more, you'll have to keep talking to me. =P Damnit, I held her hand...Sort of...and you weren't going to do anything for me holding her hand! (You don't like Toledo anymore, right?) Meh, anyway, I guess you'll just have to be proud of me. XD ----- I'm so awesome at copy and pasting stuff, eh? So basically, every time I see Deanna, it gets awesomer. (Fuckin' word, doesn't think "awesomer" is a word...Doesn't think "fuckin'" is a word either) Now, to analyse song lyrics. "Atreyu - This Flesh is a Tomb" I'll never need to see the sun again There's enough light in your eyes to light up our little world So take me, take my away Kill me slowly, I'll never be the same If that's not a love song to the computer, then I don't know what is. "I'll never need to see the sun again" How many computer geeks want to see the sun again? "There's enough light in your eyes, to light up, our little world" How many computer geeks do you know, who sit in "darkness", but say there's plenty of light coming from the monitor? "Kill me slowly" Some idiotic people think the computer can kill you. "I'll never be the same" That's for sure. Therefore, I have deduced, that Atreyu's drummer is a computer geek. Now then, to make this entry pointlessly longer, I'm gonna copy over something that I e-mailed Angela. (Yes Angela, I'm creepy, and save all the e-mails I send to you. =P) Anyway, today I missed church for the first time in...A really long time. If my parents don't take me, I bus. But this weekend, I've been at my friend's house for the weekend, but I wanted to go anyway. (He went to work this morning, so I couldn't get a rid off him) so I walked all the way to the fucking bus station. Took me two hours. I estimated it'd take half an hour. I was about half an hour from his house "Oh shit, it's 8:30. Hmmm, maybe the bus leaves at 9?" So I kept walking. Then I kept doing that for the next hours. "Maybe it leaves at 9:30..." I got to the bus station at 10. Church starts at 10:30. It takes about 2 hours of transferring, and stuff, to get to church by bus. So I'm like "Oh well, fuck it...Haha, fuck. I have to walk ALL THE FUCKING WAY BACK TO MATT'S FUCKING HOUSE! FDSALFJSDLFJLKSDFJL" I got so pissed off when I realized that. (I'm really slow, as you can tell. I mean, I kept walking to the station, even though it was 9:30, and I'd get there an hour late.) So yeah I walked for four hours, and now I've got all these blisters, and I like, pulled every mucsle in my leg, and...Yeah, I don't exercise much. I'm done with this entry now. Remember that coffee I mentioned earlier? I mixed it in with some hot chocolate, creamer, and sugar, and it still tasted horrible. And ya' know what? Even after I swallowed it all, it still hasn't taken effect. Therefore, I'm just gonna go to sleep. But I'll have a longer entry, eventually! I promise! (Pfft, right. Remember last promise I made? That I would update 10 days ago? =P) So yeah, when I get back from family reunion, I expect comments containing: -A happy birthday wish to Deanna -Your name, age, sex, address, and what time you'll be home alone -A big "welcome back Robbie, we missed your crappy entries so much!' -A good place to buy Speed, for cheap.
Read 79 comments

Holy fuck, I'm 15.

Feeling: sick
Deanna: Here's your card. Me: For what? Deanna: Your birthday. Me: It's not my...Holy shit. Okay, I had no clue it was my fucking birthday. I remembered it once on like Thursday, then I forgot about it again. I don't want to be 15! I want to stay 14! "Yeah, I created a database for Tim Hortons when I was 14. Well, techincialy I had just turned 15, but meh." I WANT TO BE AS YOUNG AS POSSIBLE! I wonder if this is what it feels like to turn 40. Waaaaahhhhh. Oh well, I got 20 bucks from Deanna, and a strip of spider-man stickers from Jessie. Hell yeah! Matt took all the money from my wallet, just incase he needed it to pay for his camera parts. He's gonna pay it back with interest of course, but still, my wallet looked so empty. Now it's got 20 bucks in there. w00t. Anyway, that was at church. I got back from church, and my parents remembered it was my birthday, so they gave me my gift. A DVD burner! With three interchangable faceplates! =P But it's a DVD double layer burner, so it's cool. Even though they don't sell Double Layer DVDs yet. XD So yeah. Short entry. If you havn't been paying attention (I know some people havn't, 'cause I only have 45 comments in my last entry. *glares* =P), I actualy updated a few days ago. So you can go read that if your friends ditched you, and you're home alone. Oh, and click here. It'll vote for my site. Which is good. Mmmm, voting for site. *drools* In my last entry I was counting down stuff. I forget what it was I was counting down though. It should have been my birthday, but meh, I had never thought of when my birthday was, until I was talking to Mike/Akiko. Ciao Mikey baby. (c'mon Mike. This was a FUCKING SHORT ENTRY. You had to have read it this far.) Edit: Five minutes after I wrote this, my grandparents came over, gave me 30 bucks, and left. 50 bucks now. w00tness.
Read 437 comments


Feeling: sadistic
Words: Only 6.7k! =O Average reading time (At 250 words/minute): 26 minutes Okay guys, I really REALLY hate to do this. But I'm not going to be writing in here for a while, 'cause I've got TONS of school to catch up on, and I just can't afford to spend 12 hours writing one of these things. So instead, I'm going to copy over my "highlights of 2004" entry, and also, uhh...Some random entry. I just picked them both out of random, so yeah, no particular reason I chose these two. Most of the time, I look back at my life, and go "ugh, I can't believe I was like that". And I'm like that with this diary too. Even if it was writen only a few months ago. Alanna, little white girl who knows more Japanese than me, Val, and Manda, MAY remember these entries. I highly doubt it though. k, before I put them in here, I just want to say a few things. (Naturaly) Firstly, this entry is called "Livi" because Livi wrote an entry with my name as the title. (I'd show you the entry, but it's in a private diary.) So now she has one named after her too. Congrats to Mike. I guess. Bastard. Click here to see why I can't believe he didn't wait 'till this summer! Gah! It would have been so cool, with missles, and everythign! I'll write about that stuff later. That's all the immidiate stuff I need to say right now. I've got a bunch more to write about when I actualy have time to sit down and write. Like blood as ink. Ink cartridges are fucking expensive. Blood is fucking free. I have proven that blood works just as well as ink (in below entry), and it's fucking free. Er, yeah...Enjoy. January 8, 2005 The big bang theory. What tard thought of that? Oh, yeah, a long time ago, in a galaxy far far away, darth vader blew up a star with his death star, and that explosion created life. Seriously. It did. All those little exploded particle thingies formed our muscles, bones, brain, and the nerves that connected all our senses to that brain that was some how created, capable to register everything that was happening. There was some other uber-imposible stuff that it did too, but I need a few minutes to figure out HOW it actualy happened. And they wonder why kids say school teaches them useless things. I saw an awesome comercial, last year I think it was. It showed some kid sitting in the middle of his room lighting cherry bombs. Then naturaly, his parents wonder what's going on, so they open to door to his room and are like "O.O SON! WHAT ARE YOU DOING?!" "Trying to make a little brother." Man, the look on the kids face when he says that is so...I don't know, but it was a damn cool comerical. Okay ladies and germs. Today I'm going to remember all the highlights of last year! Well, the year started off just bad enough to be anoying. It got a hell of a lot better though. Table of contents: (Don't highlight it until after you've read the whole entry. Also, I'm kind of screwed if I ever change my background to anything but white. But meh, who would read this far back after I've changed the bgcolor. Or, if you're not in the mood to read an entry, just highlight it, and get the sumamry of my year.) -January. I got expeled from my online school. -Later in January. They let me back in, with a two week suspension. -Febuary. Deanna's friend pretty much forced me to ask Deanna out. (Not that I didn't want to, just that few people are good at asking people out ;)) -March. I got Deanna and another one of her friends banned from msn. -A few days after she got banned. Went to Em' AMDEC party. -April. I called Deanna for the first time (1. Phones are evil. 2. I was fucking terrified of calling her house, due to her parents. I'm even more scared now that they actualy hate me) to apoligize. -The summer. Not much happened. Just pretty much spent the summer in misery at my cottage. -Octoberish. Skating/Gym day started up again. So I was able to see Deanna three times a week (I saw her at church too. But i was at the cottage pretty much all fucking summer) Not that we talked much then... -Early December. Deanna had been baby sitting some little girl and her brother for a while. She gets the idea to come on msn at their house! I was so freakin' happy! (You may remember my friggin' long post on dec 7) -Late December. I went to T.O. with Matt, and met Val. January Well, I made a website back in December that had basic student information, what courses they were doing, etc. It also had the AMDEC (amdec is my online school) logo at the top, so they were pissed about that too. The principal said the school might sue me XD But the principal is effin' awesome. I really respect her. The school board wanted to expel me, and they did, but three days later The Hazardous one (Her last name is "Hazard", so yeah) had managed to convince them to just give me a 2 week suspension. So yeah, she pwns. In June, a bunch of the amdec students got together to get to meet each other, as well as their teachers (since it's all online, you don't get to actualy see each other, or anything) and the Hazardous one was talking with my mom, and my mom calls me over, and the Hazardous one was making all these jokes about me hiding from her and stuff. Yeah, she's cool. We have a new principal now (Mr. Ash) and he's pretty cool too. Oh! And the techies (It's an online school, techies keep the school running smoothly) remember me from "the incident"! I was talking to one a few weeks ago, and he's like "Oh, you're that kid who made that website arn't you?!" So yeah, geek pride kicked in! XD Febuary Ah Febuary. Gotta love the febuary chat logs. Okay, I'd known Deanna had liked me for like 5 months, and visa versa. Well, on Valentines day (I still friggin hate that day. I want to just sleep through it every year. Ewww, giving valentines to girls. =P But seriously, giving valentines suck.) Deanna slept over at he friend's house (Andrea). -- Actualy, it was the day before Valentines day, but it was past midnight, so yeah. -- Anyway, Andrea had been trying to get us together for like...a while. Well, she knew enough that I wouldn't have enough guts to ask Deanna out in real life, so she had devised a scheme specificaly for when Deanna slept over, and I was online. (Actualy, that's not true, I just think everything's a scheme) Anyway, while Deanna was off watching TV or something, Andrea convinced me to just say something cheesy, like "Will you be my Valentine" or something when Deanna got back on. So, when Deanna got back on, I actualy did it. (*gasp*) She said yes (*double gasp*) and we lived hapily ever after (My ass). So that's what *started* it. Then after that, other stuff happened, and yeah. Anyway, that's how it started. March Year started off like crap. (Getting expeled). Year got better. w00t right? Damn right w00t! I had a g/f! But for how long? Well, now I know that it's been about a year, but from march to December, I wasn't sure. k, epilogue. Or prologue. I'm not sure. Whichever one comes before chapter one: Deanna had introduced me to her friend, Jessie, over msn, back in like, October of 2003. Jessie was pretty cool, except that her music sucked. So naturaly, I had to fix that. Back near the begining of Febuary, I made her some cds, with like LP, simple plan, eminem, etc on it. (She was listening to Relient K and stuff, so I doubt she would like Static-X or anything. Just some standard mainstream stuff.) Well, she ended up liking Eminem so much, that she wanted me to make her a cd with nothing but Eminem on it (I made a bunch of mix cds to test which bands she liked) so I did. (I threw in some tupac at the end of the cd too) It had songs on it like "Kill you", "As the world turns", "Fight music" (D12), and other messed up stuff like that. Anyway, wouldn't ya' know it, her parents found her cds. Now that wouldn't get you banned from msn right? "omg, eminem! We blame MSN!" No. Anyway, they asked her where she got the cds, and she said some guy at camp gave them to her, and they believed her. Then they kind of went crazy, and took apart her room, took away her "punk stuff", read through her chat logs, etc. Fuckin' chat logs. Man I hate them. I like them on my computer, but I hate them on Jessie's computer. Anyway, they went through her hours of conversations with me. Before they read them, they were like "wow, that kid's an angel." I even re-did her dad's buisness site for 20 bucks. (He had paid some other guy like 100 bucks for an uber-crappy site) Afterwards they were horrified with me. "Stay away from our daughter, or we'll fucking kill you". Not that intense, but whatever. Then a day or two later (while still going through her stuff) they found out Jessie had cut herself. They blamed me for that. I'd been told by a lot of her friends that I was a big influence on her. But man... I didn't even know I was an influence on her, since, well, when you meet someone and you start influencing them, you don't really know how they were before you influence them, so you can't really tell if you're influencing them. At fist they just made her block me on her msn, but they started reading through her other chat convos, and were like "screw this, no internet for you". What the friggin' hell. You don't just take away someone's internet. That's just wrong. Her parents ended up giving my parents the chat logs too. So I got in lots of trouble too. There's no way in fucking hell I let them into my computer though. I mean, they wouldn't be able to figure any of it out. But yeah. My computer is my club house. No girls/adults aloud XD So yeah, my parents found out a lot about my online life. (Not everything) And, if some of you talk to me on msn, you might see I sudenly go away, then come back after a while, or something. That's 'cause one of my parents has come down or somehting, and I've hidden everything I'm not supposed to be doing. =P MSN, forums, php files, irc, winamp, bit torrent, etc. So yeah, I got in a lot of trouble from that too. Now that's not too bad right. Jessie has a semi-social life, and I can use my uber-1337 skills (aka programs other people have made) to keep doing whatever the hell I want, and my parents won't know. Only bad part here is the trust lost between me and my parents, jessie and her parents, and me and jessie's parents. Well, yeah, me not being able to talk to Jessie on msn anymore is bad too. I mean, the only way I really got to see Deanna that wasn't in Church, Gym day, or skating, was when we would plan something with Jessie. Anyway, THEN her parents sugested that Deanna's parents read Deanna's freaking chat logs. -- Wow, right when I typed that, my cousin, who is playing DDR in the other room, just went "arg". k, anyway, yeah, her parents went through her chat logs, and she got in tons of trouble, and her parents found out about "us", and found out she cut herself ONCE, and other random crap. Okay, I just went and ate supper, so I have totaly lost my train of thought. Anyway, let's wrap this up: (Too bad I didn't know Mike back then. I would have blamed it all on him XD) Anyway, some of you may have noticed that I don't talk much in real life. To anyone. So basicaly, when Deanna lost MSN, communication was kind of cut off with her. That was...Blah. A few days after she got banned Okay, this actualy happened like, two days BEFORE I got Jessie and Deanna in trouble. However, I'm too lazy to scroll up and change my index to say "before". Anyway, I went to Emily's AMDEC party. That was awesome. I was either wedged in between a chair and a cabnit, giggling. Or off in Emily's room with Miranda, Jon, and Joanna. I don't really remember much about the party, except that it was awesome. (It was a social situation where I didn't have to do anything! How kick-ass is that =P) I hope Em does it again this year! Hopefully, the APC won't need to get involved this time, and get the party aproved ;) April Well, after not really being able to actualy apoligize to Deanna in real life, Andrea told me that Deanna was home alone, and what her phone number is, and told me to call her. Man, I was sweating before I even touched the phone. Anyway, I called, she answered, I apoligized, and asked if she was mad, she said it was fine, she wasn't mad, and it was her fault for not deleting the chat logs. Well. It's not her fault. I didn't delete her chat logs that one time I went into her house. I could have, but I didn't. Therefore it's just as much my fault as hers. However, I'm the reason her parents went through the chat logs. If I had been able to talk, I would have said that. Instead I simply said "No, it's not your fault, it's mine", and back and forth like that 5ish times. That took up about 40 seconds of the 20 minute phone call. FUCK YOU AWKWARD SILENCE. FUCK YOU IN-ABILITY TO TALK. It's like I'm having a stroke or something. I can't put my thoughts into words. So yeah, 19:20 of awkard silence. Then, since it was on a cordless phone, you know how there's a little "on/off" button near your ear usualy? I acidently hit that button (I always seem to hit that button whenever I'm using a cell/cordless phone. I don't know why. I seem to be the only one that does that) and hung up on her. Here's what happened (Timestamps are assuming the call started at 00:00 (midnight)): [00:20:00]: *accidentaly hangs up* "AW FUCK." *continues swearing spasm for 15 seconds*. [00:20:15]: *calls back* [00:20:20]: *Deanna picks up* "Hello" [00:20:22]: "Hi, sorry about that, I hit a random button." [00:20:25]: "It's okay." [00:20:26]: "Okay". [00:20:27]: *silence* [00:20:28]: *silence* [00:20:29]: *silence* [00:20:30]: *silence* There ya' go. Conversation done in 30 seconds. More like 15 if you exclude my swearing fit. Only 14:30 left to fill. After 14:30 she said she had to go, and I went back to my basement with the computer, feeling totaly pissed off with myself. Uber-pathetic social life eh? This was one of my "big moments of the year 2k4". -_- The summer The summer. Man I hate the summer. I have so many happy memories of the summer. That was before I knew the computer. Now the summer fucking sucks. It's just...miserable. I spent most of it at my cottage, in the cold basement, with my internetless computer, listening to depressing music, catching up on my sleep. (I must have slept at least an avergae of 12 hours/day at the cottage.) I mean, I did SOME cool stuff during the summer, probably with Matt. I just don't remember any of it. The funnest thing I remember, was taking a knife, and lightly slashing the inside of my arm, over and over. Just moving my arm back and forth really quick, up and down my arm. (Not deep or anything) then taking some After Bite (The stuff you put on bug bites) and rubbing it up my arm. The burning felt...Weirdly cool. I'd swipe it up my arm once, and just freeze in shock. The hand holding the after bite would have like, white knuckles from holding it so tightly. But man, that burning is so addictive. So after a few times of doing that, I look at the container to read what's inside it (You know, just incase it's got something addictivly bad for you in it. Like sugar for example.) It has....*drum roll*...Alchohal (15%). And...Mink oil! If I recal correctly, that's all said on it. So I had been injecting mink oil into my blood stream. Lovely XD So yeah. Highlight of my summer: Mink oil injections at 4 in the morning. Octoberish...Whenever summer ended. Finally! Everything is back to normal. Only thing missing is school every day. In case you didn't notice over the Christmas holidays, I effing hate holidays. They destroy the every-day system I'm used to. Anyway, all summer, I had only seen Deanna like...Three times. Plus I was kind of scared that she hated me now. And since she didn't have fucking msn anymore, and since I can't convert fucking thoughts to words, I couldn't talk to her about it. Anyway, the homeschool group system was back on track. And Deanna's in that homeschool group. I'd go "Hi *wave*" and she's go "Hi *wave back*" whenever we saw each other. Which was pretty much the same as what we did when she had msn. Good sign right? Not really. It's not normal for two people not to talk. So yeah, it was pretty much blah, until...Dun da dun: Early December December 7th. Fucking awesome day. k, another epi/prologue. Back in...Umm...Whenever Deanna had MSN, she was telling me about a job she might get, where she baby sits every day after school. Well, on December 7th, she logged on from the kids' house! That was awesome. Except for the fact that my name was "40 year old pedophile stalker". That was kind of...uhh...awkward. Especialy when she left the room and the little boy asked what pedophile meant XD "It means I'm going to hunt you down and rape you". Man, that kid would have beat the hell out of me if I actualy tried that. k, so anyway, Deanna came on, we talked a bit. with the help of the little girl that she baby-sat, I found out she still liked me! I think. I hope. She may have just been being nice. Whatever. Anyway, next month, it's been one year. However, from like march - december, was like...cut-out. So yeah, take 11 months, and subtract march to december, and you get 2 months. Sounds about right. Yep. December Well, see my december 17th post (http://diaries.suchisthis.com/firestormx/index.php?cmd=view_entry&eid=21) It's when I went with Matt to see Val. -------------------------------------- Man, imagine how long this'd be if I had a social life. And that was my January 8, 2005 entry. One more, to hold you over, since I won't be writing for a while =) January 17, 2005 A father and son in Rome, Italy, thought they had plotted the perfect crime in 1996. The father worked as a teller at a bank. The son would enter the bank, go to the father's window, and demand money. His father would quickly turn over the cash, the son would flee, and later the two would split the loot. Best of all, no one would get hurt because no weapons would be used. On the day of the robbery attempt, the young man walked into the bankd and went to his father's window. He got the money and ran out of the bank--But he and his father were caught anyway. It seems there an unfortunatne slip of the tongue by the robber. When he was at the teller's window, the crook shouted, "This is a holdup. Hand over the money, Dad." Know what would totaly pwn? "numbing needle tag" You know those needles the doctor or dentist give you...Just before they yank a tooth, or break your ribs for open heart surgery, because they're too cheap for sleeping gas or morphine? Well, imagine getting like a thousand of those, and like, 30 people together, put them into like, a banquet hall or something. Just put up like walls and stuff, for people to run around, and take cover behind and stuff. Then, you give them each 1000/3 needles (That's like 333.3333 needles each. Don't ask how exactly we'll get .333 needles. It's just one of those things that tend to work itself out. *nods head*) Now, here's the fun part. You have to stab people with your needles, and the last one who can still stand/grab something to support their weight, wins. However, to lessen the chance of injuries/transmiting diseases (as Kay pointed out), you must leave the needle in the person. (If you think about it, that'll actualy put more of the numbing stuff into them, and, yeah.) That way, no one will be like, stabing the needle into your back on an angle, then ripping it out, shreding your back in the process. It is the stabee's responsiblity to remove the needle from their own body, before they colapse on the ground, and land on the needle, and end up hurting themselves. Also, no stabing someone above the chest (neck, face, etc), or in the groin. (The butt is fine. It's always funny to see someone running around with a needle in their butt) Also, you may not throw the needle like a dart, unless given permision by the referee before hand. You will only be given permision if you have proven that you can throw properly, in pre-game tests. You must also be able to say yes to several numbers, such as "Do you hold resentment towards any player(s)", or "Do you find it funny to see needles stuck in people's eyes move when they eyeball moves to look at something". You know, just typical stuff to prevent things like "Oh, sorry, I really suck at aiming *giggle*, I didn't mean to get it directly in the eye *snicker* But you gotta admit, it is pretty funny." or "Yeah fucktard! Not so hot when you can't feel your little man now are ya?!" "Who're you screaming at?" "My ex boyfriend. Man I love this game!" Man, just imagine, seeing thirty people running around with needles, stabing other people. And people trying to walk around without the ability to feel their leg. Or, or...Yeah. Pffft, like you have any better way to spend a 2.4 million bucks. Yes, 2.4 million bucks people. My family won the fucking lottery! And my dad gave me $50,000 of it! I'm gonna buy so many needles, and hire like 29 hobos to come play numbing needle tag with me! Actualy, no, my family didn't win the lottery. And I would never use hobos like that. That's so mean. I hate it when people do that. Fucking "bum wars". Only funny part was when the guy was imitating the Crocodile Hunter. But I was still disgusted with the guy. I don't know why people would find that stuff funny. I mean, sure there was some funny stuff in there, but yeah, just...Fucktards. ANYWAY. let's get this started, 'cause I have to wake up in 5 hours. I woke up this morning, and there was drops of blood all over! I was like "Woah, awesome!" (I love my blood if you havn't noticed) Then I'm like "Wait, wtf, I didn't do this". There was drops of blood everywhere. On my keyboard, on the cover of my calculator (Thank goodness I had the cover on it), on my math text book (There's like, big red circles on some pages of my text book now) on my waterbottle, on my desk, on my floor, on my "typing gloves", on my school papers, on my knife... Wait. Why is there blood on my knife? As I'm reaching over to get a klenix, and my water bottle, to start cleaning up the mess before my parents see it, my shoulder brushes against something at my lip. "Holy crap I need to shave. --Wait a sec." *sweat drop* I sudenly remembered that last night I had a bloody nose at like 6 in the morning. Don't ya' just hate it when that happens? You just wake up for no aparent reason, then all of the sudden you feel something trickeling from your nose, and you're like "aw fuck!" and you jump out of bed and get a klenix or something to stuff into your nose to stop the bleeding? Anyway, I did that. I got up in the pitch black darkness, and I was like, looking franticaly for the klenix box, (I don't know if it's klenix, or klenex. Whatever, you know what i mean. "tissue". Whatever.) and I couldnt' find it. I like, stubbed my toe, and cracked on toenail (I noticed my toe had dried blood on it too this morning, from the nail getting ripped off too low) So while I'm stumbling around in the darkness, swearing my head off, with my hand under my nose, the blood is dripping off my hand, onto everything. (It randomly got on my knife, I didn't have a little blood fest last night or anything XD) I eventualy found the klenix, twisted it up, jammed it in my nose, and went back to sleep with it still in my nose. (I do that a lot...Once I turned over, and it got ripped out, and I woke up, and my face was like, stuck to my pillow in blood. XD) So that was my morning. (I woke up at like 11:59, so the morning was only long enough for me to remember stuff) Man, two years ago, I was REALLY behind in my sleep once (That's what the doctor blames anyway) and one night, my nose just started gushing. Like, not the typical "Drip. Drip. Drip", but I mean like a constant flow. You're bent over the toilet, and you can hear "psssshhhh" like running water. You try to stuff some toilet paper in there, and your hand is like, instantly covered in blood, and the toilet paper only lasts like a minute before it's dripping blood too. It was fucking awesome. But fucking anoying. It would happen like twice a day, for a month. (That's when I went to the doctor) And I couldn't do anything for like 20 minutes while my nose bled. 'cause it would take forever to heal, and like I said, I would have sit over the sink or something since the toilet paper/klenix would be dripping. So anyway, after a month, I was getting really fucking anoyed with this (it would happen in the middle of the night, not just in the day) and my mom was getting sick of changing my pillow covers, so my dad took me to see a doctor. Turns out there's a damn artery in your nose. And there was a cut on that artery or something (That would explain the constant gushing of blood, etc). So he ended up cautorizing it, or however you spell that thing where you burn the cut shut, and let the scar tissue develop to make it tough or something. (It was all with chemicals and stuff, so he didn't like, whip out a blow torch or anything). The doctor said I should get more sleep. I didn't listen to him. So I get nose bleeds every so often. Anyway, that's the story of the summer that I got 30 liters of blood lighter. Tuesday edit: Holy frig, it bled again last night, and again this morning when I woke up. Oh! Speaking of doctors. On monday, there was a fire at the hospital that my uncle, and "employer" were both staying. My uncle had like, his 3rd stroke (He's had like two heart attacks, three strokes, diabettes, and lots of other fucked up stuff) so he was in the hospital on the 5th floor for that, and Jean Guy (pronounced "john gee". That's his first name.) some guy that's paying me and Matt to make a database in php for him, was in the hospital for emergency open heart surgery. They broke three of his ribs, and took some big viens, or arteries or something from his arm/wrist, and stuck it in his heart. Or, places around his heart, or something. I don't know, anyway, the point is, that there was a fire at that hospital on the first floor. Aparently, the fire wasn't too bad, but the smoke was uber-bad. (I havn't heard anything new since last night when the fire was still...on fire, so I don't know if it got really bad or not. But I havn't been invited to a funeral or anything yet. Not that I would ever be invited to a funeral or anything, but yeah) They had Jean Guy hooked up with air masks, and they sealed off the bottom of the doors with towels and stuff. And my uncle just has towels under his door. That'd be pretty scary though eh. You've got three broken ribs (Bruised ribs hurt like fuck. Like, you can't even move it hurts. Broken ribs are like...Fuck...) and there's a fire going on right below you. You're seriously dreading having to be moved if the fire gets too big. They're wheeling you out, you hit a little bump "Holy fuck that hurt!" It sucks if you've had a stroke too. 'cause you can't talk. Kind of like me. You can think, and understand everything coherently, but it's uber-hard to talk. You're thinking "YOU FUCKTARD! THERE'S STILL A TUBE ATTACHED TO ME! DON'T START WHEELING ME OUT! WAIT! WAI---OW, FUCK. *needles attatched to tube gets ripped out* "thanks a lot fucktards -_-" Oh, speaking of yelling, and pain and stuff. Jean Guy's wife was visiting him, and, when you have broken ribs, it hurts to breathe, plus, the surgery didn't fix everything, so he's like, dieing and stuff, and can't really talk. Anyway, his wife sits down, and Jean Guy's face twists in pain, and he's like mouthing words, so his wife leans in closer to hear, and finally Jean Guy is abe to force the words out. "YOU HURT MY PEEPEE!" And you could hear it all down the halls and stuff. omg, it was so funny. Anyway, on monday, I went to gym day. (if you read my "points of the year" entry, then you should know what gym day is. If not, I'll explain if you ask =P) k, I'm not sure how the whole, "blood circulation system" works, or how a blood vein is constructed or anything, but I was thinking... When you play volleyball (The sport we played that day) and you smack the ball, your hand turns red right? "No. You're hitting the ball wrong" Why does it turn red? Whatever you've been told, it's wrong. It's because the ball has crushed the veins in your hands/wrists/whatever you hit the ball with. And, just like a water balloon, when they get crushed, the pop, and the blood goes spewing out everywhere. "So why don't I have severe internal bleeding yet? I smack lots of things and my hand turns red." Simple. Just like a normal cut, the veins heal. "But where does the blood go?" Well, you've been told that snot is made to protect from germs right? Well, that's partialy true. However, part of what makes it so useful is the white blood cells that are escaping your body. That's right. When blood escapes your veins, it comes out your nose. Think about it. Blood is runny, then it dries, and becomes hard. Snot is runny, then it dries, and becomes hard. And bloody noses. They're not actualy from cuts in your nose. They're from cuts in your veins elsewhere. "Why isn't it red like when it's coming out of my skin?" Well, like I said, bloody noses are actualy just blood that hasn't changed colour. The reason your blood becomes like...Whatever colour snot is when it comes out, is because like I said, snot is real. It does help protect you from germs. It just mixs in with your blood, and changes it. Now here's the point of the whole explanation. You sometimes hit the ball with your wrist right? What happens when you slit your wrist? You cut the artery, and you lose blood fast, and die. What happens when you bump a ball that's moving with a downwards velocity of 50m/s, while your arms are moving up at a velocity of another 75m/s? Well, your arteries are probably going to explode if you keep that up. They'll give you 30-50 years in prison if you try to commit suicide (You get the death penalty if you use an illigaly possed weapon, or if you jump off a high point, into a crowded area below) but they let volley ball players go and play their sport, and even give them goverment funding sometimes. Then there's the volleyball coaches. Teaching their...Uhh...coachees? to go and blow their arteries open. Most volleyball players know this too. That's why they have volleyball games out in secluded areas, like some beach off on some tropical island or something. Mass suicide rituals, and no one will know about it. Just so you know, I thought all that stuff about volleyball, internal bleeding, and stuff up while I was laying in bed, losing immense amounts of blood from my nose. I don't believe a single word of it. Well, yeah, there are words in there I believe and stuff, but yeah...You know what I mean. Anyway, the whole reason I brought up the gym day thing, was because on the way there (a 10-15 minute drive) I saw TWO [minor] accidents. (There were no emergency response vehicles at the scene yet. The second one was right in front of the hospital too XD) The first one was some guy ran into the back of some girl's car. The guy's front end was all crumpled up. The second one made me laugh so hard (I'm not mean, just so you know. The driver was out of her car. Standing, and talking just fine, and stuff) k, we stopped at a stop light. And there's a car, and it's front end is crumpled, and up against a light pole. It looks like it was trying to do a U-turn. Then, there's a car behind it, who's front is dented. Here, let me illistrate: Image. (Click to open in new window) It says "hospital", "stoplight", "me giggling" btw. Okay, so I'm thinking what happened here was the green car ran into the red car, 'causeing it to spint around too fast while it was turning, and hit the stop light. Why did the green car do this to the red car? Well honney, it's just one of those things bad people do, because they don't like the colour of the other person..'s car. k, anyway. I couldn't stop laughing when I saw it. I dunno why. Just one of those things. Like this: *cringes* Poor little idiot. Anyways, you may notice in my little picture thing at the top of my diary, the thing that tells what time it is, what i'm listening to, and a random quote, that I listen to a lot of rap, metal, and emo/punk. But no electronica. Except for like, three Ayumi Hamasaki remixs, a few Ferry Corsten songs, and a few Warp Brothers songs. Well, steriotypicaly, I should be listening to a lot of electronica. Instead I'm off listening to Metal (I find the steriotypical metalhead anoyingly violent. Especialy Death Metal =P) Emo (Meh, steriotypical Emo kids are interesting to listen to) and Rap. I'm really picky with the stuff I listen to. For metal, I don't listen to stuff like, death metal for two reasons. 1) They seem to be obsesed with the devil and killing god, etc. 2) I can't stand the fucking Chaos. The lyrics are the most important part of the song. Thus, I like rap. However, I'm uber-picky with my rap. I don't like rap that's all like "Yeah, I'm a pimp bitch. Take off your clothes" and stuff, like Snoop Dogg. I also hate "mainsteream" rap, that's like "Yeah, shake that ass" and stuff. You know, like Lil Jon, Nelly, etc. I like stuff that's like, just "I'm going to kill you. Blah blah blah." Like some DMX songs, Eminem, etc. Although Eminem is more than just the murdering and stuff. Most of his songs are like...Messed. But the parts that arn't all angryness, are generaly funny. So yay Eminem. I just had the sudeen urge to listen to Biterphobia! You want an awesome song by Eminem, go listen to Biterphobia. It's back on his first album though, so it may be hard to find. k, anyways, yeah, I also like rap that has a good message behind it, but can still sound cool. Like KJ-52, or Manafest. And, if you can get something inbetween the two types, like Tupac, then you're set ^_^ I also like rappers that do non-mainstream (By mainstream, I mean totaly sex orriented) type rap, to stuff other than beats. Like Linkin Park, or Chronic Future. Anyway, why do I listen to Metal and Emo/Punk? FOR THE SCREAMING! I love screaming music. Like static-x. Fucking awesome screaming. Or The Used. Again, awesome screaming. Although, emo doesn't have much screaming. But it's got cool lyrical content. Well, not really, a lot of it is really repetitive and stuff, but as long as I don't expose myself to a lot of it, it seems cool XD Wow, that was an utterly useless and short explanation of why I listen to the music I do. Anyway, the point is, I don't want anyone thinking I'm a steriotype of the kind of music I listen to. I'm the steriotype of the music I hate, because most sub-genres don't have "lyrics". (I'm talking about electronica) By "lyics" i don't mean like "stop to my beat" a milllion types over. I mean something like, a verse, a chorus, another verse, chorus again, verse again. Argh, k, I'm making up random subjects so I can stay awake. If I'm going to wake up in a few hours, and feel tired, why waste my time sleeping, only to wake up a feel tired, when I can stay up, get work done, and feel tired? Plus if I go to bed now, I won't be able to wake up tomorow anyway. Blah, whatever. I'm sure you don't want to know why I read the types of books I do, so I'm going to go and do my math. ARGH, FUCKING MATH TEST OPENING RIGHT AWAY. Well, wasn't that awesome? I didn't think so either. k, I'm gonna stop writing in red. Samantha's birthday today! 3 more days until Val's birthday! Possibly 4 more days until Deanna goes back to work. I'm not sure if she's actualy going back now. I'll have to write about the phone call with her next entry. (Whenever that is)
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Happy Easter!

Listening to: Sevendust - Enemy
Feeling: achy
Writing began: 25/03/05 Completed writing: 26/03/05 Words: 8,000 Average reading time (At 250 words/minute): 30 minutes This entry is dedicated to...Jen, because she will be working all next week, and will have no interent after that, 'cause she will be at camp. (O_O) I kick ass. And I can draw in blood. Very crapily, but I can.still do it. Okay, Mike made an entry with a bunch of pics. People were commenting on the longness. *gets all jealous* He barely even wrote anything. It's all just big pictures! Nah, I'm kidding. So anyway, I have decided to piss off all you dialup users who read my diary by adding tons of images to this entry! Well, like 10 images. Okay, last night, I spent like two hours drawing stuff in blood. Why? Because blood is awesome, and I had a bloody nose. The first couple pictures suck, so I threw them out. But I slowly got the art of drawing in blood down. Of course, by that time, I was almost out of blood. btw, Cream Soda doesn't contain caffene. Therefore it is off my top 3 favorite pops. Well, that and the fact that I've drank like, 10 litres of it in the past week. So blah, tired of it now. k, anyway, first, I will show you what the names on my sitD friends list's names look like in blood. (And Akiko and Val's name) And no, I didn't write Deanna's name in blood. Or I'm not going to post it here if I did. Because that'd just be fucking creepy. And it's one thing for her to find this and find out how much I write about her, but to see her name written in blood...Well, I think that calls for a restraining order + lawsuit. As well as a beating from her older brothers. Okay, pictures, If any of you dialup users want me to take down the thumbnails, and just make it text links, let me know, and I will. =) They look like they're drawn in like, marker or something, but that is my real blood. =P Isn't it awesome? *drools* btw, if any of you find this creepy, and want me to burn the images, I will. =P Marcy: Originaly, I as only going to write Marcy's name in blood, since she seems to be the one who would probably get the biggest kick out of it. But hey, I've got enough blood for everyone. XD Have fun in Greece. =) Don't tell anyone you have a more male brain than me. *glares*. "HAHAHAH I TOOK THAT WHAT GENDER IS YOUR BRAIN AND I GOT MORE MALE THAN YOU!!!!!!" See, I can tell people, 'cause they don't read what I write in my entries..But you can tell people, and they'll notice. Justine: Yay! 'Bout time you and Nick met up. Oldish news, but hey, I can't really think of anything else to write about you. Uhh...You're a movie freak. There. Alanna: I can't believe your parents won't let you on the computer! Grrr. Oh well. Serves you right. You called me a nerdface. *glares* You and your mean sarcasticness. Katie: Uhh...Don't know much about you. Sucks about operation dead seal. =( Hope you feel better about Sam's death soon. =) ...I don't know how to say something like that without sounding mean. The "=)" probably didn't help the whole "I'm sorry to hear about Sam's death" message that I was trying to send... Livi: Adam will be home soon! You will survive! XD I really hope you and Laura make up. Fighting is dumb. =) Jen You will survive with no internet! lol, thanks for spamming up my diary! I'mma parachute down there and do a kamakazee mission to get rid of that girl who hates you. (I'm really bad with names.) Then you can take my million bucks and buy yourself those...Damnit, my mind just went blank. Those things you really really like...That stuff that's evil 'cause it's so addicting... Yeah, anyway: Brooke: You cradle robbing little obsesive, computer geek corrupting, person. You make society sick. I made the second "o" in your name look odd, just to spite you. jk ;) Amanda Friggin' little white girl with overdue library books, who knows more Japanese than me. I have had my revenge though. You thought it was your dad who changed the keyboard to the crappy one you have now. Well it wasn't. Muahaha. 'manda You know...Eating lots and lots of unhealthy stuff won't kill you. Well, not if you only eat it every couple hours or so. Go eat more! =) That's probably why you don't have much S.E. ;) Geniesa: You write long entries. And like guitar too much. Stop wearing black you flippin' lightbulb breaker. Maybe if you started wearing bright reflective tin-foil clothes, with a light-up tie, you wouldn't have to use those expensive light bulbs. Yeah. Stupid people who wear black. =P Mariana: Ummm, don't really know what to really say here... Except...DON'T FORGET TO TELL ME IF SCOTT GETS ANY OF HIS MUSIC ON THE 'NET! Mike: Link to mike! Link to mike! Link to mike! Link to mike! Hmm...Where to begin... Whatever, gl hf with Alanna. Why do you always like girls who hate me?! Here's your name in blood. You never expected me to say anything about you, so I won't. Go check out this themepark!: I want to hug Micheal Mouse, and Ronal Duck Vannessa: Well, uhh...Hope you find your penguin, and get un-sickified soon. =) Arn't I cheesy eh? Anyway, image: Krizel: You'll probably never see this 'cause you're GROUNDED! You just had to sneak out to look at the stars, didn't you? I'm glad you had fun in...Mexico, or wherever you were. =P Kayla (Rose?): This was the last thing I tried to draw with blood. I ran out of blood however. (I was really close to running out anyway. It was just too hard to get any more blood, so I gave up.) So here you are. You're special. I used an actual marker with your name. =) Akiko: If you're reading this and have blocked me, then please unblock me. =) If you havn't blocked me, then promise you'll keep it that way, okay? Gaara is not hot! Nah, I'm kidding, DON'T STAB ME! I mean, erm, I'm not saying he's not hot in a gay way, but...Yeah...DON'T HURT ME! *cowers in fear* Hey, Mike wants to go to BC sometime this summer, and wants me to come. He's probably going to want to be alone or something..So rather than getting stuffed in a dumpster somewhere until he's done doing whatever he's doing, can I come see you? =P Val: Ms Valerie. You make good cookies. *coppies "Mr. Christie" commercials* Fuckin' Len fucking up your internet. Can't think of anything else to say... Look at this fucked up weather. Look at that! PLUS FUCKING 13! It's only March, and it's going up to fucking 13. Fuuuuuck. I hate spring so much. Oh, right, my name: Holy crap, that took a LONG time. I had to take a pic of them all with the webcam. Then, I used a proggy to quickly make thumbnails (aka, shrink them 3x) of them all (Since I want you dialup users to be able to see what your names look like, if you don't want to open up the big 90kb file) then upload them, and put the link to the big pic, but display the thumbnail... That wouldn't have been so bad, except that I also had to think of stuff to write about each of you...Just because I'm oh-so-cool... Unfortunatly, I lost mah cool yo. I barely wrote anything about anyone. =P I drew some other stuff, but I'll show those later. I'll make you read for a bit, then I'll give you a break to look at pictures. =) You'll all probably just stop reading, and scroll on down to the pics. *glares* Hmmm, y'all remember my toe? Well, today I was putting away the laundry, and our towels are on the top shelf of the closet. And in that closet are bottles of cream, boxes of toothpaste, etc...Well, I was reaching up to put away a towel, and I knocked a bottle of cream off a shelf. Fortunatly, it missed my toe. Unfortnatly, it hit my other toe. And that other toe, happened to be the toenail-less toe. It always seems like when you hurt something, that is always what gets hurt. Like for example, a bottle of cream falling on it. But I started thinking of all the stuff I've dropped. I've probably hit that toe tons of times. I just never really paid attention to it, 'cause memories are made by your adrenline being above/below normal (Or something like that...) and, well, when you're jumping around on one foot, swearing, while clutching your once-again-bleeding toe, your adrenilne is pretty high. ...I just felt like writing that. Moving on...What's up with the airline food? --Erm, sorry, wrong line. k, here we go, what's up with collectable coins? There's fucking PENNIES on ebay, selling for hundreds of dollars. What makes them worth so much? -They have a slight deformity. -They have a different little picture on it. -They're made of metal, instead of copper or nickel. -They're old. Okay, the average price I've found is something like $175 usd for a collectable penny. Now, for fuckin' $175, I'd rather have a fucking penny collection of 17,500 pennies. Now THAT would get you respect man. Now, I know absolutly nothing about rare coin collecting, but lets say the average coin collecter has 50 special coins. (I have NO idea what the average coin collection has. But I've seen ads where you can buy a pack of special quarters with the 50 american states, so let's go with that.) 175 * 50 = $8750 Now, $8750 dollars worth of colletable pennies will get you about 10 little pieces of Double Bubble at pretty much any convience store in Canada. Erm, k, I know nothing about American stores and stuff, so I'm going to be using Canadian prices. So I'm going to use Canadian currency. So I'm just going to ROUND the $175usd up to $200cnd. Alright, so you have 50 pennies worth $10,000 cnd. Hot diggity damn, you're on top of the world! You're hip. You're cool. You're gettin' all da laddies with your 50 pennies all right. B) You've probably got some shirt you glued all your pennies onto, and you wear it whenever you go out clubbing. You catch everyone's attention when you step out of your honda civic, and your headlights reflect off your shiny pennies. Or, you could buy me a fucking Hecate II! Erm, or you could buy a Toyota Celica for about a dollar's worth of pennies. I know nothing about cars btw. I just went to toyota.com (I'll bet you're wondering why I chose Toyota arn't ya'?) and chose the cheapest, most squarist looking car on the list. I love square cars. Aparently Toyota is moving towards making more rounded cars though. =( The Acura NSX is fairly nice and square looking. But it's like 90k usd. And I've seen squarer cars. I should talk to Deanna about that...She knows allllll about cars. Speaking of which, Mike, you still have to finnish that list of car terms you started for me last year. =P So anyway, coin collecting is a fucking waste of money. I hate spending money on useless stuff. Like coins. Fortunatly for people like me, who think setting up a site is one of the "simple pleasures in life", rather than going through polishing each coin every night, there are people out there who will actualy buy a nickel for a thousand fucking bucks. Now, my dad knows a couple of people who own metal shops. I'm thinking, if I give them a thousand dollars, they can produce a couple coins with -weird imprints -slightly larger-than-normal size -an old date when metal coins were made. (That would require five minutes of googling to find a good date to have them print, but hey, wth) Now, these metal shops do stuff like build big metal shelves for wal mart and stuff, however, I think for a thousand bucks, they'll have one of their employees make a...a...Whatever those things are called that they use to make coins...And have that employee produce a couple coins for me. Then, for like 10 bucks, that employee will take 5 minutes out of his oh-so-busy schedule of producing sheets of metal (Maybe on his lunch break or soemthing) and go produce a couple more coins with that...that...Imprinter or whatever it's called. So now I've got a pretty much in-exhastable source of coinage. (Theoreticaly anyway. I highly doubt they'd ever make a...a...MOLD! That's it, it's called a mold, that you pour the metal into...Yeah...Anyway, I doubt someone would make me a tiny little mould for a coin.) Now, I just sell them on ebay for a couple hundred. "RARE 1890 penny, with an imprint of the queen wearing a mohawk! Mint condition! Looks/feels brand fucking new!" It'll take a while, but I'll eventualy make back my 1k. So long as no one does any chemical tests or anything to see how old it really is. I can't just flood ebay with these things (If you've never used ebay, then just trust me, people will catch on fast.) So I'd have to put one-two up like every two weeks for sale. I'd probably buy a few real collectors coins, and sell those too, just so my sales history doesn't look suspicious. Actualy, scratch that, it'd still look suspicious. They'd still be able to see I sold 50 of these "rare" coins. I'll have to use a bunch of different accounts. Anyway, the point is, that it just pisses me off so badly that something that's so cheap to produce, is worth so fucking much. (I've been hinting at this for the past 3ish paragraphs. Havn't you caught on? =P) I mean, there's baseball cards out there worth sooo fucking much. You can buy a pack of 100 lined peices of paper for a buck. If you fold each page to the size of a baseball card, the thickness will make it pretty much as hard as a cardboard baseball card. But then the coloured ink probably costs quite a bit to make the player's face/design on the back of the card. However, you can buy a pack of crappy baseball cards a convenience store for a buck. I think there's like 5 cards in there. So the ink can't be all that expensive. What a waste of money stuff is. I'll bet if you went out and broke a window somewhere, then took one of the pieces of glass and sold it on ebay as "A rare, one-of-a-kind design, piece of glass", you could get a couple hundred bucks. How fucked up is this world... Comics are okay though. $800,000 for spider-man issue 1 is okay. Speaking of spidey boxers, I told Geneisa I'd take pictures of my spidey boxers, just to show how much they pwn homer simpson boxers. (And to give you a general idea of what my misisng boxers look like) No, I can not believe I'm posting pictures of my boxers on the internet either. It's spider-man and doc ock. Spider-man 2 merchandise baby! And the backside is just a face of spiderman. More offical spider-man 2 merch. "Spidey Vs Doc Ock". You can barely see Doctor Octopus's head, but he's there. Backside is the same, but it's in black and white. It's really blury, but it's basicaly just three spideys. *thumbs up*. The backside is a web. It looks like a target. "Psst, there goes Robbie. I'll be he's wearing those spidey boxers. I'll run by and pull his pants down, while you shoot at the target on his butt." My spidey shirt. Not really boxers, but a kick-ass t-shirt. I found some uber-old trackpants that I was supposed to be using as pajama pants when I was 10. I stopped wearing pajamas when I was like, 7. I just couldn't be bothered to put on pajamas, and take them off in the morning. Instead, I just took off my pants, hopped in bed, in the morning, hopped out of bed, and put my pants back on. Simple as that. Man these trackpants are tiny. I'll be if I look through that drawer, I'll find a few more old stuff that has been burried under my immense collection of tube socks. I wrote a bit about those in my Christmas entry. No one has ever read that entry but me. Quick history of my life on sitD (Pfft, "quick"): These two people, Ryoko, and Dark Tiger, were both regular posters of Nakusama, a forum I go to. One day, Ryoko advertised her diary on Nakusama. So from that day on, I read her and Dark Tiger's diaries. I never left any comments. They didn't even know I read their diaries. Then, one day, I added Ryoko to MSN. We were talking and stuff, and we ran out of stuff to talk about, so I said "So, how's you and James?" "How do you know about James?" "I read about him in your diary." "omg, you read my diary?! =D" "lol, yeah." "lol, you never loft any comments." "Yeah, I know. =P" "Do you have a diary?" "Nope." "Why not?! Go get one now, so I can read yours!" Well, that's not exactly how it went. But basicaly, she's the reason I joined. Now, Ryoko and Dark Tiger didnt' have computers of their own at home. However, they had a computer class. So they would log on to the forum, sitD, etc, every day. I eventualy figured this out through their diaries, and figured out the time that they come on. (Pfft, screw 'just asking them') So I would come on around the same time, and we'd PM each other and stuff. They were really the only reason I wrote on here. And I wrote on here every day. (Not really long stuff. Just short little things...I wrote like, 1,000 word entries every-so-often though. Maybe I'll post some of those old ones every so often, if I'm not up to writing an entry after like, a week.) But then, the semester ended. Oh shit. No more computer. My entry on their last day: Noooo, today is the last day that Ryoko and Tiger will be able to post every day! T_T Man, I'm going to miss them. But Ryoko will be on weekends, and Tiger might go to the library XD Anyway, Nothing of importance lately. I probably won't be writing on here much anymore. Like once every two days or something. The only reason I typed so much before was because I would take time out of my day to post on forums and stuff with Ryoko and Tiger, so now that they're gone for a while, I'll keep forgeting to write here =P Oh, and aparently I got Ryoko saying "uber" now. I'm so proud of myself ^_^ Edit 12:11----------------------------- Nooooooo, they're gone now! T_T Hopefuly Tiger will get to the library, and Ryoko will be able to get on, on the weekends ^_^ Ryoko goes to her cousin's house every weekend. They have internet. Okay, so now they're gone. *sniffle* So then I just started writing about my day every so often. Then I only wrote when I wanted to get something out of my system. Around that time, Amanda started reading my diary. Followed by Andrew. For a while, the only other comments I got were from random people, who I had asked a question about something on their diary. Then, on January...8th I think...I posted the "highlights of the year" entry...Imitating Amanda-chan. Then, Manda, and Alanna read that entry. From then on, I only wrote long entries. Then more and more people started leaving comments. It climaxed when I was mentioned in the sitD news, when I got 221 comments. See, that was short. Only seemed long 'cause I put quotes in there. Speaking of Ryoko, I'm just going to advertise her little chibi thingy she doodled todayish. Arn't I nice eh? "I try to masturbate big words that I don't know what they mean into my sentances sometimes." I got that from someone's diary. I forget who's it was. I just read it, then tonight, I was talking to Mike, and I remembered that line. So now it's stuck in my head. Hmm, ya' know what I think? I think comercials are fucking wastes of money. Companies spent millions of dollars on advertising every year. Half the time they're totaly irrelivant/pointing out the obvious. For example, take the juicy fruit comericals. (Juicy Fruit = awesome tasting gum, who's taste dies out uber-fast.) Their theme is a guy singing about juicy fruit, and how "the taste is gonna move ya" And every time either something happens to him, or his guitar. (lmao, I remember in my friend's (Gracie) story, her and her friends were walking along, and they hear "Get your ski's shined up, grab a stick of juicy fruit..." in the background. lmao, her story is friggin hillarious once it's moving along. (begining is kind of boring) Read it sometime if you've got a couple hours to spare.) In the latest comercial, he's just getting his guitar smashed in a bunch of countries, and then it shows these two guys in a guitar repair shop watching this all happen on TV. They pop at stick of Juicy Fruit in their mouth, and go "sweet!" and high-five each other. I'm not sure if it's 'cause of the party in their mouths, or because of instane amount of money they're going to make from the poor guy who's great guitar playing and singing ability is being surpresed again and again, by random people. Then it shows a pack of new Juicy Fruit blue on the screen and goes "New Juicy Fruit Blue...Sweet." And that's it. That's the commercial. Do you think it's fucking worth the ammount of money it costs to pay the actors, buy several guitars, and pay for the air time? I don't. It doesn't even say Juicy Fruit is gum. For all you know, it could be a pack of guitar picks. I mean really...Sure it gives us kick-ass Juicy Fruit jingles, but that's it! The least they could have done is put some subliminal messages into the commercial. But no. It's just a worthless waste of money/time. This commercial is one of those commercials (I dont' remember what they're called) that is basicaly just there to make their name known. "Hmm, no-name gum, or Juicy Fruit?" "Well, Juicy Fruit sounds familiar, let's buy that." I would have just gone to a producer of a sitcom writer or something, and asked him/her to have one of the characters chew juicy fruit, and say "Mmm, juicy fruit...Sweet", and possibly do a little dance. That'd be much better than wasting all that time watching a comercial. Or if you look at Old Navy comercials. Those are some pretty fucked up uses of airtime. That's right. I said people dancing around in khakis and jeans, while singing about how awesome life is, because Old Navy has prices that pretty much every other store has, is a fucked up use of airtime. "New Old Navy T-shirt, only 30 fucking bucks!" Really?! I can get pretty much the same one for 30 bucks at walmart, zellers, and gap. And I can make my own for even cheaper. I'm not going to pay 30 bucks for a piece of cloth with a logo on it. 30 bucks for a plain black t-shirt with the words "I hack, ban me" on it, is well worth it though. Do I simplify things too much, and call it a waste of money? I think I do. But hey, it's how people make money. It's how I can make money. Look at this, I wrote it a wihle ago, but I'm oh-so-proud of it, so I'm gonna post it again. And that ladies and gentlemen, is what happens when it's four in the morning, and I have nothing to write about. Anyway, I figure, you need to know something that you can acutaly use in today's modern world...How much candy should cost. Have you ever gone to Rogers, or Blockbuster (Or wherever you get your entertainment) and see those bottles of coloured sugar? Like Baby Bottle Pops, or those sour spray things? Are they really worth two freakin' dollars?! I mean, you could feed some kid in Africa for two days, and all you can get here, is...is...half a cup of sour, liquified sugar. Well, yeah, it's kind of expected that the food be over-priced. I mean, it's good marketing. "I'd like to get this movie...o0o0o, snacks! I'll probably get hungry during the movie." Did you know that if you eat while reading, or watching TV, you just want more food? I'm thinking that we just keep eating, because we want an excuse to keep reading/watching TV, and/or are so immersed in what we're reading/watching, that we don't notice how full we are. Thus we all explode and die. Anyway, the scary thing about all this, is that Americans don't know what Tim Hortons is, so they're forced to drink Starbucks coffee. Wait, fuck, no, I was talking about the adult video section at Blockbuster. So anyway, if you go to a convenience store, you can usualy find Baby Bottle Pops, for a few cents less. But how much does it cost to produce these things, that's the important thing. Actualy, the important thing here, is not to run through a dog pound nake. Well, if we think about it, we'll probably start giggling. *giggles* Someone running through the pound, naked. *snickers* k, anyway, how much do you think the plastic to make the bottles for baby bottle pops -- Ya' know what? I'm just going to cal them BBP, okay? The plastic can't be too much. Let's just say it's like 10 cents. (Hey, it costs a lot to have little plastic bottles shipped over from China -_-) k, yeah, 10 is a lot. But whatever. This is just an estimate. I guess the 10 cents would also cover the packaging, label, etc. Anyway, yeah, so we've got a 10 cent container. Now we need need to put that thingy on the top. The thing on the lid...The thing that's fun to chew on...On real bottles anyway. For those of you who've never seen those fucking stupid BBP comercials, what you do, is take the lid off, and there's a handle on the inside. You take that handle, and lick the top part of the candy top thingy. Then you dip it into the poweder, in the bottle. Refresh your memory. Now, let's see, the top looks like a sucker right? Made of the same crystalized sugaryness...*drool* OI! I SAW THAT! YOU WERE ABOUT TO SLAP ME! So I figure, that it takes the same amount of that crystalized sugar stuff, to make 8 of those tootsie roll sucker things. I don't know if you've ever gone to Dollarama (I love dollar store. So much candy, for so cheap ^_^) but they sell these suckers, with a tootsie roll center. For a buck. Now, assuming there's one tootsie roll in the center of each sucker, and there's 8 suckers, and each tootsie roll is usualy about 10 cents each. (10 cents! I can eat plastic AND a label for 10 cents!) So, 8 * 10 = 80 cents. 100 - 80 = 20 cents. Therefore, it costs about 20 cents for the top thingy of the BBP. (I'm going to assume the paper stick thingies on the suckers is free...Or covered by the taxs) So, so far, we've got 30 cents worth of stuff. That means, we've to 1.70 to spend that sugar! =O However, for a 1.70, I'd better be getting cocain or something. btw, there's about 3/4 square inches of this stuff in the bottle. So yeah, that's gotta be some damn-good sugar, to pay 2.25 cents per square inch of it. Now, lick 'n' dips, you get two whole packages, with about 1/2 square inches each, as well as the licking stick (perves) for 89 cents. Now, assuming the licking stick is free, and the price is rounded to .90. That means, that for one square inch, it costs about 90 cents. Or, (90 / 4) * 3 = 67.5 cents, for 3/4 square inches of sugary goodness. However, we can't forget the 15% law, or whatever it's called. You must make at least 15% profit from every product you make. (Not a legal law, but if you want a sucessful buisness....) so 15 percent of .90 is .14 cents. So .90 - .14 = .76 cents. (76 / 4) * 3 = 57 cents. So we've got 57 cents of crack--I mean, sugar. As well as 10 cents of packaging. And we can't forget 20 cents of crystal meth/sugar. All in all, it adds up to about 87 cents. Which, btw, is how much skittles cost at most convienence stores. Now, the 15% law, will tack on another 14 cents, to bring it to a full dollar. So what happens to the other dollar I'm paying? Well, it goes towards paying the employees, paying for the cost of machinery, paying for electricity for the machinery, and paying for repairs to the machinary. And then there's the whole "shipping it out to convenience stores, and over-priced video stores" deal. Also, the company producing these products can't be the only ones making money. Blockbuster needs to make money off this too. And, they probably get these things whole sale, but if they don't, Blockbuster would also need to pay the middle man, etc. No, these pictures have nothing to do with this rant. So, I'm going to make an uneducated guess here. I've never seen statistics for factorys of any sort. If anyone knows any, let me know ^_^ k, so anyway, here's my naive little assumptions: Say there's 50 employees, who make 50k/year. The machinery, is like 100,000 dollars to start with. Then, it's about....Well, my family uses up 10k worth of electricity...so I'm going to estimate something like 50k/year on electricity. About 5k on maitnance. About 20k on shipping. All right, let's make this into an alegraic function. First, we divide these up into two catagories. production costs, and yearly costs. Production costs 57 cents on powder, 10 cents on packaging, 20 cents on the top thingy = 87 cents. We then, subtract 200 cents from the cost, to make the cost -113 cents. Yearly costs 50,000 on employees, 50,000 on electricity, 5,000 on maintance, 20,000 shipping = 125,000 dollars So, for the profit function, we have p(x, z) = 1.13x - 125,000z, where P is the profit, x is the ammount of products sold, and z is how many years, the company has been operating. But wait, what about the 100,000 dollar machinary? Since, it doesn't fit into either of the catagories (I'm explaining this, assuming that you havn't passed grd 9 math =P) and since it won't be changed by anything at all (They're not going to charge you 100k every year for it, or anything like that...Unless you're renting it...Or didn't pay it all off at once, and you're paying interest on the payments...) it is simply "-100,000" So here's our function: p(x, z) = 1.13x - 125,000z - 100,000 Now, you're looking at this funciton, and going "Croiky! In the first year they have to pay of $225,000! That means they'll have to sell 225,000 / 1.13 = 199,116 products to make 96 cents worth of profit!" Well, that's partialy true. Except that technicaly, the company that makes the BBP don't actualy get all $2.00. Remember how Blockbuster has to make some money too? "Wow! So you mean, that they have to sell even more?!" Well, pretty much all buisnesses start out like that. I mean, look at Blockbuster. How much do you think each movie costs? Well, when they first get them, it's probably like 50 bucks or something...I don't know..I've never bought a movie, and never been around when my parents bought them. So anyway, 5 bucks, means that for each movie, you need to rent it out 10 times, before you can start makign profit. And they have like 5 of each movie. You have to rent it out 50 times! Now, off the top of your head, can you name 50 people who would want to rent Napolean Dynamite? I can't either. But there's gotta be 50 people who want to see it. Anyway, so yeah, in year one, they would be making a profit when.... p(x, 1) = 1.13x - 125,000(1) - 100,000 0 So in short, go live in africa. You can get enough food for two days, for the price of an over-priced candy. Okay, ya' see! This is what happens when I don't go to church. I go on and on about how much money you can make if you make candy, or how much you can save if you go to Africa. Wasn't that awesome? Probably not to you. But I thought it was awesome. I think you all deserve to see some more bloody pictures. (From my nose Jen.) I started out drawing a pencil, but I kind of fucked up the erraser. Then, I was like "duuuude, I wanna draw Saskue's eye!" (Saskue = Character from Naruto. Naruto is an anime if you don't know.) Maybe next time I'll draw Gaara for ya' Akiko. =P Saskue's eye looks like crap in that picture. This is the paper folded in half. I think it looks a lot better. Yeah, I was looking around for something to draw, and I saw a girl like that with a gun. I then proceeded to ruin the image, by attempting to draw a jeep. This is the tiny little blade I use for blood. Here's the knife, pic, and thumb. Just to sort of put it all into porportion. --SON OF A BITCH MOTHER FUCKER. I just lost 100 lines. (I'm at 500 lines right now. So I lost quite a bit) My computer just died out of no where, and I hadn't saved in like, an hour. So I lost so much awesome stuff. Like my paragraph on emo kids putting their msn names to "There's nothing to lose, so I'm gonna cross the boulavard of broken dreams, and get pwnd by a truck." k, let's see...I think after the pics, I had mentioned that Geneisa had reminded me that I wanted to get a trench coat. Deanna had a trench coat. It kicked ass. I actualy want a ski jacket that's really long, like to my knees. Like a long snowboarding jacket. That'd kick so much ass. I now want that. And an Acura NSX. Or a Toyota Celica. Hmmm...MIKE. See Mike, I'm doing everything I can to link to you. =) Mike related story time... Deanna was at her friend's house. Deanna's friend is like "Ohhh, Robbie's online! Let's go on webcam!" Deanna hates cameras as much as I do. (I'll go on webcam with Mike a lot, so that he KNOWS that I'm not a 40 year old pedophile when he comes to get me for the trip to BC. It's me, not some random kid I molested, and blackmailed.) So she's sitting there with her friend. "I feel like a pervert." "Why?" "'cause I feel like it's my fault Andrea put you on webcam...Almost as if I bribed her to do that...Which I didn't." "lol" "You can move if you want. =P" "Awesome. *moveage*" While she's moving, Mike come's along "Wazzap ni66a?!" "Just watching Deanna on webcam, being a pervert." "TAKE A SCREENSHOT." So did. Looksie. "AHAHAHA! YOU LIKE AN IRONING BOARD! ROFLMAO! spaz spaz, etc." (It's actualy a bed. And you can see Deanna's red and white coat on the bed too if you look closely.) So it turns out I made a fan club for an ironing board/bed. For those of you, who arn't the 5 people here who have me on MSN, my name is built like this: Dratkcuf - Member of DFC and APC {(8)There's nothing to loose, 'cause you've told all your friends, that you've got your gun to my head, so I'mma cross the boulavard of broken dreams, and get pwned by a semi. Just because I'm oh-so-emo(8)} The first section (dratkcuf) is simply backwards text. I change it every few months or so. Third section ({ and }) (Chronilogical order is for druggies) is just some random words I change every day or two. The second part (member of...) means I'm a member of the Deanna Fan Club, and the AMDEC [student] Protection Comittee. (AMDEC = online school.) The DFC was cool. It was like, 2 in the morning, and me and Jessie (Deanna's friend) were talking. And at the time, Deanna's name was "Resol" (Doesn't take much to figure out what it means.) so we're talking about that. "She's not a loser. Everyone loves her." (Literaly, no exageration there.) "We should start a club, to show her how much everyone likes her." "Good idea. You go make a site for it, and I'll go about the difficult task of getting a picture of her for the site." (She never actualy got one. =( So that was pretty awesome. There was a cool site, with tons of games, and memberships, and...And... k, it was a site with a list of members, a tag board, and a couple other stuff. (A simple, to-the-point site, is a good site.) But it was still cool 'cause it was a simple looking site. Anyway, her brothers (21-29) found out about the DFC, and one of them was like "Awww, I want a club. T_T" And another would answer the phone: "Hello, this is the Deanna Fan Club headquarters." Or that's what Deanna said anyway. I never actualy called her house in hopes that one of her older brothers would pick up. Hmmm, ever notice how if you like an emo song, and it become a msuic video, you don't like it that much anymore? For example, Billy Talent - Nothing to Lose. I sat there and listened to that song on repeat for half an hour straight, during my computer-less depresion at the computer. Now, it's a music vid. At first I was like "Fuckin' kick ass!" Then I go on MSN. Hmm, the MSN names all look the same. "There's nothing to loose, so I'mma run down to the Boulavard of Broken Dreams, and get pwned by a semi." So now those songs are anoying. Well, Greenday was always anoying, but yeah. Isn't it odd, how something you loved a week earlier, can sudenly become one of the most anoying songs out there, just because everyone likes the song? Oh-ho-ho, I caught myself there. I was about to do one of those rants about people wanting to fit in, and liking stuff just 'cause it's popular and stuff. Go ask Geniesa to write one of those kinds of things. Hmm, have you ever heard the saying that's something like "Who gives a fuck what happens in highschool. After highschool, you'll never see those people again." (I started writing about Billy Talent - Nothing to Lose, becaues at the end of the music vid, it goes "There's a life outside these walls" or something like that, so I was going to use that to open into this little paragraph. But as can see, I got a little sidetracked.) Anyway, I just want to say that while that statement is completely true, it doesn't give the meaning it's meant to me. Yeah, none of it's gonna matter in college. Guess what, nothing is gonna matter at your job, you're gonna get fired anyway. Once your fired, your new job won't matter either, 'cause you're gonna retire. One you're stuck in an old people's home with a fixed pension, it doesn't fucking matter becaues you're going to be fucking dead. The four years you're in highschool, that's the WORLD to those teens. (I'm not one of them, as I don't go to a phyisical school...I don't really know what I'm talking about either, but this is what it seems like to me.) I mean, sure the nerds will grow up and own the jocks...But that's AFTER highschool. But aparently what happens in highschool doesn't matter, 'cause you'll get your revenge. But who will really have the last laugh, when someone tells the jock, that it's only a job, and that the nerd will die of a heart attack from the stress of a buisness. It really doesn't fucking matter if there's more to life after highschool. Highschool is what's happening in the hear and now. The 4 years you spend in highshcool will end, and you'll live happily every after in the real world. (HA) Then you're in the real world. Only 50 years until retirement, then you get to sit back and get a steady income from the goverment. Don't worry about your constant pain. You'll be dead in the next 20 or so years. Yeah, you only have 4 years of highschool. But when you were younger, didn't your mommy hug you, feed you, and do whatever the fuck else, until you were like 18. ...Okay then... When I grow up, I want to get depresed. I will then write emo songs, and people will take random phrases, and put them up on thier diary. emo song: "You've strapped my heart to your semi...So put your foot to the gas and GOOOOOOOO!"...That last "gooo" is supposed to be a deep, raspy, pure screamo "gooo". You've ripped my heat out with the a hacksaw. Why does it burn? Why? I'll bet you anytying, if The Used put that on one of their singles, cheesy-ass lines would be on everyon'e emo msn names. k, this is a kick ass line, that I think sounded pretty damn good. I turned on the TV, and I just hear Fifty Cent say They call me new money, say I have no class I'm from the bottom, I came up too fast The hell if I care, I'm just here to get my cash The hell if I care, I'm just here to get my cash. Great, I'm quoting 50 cent again. And I dn't even like him. Grrr. Well, I spent 24 fucking hours on this. Yes, 24 hours. I took a break for a couple hours, but I pretty much worked all day and night on this. And, of course, I have church tomorow, because I kick ass. And unfortunatly, I dont' do speed. Sooo, So long, and good night. Happy Easter. Check out this awesome poem Manda wrote! Jesus has a little Lamb By Amanda Mesa Jesus had a little lamb, Whose fleece was scarlet as blood, And everywhere that lamb would go Jesus would soon follow. The lamb would always sin, Each on causing a cut, On Jesus’ wrists and arms. Causing the good shepherd great harm. Soon sweet Jesus died one day, The lamb soon fell to hell, Jesus swore that in three days, The lamb would be amazed. Jesus fulfilled his promise, The lamb believed his word, Asked for forgiveness soon there after, Joined him in paradise filled with laughter. Jesus has a little lamb, Whose fleece is white as snow, And everywhere that Jesus goes, The lamb is sure to follow. Anyway, Happy Easter y'all. 8 more days 'till Val's birthday! 9 more days 'till Deanna goes back to work. =) I might ask Deanna about setting up her computer tomorow. She's got a brother who can do it, but pfft, he can't do it the way I do it. I encode love into each and every keystroke. x3 lmao. Right. I just think if I set up her computer, it'd be a lot more secure. And, if I have time, I could show her how to work with stuff like winrar and stuff. I could replace notepad with metapad. And I could make a program that every time her computer starts it says "x3 Deanna". Except it'd be lesser than three, 'cause x3 sucks. Her parents would hate me all over again for that one. XD Ummm...What else was I talking about doing in the convo with Akiko... Uhh...Meh. Whatever. I guarentee you, if I semi-1337ify Deanna's computer, at least half my explanations will not make any sense at all, then of course, I'll write instructions...Big long instructions...Like a UNIX manual. Meh. Whatever. Oh yeah! If you people have any questoins for the sitD FAQ, leaev them. Here's what I have so far. (Sort of) In no particular order: How do you make a link? How do you show an image on your diary? (Photobucket. If you use sitD image manager, please don't have apostraphes, or spaces.) How do you make a top_left, comment_pic, and background How to change your font 'attributes' Is "such as this" diaries free? (google ad/donate) What does "sitDiary", "sitD", "d.sit" etc mean? bold, underline, strikeout, italic Can I delete my old diaries? What is "randomizing"? Why is it cutting off my entry at a certain point? Why does it delete my entry? (You may have been logged out after 20 minute) How come when I leave sitD open for a while, then come back, I've been logged out? How come I can't rename my images? (There's an apostraphe) Umm...I'm not gonna edit the questions so they make sense. Those are the notes I wrote down. If you have a question, ANY question, that doesn't look like it would fit with one of those questions, LEAVE A COMMENT. If you have a sugestion for sitD, go leave it on Scott's diary. Like Anette. She had an idea to put LJ-cuts on here. Tell that stuff to Scott, he needs ideas for paid accounts. =) k, once again: 8 more days 'till Val's birthday! 9 more days 'till Deanna goes back to work. You know you wanna Click it, you know you wanna visit Mikyyyy!
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Obsess much?

Feeling: torn
Writing began: 21/03/05 Completed writing: 24/03/05 Words: 8,500 Average reading time (At 250 words/minute): 34 Wow, been a week. I'm watching The Incredibles, so I'll try to keep my sentances on track, since I'll get distracted every three words, to watch. I've seen this once before, but it kicked ass. I'mma write random quotes as I hear them. Such as: "He got away. Skippy here saw to that." "Incredi-boy!" "I am not asociated with you!" Pfft, this entry is going to take forever to write. I get distracted so flippin' easily. Duuude, Violet is hot with her hair down. And her powers are kick-ass too. roflmao, the part where Mr. Incredible gets fed up with his car and breaks the window and stuff. Man I love that guy's attitude. "So you're saying we shouldn't help people?" "The law requires me to say yes." That quote wasn't associated with the last comment. But I love that answer. I'm so using that some time. Weee, that fuckin' boss guy just got pwned. Flew through four fuckin' walls dude! Hell yeah! Sorry, I get really into movies. Remember how before I wrote about how I split into to people, and pretend to be someone else, and have conversations with myself. It's kind of like that. I imagine I'm the people in the movies/stories/whatever the hell I'm paying attention to. My eyes were litteraly tearing up from the frustration Mr Incredible must feel. Yeah... lmao, it just showed the part about where that designer lady is reminding "bob" of "cape" mishaps. Fuckin' hillariously cringyness. Okay, the Incredibles just ended. Guess what. I got distracted throught he whole movie. Fuckin' TV. Sucks me in, and doesn't let go. I hate it soooo fucking much. k, well, I have no notes to write about today. (I write down notes throughout the week on what I want to write about) I'm sure I'll find something to write about as I'm explaining my day. "*gasp* He's gone mainstream! (aka, writing about the day) I'm going to stop reading right now!" Yes, that was a subliminal message to stop reading and watch TV. Fuckin' TV and it's subliminal comercials. This is going to be like a warmup thing for a singer. The "do rae ME FA SO LA TI DO"...Or however you spell those fucked up things. After the "do rae fuck me slow" thing, the singer then procedes to start screaming some incredibly emo lyrics, that no one minds, 'cause it's being fucking screamed! Boo-yeah! *pops in The Used* *sings along* "Kiiiiiilllll, smmiiiiiiiillee, cut it out for me this time!" Weee. After long moments of thought, and consulting my imaginary personality of a guy who got on the ski lift with me, I have concluded, that I am probably just make the story of my day seem really really long. By making it boring. I am going to do this because it is a lot easier than coming up with something interesting to write about in the middle of the night. Okay, today was a ski trip with my homeschool group. Up here in Canada, March break (A week off from school, for those who don't live here. Similar to March Break...I think...I don't know. This is what happens when you're homeschooled all your life...) just ended, so of course, today everyone has to be in school. Which means us homeschoolers only have to share the hill with old people, and other homeschool groups. w00tage. Okay, let's being my story, which I have already started. But first. Let me take you back. Back to a time when I had 6 litres of pop in me. Back to a time when sleep was nothing more than a nagging "if you don't sleep, you're going to fucking die dude" thought, inserted into my brain by Val. That's right. Saturday night. Saturday night, I decided I didn't want to sleep. Therefore I didn't. I then proceeded to go to church, with my calculus, and get mocked by this one kid. Oh! I can't believe I didn't write this last entrry...Or the entry before that...Whatever. Last sunday, I bussed to church, right. And I went with my friend, Andrea, and her family. Her little sister Crystal kept talking and talking and talking, from 8:30am when I got on the bus, 'till 6:00pm when I left their house after fixing their computer. Holy fuck man...If that's what having a kid is like... Ahaha, I put up with Crystal for 9.5 hours, and Deanna wasn't even at church. -_- Grrr. Today she told me a lot of stories about how fun it was at Jessie's cottage though. "Yeah, while you were off smiling and nodding at Crystal, I was crashing snowmobiles into trees!"...But I'm getting ahead of myself. Well, techincialy I'm telling a story of today, so I'm not getting ahead, but whatever. That week I also brought a tape player walkman (Old school babeh! Fuck the ipod!) and wore that t-shirt "I hack, Ban me." that my mom spazed out at, and told me not to wear in public. I didn't wear it on purpose, I simply hadn't done the laundry, so I had no other shirt. (This was when my parents ditched me to Cuba) So this kid is running around telling everyone (Even the pastor) 'Look! He even wears a SHIRT about the computer!" (This kid is obsesed with pointing out how nerdy I am) The pastor is just like "Yeah, well, that means he's smart." OH-HO! YOU GOT TOLD LITTLE BOY! XD Hehe, I got asked by 4 different people what it means. Oh, and I swear I got a dirty look from this one lady. k, let me just clear up something about hackers. (Not the gamer hackers. I mean ACTUAL hackers.) Hackers = Programmers. Hackers also = People who illigaly access a database. Crackers = Hackers who access databases and stuff, then FUCK IT ALL UP! Or steal, or something. Basicaly, "crackers" are the general public's idea of "hackers". The big evil hackers. Hackers are good. Hackers access databases and stuff for information, or, just to see if it can be done. Hackers find security holes, and usualy FIX THEM. You get FAR MORE RESPECT if you hack into a database, leave your little signature, and just leave everything else alone. I've had every single server I've ever owned hacked. Almost every time, nothing was touched, except the index page. It was just a little thing like "owned by *name*" in an html tag at the bottom of the page or something. Something little that no one notices. I have so much more respect for those guys than I do for the two times someone just completely fucked over the server/sql database. The hacker guys were cool. Made me loose some sleep, and made me paranoid, but they're so much cooler than crackers. Most crackers are like, rebels without a cause. Fuckin' anarchist fucktards who just fight the goverment for no fucking reason. Crackers come in, fuck up the database, for no reason. (Unless Dani did it. She seems hateful enough to do that. AHAHA, right. Dani...Hacking...Right.) I told you this would be long and boring. Fortunatly for you, I have lost my space in the entry, and my eyes are currently closing, 'cause I['m so fucking tired, so I can't read up to see where I was. If you see typos, it's 'cause my eyes are shut. Okay, usualy, on ski days, I just pull an all nighter, rather than wake up at 6 to drive on up to Barry (Barry = city) Well, Satruday was my all nighter night. So fuck that idea. Guess what. I went to bed at NINE! Holy fuck eh. So then I was able to get up at 6 no problem. *fast forwards until I had gotten my blue stripe* Okay, at Snow Valley (I shall refer to it as SV from now on.) the way it works, is, like most other mountains, each run has a rating. Black diamond, etc. There are two stripes you can get, green, and blue. Blue is for the leet, green is for the n00bs. Blue will get you anywhere, green will get you on anything smaller than a black diamond. You must go down a hill, and carve aruond some pylons and stop at the bottom to get your blue stripe. So I go down...Simple. Deanna goes down, and her ski messes up, so she misses one of them. So she goes back in the lodge to change her skis (they were rented. Aparently they weren't waxed, or something) Then she walks back up the hill (You have to walk up the hill..Takes like 10 flippin' minutes) and she aces the stripe test easily. This whole time I'm sitting there on my snowboard waiting for her. (Like half an hour. Doesn't my day sound exciting already? =D) So she gets to the bottom of the stripe hill. "k, I'm gonna go look for my sisters. They abandoned me." (She's got two little sisters.) so I'm like "Oh, can I come too?" She kind of looked at me like I was stupid for a second. "Of course." "w00t!" "nerd." Yes. I say w00t in real life. It's a very high pitched...Uh..."w00t" sound. All my "exclamations" are very high-pitched. Like: "Here, haev a cookie." "Yay!". It's like...Not even girly, it's so high. Blah. Makes people laugh though. So anyway, we get on the chair lift to go look for her sisters on the hills (Dunno if you've ever tried, but that never works. But it's a good excuse to go down a hill, rather than sit around and wait) Weee, no one else is on the lift chair. I think I wrote about this before, but the reason I don't talk much, is because there's other people around. One on one, I'll talk to someone if I want to. If there's someone else there, that other person is most likely going to be talking. And...I dunno...I just can't join in a conversation. And there's ALWAYS someone talking to Deanna. Blah. So anyway, Deanna's telling me all about her week at Jessie's cottage. "Oh yeah, we had snowmobile races, etc etc, I hit a tree, so on, so forth, ran people over..." Weee. Stories seem specialer when theyre being told to you, instead of sitting there listening to her tell someone else the story. Okay, let me just stop here to tell you something you don't want to know. I sat on the toilet and wrote down everything I remembered about today, this evening. Do you know how creepy it feels to be sititng on the toilet and write the word "Deanna"? And there's like two pages of double sided notes here. I'd better burn these. Man, if anyone found them...They'd advise Deanna to get a restraining order. "Look at all these notes and diary entries! Did you know he noticed this, this, and this about you?" Well gee, if people would start stabing me with their knives, I would have something to concentrate on, other than Deanna. Or maybe if I got kidnaped and raped, I'd have something else to write about. Or maybe if more people understood how computers worked, I could...Well, I couldn't do much then. But still...Computer = obsesion of my life. Deanna = obsesion of whatever life the computer doesn't take away from me. Bored yet? I am. I'm gonna go to bed, and tell you alllll about my day tomorow. (Pfft, right) *couple hours later* Duuuuude. Last night was...Depresing. I was having a conversatoin with myself after I closed this txt file (Remember about how I have conversations with myself from the last entry? Probably not.) about how in the summer, sometimes I couldn't bring my computer up to the cottage, and I got so depresed, I just sat in the basement staring at the wall for the entire day. I wouldn't eat, I wouldn't sleep, I'd just...Sit there for a day or two. I'd move to change a CD or to cut out of boredom, but that's it. Just thinking about not having the computer for a week, made me depresed last night. Therefore, I need therapy. But man, looking back at it all, it was so much nicer than my life is now. In the summer, I just sat there, and thought...and thought...and talked to myself...For flippin' days. I barely communicated with anyone. ("Come eat Robbie." my mom would say. "I already did" I would lie. Then she'd leave me alone.) And now compare that, to my constant frustration with code now. Ah the simple days of thinking. I love thinking. Just sitting there and thinking. That's why I write these things. I just sit and think about stuff, and as I write it out, I think of more stuff to think about. It was okay for me to do that, 'cause it was summer, and I didn't have my computer. Therefore, I had no responsibilities. If I did that now, I'd end up sucking on a 12-guage for wasting so much time thinking. I hate wasting time. Back to my story. The chairlift thing was pretty much the highlight of the day. Anyway, when we got to the top, this guy that likes her...I forget his name (Ever hear the myth that guys arn't very observant?) I think his name is Jonathan. Even if it's not, I'm going to call him that for the rest of the entry. So anyway, he joins us, (Random stalkers join us throughout the day. Every time someone joins, she looks at me like "Noooo, make them go away". But like I said...Somewhere in one of my entires...I can't do anything about it.) I'm really paranoid about EVERYTHING I DO, and what it will lead people to think. I do everything I possibly can to not get noticed. If I dont' get noticed, I won't seem like...Like...I dunno, a show off or something. Here's an example; This Jonathan kid has been snowboarding for 5 years. I've been snowboarding for about the same ammount of time. Give or take a few years. So he starts off down the hill. Now, I know that if I go down, I'll probably pass him or something. And that makes me feel like I'm trying to do better than him. Like a competition. (This is my diary. I can make myself seem as silly as I want to.) I hate winning competitions. Like I said, it makes me feel like a show off. I'm very repetitive. The point of this paragraph is that the Jonathan kid came up on the lifts with us for a few runs. Then Deanna was like "Okay, I'm going to see if Jessie (friend) got her blue stripe yet", and she gave me that...Look thingy...Like "Keep him distracted, while I sneak away". =P "Okay, we'll just stay over on this lift." (There's different skilifts that lead to different sections of the mountain. (I'm just explaining this stuff for people like Jen who have never seen snow, much less gone skiing)) So then she went off down the hill that leads to the central ski lift, and me and Jonathan went down a different hill. That felt cool. I helped someone. Yay. =) "Sure, you go on to the lodge...Alone...Without us...*turns to the guy* Don't follow her. *glare*" Anyway, after a run or two, he ditched me to go find his dad, and I went back to the lodge to take off my coat. (It was flippin' -3 man! So fuckin' warm) Speaking of seductivly taking of my clothing, Matt just messaged me, and wants me to come over for geek night. *24 hours later* Okay, so last night, I went to Matt's house with my computer, and stuff. (Gonna put my story of my day (Which isn't even THIS day anymore) on hold...Again...Here's a new story.) I walk in to his room holding my computer. "Hi Matt! *waves both hands* HOLY SHIT DAMNIT MOTHERFUCKER" Yup, I droped my computer. On my toe. Well, not really. I dropped the side panel of my computer. I never have screws in that panel, 'cause I'm always taking it off to do something or other to the computer's guts. So when I'm carring it, I just hold it from sliding off, with my finger. Well, my finger slipped. And my case if heavy. And it fell of my toe. I'm like "Ouch. *hop on one foot*" and Matt's sitting there laughing. So I set my computer down, and put the side back on my computer. Then my toe is still throbing, so I look down, and there's blood on my sock. Weee, I wet my pants right there. Blood...*drool*. Then I started to get worried, so I took off my sock. "Oh look, my toenail." Yup. My toenail popped right off. Like, it hit right at the back of the nail, and shot it right off my toe. I had always thought losing a nail would hurt more. Heh. So Matt's like "Eww...Stop poking it...Stop making the blood drip on my floor...Stop drawing pictures with it on my wall.." So we put cotton on it, and put a bandaid on it. We then proceeded to uber-geek it up. I got so fucking far with the coding for the member system of our site. It's gonna kick ass. Because I made it. Yup. We got so far with our planning of it, and...And...Yeah. The site won't apply to any of my readers here though, so I'm not going to go into all we did. Anyway, I slept with the cotton and bandaid on my toe. Then in the morning, Matt always smacks me with his pillow until I actualy get out of bed. So I curl up to protect myself. Guess what got hit. So that got me out of bed. After an hour of geekin' it up again, we couldn't stand it anymore, and just HAD to look at my toe. So we go in the bathroom to get ready to soak the toe, and stuff. So I go to take it off. "I just realized, the cotton has probably really grown to like my toe, and may be pretty hard to seperate the two." Of course I'm right. Holy fuck it hurt. Even after soaking the toe and cotton for a while, I eventualy had to pump myself full of novocain, and slowly pull the cotton appart from the skin...Minus the novocain part. "Wee, it's still bleeding! =)" So I played around with clensing alchohal and stuff. (Didn't burn as much as rubbing alchohal would have. But it was bubbling. So that was creepy. But it was cool, 'cause I knew it was killing the germs. Yup.) And that is why you should give me a Hecate II. Anyway, then, we went back to Matt's room and took pictures! Man, it looks so much cleaner in the pictures. *shrugs* 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 Then I decided to play DDR. Have you ever seen Kung Pow? Remember the part where the guy is like "You'd better listen to him, or he'll cut off your big toe!" then he walks away, and you see him walking, and there's blood squirting out of his toe? Now imagine that guy stompin' to tha beat. I wish we had taken a pic of my bloody foot. It was so fuckin' awesome. Matt wasn't too happy about the blood on his pad, but it all came off okay. So the blood is pretty kickass. Now, back to the boring part: After suductivly removing my coat in front of the ski lodge staff and being showered with roses, I headed back out, and went back to the hill I said I'd meet Deanna at when she left to find Jessie. She wasn't at the top of the hill right away, so I started down the run that was directly under the chair lift. As I was going down, I hear "Robbiiiiiiiiiiiieeeeeeeeeeeee!" in a really high-pitched voice. Now, normaly, when you're flying down a hill, the last thing you want to do is look up when someone yells "Hi!" or something from the chairlift, because...Well, it's pretty self explanitory. Fuckin' people who do that...Grrr. Anyway, normaly I wouldn't stop, but the voice sounded like Julia, Deanna's youngest sister. So I stop and look up, and Julia's waving franticaly, Carina (1, Carina's Deanna's other sister, 2, I don't know if I spelt Carina right) is yelling "We'll meet you at the bottom", Deanna is rolling her eyes, and pointing to Julia like "Sorry for making you stop, it's all Julia's fault...Make her shut up!" and Jessie is sitting there laughing. And of course, I'm sitting there on my knees, yelling "okay"...The perfect target for random people to throw snowballs at from the chair lift. Bastards. So I met them at the bottom. Aparently, there were others in the group that got on a few chairs ahead. So the group was: -Deanna -Julia -Carina -Jessie -Daniel (Not the one that likes Deanna...I don't think he does anyway...) -Jermiah -Leah (The girl who thinks my obsession with blood is creepy) -Me (The only snowboarder in the group. Everyone else was skiing or snowblading.) I just want to say, that step-in bindings suck. I hate them so fucking much. My board is too small for me now. And I only went snowboarding twice this year (*sniffle*) so I didn't bother buying a new board. So I rented both times. Fuckin' step-ins. Strap-ins are so much better. They're not even good for stepping into your board quickly. You always miss or something. Just...Just...Fuck. If I had a dollar for every time I muttered "Piece of shit mother fucker." every time my attempt to step into the bindings, I'd be able to afford a Hecate II. So anyway, we went up and down a couple runs. I always on the last chair up. (You can only fit a certain amount of people on a lift chair each time, depending on the lift. The biggest lift could fit 5.) Half the time I got ditched and had to sit with random people. Once I got stuck with these two really talkitive guys. About my age. Typical kids my age. Ask me fucked up questions. Make fun of my shirt. (I wore that "I hack, Ban me" t-shirt) etc. I actualy ran into them a couple more times. More mocking. =P I also go stuck with an old ski patrol guy. I brought down the bar (The ski lift seat comes and scoops you up, then you pull down a bar, like on a roller coast, so you don't fall off) and accidently hit the guy in the head. So he made me lean forward, and he lifted the bar, and gave me a black eye. Nah, I'm kidding about that last part. He said I deserved that though. The guy was cool...Sort of. "So, you homeschooled?" "Yeah." "Here in Barrie?" (Barrie is the city with the mountain.) "Nah, Mississagua." "Holy crap, you go all the way down to Mississagua for schooling?!" "lol, no, I live there." (Remember I said 'he's cool...sort of') "What?! You no one lives in Mississagua." "I do." "Well, no one lives there and likes it." "lol, I do." "Odd little boy arn't ya'? Have you lived there all your life?" "Yup." *30 seconds later* "So I guess you don't know any better eh?" "lol, I guess not." That's right. I said "lol". Not really. But that's exactly how I talk on msn. So if you talk to me on MSN, and that's all I say, then, you should know that that's exactly how I am in real life. I don't talk, just nod, and laugh, with the occasional "cool". Speaking of conversations on ski lifts; remember how I build personalities for people, and have conversations with 'them' (aka, me)? If I'm alone on a chair, with someone else, and they don't start up a conversation, I'll make up a conversation. Like this one guy, by the end of the lift ride, I was like "What a pervert". Even though he had never said a word..He hadn't even looked at me. I had just had such an...Odd conversation with him. I suppose that would make me the pervert, since I controled his responses...But whatever. While we're on the topic of random stuff that isn't relavant to the story, I just want to say, that the Takahashis were there. The Takahashis are this kick-ass family that I havn't seen in like, 3 years. They were so cool. I alwayrs remembered them as "the gun kids" or something like that. They taught me so much about guns and stuff. We'd run around their farm with their plastic tommy guns, m16, mac 10s, and whatever the hell else they had. Man they were cool. For some odd reason, when I was younger, all the kids I thought were really cool, ended up knowing my name, and saying "hi" and stuff. I'd be like "=O Uhh, hi. =)". Matt was like that. Now he's like, my best friend. WIthout him, I'd probably still be a school nerd, and he'd still be some cool kid. Now we've sort of pushed each other more and more into computers, so now we're both geeks, good at what we do. I code, he does graphics. Kick-ass team. We could litteraly make money off our knowledge. We could make sites for buisnesses and stuff. We're actualy doing that...Sort of. Some highschools have a "co-op" thing. What you do, is you go to work at a place, and that'll give you a credit. So for example, if you want to be an accountant, you can go work at an accounting office, or something. They don't pay you, but you get a high school credit. That's an awesome oppertunity for the buisness eh? So anyway, this electric company needs a new site. I'm like "Oh, pfft, I can do that no problem." Except that: 1) I'd need Matt to design the site. He wouldn't mind. 2) You must be in grade 11+, you must have a credit in computer science (Hey, I'm almost done it) And...Something else I think. I forget. So anyway, Matt's got all that. "MATT! GO OFFER TO DO THE CO-OP THING!" So he applies for it, and he gets the job! =) (Turns out he was the only one who applied, but I'm pretty sure he would have gotten the job anyway) So he's going to design the site, then I gotta make the whole easy update system to work for their site. Fairly simple stuff. However Scott and I are the only ones I can think of at the moment who would be able to code that system. Aparently Matt can't do it. So that's where I come in. =) This is so awesome, we're actualy working as a team, and we get a reward! Well, Matt does. He gets a credit. However, he paid for a lot of my stuff (Hey, he has a job...I only sort of do.) so this is just pay back for it I guess. =) He actualy wanted us to be paying for each other so much, that we forget how much we owe each other, and our money is like...Both of ours. And it's gotten to that point. ^_^ Sort of. I know he's paid for more stuff than me. But I don't know by how much. Whatever. Back to story. Basicaly we just skied, with nothing special happening, 'till 12:30. Then everyone but me went into the lodge to eat. I don't like eating on ski days. So I just hung out alone for a while. (This was when I had the 'conversatoin' with that 'pervert') After a while, I got bored, so I went in to check on how they're all doing. I just walked upstairs, and glanced in to the room where everyone was. They seemed fine. No one was choking at that particular moment. So I walked back out. On the way back out, I ran into the Daniel that likes Deanna. (Not the one who was in the 'group') He was like "So, I guess you've been hanging out with Deanna today eh?" (He, like pretty much everyone else in our homeschool group, doesn't know about me and Deanna...So this kind of surprised me.) "Uhh, yeah." "Heh. I've been trying to get her to like me for almost a year now. I don't think it's working." At this point I was like...Like...I dunno, just surprised. "Heh." "Yeah...I think I'll just give up." Now, I had no idea what to say. Should I go "Damn right you'd better give up, you bastard!", or should I go "Aw...Don't worry, you'll get her if you keep trying." (Remember, this guy doesn't know about me and Deanna. And if Deanna hasn't told him about us, I should act like we arn't together.) "Heh." Yup. I've been described as the strong silent type. (Pffft.) So that was cool. *checks that off list of mentionable points of the day* But yeah...At least the guy talks with Deanna. (Even if she's like I am when she's around him..."Heh"..."yup"..."interesting"...Not really paying attention..Except that I do pay attention. I just haev nothing to say.) I barely talk to her in real life. (The only person I really talk to in real life is Matt, and even then it's mostly just "Hey, send me that file" "Okay"...But c'mon, I should at least talk to HER, even if I can't talk to anyone else.) That's why I'm making such a big deal about when Deanna gets back to work...'cause then she's got...Dun da dun...MSN! w00t! At least there I can actualy talk without messing up. Like, if I'm talking in real life, and I try to make a saracastic remark, or something, I always mess it up. It would kick ass on MSN, but I just can't talk in real life. Therefore, I dont' talk. You people who read my diary know more about me than she does. (Just barely) and I don't even talk about my life (much) on here! (Except for this entry) Man...Grrr. HOWEVER, things may get back to the way they were exactly one year ago today. I will explain why I'll be walkin' on rainbows later on in this entry. Weeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee. Oh, I should probably explain. On the day after skiing last year (The ski trips for the homeschool group are always on the same days) Jessie logs on to MSN "omg, my parents are going all through my chat logs with you and stuff! And they called Deanna's parents and they're going through your stuff, etc". Then by Thursday (It's 1:30am thusday morning right now) I was deemed a bad influence, and both Jessie and Deanna were banned from MSN. motherfuckersonofabitchdamnitpieceofshit. However, there is hope in the very near future! (For Deanna anyway) I'll move on with the story, so you can see why. (If it's not painfuly obvious yet) Anyway, after lunch, the 'group' came out, and Jessie gave me a Hershies cookie chocolate bar thingy. Aparently Carina had bought it, and sat on it. So she gave it to Deanna. Then Deanna gave it to Jessie. Then Jessie gave it to me (aparently no one else wanted it...I have no idea why) I was like "w00t!" in my highpitched little cheer voice. Then we went up a hill, and at the top, we were deciding on a choice for hills. Now, most of the times before, I had just sat there off to the side waiting for them to decide what hill they want to go down. Then if they'd choose a hill that wasn't a black diamond or some other unfun hill, I'd be like "Okay, meet you guys at the bottom." and go down some hill I found fun. Sometimes Deanna would come alone too. So anyway, at the top of the first hill after lunch, Jessie was like "I'll give you a cookie if you come down the hill with the GROUP." And that is the point of this paragraph. Jessie said she would give me a cookie! Back in...Like...January, or something, I had told some little kid to stop attacking me at skating, and to go cling to Deanna or something. So he did. And Jessie got all pissed about it, and said she would never give me a cookie again. (She probably doesn't remember any of this. But the thought of not getting a cookie from her (She'd make sure none of her friends gave me a cookie either. Including Deanna) ever again, made me cry for weeks. Not really, but still. I was like "aww", and it was engraved in my memory for infinity times infinity. So w00t, I might be getting cookies again! =O I just relized that Val, Matt, and I need to plan a meeting so she can make me DOZENS AND DOZENS of cookies! Last time we met, she made me and Matt a couple dozen cookie each! *drools* And Val's cookies kick ass. They're much better than Mike's cookies. Not that he would make me any anyway. Stupid Mike. Val > Mike Yup. Give me cookies, me love you long time. Val also > Mike, because she actualy reads my whole entries. Unlike Mike. Which leads me to a realization...The only kind of people who actualy read my diary are people who like men. A straight guy has never finnished reading my entires. Which is kind of scary. What is it about my entries that attracts man lovers? It's just really weird. Anyway, I'm starting to get tired. And Jen is getting really impatient with me. So, I'd better wrap this story up quick so I can post this entry, and sleep. *Through a dramatic plot twist, the story finds me, alone with a little boy on a chair lift (That was meant to sound perverted) with Deanna (with other people) on the chair in front of us.* kid: "Are you with the Brampton homeschool group?" Me: "Nope, Mississagua." "Oh." "Yeah." *silence* "Hey, do you know that girl with the red coat in front of us?" "Yeah." "Her name's Dianne right?" "Deanna." "Right." *silence* "I know her from somewhere...I can't remember where though..." So the kid tells me all this stuff he knows about Deanna. Then we get off the lift, and the 'group' is standing together at the top, waiting for me. So I go up to Deanna; "That kid over there knows you." So she looks. "Holy crap, it's that kid! He comes up to me all the time and knows all this stuff about me, and I dont' even know his name!" So Jessie yells "Hey kid who knows Deanna! Come here!" So the kid comes over. "Who are you? And how do you know Deanna?" I don't really know all that happened in the conversation...I was too busy feeling sorry for the poor kid...Jessie can be very scary. In the end, I don't think we learned anything about the kid. Didn't even learn his name. (He some how managed to avoid the questions about himself) So anyways, a few runs later, we're all in line, and it was all set up perfectly with just me and Deanna to be alone, without having someone else talking to her, and out of no where, the kid is beside us in the line to get on the chair lift. "Can I ride with you guys?" I was like "AAIIIEEEE! I'MMA THROTLE YOU!" So Deanna says (Ignoring the fact that my hair has caught fire, my face has turned read, my hands are white-knuckled fists, and everything behind me has some how turned into a blazing inferno) "Well, it's up to him" (refering to me) She then proceeded to give me that "Nooo, make him go away" look. She knows I can't say no. But she does it anyway. So I give her that look, with a little shrug, that says "I can't say no". So he ended up coming. Fortunatly, about half way up the hill, he shut up for a few seconds. Weee, I get to talk now! The kid seemed like he knew he was a "guest" on "our" chair, and that he shouldn't interupt...Because we're bigger than him, and we can throw him off the chair if he interupts me. "Do you think you'll be doing AMDEC next year?" "I don't know. Maybe." *silence* "My parents are thinking of getting a net nanny thing for the computer, and letting me use it again. It's so stupid." Holy crap. If I could talk properly (Remeber how I said I rely on MSN to communicate, since I can't talk) I would rant on and on about how fucked up those things are. They frustrate me to tears. I had one for like a year on my computer a year or two ago. Before I had my own computer. I kept finding all these ways around it, but after a few weeks my dad would be like "Why isn't it sending the logs to my e-mail?". I was like "No clue." FUCK YOU CYBER SITTER! FUCKING DIE MOTHER FUCKER PIECE OF SHIT DAMNIT FUCK YOU BITCH DIE It's fairly simple to dissable the fuckers/get around them (Most of them just read your packets as they are recieved. Just build/get a program that'll read the packets BEFORE the monitoring program does) It's actualy quite fun. Except for the fucking logs. I'm sure if I was forced to find ways around it now, with all the knowledge I have now, I could easily just build a system to get around cyber sitter, have it send fake logs to my dad's e-mail, etc. Gotta love knowing how stuff works. So anyway, back to the conversation: "My parents are thinking of getting a net nany thing for the computer, and letting me use it again. It's so stupid." "Holy crap, I hate those things soooo much." "Yeah. I might not have to have that though, 'cause my brother (She's got 3 older brothers ranging from 21-29) gave me some crappy computer that I can use. He took away the monitor and keyboard though." HOLY FUCK! I WAS GETTING READY TO JUST BUY HER A WHOLE FUCKIN' COMPUTER, IF IT MEANT SHE WOULD BE ABLE TO BE ONLINE WHENEVER SHE WANTS! "I'll buy you that stuff, it's pretty cheap." "Nah, I can probably just get my brother to get me some old one or something." *barely able to conceal my excitement that she might actualy be able to come online soon* "That works too." HOLY FUCK! *squeals* I just wet my pants. ^_^ And the rest of the day isnt' all that important. There was an awkward part with Jessie's dad...That was scary...(Why do people's parents hate me? T_T) Other than that, nothing really important that you would want to hear about. I mean, it's bad enough that I bored you with the 'exciting' parts of my day..There is no way I'm going to stoop to writing about the 'boring' parts. In conclusion, I have a slight obsession with Deanna, and I'm missing a toenail. Now, I have found a few quizes to fill out, so I'll put those on here. But before I do that, I just want to say, that people suck. Em canceled her party becase: "People suck". aka, not enough people were coming. =P So yeah, you didn't miss much Val. =P People also suck, in that they haev too much respect for dead bodies. Why the fuck don't they make everyone an organ doner. Do you know how many lives you could save if you could just take a heart from any dead person with the same blood type, etc, and send it off to someone? Have you ever seen that one movie, with Denzel Washington, where he's a father, and he goes into the hospital with a gun, and demands a heart,etc. And in the end, he ends up on an operating table with the gun to his head, ready to give his heart to his kid? (Not gonna spoil the ending) That wouldn't have happened if you didn't have to fill out an organ doner thing before you die. It's a dead fucking body. It's pointless to leave it as it is. It should be taken apart, and the pieces given away. When I die, I don't give a fuck about what's going to happen to my body. I want them to rip out my organs, give them to some random person who needs them, and toss my body into a circle of gays. And then there's cremations. Those are even more fucking stupid. I can undrestand that your family would want your body preserved, and not defiled and stuff, therefore, they don't let them cut you up, and take your vitals. But if you're just going to burn the fucking body..Why burn something so important as a liver, or a pancreas? What a fucking waste. Oh! Oh! New plan for my body! (Since I don't support being gay) I want anything important to be removed from me, then whatever meat is left, I want chopped up, cooked, and sent over to some third world country. Then my bones would be...I dunno, ground up, and sold as cheap chalk or something. I dunno. I just don't want my body to go to waste. And that was my little complaint for this entry. Everyone seems to like it when I do that sort of stuff. So there it is. The only thing worthy or reading in this patheticly obsessive entry. k, before the quizes, look at this convo with Scott. He wants a logo for sitD: CfCFirestormX: You could just make like, a circle with "sitD" in cool glowing text on it or something. It'll look crappy at first, but people will grow to respect it's utter simplicity. decyphex: its* decyphex: learn the apostraphe, boy decyphex: it will take you far. decyphex: and no! decyphex: i need something that looks fantastic decyphex: because i want to make shirts :] CfCFirestormX: lmao decyphex: i don't want to look retarded in my sd shirt decyphex: "hell no, that's not my website!" CfCFirestormX: rofl decyphex: "i found this at a garage sale cause i'm emo!" decyphex: no no.. let's avoid that Slightly edited. k, anyway, on to the quizes that no one cares about: Taken from Livi: A - Act your age? Not really. B - Born on what day of the week? I don't know. C - Chore you hate? I dunno...I don't have to do chores very often, so it doesn't really get anoying when I do have to do a chore. D - Dad's name? Rod. E - Essential makeup item? Ummm....Lipstick? I don't know. That's the only makeup item I know the name of. F - Favorite actor? X G - Gold or silver? Silver H - Hometown? Mississagua I - Instruments you play? Piano, recorder, harmonica...I think that's it. They all suck. J - Job title? Student. K - Kids? Depends if my wife would mind if they end up on the ground outside the second floor windw. L - Living arrangements? My parent's basement. M - Mom's name? Debbie N - Number of people you've slept with? None. O - Overnight hospital stays? None. =( P - Phobia? Tons. Q - Quote you like? If you buy me a Hecate II I'll be happy like a faggot in jail. R - Religion? Non-denomination Christian S - Siblings? 3 brothers T - Time you wake up? Whenever my mom wakes me up. U - Unique habit? There's billions of people in the world. I doubt anything I do is unique. V - Vegetable you refuse to eat? I can't refuse to eat anything. I don't like any of them, but I have to eat them anyway. W - Worst habit? Talking. (My talking is fucked up) X - X-rays you've had? None Y - Yummy food you make? Ramen. I sort of make that. Z - Zodiac Sign? No fucking clue. ----------------------------------------------------------- last cigarette: Did you know cigarettes can give you cancer? I'll betcha didn't know that. Check it out. last car ride: Today last kiss: Does it count if you were making out with your keyboard? last library book checked out: Some Tom Clancy book back in the summer. last movie seen: The Incredibles. last book read: SAMS Teach Yourself PHP4 in 24 Hours.pdf last cuss word uttered: Ummm...I dunno...'Fuck'? last beverage drank: Cream Soda. I'm getting so sick of this stuff. My PLAQUE is fucking pink, man. I've pumped litres and litres of this stuff into me to keep me awake. last food consumed: Cereal motha fucka. last crush: If by "crush" you mean "Wish to fly", then yesterday. last phone call: Matt. last tv show watched: TV = fucking waste of time. last time showered: I havn't showered in two days. I feel so fucking gungy. last shoes worn: Some point zero shoes that I've had for 4 years. I only have one pair. Weee. last cd played: omg, my F: drive is still fucked, so I'm living off mix cds I made earlier. last item bought: Chocolate stuff to give to Deanna on Easter. last downloaded: Some Evanescence song I some how missed before last annoyance: Oh wow... last disappointment: I dunno...When that kid got on the ski lift with me and Deanna. Wasn't that big of a dissapointment since I got to talk about half way up, but yeah... last thing written: Take a wild guess. last key used: ctrl+alt+delete mother fucker. last words spoken: "fuck" last sleep: *shifty eyes* last IM: Scott. last sexual fantasy: Pfft, do you think I'm a pervert or something? *hides bloody nose* last time amused: It really doesn't take much to amuse me. last time wanting to die: I'm sure we all get flashes of this feeling for a few seconds a LOT. last time in love: Two days ago...Before my love fell apart and destroyed my toe. last time hugged: Some time last year by my aunt. last time scolded: Havn't been scolded in a loooong time. last lipstick used: This clear white stuff, known as "chap stick". It's cool, 'cause it's good for dry lips, and I can use it to moisterize my lips, and no one will notice I'm wearing lipstick! It's truely amazing. last underwear worn: Pervert. Spidey boxers last bra worn: o0o0o, interested in my man boobs too now ya' perv? last time dancing: Today. DDR. Bloody foot. Fuck yeah. last time crying: Pfft, cry. Acording to http://www.fuali.com/: I am 71% Internet Addict. I am 42% Evil Genius. I am 73% Geek. (what-the-fuck son-of-bitch mother fucker?) Taken from Brooke: If I were a stone, I would be: Gravel If I were a tree, I would be a: Maple Tree. Weeee. If I were a bird, I would be a: PENGUIN MOTHA FUCKA! If I were a machine, I would be a: Computer. If I were a tool, I would be a: Screw driver. Beware the techies with screwdrivers. If I were a flower/plant, I would be a: Rose. People pick me up and cover me in blood. *drools* If I were a kind of weather, Snow storm. If I were a mythical creature, I would be a: No clue If I were a musical instrument, I would be a: Microphone If I were a color, I would be: White If I were an emotion, I would be: dull and blank. If I were a vegetable, I would be a: Ew. If I were a sound, I would be: Awkward silence. If I were an element, I would be: Fire...For no particular reason. If I were a car, I would be: a Nissan Acura. If I were a song, I would be: I dunno. If I were a movie, I would be: *shrugs* If I were a food, I would be: Rice! If I were a place, I would be a: Iceburg. If I were a material, I would be: Smooth inprint of a symbol on a rough case of a calculator. If I were a taste, I would be: Water. If I were a scent, I would be: No clue. If I were a word, I would be: Obsessive. If I were an object, I would be a: A box. If I were a body part I would be: Hand. If I were a facial expression I would be: '-_-' If I were a subject in school I would be: Psychology If I were a cartoon character I would be: I'd be Naruto! lmao...No. Maybe more like Hinata. If I were a shape I would be a: Square. If I were a number I would be: x If I were a month I would be: January...When they have to finish the clean up Time's square. If I were a day of the week I'd be: Monday. If I were a time of day I'd be: 4am. If I were a part of the solar system I would be: Let's see, there's stars, astroids/commets, and planets. Astroid i guess. If I were a direction I would be: North. If I were a piece of furniture I'd be a: Bed. If I were a historical figure I would be: Linus Torvalds If I were a liquid I would be: Water? Your Brain is 40.00% Female, 60.00% Male You have a total boy brain Logical and detailed, you tend to look at the facts And while your emotions do sway you sometimes... You never like to get feelings too involved What Gender Is Your Brain? Shut up Mike. k, done quizes. o0o0o, check this out: on Nakusama (a forum) they have a place where you can have marriage and adoption stuff. They also have a topic entitled "Funny..mean...and pointless things to do when your bored...." I wrote: Oh! I got this one from uber leeto. If you really don't like someone, anonymously send their ISP a letter, claiming to be one of those random companies who works for the RIAA, and claim that you caught this person downloading/shareing a list of files. Then, about a month later, do it again, except claim to be froem a different company. And so on, until the person's ISP has cut that person off. And the person's ISP WILL cut off the person's internet. They'll believe just about everyting. Or, if you're really brave, you can get a goverment badge, then go into the acutal ISP building, flash your badge and a warrant, then go "Here, instal this software bitch." (btw, the software is stuff that'll read a person's incoming packets.) You'll be able to read the person's e-mail, see what sites they visit, etc. Of course you can just develop some spyware, but that wouldn't be as gutsy. ...I'm not a geek. Then my "wife" (Hey, I'm not a loser, nor a cheating fucktard, she asked me. =P) says: Of course you aren't sweetie... you're worse than that. Weeee. Yeah.... She also said "i luv u FSX". Okay, that's that. Happy Jen, Livi, Alanna, and whoever else wanted me to update? 10 more days 'till Val's 19th birthday. 11 more days 'till Deanna gets back to work. I think so anyway. Ohhhhh, and don't forget about her computer! I want to go and set up her computer. Set up all the security, and all that. That'd kick so much ass it'd hurt. Weee. Yup.
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I'm Joe's mom's hero!

Feeling: accomplished
Writing began: 12/03/05 Completed writing:16/03/05 Words: 8,500 Average reading time (At 250 words/minute): 34 minutes Okay, I've seen a LOT of articles/entries about death on here the last day or two. I figure I should add to them. On Wednesday, March 8th, my principal's son was killed in a car crash. I'm like "woah." You never expect the principal to have an 18 year old of his own eh. I met Mr. Ash once (One of the things about attending an online school, is that you don't meet people very often =P) he was a really nice guy. Always smiling, helping people, etc. I can't imagine him being sad about stuff. It's werid. Man, being an online teacher, you really have to be careful with your first real-life impresions, becaues it may be the only chance you have to make an impression. I've only met like, 3 teachers of mine more than once. Oh! Oh! Awesome story. Some of you may remember reading somewhere about the time I got expeled from AMDEC (My online school) and then they let me back in, and...Yeah, all that good stuff. Well anyway, at the end of the school year, a bunch of students and teachers get together to watch a play or something. We always meet a couple of hours before the play, in a park, and mingle. (Yeah, I really am only 14, but I've been attending this online highschool since I was 10. So that's why I'm talking like "usualy", or "always", etc, as if I've been through all this a millionish times.) So anyway, I get there, and as usual, I'm the only one there, 'cause I always show up early for everything, So then a couple of my "friends" show up, and I sit and listen to them talk. (Far be it from me to speak out loud. I just keep everything I have to say bottled up inside, and then I write it all down here for you losers to read. =P) So then, Joe's mom shows up, and his mom is like "Are you the Robbie kid who got my kids in trouble?" (I got Joe in trouble with my site thingy. I got expeled 'cause of a site...Yeah, whatever) so I'm like "uhhh...Yeah...", so then she's like "omg! You're my hero!" so goes on and on about how she supported my site, and how she would have created a petition if I had gotten permantly expeled, and so on. I'm like "Uhh...Heh...Great. *embaresed*" So that was awesome. "I'm Joe's mom's hero." Hehe, sounds cool eh. =P So then the principal shows up (We had a different principal last year) and she's talking to people and stuff, then she gets to my mom, and she's like "Is Robbie here? He must be avoiding me. =P" Yes, she actualy stuck her tongue out at my mom. jk So yeah....Those things are fun. Speaking of fun, school-related get-togethers, Emipalooza '05 is commin' up on the 18th! Val, you'd better be going! You don't want to miss me sitting in the corner giggling at people. Litteraly. I wedged myself in between a cabnet and chair, and just sat there and giggled. Everyone was making fun of me, and trying to get me to talk and stuff, but yeah, no talking for me. "Maybe if we put a screen right here, and give him a keyboard, he'll talk." Lauren has no idea how true her comment is. I want to get a voice box thing like Stephen Hawking. That would kick so much ass it'll hurt. So yeah, you've got to come Val, or else...Or else...I won't sleep...Or something. Holy shit, I just found this un-finished story that I started writing after Emipalooza '04. (My attention span wasn't long enough to finnish the story. Just like it's not long enough to fnnish these entries in one day.) Here, have a look, it'll convince you to come Val! I hope. (This is just an attempt to make my entry seem longer. It's not even a completed story.) Oh, btw, if there's random spaces, or an odd comment, then that means there was a smiley image in there. I'm too lazy to convert them to ASCII. It started out as your average Friday. Except for the fact that I had my stinkin' piano lessons re-scheduled to this particular Friday morning. So I had a challenging task ahead of me. I had to wake up BEFORE 10:00am and that my friend, is not fun. Anyway, I got home, and I had previously promised Em' that I would shower, and wash my clothes. So I showered, then went to the washing machine. I stared at the sticker on the side that shows how to wash your clothes. I stared some more. After about 3 hours of this, I finally realized I was reading the label sideways. By the time I finished washing it, there wasn't enough time to dry it, so I wore it wet (after swinging it over my head several times, of course) And of course, I only have one pair of pants, so I didn't wash them (Sorry Em') Then I went back into my room, sat down at my computer, and got some good new, and some bad news. The bad news is that Lisa would not be coming to Em's party. The good news was, that she got accepted into her camp job, and would actually be using the quarters I gave her, to wash her clothes in the coin-op washing machines …But that's beside the point…. In fact, this whole paragraph was pointless. Then Paul and Miranda got dropped off at my house, and we all got into the van (Miranda seemed to have problems with the door…Probably 'cause she didn't know it was electric) My mom hopped in the driver's seat, pushing me over to the passenger seat (I wanted to drive there, just like Joe got to drive back to his house after the party. But apparently my mom still remembers that "incident" from last time she let me drive.) and drove off to meet Em's mom at a Timmies, somewhere along Trafalger road. Ms. Slofstra was already there when we pulled into the parking lot. We hopped out to load all our heavy bags (filled with chips…Whoowee, were those ever heavy ) into the back of the car. After I loaded my bag into the trunk, the weight of the bags had weakened my body greatly. So much in fact, that I fell down right behind the car (I'm pretty sure I saw a trucker point and laugh as he drove by.) After I got up, and wiped all the sludge off my butt, we all loaded up into the car. The seating arrangement began like this: · In the front passenger seat - Paul · In the back seat, behind the passenger seat - Miranda · In the driver's seat - Robbie But, after Em's mom threw me into the back seat, the arrangement went more like this: · In the front passenger seat - Paul · In the back seat, behind the passenger seat - Miranda · In the driver's seat - Ms. Slofstra · In the back seat, behind the driver's seat - Robbie After a very un-eventful drive (except for the witnessing of one of Ms. Slofstra's famous road rage incidents) to Em's house, we got out and grabbed our very heavy bags, and walked up to Em's front porch, and opened the door, and screamed in horror at the sight of Emily. Then we realized we were looking at the dog that Em' was taking care of. As we looked up, we saw a girl with black hair, some awesome socks, and a kick-ass 'Cheat' T-shirt. After a few minutes of awkward silence, Em' had a great idea to go play cards. So we grabbed a deck of cards, and headed for the basement. Once we reached the basement (damn stairs, so exhausting to walk down…So I got tired, and just fell down the rest of the stairs.) we played crazy hearts for a couple of hours (ah, good times ) then we played cheat once (ah, fun times ) Then Gracie, Horn Dog Pete (A.K.A. Peter ), Natalie, and Sam all showed up and crashed---er, joined, our party. Emily, Miranda, Paul, and I went upstairs (damn stairs again, but this time I couldn't just fall down the stairs again ) to greet them. Gracie says she got me to talk a little bit, but I don't remember that . We all returned to the basement (Em' really needs to install an elevator) We went back to sitting around that same table that we had played so many games of cards on, but now we had abandoned the cards , and instead, begun to talk. Oh boy did we ever talk. (By we, I mean Peter.) Let's see now, we (Peter) talked about Gracie's 'skin condition' (Gracie claims it was a sunburn that she got from snowboarding…Riiiiight). We talked about the "Happy Birthday Letter" for Joe that Gracie and Em' wrote, on behalf of the APC (oh yeah, and Peter edited out some weird parts about Joe being sexy or something like that. Pff, Joe sexy). Pete kept changing the subject back to Joanna, and how much he wanted to meet her, and how pretty she was, and *sentence runs on and on and on*. While Peter was rambling on about Joanna (with comments and interruptions from the rest of us, minus me of course) Other Amdecians began to flow in. Lauren, and Joe "Joseph" Snyder were the first to come in. The members of the APC gave Joe his 'Happy Birthday Letter", and then forced him to read it out loud. The letter goes as follows: Hello Joseph, Happy birthday To whom it may concern, And those who like to learn, Let's give it up for our buddy Joe, Our buddy Joe from the ghetto The King, The head, Obviously not misled Secret member of the APC Unlike Gracie, never runs off to pee Sitting at the computer Debating which APC member is cuter Hours at a time Thinking of some lame ol' rhyme His friends gathered to celebrate Because he was so wonderful and great Yet when they met him in real life They were all filled up with strife The party started off fine But when it became time to dine The friends pull a nasty trick They called it magic They grabbed that Joe Oh wouldn't you know They tied him to a chair And pulled out all his hair "Mean and nasty friends I sure hope Ms H suspends" Joe cried out in madness Hoping to cause some sadness But they just laughed And laughed and laughed Giggling with inner glee You'd think they were part of the FAC! Deciding to make things better Being careful to protect his sweater While appearing quite complex Joe looked fine in pink spandex It was because Joe was their friend That the APC did descend To such a cruel and horrible trick In which his butt, they did kick In the end you can tell, The APC does mean well All because we love Joe This is the kind of love that we will never outgrow After that, more and more people began streaming in, until the list of guests was: · Robbie · Paul · Miranda · Joe · Lauren · Gracie · Peter · Natalie · Sam · Elyse (Elsie hehe) · Sarah · Rachel · Joanna · Jon Once we were all gathered together, we talked about lots of funny stuff, like Goderich and Peter's, well known "sun tanning story". Surely you guys remember when Gracie was asked in the café chat, early in the school year, where Peter was. And Gracie replied simply "Oh, he's outside tanning himself". For those of you who don't remember, I have just told you what to remember, so remember it . After several hours of talking non-sense, the evil dictator, Emily, instructed us to help bring chairs up to the table. So (almost ) all of us pitched in to help bring the chairs upstairs for supper. Peter couldn't seem to get his chair to unfold, so he gave it to Joe to do. Joe could not do it, so he handed it back to Peter. Peter still could not open it, so he gave it to me. I could not open it. Gracie comes along and grabs the seat of the chair and unfolds it easily. Peter, Joe, and I would have eventually figured out that you are supposed to pull the seat of the chair, and not the backrest, legs, latches, or screws, sooner or later. But we didn't, and Gracie made us all feel like fools. This has been another totally pointless paragraph. After we ate supper (which was really good btw) most of us (actually only the girls…) went out to the trampoline. Jon and I decided to go outside thought the front door. Then we eventually got bored of watching empty streets, and went into the backyard to watch the girls jump on the trampoline. Paul was really having fun up there, bouncing around like a hyper little 7 year-old. It was around this time that Jon, like most people, came to the conclusion that I don't talk much. (ßPointless sentence. Hey, at least I'm narrowing it down from pointless paragraphs, to pointless sentences.) Eventually the girls got tired of bouncing, and went inside, and me and Jon went on the trampoline. After a while of us bouncing around like hyper little 7 year-olds, Joanna decided to come out and join us. This was the beginning of the 'Asian group' party. Miranda was invited to join, but she declined….Something about the 300 foot restraining order she filed against me. Either that or it was too cold out…One or the other. So anyway, we played around on the trampoline a bit, while the others were downstairs. ('stairs'….*shudder*) Eventually we got bored (You can only bounce me up and down while I try and hold a straight position, for so long, before I get boring again) and went inside to join the others. Once downstairs, we found the rest of the amdecians - er, sorry, A***Cians, playing a game. Since we weren't there to start the game, me and Jon decided to have our own fun. First we played Chinese checkers with skittles. Then we played pool with skittles. Then we played "eat the skittles which were just rolling along the ground" (that was defiantly one of the funniest games I've ever played) Then we played War with some cards that I uhh, found . After a while we got bored, so I followed Jon into Emily's room, where Miranda and Joanna already were. After we listened to some Chingy (ugh) we listened to some Christina Angulara (she's pretty good---I mean *shudder*) Then Joanna said she was having soooo much fun, that she didn't want her mom to come pick up her and Jon until 11:00. So she picked up one of Em's phones (she had two, one bigger than the other…which is weird ) and tried to call her mom. However she couldn't seem to get the stupid phone to work (or so she though) So after a while, she gave up, and just left the phone laying beside her on the bed. [edit]Joanna and Jon are brother and sister, just in case you're wondering[/edit] Then, just to show how bored she was, she said, quote "Who wants to play strip poker?" (It's only 6 words, so I'm pretty sure I quoted it right.) Now, this part I'm quoting as best as I can remember. Just to warn the 3 people who might find this lewd, "The following conversation contains the following objectionable words: Protection, Whore, son of a, mom, teddy bear" (actually, that last one isn't in this conversation. But teddy bears are pretty evil) Jon "You're a whore" Joanna "No, I use protection" Me *nothing* Jon "Well you're a son of a whore" Joanna "You just called our mom a whore" Then Joanna, hearing some strange voices coming from the phone, picked up the phone. Turns out the guy on the other end of the phone was a close friend of her family, and he's like "Mr. Super Christian", and he would tell her parents everything he heard. And that's as far as I got. There, an added 2,000 words. How cheap of me. btw, aside from an awkward car ride home, Joanna and Jon didn't get in trouble. Ummm...Special mention to Amanda, uhh...Just because. There, be happy you little white girl who knows more Japanese than me. Hmmm... There was this kick-ass comedian on tonight. He was so flippin' hillarious. Umm, I tried to write down as many jokes of his that I could, but I was too busy rolling around laughing my fucking ass off at him. Probably the best one I remember is: A local man killed a gay man because the gay guy was 'making sexual advancments twoards me'. He got life in prison. Well, he sure solved his problem didn't he. Man, I laughed so fucking hard. Hmmm, can you imagine what it'd feel like to be the guy who made "marque" for html? (Where the text scrolls by) Think about it. Besides images, that's the only moving thing you can do with html. Imagine being the guy who can say "Yeah, I created the marque function." It'd be fairly hard to have made that. I dunno if any of you have tried coming up with something like that in the JAVA console or something, but it'd be pretty hard to do without the clear() function. k, no one cares about that, so moving on...I'm going to take the bus to church in 4 hours. (As of the time I'm writing this. Knowing me I won't get around to posting this entry 'till next tuesday.) Now, I don't leave the house much, or use public transportation much, or any of that good ol' stuff that I'll be using when I'm older. However, after taking the bus with Matt to go show off at DDR in the arcade (Ha, right. More like gawk at other people doing max300 by just rocking back and forth. Holy fuck that guy was amazing.) I feel confident enough to take an (estimated) one hour bus trip to church. Why am I doing this? Because Deanna got her hair permed, and I want to see it. (No, I can't just wait 'till monday. That would be boring.) So anyway, I have to leave in 3.5 hours (Yes. I'm a very fucking slow writer.) so I have decided not to sleep. I knew I wouldn't sleep, so I went to the store earlier and got a 2L bottle of pop. Guess what. I get home and notice that it's CAFFINE FUCKING FREE. Mother fucker. Who the fuck makes caffine free pop? Pop was made for people like me, who can't stand coffee, to help us stay awake. --Dude, I have 3 hours left. Holy fuck I get distracted easily. Anyway, aside from two quick two-hour naps, I've only slept once (by slept, I mean gotten my 8 hours) I havn't slept since Tuesday. I've been drinking so much pop lately, it's insane. Like, 2 Litres/day. Every night, I say "Tonight is the night I sleep". But eventualy around 8am, I figure I'm not going to be tired enough to force myself to go to bed. I hate laying in bed trying to fall asleep, because so much time is being wasted, just sitting there trying to fall asleep. But then I figure "Hey, the sooner I sleep, the sooner I can wake up, and get this fuckin' need to sleep out of my system. I think Scott said it best in one of Katie's comments: I firmly believe that if you were MEANT to be asleep, that is, if your body really NEEDED the sleep, you would be asleep (you'd be unable to stay awake). So, instead of lying abed, staring into the darkness, it is BETTER that you get up and do something, do ANYTHING. Yeah, MAKE A PIZZA So anyway, I slept for 8 hours this after noon. I tried to sleep longer, but I just couldn't. Now, I'll bet you're all curious as to what I was doing during the time I was sleepless. (Mike: "Mast! XD") Well, *squals with excitment* remember how last entry, I asked people for sugestions on how I should go about asking Scott (The owner and creator of sitD) if I could help him with anything on sitD. Well, Jen left a comment refering me to Scott, and Mariana left me a comment sugesting how I should ask. Of 100+ comments, they're the only ones that replied. =P k, well, I'm gonna go out and shovel, then head for the bus. Weeeee. Edit TUESDAY, March FIFTEEN (I started writing this on Sat night)----------------------------- Holy shit, I havn't touched this since Sat. (For those who don't know, when you're writing entries for longer than...Uhh, 20 minuts I think it is, you get logged out, and if you submit the entry, it won't get submited, but you'll lose your entry...Scott should put "header("Cache-control: private");" in his scripts...Yeah..) k, anyway, the point is, that I write these entries out in txt files before submiting them. Anyway, sorry Livi and Jen for taking so long to update. =P k, so anyway, I've got the good ol' blog.txt out, and I'm writing in it. Did you know that down in the U.S. in 14 states, you can buy a gun with no problem, but in the same 14 states it's illigal to buy a vibrator? Also, check this out: A city named Dildo =O Yeah, anyways...HEY! DID ANYONE NOTICE MY NAME IN THE NEWS?! (On the main page of sitD) Specific entry in case Scott makes a new entry before you read this. So yeah, 3-4 days ago I mentioned Scott had alowed me to work on an FAQ system for sitD. Simple little task right? Just input the question, the answer, catagory, etc, click submit, then all the normal users on sitD can see the question and answer. (Only Scott can update the FAQ) Guess what, it took me 5ish days! =O I suck. Scott didn't seem to care though. =) So yeah, go to the news and leave a question to be put into the FAQ. (Or leave the questions here) Here's the questions I have so far (In no particular order): How do you make a link? How do you show an image on your diary? How do you make a top_left, comment_pic, and background How to change your font 'attributes' Is "such as this" diaries free? What does "sitDiary", "sitD", "d.sit" etc mean? How to bold, underline, italicize, etc Can I delete my old diaries? What is "randomizing"? Why is it cutting off my entry at a certain point? How come when I leave sitD open for a while, then come back, I've been logged out? Weee, I've been busy thinking up questions, can you tell? =P I know you've just thought of a question. Click here to leave that question! Goooo. If you don't have a question yet, go gawk at le Hecate II, and consider buying it for me. (Yup, I've gone back to obsessing over it again. ;) ) Don't worry if you don't have a question. There's lots of other people who read this diary. Ha, not really. Despite the fact that I got 200+ comments (Holy fuck eh?!) There's only like 12 people who read this (I'm not gonna name them, 'cause then if I leave someone out, they'll get mad, and sue me for false advertising to get you to leave me a comment. Aparently I'm a comment whore. I don't remember who it was that called me that, but she made me cry. I don't want to be a whooooore. T_T Yeah... And I've got a kick-ass age range of readers. From 12 to 53. Weee. For some odd reason, a couple of people have comment, thinking I had "above average inteligence" as Katie put it. And so, as I was explaining to her that I'm not above-average smart, since my IQ is only 199, no where near Einstien's, it dawned on me that people who are different can sometimes be mistaken as smart. I mean, look at Einstien. He's got his kick-ass hair, totally kickin' glasses, and a nifty neeto suit to boot. He dreamt about time travel by being able to outrun light, making E equal two other letters squared, and terrorizing those poor atoms. Does he seem like the emo-profs of his time? I think not. In Einstien's time, it was "Cool" to be an emo-prof. If you were a professor and didn't listen to My Chemical Romance, or who didn't put Green Day - Boulavard of Broken Dreams in his/her MSN name, they labeled you a happy professor who is oblivious to the pain and hardship of the world. Einstien didn't wear black makeup, wear black clothes, or cut [his hair]. He was one of a kind. Then, one day, he was noticed by somebody older than him. That person asked Einstien to take an IQ test. As a result of the IQ test, Einstien was labeled the smartest man on earth. He then proceeded to build the A bomb. The point I'm getting at here, is that ever since that day, anyone who was out-of-place was considered smart. Me for example. When was the last entry about how much my life sucks? When was the last time I said I wanted to die? When was the last time I talked about cutting? I think it was my last entry, but I explained it was strictly for the love of blood. =) Therefore, due to the fact that I don't use this diary as a typical emo-kid diary, I'm going to avenge my country (On my dad's side anyway) and nuke the U.S. right back. =) Weee, topic went from people reading my diary, to me nuking the U.S. Okay, this has been bothering me for a while. Should I set my diary to two entries per page to reduce download time? I mean, the text alone is 500kbs, and the images double that. Standard dialup goes at about 1-2.5kb/s. So, at 2.5kb/s, it currently takes...Holy fuck, 15 minutes to load for dialup users. That can't be right... Anyway, there's currently 10 entries per page. Each is about 4-8k words each. So averaging about the same length each. That means that if I only have two entries per page, that would only be (500 / 10) * 2 + 500 (for images) = 600kbs. That's only a 10 minute wait. (Pfft, only) So yeah, leave me a comment if you have dialup, and let me know what you think. If you don't mind the waiting, then I'll be happy to keep my tiny scroll bar. If you find it anoying, then I'll just as gladly change it. Speaking of slow. Ya' know what really bugs me? When people say a "download program is slow." For example "Man, DC++ is so slow downloading. Limewire is faster." Do you people not understand the concept of Peer to Peer vs Server? Do you honestly think that Ares finds more songs than DC++ because of the way it's programmed? Well, I mean sure, DC++ could be programmed to not display all the results, but, from looking at the source code, it seems to show all the files. Peer to peer programs downoad as fast as OTHER PEOPLE can upload. It has nothing to do with the program at all. It's like saying "Internet Explorer is the best download program because it downloads really really fast!" It does that because servers are usualy on T1/3 lines, and can thus upload uber-fast. And...and...Wow, this complaint ran out of steam fast. This is what happens when you write down to complain about what a guy said to you at 4 in the morning. -_- Man...I'm so sick of not getting any comments. That does it. I'm not gonna post another entry until I get at least 10 flippin' comments. It's not that hard for people to leave a comment is it? Blah. Baka no hitos. -_- Oh, did I mention I was mentioned in the news? Probably. Yes, I'm really running out of stuff to talk about. (aka, only a few hundred words for you to read.) Let's talk about...Database encryption. My computer course's teaching: "You may know that the government stores information about you, but what you don't know, is that bank, credit card companies, insurance companies, etc, all store information about you as well." Ahaha, my peers are idiots. Anyway, we're supposed to write a 100-200 page report on databaes security in buisnesses, and tell if we would trust them with our personal info. (Like we have a choice?) This is one stupid question. Firstly, they don't teach ANYTHING at all about encryption. Nothing. They just do the "what a database is used for" and how to write data to a txt file in Java. So it's up to me to teach this teacher guy about encryption. Secondly...WHAT THE FUCK ARE WE SUPPOSED TO WRITE ABOUT?! Database security is a fucking broad field man. Like..Shizzle dude. Thirdly I have to find sites that'll "teach" me about this stuff, because I'm only alowed to use what I've learned from the course information (Ha, it doesn't teach anything) and sites I've found on the internet. Wow, I'm getting to become like Geniesa with my school complaints. ;) Anyway I ended up having to cut my report thing down to around 500 words. That's as small as I could go. I took out all my swearing, name calling, and examples. I even took out the threat to slap the guy who made the course information. So anyway, while I was looking up sites to use in my sources cited, I began to think about the encryption algorithims and stuff. Then, I began to think about how brute force hacking works. Basicaly, it just loops through all the alphanumric values (a-z, 1-9). If the password isn't a one character password, and doesn't grant access with the 35 alphanumric characters, it will then try two characters. Basicaly, it'll go "A" followed by "A". So the 36th attempt at accessing the box, would look like this "AA" the 37th "AB", and so on, until it's looped through all the alphanumiric characters in the second column. It will then move the first column up by one (to B) and loop through the alphanumiric characters again in the second column. "A9" "BA" "BB", so on. I'm thinking it wouldn't take too long with my P4 to get into a database with an 8 character password. The only thing I would haev to do is make it so that the variable that is incrimented every time I unsucesfuly log in is unable to incriment. (Usually, if you are unsucesful loging in in a specified ammount of time, it will deny you access...Then again, if you can block the auto-incrimenting variable, you can probably block the command to block you out too...) But then I'm like, "Hmmm, but what if you need to decrypt a 50MB database? That would be a bitch." There are 1024 KBs in a MB. And 1024 bytes in a KB. 1024^2 * 50 = 52,428,800 bytes. Now, each ASCII character (Data stored in a database is generally in the ASCII format.) is 8 bytes. 52,428,800 / 8 = 6,553,600 characters. Now, I forgot to mention above, that the passwords may be case sensitive, in which case there'll be (26 * 2) + 9 = 61 attempts pers column attempt. Oh, and you'll have to attempt this for the username too. So that could be a bitch trying all those combinations with the username AND password, at the same time, and...damn man. Anyways... So now you've got how many characters there are, we'll use f(n) = (61)^(61*n) In this case n is 6,553,600. Now, I don't even have to test this to know that my $140 calculator can not do 61^399,769,600 That is how many attempts it would take to get every character correct. Then of course, it dawned on me, that a database is not a password. In order to decrypt a database, you would need to figure out the correct decryption key. So yeah, anyway, encryption is cool. I just thought you guys might want to know why in movies and stuff, you see these uber government geeks, with their big fancy super-computers, say "Yeah, we'll crack into the bad guy database in a couple hours." A lot of the time when I watch a movie like that with someone's parents (Ha, my 'friends' get bored pretty quickly =P) the parent is usualy like "Pfft, he's got a super computer. He can do it in five minutes." Just a quick note here, brute force hacking is not used very often...Like, ever. Especialy if the person doesn't have direct/lan access to the box containing the database. Can you imagine sending 61^399,769,600 queries over the internet?! Do you know how much fucking bandwidth that'd use. Do you know how much of a strain that'd be on your/their ISP? Then there's the slightly delayed response time...Yeah. I don't sugest brute force hacking. "So, what else can you do besides brute force hacking? Have you seen the levels of encryption put into these things?!" Well, that's why it takes the super computers a long time. It needs to create an algorithim that can decrypt the entire database. I love answering my own questions. Anyway, for more info, check out the wiki rotor machine article. Pfft, like you'll do that. Anyway, did I mention that you'll have to try all possible passwords of characters up to a specified ammount (Average normal user's password is 8 characters. Once you get into goverment, bank, etc, it goes up...High) So you would have like this: Login: "A" Password: *loop through...ie "AAB9"* Then once it's looped through the password up to the number you chose, it'll move on to Login "B" Password: etc And, just...Fuck man...Fuckin' insane. If you ask any encryption expert to use brute force they'll either be like "Pfft, fuck that for a flying fish", or...SLAP YOU SILLY AND TELL YOU TO GET THE FUCK OUT FOO'! Yeah. ...And that is how you hack Hotmail. *gasp* I've gone the whole entry and only said "Deanna" once! And I mentioned to Val about putting "That car story with Deanna" in my blog when we were haivng our multi convo with Mike, who, btw, doesn't hate you. =P You probably don't remember, 'cause you were off...Uhh...k, I don't know what you would be off doing, but you probably dont' remember. Anyway, some of you know, some of you don't, and most of you probably knew, but forgot, that my parents went to Cuba for two weeks. They got back sunday night. Anyway, I didn't want to be without Skating and Gymday for two weeks (Next year, I can just bus...Unless of course Deanna's mom will drive me again ^______^...I've never done that face long like that before.) so Deanna's mom agreed to drive me to skating and gym day. Anyway, she's ALWAYS asking her mom if she can drive. "It's a parking lot! Let me drive!" "Its' a stop light! Move over when we stop so I can drive!" etc. Naturaly her mom says no. It's not that she can't drive or anything. She tells me lots of stories about her brothers letting her drive and stuff, it's just that her mom is...A worrier. Even her dad said it was fine if she drove. But her mom still says no. =P So anyway, there's this 'wild' mom, who I'll just call Ms. Naggi (It's litteraly pronouced "naggy"...I just don't know how to spell it) Anyway, she knows that Deanna is always asking to drive, and her mom is always saying no and stuff. So on Friday, her mom sends us to the van with the keys. "You may NOT even START the car. Only use them to unlock the car."...Car = Van. If I say "Car" it's because I'm too lazy to press backspace. So anyway, we get to the van, and Deanna puts the key in the ignition, and starts up the battery to listen to the radio (I think I kind of shrieked "ewww" a bit too loudly when Boulavard of Broken Dreams came on...She seemed kind of surrprised. Damnit, now I'm not going to stop thinking about that tonight.) Now, Ms. Naggi's car is idling right beside Deanna's van, so Ms. Naggi gets out, hops in Deanna's van, starts it up, and backs the van all the way to the back of the parking lot. All the while Deanna's like "C'moooon, if you're going to get me in trouble, at least let me DO the trouble part! Let me driiiiiive." So anyway, we backed up in a straight line to the end of the parking lot, hidden behind trucks and stuff. (Deanna's mom was inside the arena still, getting stuff) So I'm like "Well, if you're going to be in trouble anyway, you might as well go back to the parking spot. If you get caught, you would have been blamed anyway, if not, then you're safe." "Good point." So she hops in the driver seat (She's in the passenger seat, I'm in the back) and starts going forwards. Then Ms. Naggi saw her coming, and she's all like "Nooo! Don't run me over! I'm sorry!" (Jokingly of course) Then Deanna saw her mom coming (Her mom hadn't seen her yet) so she's like "Shit!" and backed up really fast. She hit a snow bank. Then Ms. Naggi walks over and explains to Deanna's mom that she was the one who moved the van, meanwhile Deanna is scrambling out of the drivers seat while her mom is distracted. Man, Ms. Naggi is cool. =P So anyway, her mom gets in the van, looking much calmer (When she walked out and saw the van gone, she kind of went bug-eyed, and possibly pale. I couldn't really tell from where I was.) Deanna: "Would you really think I would drive the van?" Ms. Duke: "Yes." Hehe, her mom loves her. =P And I don't think she hates me much anymore. =D She thought I was a nice boy, until she found out I was corrupting her daughter's mind online, but now that I'm in real life again, I seem less...Evil. So yeah, I think she likes me now after these two weeks. And I don't think it hurt my chances any that I seemed responsible, and able to take care of my brothers for two weeks on my own. (I'll get to the part about why it wasn't much responsibility later) And I don't think her dad hates me as much either. At church he'll nod at me, or say hi or something. Sometimes he sits down beside me and talks...That's fuckin' scary. So yay, one year later, and her parents are warming up to me again. Weeee. Now I need to get Jessie's parents to hate me less now too. Jessie was an awesome way to help get Deanna out of the house to meet her somewhere. "Let's go on a bike trip with Deanna." "Let's go to girls night out with Deanna." "Let's put marshmallows in Deanna's hair!" I didn't participate in that last one if you're thinking I did. ANYWAY....Deanna has two stalkers that I know of. (No Mike, I'm not included in the list) and at least 3 non-stalkers that like her that I know of. It's funny though, 'cause she won't tell them about me, 'cause then news would some how get to her parents, and they'd get all pissed off that she was associating with Mr. Silently Corrupting You kid. (I don't care if she tells them or not) It's funny how every time we're talking, and some guy that likes her, that I don't know of yet (She's got a big list of people who like her =P Who can blame them? Weee, I feel like I'm wasting her 'love' life away. This summer I vow to walk to her house. Weee, fun. Unfortunatly I'd have to ask straight out, 'cause her IP address lookup doesn't give the correct address. (Yes, I have her IP, but not her real address.)) and she'll be like "Ugh, he likes me. (Not in a stuck up way mind you! I'm not sure how she does it, but everything she says, even if it's mean, she says it in a nice way. I can't do that when I'm recreating conversations you see, so you're going to have to go with the impression that she's mean.) He's really anoying, and lives really close to my house. Sometimes he walks by my house, and stares in my window. --Don't worry, I don't like him." See, I told you she would sound mean. But she's not. It's just the way I recreated the converation. It was kind of rebuilt on an angle, so it sounds mean....Yeah, you get the point. ...Look at this quiz I was forced to take. (Leah asked me to fill it out for her. That's enough threatening for me) ------------------GENERAL INFO------------------ * Time started: 8:34 * Name : Robbie Toyota * Nicknames: Bobert? * School: AMDEC (An online school) * Location: Mississauga, Canada * Colour of eyes: Brown * Hair colour: Black. (Not brown.) * Shoe Size: No clue. * You live with: A keyboard. ------------------HAVE YOU EVER------------------ * Missed school because it was raining: That one time the power lines went out, yeah. * Put a body part on fire for amusement: Hell yes. * Thrown someone in the bonfire: Little plastic army men. * Been hurt emotionally: Jessie told me she won't give me any more cookies. *sniffle* * Kept a secret from everyone: I'm the only one who knows I wet the bed 'till I was 10...ish. * Cried during a Movie: Yes. But it was Black Hawk Down, when the mini birds were ripping up the skinnies on the rooftops...That sort of thing. "Yay! The soldiers are saved! *sniffle*" * If so what film: Black Hawk Down. * Ever thought an animated character was hot: Of course. * Been onstage: *shudder* yes. * Been sarcastic?: Of course not. ------------------FAVORITES------------------ * Shampoo: Whatever I can buy in bulk at whole sale price. * Soap: Same as shampoo...Only with soap...I think. This cleaning stuff is all the same to me. * Favourite colour/shade: w00t! Someone remembered to put "shade" in there. Black. * Summer/Winter: Winter. * Cartoon Characters: Oh, wow...So many... * Drink: Caffinated sugar. * Food: Cookies. * Movie: Black Hawk Down. * Ice Cream: Ummm..I don't know. Mint Chocolate Chip? I havn't had icecream in a long time. * Subject: Math. * Person: Linus Torvalds. * Friends: Matt or Mike. * Respect: Scott. * Crush: Crushs are for n00bs without keyboards. -------------RIGHT NOW------------------ * Wearing: Boxers. *What color underwear/boxers: Spiderman. *Eating: Stuff. *Thinking: About how long this quiz is. ---------------IN THE LAST 24 HRS------------------ * Cried: Yes. * Why: Uber-frustrated with code. * Met someone new: Not in real life, but online, yeah. * Cleaned your room: No. * Drove a car: I swear, if you told my parents I tried out their van.... * Been pissed off: Hell yes. *Why: My damn code was giving me parse errors. ---------------DO YOU BELIEVE IN------------------ * Yourself: No. * Santa: No. * Angels: Yes. * Ghost's: No. * Elves: No. * Intelligent life in space: No. * God: Yeah. * Satan: Yeah. --------------FRIENDS AND LIFE------------------ * Do you have a boyfriend/girlfriend?: Meh-ness. * Do you like anyone?: Sure. * Who have you known the longest of your friends: Technicaly Daniel. But we don't really do anything together, so I'm just going to say Matt. * The loudest: I don't know. David? * The shyest: Me. Since I talk to myself, I guess I should consider myself a friend. I didn't start talking to myself until after I met Matt, so my oldest friend stays with Matt. * Who's the weirdest: Deanna. * Who has seen you cry: No one. If you tell anyone I cried...=P * When have you cried the most: When I slammed the car door on my finger. * What is the worst feeling in the world: Oh...Wow...So many. Either surfing crack sites, then suddenly your hard drive starts working like crazy, or spending 3 sleepless days on a piece of code, and thenr ealizing you have to restart it. * What is the best feeling in the world: I dunno. When you release a several thousand line script of code to the world? ---------------------------------- ABOUT GUYS FOR GIRLS TO FILL OUT -------- * Boxers or briefs: * Long or short hair: * Six pack or muscular arms: * Good or bad guys: * Hat or No Hat: * Tan or fair: * Rugged or sporty: * Accent or no accent: *Immature or mature: *Funny or not funny: *Cute or sexy: ----------------------------------- ABOUT GIRLS FOR GUYS TO FILL OUT ----------------------------- * Regular underwear or thong: Underwear. * Painted nails or not: Doesn't matter to me. * Bra or sports bra: Bra. * Cute n' mysterious or wild n' crazy: Doesn't matter. * Dressy or casual: Casual. * Dark or blonde hair: Dark. * Dark or light eyes: Doesn't matter. * Good or bad girl: Preferably good. * Intelligent or average: Intelligent. * Hair up or down: Down. * Jewelry or none: Doesn't matter to me. * Curly or straight hair: Straight * Pants or dress: Pants. * Tan or fair: Ha, like I care. * Freckles or none: Doesn't matter. * Accent or Not: Meh, not I guess. * Shy or outgoing: You can shoot me if I care. You can shoot me if I don't care too, it doesn't matter to me. -------------------------------- FOR EVERYONE TO FILL OUT ---------------------------- * Silver or gold: Silver. Not many people will want to steal that over gold. Plus it looks cooler. * Diamond or pearl: Diamonds are so much cooler than pearls. * Sunset or sunrise: Sunset. * Do you sleep with stuffed animals: I sleep with a laptop...Until my parents get back from Cuba anyway. * Have you ever broken/sprained/fractured anything?: I wish =( * Do you have any piercing?: Nope. * If yes, what?: Eyelids. * Rain, sun or snow?: SNOOOOW * How is the weather right now?: Snowing. w00000000000000000000t. *Time finished: 9:06 Wasn't that fun to read? I doubt it. k, Val, since you can't come to Emipalooza '05 (As stated in your e-mail, which I recieved AFTER writing all those nasty things I said I would do to you if you didn't come. Fortunatly, I hadn't posted this entry yet, so I am going to go edit out the part about pushing you in front of busses now.) you must take me and Mike out to drink on your birthday. And here's why. This was sent to Vanessa by her mom: Jack wakes up at home with a huge hangover after the night of his office Christmas party. He forces himself to open his eyes, and the first thing he sees is a couple of aspirins next to a glass of water on the side table. And, next to them, a single red rose! Jack sits down and sees his clothing in front of him, all clean and pressed. Jack looks around the room and sees that it is in perfect order, spotlessly clean. So is the rest of the house. He takes the aspirins, cringes when he sees a huge black eye staring back at him in the bathroom mirror, and notices a note on the table: "Honey, breakfast is on the stove, I left early to go shopping-- Love you!" He stumbles to the kitchen and sure enough, there is hot breakfast and the morning newspaper. His son is also at the table, eating. Jack asks, "Son... what happened last night?" "Well, you came home after 3 A.M., drunk and out of your mind. You broke some furniture, puked in the hallway, and got that black eye when you ran into the door." "So, why is everything in such perfect order, so clean, I have a rose, and breakfast is on the table waiting for me?" His son replies, "Oh THAT!... Mom dragged you to the bedroom, and when she tried to take your pants off, you screamed, "Leave me alone, lady, I'm married!" Broken furniture - $85.26 Hot Breakfast - $4.20 Red Rose bud -$3.00 Two Aspirins -$.38 Saying the right thing, at the right time........."Priceless " That's right Vanessa, I stole your entry. What're you gonna do about it? =P Actualy, I doubt you got tihs far, so I'm safe. =) But in case you do get this far, I'm gonna say "Vanessa gets all the credit for this part of the entry!" Yay! Now don't sue me. Anyway, Val, people have a tendancy to get drunk a lot and go home to their wives. I think, that I should start training myself to say that now, BEFORE I get married, so I'll have a head start. =) So smuggle Mike and I out to some bar on your birthday. =) Pfft, like I'll be able to drink enough to get drunk. Anyway, I think that's it. Leave questions for the FAQ! 18 more days 'till Val's birthday. 19 more days 'till Deanna goes back to work. [Nice, 8.5k words again.] Oh, this is also my 50th entry. w00t. =P Not even two months worth of entries. Pretty sad for the ammount of time I've actualy been here.
Read 147 comments


Feeling: torn
I'm sure you all thought I had burned down the house, and died in the fire now hadn't you? Well, I'm still alive! So ha! No million bucks for you! (Not that Jen would take the money anyway) Unfortunatly, I did corrupt my F: drive, which stores my files. So fuuuuuuck. Right now I'm laying in bed with my dad's laptop, trying to fall asleep while my computer works away at attempting to find my files. Speaking of fucked up hard drives, back on Valentine's day when my computer got sad that I didn't send it an e-card and killed itself, I fished out my important files, then formated C:. Guess what format I formated it with...Fat32. And my windows is XP. Fuuuuuck. So now I'm stuck with Fat32, because I didn't notice that it wasn't NTFS until a few days ago. Anyway, I'm too lazy to reach over and unplug the lan cable from my desktop pc, to plug into this laptop, so I'm not going to post this entry until tomorow. (aka 'today' I guess, since you won't be reading this until it's up) So yeah, this entry is going to be writen over the course of two days. You may have noticed I'm not using header things, like I said I would start doing in my last entry (even though I stopped using them in the edit) I'm just really bad at staying on topic, so after a few lines, the header would be totaly irrelivant. So yeah, no more headers. k, now for the update of my life/talking about whatever I want. Last entry I said I had 95 comments on my previous (two entries ago) entry. Well, thanks to Marcy, it's got 100 comments now. FUCKIN' w00t! 100 comments. Jen really helps get my comment count up. Rather than write a new entry telling about her day, she just leaves tons of comments about her day on here. Odd. Anyway, how many of you were on the AIM sitD chat room thingy? (Sunday) It was pretty cool. There were a lot of people there who's diary names I recognized. But that's not important. The important part, is that Scott (the sitD creator, not the one who talks about 3 foot horse errections) is TRES COOLIO. (Not that nerses isn't cool.) Sure I already knew Scott was cool, but...Yeah. (Don't say a word Mike.) Anyway, here's what I remember Scott getting sugestions to do (Sorry I can't format it all cool in that table I use. The colours I use are on my desktop pc, which is currently busy blowing the fuck up): - Make an FAQ (Something I was planning to do...Once I learnt all the secrets of sitD.) - Fuck, I forgot already. I think he might be planning to remove music diaries, or just make a thingy where you can input the link to a music file to play. That'd be better. Fuckin' music diaries, everytime I try to visit one, it crashes by browser, because it's trying to instal spyware, but it's blocking it. Once I go back a second time, it doens't crash though. So that's good. It's a real pain trying to carry on a convo with Jen. =P Man, I want to offer to help Scott with stuff on SitD, since I know php, and know...Uhh...Enough, about MySQL. (My-Ess-Que-Ell, not My Seequil Mike =P) I wouldn't do something that would require database access or anything, just a little thing like "Hey, can you throw together a parser to prevent webmusic codes" or something. That'd be so awesome to be able to say "Yeah, I'm the one who made it so you can't have a music diary. What're you gonna do about it? Leave me nasty comments? Man, I want to make a blog community now. I think I will some time this summer. Then I can take my followers and we can band together with Scott, and bring down Live Jouranl and xanga! Pfft. Right. But man, I really really want to offer to help Scott with sitD. Maybe I'll leave a comment in the news offering to. I doubt he'll accept the help. "So, some random kid from Canada wants to mess up my site eh. Pfft, fat chance." But hey, I can always dream. If he says no, I'll be heart broken, and go cry in the corner, then become a super-villan and create my own blog community, and it will totaly pwn sitD. So he'd better let me help! Anyway, how should I go about asking to help out? It's very intimidating asking the owner and creator of a community of...Over a thousand users I think. Go leave a comment with how I should ask to help. DO IT! I'LL BOOKMARK THIS PLACE SO YOU DON'T LOSE WHERE YOU'RE READING! BOOKMARK Speaking of programing, I was looking through one of my java programs I had to create for computer science, and in the internal documentation it had that the date I made it was valentine's day. It'd be pretty funny to be a computer science teacher (of a class that teaches programing anyway) and being able to see when the students created their programs. "Ahaha, losers. That's the 5th person to have completed a module on Valentine's day." And I would actualy log how many people do thier work on which holiday, etc. You can tell a lot about a person by if they choose to do work, or go to a party on a holiday. (Programers work at night. Partytards only party at night. Everyone always gets mad at me when I ask if I can do my work at a party. So it's quite hard to do both. Hmmm, anyway, today marks the half way mark of my parents being in Cuba. Only one more week. =( Meh, it's awesome and all, but my body is falling apart...Like, literaly. There's random cuts apearing all over my arms. Not like, little "oh, your skin is uber-dry, and it's cracking", but like "You've got a stalker, and s/he comes into your basement while you're asleep and cuts you." That'd be pretty awesome to have a stalker who cuts you in your sleep eh? So yeah, on top of my random cuts, I've got even more bloody noses (Like 5/day. O_o) and every morning I cough up blood. Like, if you made a cup with your hand, I could cough up enough blood to fill it up. It's awesome. Oh, and I'm so happy for my puffers. Last year my parents went to Cuba, when they came back, I couldn't even walk up the stiars without collapsing on the couch for literaly an hour to catch my breath. Anyway, my dad gave me puffers for that when he got back. And I've had them ever since. They've been useful lately. Oh, and I've been doing trips to the store too. I've bought so much pop... I really wish I could stand coffee. I walked all the way to the mall (read one of my entries where I was obsesing over Valentine's day, to see what it's like to walk there) to see if walmart had any headphones. Their website said they did. Their employee said they didn't. So I wasted half an hour of my day. Hmm, it's warm out. Plus fucking two. My snow fort is melting T_T Oh, speaking of snow fort, guess what I took out there during a snow storm earlier this week. This laptop! It was awesome! And my dad still had Unreal Tournament (UT) on it from like, two years ago! Oh man, so many fucking memories. Sadly, I didn't get into the online gaming thing back with quake and stuff (I remember playing doom. I'm so fucking proud of myself to be able to say "yeah, I played doom back when it came out". Back then I was so fucking innocent. "Ahh! It's so violent! I miss those days when I didn' think girls actualy swore...*sigh*...) but I started my online gaming with UT. That was fairly early in the online game revolution, right? *sigh* I wish. Oh, and speaking of early games, I remember my addiction to "scorch", or "tank", or whatever the hell it was called. Oh, and I remember playing astroids in an arcade once when I was like 5...And I remember pacman, and street fighter, and the first super mario for gameboy, and playing chrono trigger, and... You know you're a fucking geek when you get teary eyed remembering all this stuff. Anyway, enough of my nerdy memories ---I want to play one of those original pong games!---Sorry, had to get that out of my system. Sadly, I havn't touched one before. v_v See, this is why I can't use headers. It's a whole new paragraph, and I havn't even talked about bringing the laptop into the snow fort. Okay, so here's what happened. There was a kick-ass snow storm on monday night/tuesday morning, so, as is my custom, I went out around 3am to shovel. (Even though it's still snowing, I find it very relaxing and refreshing.) Earlier that evening, I had found an old portable tape player/walkman thingy. I hadn't seen this thing in like, 5 years. Yet I still remember tons of memories with this thing, and my "Solomon, the super song salomander" tape. I'll paypall you 5 bucks if you know what StSSS is. Not really, but still. Anyway, I had thought it would fucking pwn to have my music outside while I'm shoveling. It'd make the sureality a bit less boring. So now I had a means of producing sound. I just didn't have any sound for it to produce. (I couldn't even find my StSSS tape =( ) Then I remembered that my dad used to record cds to tapes, because one of our cars had a tape player, not a cd player. So, I burnt a cd, and after an hour or so of muttering and fiddling, and being distracted by MSN, I figured out that I simply have to play the cd, then press record on the tape part of the sterio, and it'll record. So now I have music for my shoveling bitches! w00t. Lousy kids and their fancy-schmancy mp3 players. I'll bet their players don't contain only play, stop, and fast forward. Yeah, it's uber-old school, and I love it. In case you didn't notice before, when I was talking about old video games, I like being able to experience early technology. Anyway, I got tired of shoveling (I get paid to shovel two other driveways, other than ours) so I decided I'd crawl into my sound proof igloo, and just lay there for half an hour, and think about things. You know, get all depresed with memories, and stuff. Then after like 15 minutes of remembering how simple things were when doom was considered fucking advanced stuff, I figured I'd see how well I can scream. (Some of you may remember that I would LOVE to be able to scream like in Linkin Park, SOTY, The Used, Static-X, etc.) Well, I tried. And I just can't release myself enough to scream. Whenever I would try, I just couldn't release myself to do a full scream. T_T I need to get drunk or something with Mike, and go out and scream at 5 year olds or something. So yeah, for now, I can not scream. So after getting all mad at myself because I wouldn't release my screams, I decided to go back inside, grab the laptop, and go back to the fort. You know, just to say "Yep, I sat in an igloo with a laptop." I like to be able to say I did something. Like get shot, get hit by a bus, go to the bathroom with a laptop, etc. And yes, I have taken a crap with a laptop on my lap. Okay, I'm starting to get tired (I didn't have any caffine today, and Deanna's picking me up tomorow to go to Gym Day. w00t ^_^ *makes list of things to have a conversation about* I try to pay attention to see what other people talk to her about (I'd make a kick-ass stalker. Really, I would. I would just have to leave the hosue more) but most of the time it's either kids mocking her (We both get playfuly mocked a lot. And we both are like "uh-hu".) or adults asking her for help. (Adults love her ^_^. omg, I just got this idea that they're pedophiles. I blame Mike for putting these thoughts in my head.) Damnit, I have to stop getting sidetracked. k, anyway, I'm goign to bed soon, so I'm going to write about one more thing on my list of things to write about (Yes, I make notes of what to write about throughout the week. Pathetic eh) Uhh, well, since I'm on the topic of conversations with Deanna, and since that revolves around MSN, and since I got her banned from MSN last year, along with her friend Jessie, I suppose I shall write about Jessie. Jessie, the 13 year old adopted kid, whom I found out was deeply influenced by me. The girl I see twice a week. The girl who is now seeing a psychiatrist. Okay, I got Deanna and Jessie in trouble, on the monday after march break. Well, that's when their parents found out about me, and banned them from MSN anyway. So it's almost been a year. It's amazing how close friends you can be over msn, but never talk in real life. I see her twice a week, and not ONCE have I had a conversation with her in real life. (Remember, before she got my e-mail, she thought I was a scary kid though, so before she got my e-mail, it doesn't really count, but still, she's had my e-mail for well over a year now.) Anyway, she's started going on msn again. She's only been on once, but aparently she sleeps over at her friend's house almost every thursday now, so we'll probalby talk then. Man, she's so messed up now. She even sees a psychiatrist. I can't help but think this is somehow my fault. =P I offered to take over the real doctor's job as her psychiatrist (Since I find people's minds uber-interesting) and she loved the idea. Her parents though... I can't help but think they partialy blame me for their daughter's downward spiral. "What're you going to do? Teach her to cut herself again?" I wouldn't be surprised if I do either. "If it gets too bad, there's a clock tower a couple stories high nearby that you could jump off. Or you could always cut. Depends how bad things get." Doesn't my advise own? The funny thing is, that before they read through her chat logs, her parents thought I was a good kid. And I am! I hate it when people older than me hate me, or think I'm a bad person. I must look perfect in everyone's eyes. I'm a major, fucking, kiss-ass. I was like the teacher's pet for 6 years in sunday school. I could give a flying fuck about what my peers think of me, just so long as I look good in the eyes of my...My...Whatever the older people are called. Actualy, that's not true. If I talk to someone, I don't want them to hate me...That's why I work so hard to keep Anna and Akiko from blocking me. If I keep trying to get them to unblock me every time they block me, I seem nice right? Meh, whatever. I always blame Mike in my apoligy e-mails anyway, I don't loose anything. But yeah, I just can't stand being hated. Where was I going with all this? Absolutly no where. I just figured I'd use my diary as an actual DIARY. It's healthy to spill your guts to no one in particular sometimes. Did you know I talk to myself as a different person a lot? I'll imagine I'm talking to someone I know, like Deanna, and simulate a conversation. I'm like a computer. I take the data I've gathered from watching a person talk, then I calculate what types of questions the person would ask, what sort of responses to my answers, etc. I sit there for minutes (minutes doens't seem like that long, but you try and sit there having a conversation with yourself, while pretending that you're talking to someone you've never had a real life conversation with) and just explain stuff I do to the simulated person. I find it really helps me analyse myself. I'll be sitting there talking (not out loud mind you) and realize "Oh! The reason I like molesting little girls is because..." etc. And I don't just talk either. Sometimes i'll actualy move around and stuff. Like, if I'm re-inacting something I did, like stub my toe or something, I'll sometimes feel compeled to stand up and hop around swearing, etc. You may think all this blood loss is making me loose my mind, but it's not. I'm perfectly normal. You people probably do the exact same things with your friends. The only difference is that my 'friends' arn't actualy physicaly in the room. It's like there's a party in my mouth, and everyone's invited! Except that they're all imaginary. So yeah, that's my secret as to how I can go so long without communicating with people. The only people I can remember having an actual conversation with, is Matt, David, and my Dad. (Sometimes I'll go with my dad to see his customers and stuff, and on the car drives, he teaches me a lot about how buisnesses work and stuff. It's awesome.) It's odd. Matt's my best friend, but we hardly ever talk about personal stuff. Like, he didn't even know about Deanna for like 4 months, because we had never had a conversation about it. And we're not the kind of people who would go "omg! Guess what!" and stuff. It's like we're close friends from work or something. Then there's David, Matt's little brother. Fuckin' stupid emo punk gangsta kid. David, Matt, one of my younger brothers, and I, used to hang out a lot. But now it's mostly just me and Matt who get together, David and my little brother moved on to otehr friends. It's sad really. Anyway, I don't talk to David much, however, he's the person I talk to about my personal stuff most. He doesn't believe me that he's the only person who I share my pesronal problems with (I talk to Mike about them sometimes, but yeah) but yeah. If you ever read this Dave, thanks. =) Oh, and by not talk to him much, I mean we talk less than once every two months. Oh-ho-ho, you're all blessed I closed my eyes for a sec there, and almost fell out of bed. I could ramble on about this boring irrelivant stuff for hours (It's already been over an hour since I said I would just do a little section on Jessie, then I would sleep...Woah, how'd I get from talking about Jessie, to using my best friend's little brother as a psychiatrist?) So, I'm just going to stop for now, and go to sleep. I've still got lots more to write in here. XD Oh, and tomorow at Gymday, they'll be teaching about income tax. Vanessa's mom is awesome. That sounded perverted. I meant the things she teaches about are awesome. Last year she taught about Binary, and server databases, and stuff. For some odd reason I was the ONLY person happily paying attention. Like, seriously, EVERYONE else was off drawing pictures or something. And now this year (Each family in the homeschool group has to contribute a field trip, a teaching for the older, and younger group of kids, and, uhh, some other stuff I think. And that will let you stay in the homeschool group for a school year. Anyway, I just wrote this bracket so you know that it didn't take Vanessa's mom a whole school year to teach 40 kids binary.) she's teaching about Income Tax. I think I'm going to be the only kid looking forward to this teaching as well. Just like I was the only kid who was interested in the middle east politics teaching two weeks ago, and just like I was the only one interested in...I'm a fucking nerd. A nerd who should be a sleep by now. ttyl! (Even though as you're reading this, I'll be talking to you again in a second) Good night! --------------------------- Good afternoon! Quick rundown of my day: I woke up to the door bell ringing. "FUUUUUCK, DEANNA'S HERE ALREADY!" I had forgotten that my Grandma comes around 1 to watch my little brothers, and Deanna comes around 1:20, and my Grandma hadn't shown up yet. Forturnatly, it was just my Grandma, and not Deanna. I'm really horrible when I get out of bed. I sweat a lot in my sleep and stuff, so I really stink, and need a shower. So yeah, I was kind of panicked about that. XD So anyway, today we learned about taxs. Wouldn't ya' know, I'm the only one who liked it. She focused mostly on how to file your income tax. First we used an example that she had already done, and we just coppied it,a nd she explained how it all worked. Then she gave us a "scenario", and we hd to file some random guy name "ali"'s income tax stuff. In the end the ammount he owed, and the ammount he got back ended up canceling each other out, so he didnt' have to pay anything. "So we spent half an hour figuring this stuff out for this guy for nothing?!" Not everyone figured it out either. Most of the people just wrote random numbers. Jessie and her partner (We did it in partners, just because most of us forgot out calculators. Me and Deanna were partners. ^_^) went around trying to copy people's answers, then they finally gave up, and wrote words in the spaces. Total income: "Roast beef", RRSP: "Aflac", etc. She gave out chocolate bars every time we got through a particular part of the lecture. Like when we finnished the example income tax thing, we all got a chocolate bar. Anyway, she figured most of us would just give up, and not do the Ali guy's income tax, so she's like "I'll give you a chocolate bar if you finnish, it doesnt need to be correct, I'll give you another chocolate bar if it's correct, and I'll give you a third one if your'e the first one to get it." EVERYONE gave up. Except me and Deanna. And it was all correct. w00t. Three chocolate bars each. w00t. I feel special. ^_^ Now I feel even specialer because I'm listening to Phil Collins - Son of Man. This is a fucking awesome song. I loved it the second I heard it on Tarazan. There was soem other song he had on that movie, I forget what it was though. This is SO going in my "what I'm listening too" box. People will come laugh at me. They'll leave a comment simply saying "Ahaha, you're not listening to emo, what a loser!". But hey, more comments for me. ^_^ I have proven a factor that I had suspected for a long time, in the whole "why it's so hard to talk to Deanna." case. One of her friends is always talking to her. Here's how Gym Day works (It seems like I'm explaning this every-other entry) One week the older kids (Me) use the gym to play hockey, or something. Then the next week the older kids are taught how to do Ali's income taxs. Mean while the younger group of kids are being taught how to find the velocity of a car at 3 seconds after applying it's brakes, then the next week they're doing hockey in the gym. This week Deanna's two younger sisters did hockey. Then, at the end of Gym Day, her sisters went off to go home with their friend, leaving their poor over-loaded mother with their hockey sticks. So me, being the gentleman I am (Oh man! Quick joke. I'm sitting talking with David last year, counting on my fingers why people like me. (jokingly of course) Thumb: I'm helpful, *puts thum down* Index: I'm not a loud mouth, *puts index finger down* Middle finger: I'm polite. *gives David the finger*...Yeah...) went over and asked her if she wanted me to take the hockey sticks. I think she's really starting to like me now. w00t! So anyway, on the way home she stops off to get groceries leaving me and Deanna in the van. (I'm sure if I hadn't helped her with the hockey sticks, she would have been "Deanna, come help me pick out your supper....................I don't trust this bad influence! *glares at me*" or something.) So we're alone. And we talk. Why? Because Jessie's not there making fun of me. Therefore, I shall go slit Jessie's wrist, and claim she commited suicide. No, I'm not serious. So anyway, the snow is still melting. If it keeps melting like this, my uber-fort will soon collapse. Before the temp went above 0, my walls and roof were over two feet thick. Now they're like a foot. Ummm, hmmm...Aflac....Does anyone know if someone has invented a headphone extension cord? I really hate short headphone cords. You'd think someone would have made a cord that you plug into the headphone jack, and you plug in your headphones into that.I havn't found anything like that in a store or anything. Hmm...Holy crap! I'm watching Family Guy right now (Blah. I hate watching TV. But its' so funny.) Peter "gets in touch with his feminine side", and so he's sitting in the bath,and he calls up quiagmire (I don't know how to spell his name) Here's how the conversation sort of went: Q: Hello? P: Hi Q: What's up? P: Not much. Q: What do you need Peter? P: Nothing, just calling to talk. So, what're you thinking about? Q: Uhh, you called me. P: Blah blah blah Q: *hangs up on Peter* Ahaha, so true. Andrea does that to me some times. Oh, and people on msn do that all the time. Drives me fuckin' crazy. If you have nothing to say, don't waste your time attempting to start a conversation with me. Like Leah said: You'e really boring, all you do is say "lol" and answer questions. Yup... There's not a question I can't answer. "Here's a question for ya'; what's it like to kiss a girl?" Heh, undergrads is awesome. Today Mike reminded me of uber leeto. I remember in one of his episodes he was like With all the ranting I do on here, you'd think I'd find SOMEONE out there who hates me and will send me hate mail. But I've mostly got possitive feed back. And I really want hate mail... Guys...Linux is for n00bs! Linux sucks. Now, I don't rant or anything, but I've written a couple thousand words in this diary over the past couple of months, and I would think people would be pissed off or anoyed with SOMETHING I've written about. Besides Deanna. Me talking about Deanna is uber-fucking-anoying, and I know that, but hey, this is my diary, and I can write whatever the fuck I want, and you don't have to like it. Actualy no, if you guys write me some really hateful comments, I'll be compelled to write less about Deanna. It's like I'm writing a weekly radio show or something. Blah. But like I said, I don't like people hating me. ...Hah, you wish. I won't be changing anything about how I write. Anyway, umm, hateful comments... MY CHEMICAL ROMANCE SUCKS! BUSH FUCKING PWNS j00 BITCH! Yeah, that's right. I said Bush > j00. Oh, and I lied about MCR sucking. w00t MCR. But I did say Bush was better than you all. And I support the war. And Bush is cool. I lied about Bush being cool. But I support Bush, 'cause he's better than you all. I support the war too. I want people to leave comments with reasons about why they don't support the war, and I'll try answer them in a sarcasticaly, un-educated way. Here's some major things I've heard about people not liking the war: -Bush only attacked because of the oil. The Iraqis have their own way of life, and they could have figured stuff out on their own. Ummm...No, the Iraqi's wern't working themselves out. They had a dictator who didn't care if the rest of his nation was wiped out, just so long as he can keep his spot on his throne. He'll kill you for saying "Sadam sucks." Imagine if Bush did that. Iraq was broke, because Sadam wouldn't sell their oil to the U.S. The being broke was also partialy the fault of the UN for it's ceonomic sanctions because of the their invasion of Kuwait. Sadam was very...Uhh...Clan-ist. I don't remember the names of the two main clans of muslims, but Sadam was part of one clan, and he would give all the power to that one clan he was a part of, and the other clan was shunned. Like the US was with African Americans back before the 60s...Except worse. All in all, Iraq was fucked. And Sadam was to blame. And now Bush has taken Sadam out of power, and is instaling democracy there. Now, the oil thing...Who the fuck wouldn't want the oil in Iraq?! Like, seriously, if you're going to take the time to go scuba diving in the ugly piss-filled ocean, with all those slimy fish, and horrible algey, you might as well bring back a couple oysters with pearls in them. I'm sure the oil was a major fucking factor in starting the war on Iraq, but it's not the only reason. Well, depends how you look at it. If you take Sadam out of power, you can get to the oil, so long as you stay in the country for a while, and sort of remind the new goverment that the west will buy their oil. The Americans will move out of Iraq within a few years. Well, if they're smart they will anyway. If they don't, the Iraqis will eventualy get sick and tired of having the Americans controling their country, and revolt. Or the UN will step in and kick the Americans out.They just need to stay there long enough to get the goverment set up, help their police force keep power, train their military, etc. If you ask me, they should send the Canadians to do that. As history has shown, we're much better with peace keeping, and getting a country back up on it's feet. Americans do all the dirty work, we fix up their mess/prevent the dirty work. The arabs have no reason to hate us, that's why you don't hear about planes being flown into the CN tower, or suicide bombers running around the Edmonton mall, etc. Sorry, couldn't resist saying all that. XD Anyway, as I was saying, if you were Bush, and you knew that if you took down Saddam, your country had a good chance of getting in good with the new goverment, and sort of 'control' the oil over there, AND at the same time, liberate the people of Iraq from Saddam, would you declare war? If I had the resources (And everyone knows America has the resources to declare war on pretty much anyone) I certainly would. Of course, there's other factors too. If you had a glock, but your neighbor, who does everything to try destroy you, from pissing in your pool, to setting your lawn on fire, had a pack of C4, would you walk on over there and shoot the bastard before he had a chance to use the C4 on your car? Probably not, but still, that's probably how the US felt about the alleged weapons of mass destruction in Iraq. Now, imagine your neighbor had hundreds of thousands of pet termites, and he would release a few thousand termites every so often on part of your house. You know, eat up the the wall to your bathroom so he can stare at your hot wife, etc. Then, imagine you were the one to discover...FIRE! Would you use your new invention to burn down your neighbor's house, in an attempt to kill off his termites? Sure a lot of them would escape into your neighbor's neighbor's possesion, but at least you'd be free of a couple thousand. Then in the future, you can use your invention to burn down the rest of the neighborhood, sot hat the termites have no where to run to. You then simply use a magnafying glass to burn out the few termites left running around. Now, imagine you were the greatest millitary power in the world, and there was a country housing thousands of terrorists who actualy believe that if they die while blowing up anything to do with your country, they would go to heaven. Would you say "Fuck this, I'mma burn this motha fucka down" after a while? Sure some of the escaping termites will escape the burning house, and head over to your house for a nice little feast, but it's a sacrafice you're willing to make in order to get rid of the fuckers. Uhh...yeah. Anyway, Bush is a nice guy...For an American...If you do some research on Saddam, you'll see he's a pretty fucked up guy. If you had the chance you'd probably want to liberate his people too. The reward for doing that is pretty good too. Tons of oil. w00t. And the whole oil thing isn't bad for the Iraqis. Everyone benifits from it. The west loves oil. The east can make money off the oil. Like, just look at Saudi Arabia...Or was it Syria? I don't remember which one was the uber oil suplier (Hey, I told you I was uber-uneducated about most of this.) Anyway, forty years ago, they were riding around on cammels, and living in tents. Now that they've got their oil, and are selling it to the west, they're driving cars, they hired the bin laden family to build up their country, etc. Now they're modernized, and they're uber-fucking-rich. The same could happen for Iraq. And then there's the whole "gas prices will go below fuckin' 80 cents" thing. So you see, the war for oil angle isn't all that bad. It's good for everyone...Except of coures for the people who die during the war. Thousands of innocent Iraqis are dying because of this war. No shit dumbass. It's called war fucktard. Like I said before, it's not like Iraqis wern't dying horrible deaths before the war. It's costing billions of dollars to fund this war Yeah, war tends to do that. And I suppose it's not helping the 40+ billion the US already owes. But hey, it's oil! Who doens't love oil! Nah. But still, pointing out that the war is costing money is like saying "f(x) = 1/x where x != 0". It's obvious. But it doesn't change the fact that that's what the function is going to be 1/x no matter what. I guess this is only a side reason for the anti-war supporters. "Spending so much money on this war is fucking stupid, because this is just an illigal war, started to get the oil in Iraq." Speaking of which, what exactly is classified as illigal. They said 'nam was illigal. Why? Because the US didn't want 'nam to become a communist country? It's illigal because the US stepped in to help defend 'nam from the invading russians? That war kind of sucked though, 'cause in the end they just decided to split the country in half...After thousands of soldiers died. Wait, no, I'm thinking of Korea. Sorry. I'm just gonna go off topic for a second here, in WWI, they would spend months in the trenches, just shooting down thousands of soldiers in the enemy trenches, and in the end, all they would gain from months of thousands of people dying is a few FEET of land. Then they would just loose it again. So fucking stupid. But hey, what can ya' do. If you back down, the enemy will just keep advancing. There's not a whole lot you can do, except sign a peace treaty. Anyway, I'm just going to say that this whole "cost of war" thing is fucking stupid, unless you're using it to back up another anti-war point. "Bush is giving out billions of dollars to kill inocent Iraqi's." I'm four hours past "monday", when I said I would have this entry up. So no more questions. But seriously, leave me some reasons why you think the war is wrong. I can't say I'm going to point out how that point is bad or anything, not everything about the war is good. I just hate it when people are like "Yeah, bush is stupid." or "Yeah, this is an illegal war, all he wants is oil", just because everyone else is saying it. It just makes me get all teary eyed with frustration. Now, don't get me wrong. I, just like every other Canadian, hate America, and think Americans are idiots (no offense to those who read this. Don't nuke me!) I just want people to do a little research on the internet...On sites that show the GOOD stuff that bush has done, not just the bad stuff. Oh, and I think Micheal Moore is an annoying, immature, ingorant, tard. And a lot of people who listen to him are too. Like, in Farenheit 9/11, "When Bush found out about the twin towers, he was reading books to kids. Guess what happened when he heard about the news? Well he sure as fuck didn't run out to his private jet and jet over to the twin towers, that's for sure. He stayed at that school, and continued reading the book to the children like the dumb fuck he is. And most of the people who watched the movie are like "Ha! What a fucktard he is." Gee, what would you do? Imagine you're baby sitting a couple hundred kids with a few of your friends. You send some of the kids, with your friends, off to the twin towers, then you jump across a couple states, to take the rest of the kids, uhh...To the McDonalds playland or something. Then you hear news about the twin towers getting pwned by terrorists. What do you do? Do you grab all the kids and run like fuck to the twin towers, in an attempt to stare at your friends attempting to save the children from the tower (friends = fire fighters etc) and give speeches to the children who you have brought back form McDonalds, telling them everything will be okay, and that you'll lower taxs for them, and increase the funds to fight AIDS in Africa...Meanwhile there's burning people jumping from windows right behind you. k, but seriously, wtf would you do if you were Bush? Then, people were all like "wtf, terrorists can't do this to our country! Bush! Do something about this problem." So he goes and invades Afganistan, and people get all pissed. Then Bush goes and invades Iraq, and the gas price goes up, and stuff, and people are like "Wahhhh, Buuusshhhh, fix our problems! Noooooo, not like that you dumb fuck." "Do you have any better ideas? I dont' think even the Canadians can talk the terrorists into stop attacking Iraq." "Uhh...No...But you're still stupider than me." LIke, holy fuckz0rz. Oh, and I was looking around for stuff about this topic, and I found this (Which is why I started talking about Micheal Moore) Ed Koch, the Democratic former mayor of New York City, takes “Fahrenheit 9-11” director Michael Moore to task for using unfair accusations and unfounded conspiracy theories to weaken the United States in its war with totalitarians. Koch says, considering Moore’s sympathy toward genocidal fascists and suicidal fanatics, Moore probably would have denounced America’s participation in World War II. Koch notes that, in an interview with a Japanese reporter, Moore said, “The Iraqis who have risen up against the occupation are not ‘insurgents’ or ‘terrorists’ or ‘The Enemy.’ They are the REVOLUTION, the Minutemen, and their numbers will grow — and they will win.” So that’s Moore’s vision: Fascism is liberty. The liberators are oppressors. Ansar al-Islam is the Minutemen. The Iraqis liked their fascism. They could fly kites under Saddam. The Americans have ruined everything. Michael Moore champions the ideology of repression. Shame on him. Frank Warner Micheal Moore is so fucking stupid. "Yeah, Bush's family is good friends and buisness partners with the Bin Ladens. Therefore, he set up the trade towers to help fuck his country over, but it would make him and his family rich." Doe any sane person believe this? I mean, I can see Saddam doing this, but from everything else Bush has done...No. I don't think he'd go to those extremes. I guess it never dawned on Micheal that blood is...Uhh, whatever that saying is...Blood is stronger than water, or soemthing. I don't know. Anyway, I guess moore never thought that Osama attacked of his OWN FREE WILL...Or, it was his own idea...Or however you want to word it...In order to help his family get uber-fucking-rich...er. Of course the loop hole with that, is that the Bin Ladens had disowned Osama years ago. Here, let me show you what that Frank Warner guy wrote (I love this guy now.) Christopher Hitchens in Slate skewers Michael Moore’s new "documentary" "Fahrenheit 9-11" for its contradictions, glaring omissions and gross falsehoods. Moore implies that President Bush’s distant business relationship with some of Osama bin Laden’s relatives was responsible for letting them fly out of the United States after nothing more than "a little interview" following the Sept. 11, 2001, attacks, even when all other planes were grounded. Is Moore saying Bush knew about 9-11 before it happened and he wanted his fellow murderers to go free? Does any sane person believe this? All other planes were not grounded on Sept. 20, when most of the bin Ladens (the bin Ladens who had disowned Osama years earlier) left the U.S. to return to Saudi Arabia. And key figures of that family were interrogated and checked out before they left. One plane carried a few Saudis out early, on Sept. 13, but that flight appears to have been insignificant. Even the 9-11 Commission found the bin Ladens' departure to have been appropriately handled. Moore tries to tie Bush and the bin Ladens to a sinister common interest in the Carlyle Group, corporate parent of United Defense Industries Inc. United Defense's stock value went up after 9-11, as did most defense stocks. But Moore fails to mention that, in May 2002, United Defense's $11 billion contract to build the Crusader artillery system became one of few major defense contracts that Bush ever canceled. Is Moore saying Bush knew about 9-11 before it happened and let it happen for a quick profit? Does any sane person believe this? That's only a little bit of the article thingy. If you have the time to read this thing, you have the time to read the full article. Seriously, read it. The scroll bar may look small, but it's really not a long article. Most of the space is taken up with comments left by people. Man, I wish I had read this article before I started writing about the war. There's so many awesome facts in here. In 1991, a large number of Western hostages were taken by the hideous Iraqi invasion of Kuwait and held in terrible conditions for a long time. After that same invasion was repelled — Saddam having killed quite a few Americans and Egyptians and Syrians and Brits in the meantime and having threatened to kill many more — the Iraqi secret police were caught trying to murder former President Bush during his visit to Kuwait. Never mind whether his son should take that personally. (Though why should he not?) Should you and I not resent any foreign dictatorship that attempts to kill one of our retired chief executives? (President Clinton certainly took it that way: He ordered the destruction by cruise missiles of the Baathist 'security' headquarters.) So yeah, GO READ THE FUCKING AWESOME BLOG. Fine, if you won't go, here's a paragraph for you to read: Of course, Moore is too racist to care that Saddam was letting thousands of Iraqis die each year by stealing from the U.N. Oil-for-Food program, or that Saddam had murdered at least 400,000 Iraqis in executions and genocide, or that Saddam was responsible for the deaths of at least another 1 million Muslims in the Iran-Iraq war. Don’t even ask Moore if the Iraqis should be free. Words like democracy and freedom don't come up much in fascist movie scripts. For Moore, repression is OK if some people can fly kites. Okay, now that you've read that, you've read like 1/3 of the entry. Now go read it you fucktard I could read up on stuff like this all day. Just like I could read up on serial killers. Or the history of programing. It's just so interesting. And infuriating. And...Blah. Anyway, I've written a page or two on politics. I never thought I'd be that much of a nerd to do that. But I have. Uhh...Yeah, I don't really have anything to say. Except that I'm sorry I couldnt' get this out by Monday like I said I would. So here's a little compensation quiz I nabbed from Alanna, who, btw, is special, because I put her in my MSN name. She's trying to take my Mikey away from me though. T_T "omg! Dude, Alanna is like my opposite sex twin! She's so awesome!" He never said that about me. =( Anyway, quiz. Personal Stuff: [¢¾] Full Name: Robert David Toyota [¢¾] Birthday: May 1, 1990 [¢¾] Home town: Mississagua...aka, that city right next to SARS central...Also known as Toronto. [¢¾] Height: Dunno. [¢¾] Shoe size: Dunno. (Seriously) Favorites: [¢¾] colors: Colours are bright evil bastards. [¢¾] number: 19. [¢¾] food: Chinese/Subway. [¢¾] beverage: Caffinated sugar. [¢¾] holiday: Holidays are for lazy people. [¢¾] season: Winter. [¢¾] past time: Writing long, anoying, pro bush, diary entries. [¢¾] restaurant: I don't know. Subway? [¢¾] bad habit: Not talking. [¢¾] word(s): 1337, computer, fucktard, keyboard, one, zero, C, plus, math, mast, stuff. [¢¾] phrase: *pwned squeal* XD [¢¾] animal: Hamster [¢¾] romantic thing: Making out with your keyboard? This or that?: [¢¾] cute or romantic: Cute. [¢¾] sex or cuddling: Cuddling. [¢¾] love or hate: *big sparkly eyes* *waves arm in an arc over head, with a rainbow trailing behind while saying "love! =)"*...Spongebob style. [¢¾] boys or girls: Well, boys punch hard, and girls kick me in the nuts...Fortunatly Anna and Dani already nuttered me while on their period, so I say girls. [¢¾] zoo or cruise: Cruise. [¢¾] piercings or tattoos: Tattoos of phrases in binary, all the way! [¢¾] sugar or spice: Sugar. [¢¾] chai or coffee: Coffee. [¢¾] happy or sad: Not tired. [¢¾] red or yellow: Red. [¢¾] green or blue: Green...Like the colour of the old monitors, when a value was equal to true...You know, the colour they use for the matrix font. [¢¾] blueberries or strawberries: Strawberries. "Mom! I got stabbed in the woods! I think you'll have to let me sit at my computer 24/7 until my shirt heals." That line just doesn't work with blueberries. [¢¾] cake or ice cream: Cake. [¢¾] hugs or kisses: I suppose I would have to experience either of them first to make an educated choice. More this or that, but what I look for in attractions [¢¾] eyes or lips: Eyes. [¢¾] eyes or hair: Hair. Eyes are pretty much the same on everyone. Except for azns. Us azns have those beedy little slits for eyes. [¢¾] long hair or short hair: Long I guess. Doesn't really matter. So long as they're not like, some bald punk. [¢¾] blue eyes or brown eyes: Blue. I must have ballanced colours. If I'm going to have red strawberry "blood", then I need blue "blueberry" eyes. [¢¾] tall or short: Doesn't matter. [¢¾] fat or skinny: What a mean thing to ask. Well, that's it kiddies who are all older than me. It's five in the fucking morning. I started writing this at fucking 5:00 this after noon. I only stopped to cook supper, and watch family guy with a laptop on my lap. I'm a really slow typer, who gets distracted easily. And my nose just started bleeding. My desk looks so awesome right now, it's got blood all over it. (btw, it's been 3 minutes since I typed "And my nose just started bleeding") Yeah...I'm sure you guys don't want to hear about my soon-to-be bacteria infested desk. Don't forget, "What's more embarrassing than having to hack into your own server? Succeeding." And don't forget to leave a comment on your anti-war reasons. 22 More days until Val's birthday 23 More days until Deanna goes back to work. [edit] Holy crap, this is 8,500 words long. Longest entry I've made yet. =)
Read 221 comments
Feeling: happy
[Note: I wrote this Sunday night. SitD was down, so I couldn't post 'till now.] Cuba Guess where my parents are right now. Half way to Cuba. Actualy, by the time I finish this entry, they'll have probably landed, checked into their hotel, and been bribed by the CIA to kill some commies. Okay, I did a couple lines about this in my last entry. However, most of you have forgoten it, and are too lazy to look through it again. Oh, and speaking of my last entry: Mike says: HOLY FUCK, 60 comments! Heh heh, yup. 60+ comments. I'm sure if I had written this entry earlier, there'd be less. But whatever, that's obvious. So anyway, yeah, my parents are on their way to Cuba. It's currently 1:30 am. My parents are going with another family to Cuba for two weeks. (thankfuly leaving me behind) My parents left to go to the other family's house to get ready around 11:am. So they've been gone pretty much all day. They did this last year. Except it was only for one week. They left me in charge all day, and had a guy come sleep over from like 9pm - 7am, for legal reasons. That's right. A 13 year old kid in charge of the house/younger sibblings for a week. It was pretty awesome. My younger brothers pretty much just stayed in their room/outside. The only mess they made was outside, so I didn't have to clean much up. I made/cleaned up the meals. That's about it. That was an awesome week. I barely slept at all that week. It felt like it had been a month. By the time they got home, my body was so fucked up, I couldn't walk up a flight of steps without having what felt like a minor asmtha attack. I've never experienced an asmtha attack, but I would assume it was like this. My lungs just...Shut down. I could barely breath. I just lay there on the couch for an hour trying to regain my breath. I had to literaly crawl/slide up/down the steps. So pathetic. Hell, I couldn't even stand up and walk from my bed to my computer. I had to crawl...Slowly...To my chair. But hey, I wouldn't give up that week for anything. Except a Hecate II. So anyway, they're staying for TWO weeks. I'll probably be bald, with no fingernails, and blind in one eye by the time they get back. Oh, and I'm going to loose a lot of blood. Mostly because of my hundreds of bloody noses, as well as the fact that no one will be around to notice scabs...I'll talk about that later I guess. I'm gonna get so much work done these two weeks. Or at least I plan to. Usualy when I plan to get work done, it doesn't get done. Let's see, while my parents are gone this time, I need to take out the trash, cook the meals, clean up the house, and do the laundry. That shouldn't be too hard. Espcialy the laundry. I wear my pants for months and months. Once I wore a pair without washing them for 10 months. (I barely wear pants, and when I do it's only for like an hour or two) I just stick stuff in my pocket when I get it. So when I did wash the pants, I found all this stuff I had forgoten about. I had $80 in there...Yeah, so laundry won't be too hard. Oh! And did I mention that Deanna's family is going to be driving me to Gymday, and Skating every Monday and Friday respectivly?! Yes, yes I did. But like I said, you're a lazy forgetful slob. You can blame Mike for that. (Mike, you probably won't even read far enough into this to notice this inside joke.) Which means that tomorow (techincaly today) her mom will be picking me up! =O k, Justine is probably going to hate me for this, but I need to think of a list of topics. 1) She got her hair style changed. 2) Her shoes have new green shoe laces. Mine are black. I'll have to ask her why her shoelaces are green. 3) Cookies. I wonder if she'll bring cookies. 4) Silence. It's probably going to be awkard silence. Actualy, her mom will probably be wondering one of two things: 1) How I'm doing without my parents, and some guy sleeping over at night (like last year. And this guy is awesome too. He just comes, sleeps, and leaves. It's like he was never hear. Except for a "hi" and stuff, we don't communicate. He just comes in and sleeps) 2) Why I have corrupted her daughter's mind. ...Yeah. I got Deanna and her friend Jessie in trouble last year, and I mentioned to Scott that I had gotten a girl in trouble (Jessie), and he said: YOU GOT THIS GUY'S DAUGHTER IN TROUBLE!?!?! In the olden days, that meant you got her pregnant. Could it be? Yeah...I found it hillarious anyway. Oh yeah, and I think I'm going to start sectioning my entries. I got the idea from Tricia (xxblueeyesxx) I figure using headers is better than using two line breaks. Heh, I'm not too bright. As you can see, I havn't put a new header yet, so I'm still on the topic of cuba. I have forgoten what I was going to write. Oh well. Basicaly: 1) I'm not going to get much sleep. 2) I'm going to get glared at by Deanna's mom four days while my parents are gone. Math The quadratic equation is awesome. I only understood it's usefulness last year. I wish they had taught this thing back in grd 9. It would have saved me SO much time. (I was 10. I couldn't keep all those numbers in my head! T_T) Actualy, I'm not sure when they first impliment factoring into the school curiculum, but they should have taught the quadratic equation back then. Unless they did, and I just missed it because I didn't enter the actual public school system until grd 9. (I don't go to public school, I do it over the internet) Anyway, I don't hate factoring quadratics as much as I did two years ago. My new hatred is...Dun-da-dun, factoring polynomials with a degree higher than 2! Blah. Forturnatly, I started working on a program that can factor polynomials. (It's highly-in-efficient, and uhh...Doesn't work...Yet...But it's getting there) A couple of people have asked if I really am 14. Mostly because they figure a 14 year old has better things to do than sit here and wirte all this out. Therefore I must be some 40 year old pedophile with no job, lives in his mother's basement, and cuts Shirkens out of AOL cds. However, a few people who read some of my slightly older entries, remember some of the math questions I did, using derivitives. Well, if they don't teach the quadratic equation in grd 9, why would they teach how to use derivitives in grd 9? So here's the whole deal on my schooling (I don't mean to toot my own horn, 'cause saying that sounds perverted, but if it stats to sound like I'm bragging, it's because I'm a cocky little fucktard): It all started when I was 2. My mom started teaching me phonics blends. By three I was reading a page of about 10 words to my mom every day. Age 3 - 9 were probably the best years of my life ('cause I havn't lived very long) However, I can't remember most of what I did during that time. Wow, I'm getting all these memories of vacations to our cottage and stuff. Yeah, anyways, I remember I was 9, and I was at Matt's house (Holy shit, we've been friends a long time) and he was doing his math homework (He's now 4 years older than me. As of...The twentyth I think. Oh crap. Happy belated birthday Matt. =S) and I was like "Can I try some of it?" "Uh...No." So I stood there watching him for a wihle (The SNES was in use, so yeah, nothing better to do =P) then I pointed out that he had a problem with one of his answers. Heh, once he saw I could do the math, he was like "Actualy, yeah, here, go ahead and do my math." I don't know why, but that's one of the only thing I remember about Matt before we got hardcore into computers. I remember a few things and stuff, but that's one of the major things I remember. So anyway, at that time I remember I was doing grd 9 work. So the next year (When I was 9) my mom heard a lot of good things from my friend's mom (Who is 5 years older than me) about AMDEC -- An online highschool -- So she decided to see if they would let me in, so I can start getting my credits early. Whatdya know. I was the only 10 year old in the whole virtual school. What are the odds of that? =P I ended up passing the course with a pretty decent mark. 80 something I think. There was a girl in there, Janna. Me and her would be in EVERY SINGLE chat with the teacher. Throughout the whole year she thought I was a girl, because she thought "Robbie" was short for "Roberta". She's been in all my math courses for the past 3 years. This year she decided to take a year off math, since she's ahead by a year too. It's so lonely in the chats without Janna there T_T We laugh about that a lot on msn, because we have no lives. But I'm getting sidetracked here. So anyway, the next year I wanted to do grd 10 math, as well as another subject. So I did grd 9 english a. Passed 'em both with pretty good marks. (We have all year to do these courses. Plus, I only had 2, not the traditional 8, so I had lots of time to learn ^_^) Then that summer they tried a couple summer shcool courses, aparently they didn't work out too well as they didn't do it this summer, and they arn't planning to do it this year either. But anyway, I did Civics and Careers over the summer. (Both half-credits) Then the next year I did grd 11 math, grd 10 english, and grd 9 science. Passed 'em. This was also the year I got expeled from AMDEC. "We're sorry, we can't let you into this college, because you have been expeled from your online shcool." Man, that would suck so badly. Especialy since they let me back in with a 2 week suspension. So anyway, now, here I am, 14, just starting highschool, and I'm doing grd 12 advanced functions and introductory calculus, grd 9 geography (Which I just finished on Friday! w00t! Fuckin' exam. You had to write it on paper, it wasn't on the computer. My hand hurt SO FUCKING MUCH when I was done.), and grd 11 computer science (Because it's got programing in it! I can't believe they give you a credit to create programs.) I was getting like 90 something in geo, I'm doing pretty well in comp sci, and I'm barely passing calculus. So here I am, 14, a highschool freshman, with 8 credits already, and two more at the end of the year (assuming I pass math) Crrrapppp, next year I have to start doing like 8 courses. I'm so lazy. btw, the only reason I'm good at math is 'cause I'm azn. azns love math. So yeah, I'm a nerd. Speed I want to do speed. Sure it'll give me depression, personal problems, anger and violence, a new addiction, psychosis, etc, but it'll make everything faster! And it's hard to sleep! It takes me like 5 hours to type these entries. If I was on speed I could do these in 5 minutes! Not really, but still. Speed would be awesome. Imagine everything you could do while on speed. If there were no side effects I'd be high all the time. Stupid side effects. So yeah, my dug obsesion is now speed. You talk about drugs around me, I'll ask for speed. Man, if I take drugs, I'll probably be able to talk with people so much better. Acording to Matt, most people prefer people who talk randomness, to people who don't talk at all. Also, when you're high, you can focus on objects better. (Or so I've heard) I don't have a problem with staring at objects. Jess says it's creepy how I just sit there and stare at something in complete silence for so long. But whenever I look in someone's eyes when they talk to me (I try my best to be a polite little boy =)) I start to loose focus after a few seconds. I get all tired, and I feel like I'm going cross-eyed and stuff. (I don't usualy come off as polite though.) Last month I told Matt about that, and he sugested I only look with one eye...Or only look at one of the person's eyes, or...Something. I don't remember. Wow, when I tthink back and try to remember if his advise worked, I can't remember the last time I had a conversation with someone. Like, not even a conversation, just anything other than "okay mom!" Me and Matt have conversations, but usualy not until we're laying in bed trying to get to sleep. That sounded SO wrong. He sleeps in his bed. I sleep on his hard floor. When I sleep over, I bring my computer and stuff, and we just sit there for hours staring at our screens. Every so often you'll hear "Hey, can you send me that one file?". And we dont' even answer each other. We just send the file. (We've got our headphones on and stuff) But as soon as our computers are off, it's like...Normalish. We're really boring, unless our boxes are off. Anyway, we'll go to bed, and lay there thinking about stuff for a couple minutes, then Matt ALWAYS starts talking about something. We stay up talking for hours. Usualy all nerdy stuff, but yeah. It's awesome. Holy shit, Jen and I have been talking, and I've got like 80 comments now. Hot doggeh! Random stuff Programing is like a relationship. You spend days, even years working on a program, and in the end, it doesn't work out. On the day you test your program, and it doesn't work, you're heart broken. You simply can not understand why it didn't work. You try to tell yourself that in time, it'll fix itself. But it doesn't. So you jump off a bridge. The end. That's what I wrote. This is what 50 cent wrote (Wow, two quotes from 50, in two consecutive entries. Pretty good considering I don't like him much eh) They say I walk around like I got an S on mah chest Nah that's a semi-auto In a vest on mah chest Ain't dat da shit yo?! *shifty eyes* Anyway, that's how I think. "Wow, you're brave!" "*says coldly* I've got a gun. =/" "Oh." Yeah...It's a good thing i don't open my mouth much, eh? I remember one gym day in the fall, we were playing soccer outside, and Jessie, Deanna, and I, were all sitting back near the net (We're really bad at sports and stuff...Except hockey of course. We're Canadian =)) Then our team captain gets all mad and stuff "Go out there and play or I won't give Robbie any more cookies". So we go up to the front lines. After a few minutes of running after the ball (I can run really fast...For about 20 seconds. Then I have to catch my breath for 5 minutes) I was pretty damn tired. The ball lands on the ground. There's a guy fairly close to it, but I figure I can get to the ball about the same time as him. So I run for it. The ball is to my right as I'm closing in on it, so I start to turn to the right when I'm about 3 feet from the ball. I slip. As I'm falling sideways, the ball is less than a meter from my face. And the guy is running at the ball with his foot already kicking. Guess who's face got pwned. Yup, mine. I can't believe I didn't get a bloody nose. That uber-sucks. I couldn't feel my face for like 5 minutes though. Everyone was laughing. Even the guy that kicked the ball. Meanies. Well, yeah, they asked if I was okay and stuff, but sitll, just 'cause I laugh when someone falls at skating -- Or I laugh at anything for that matter -- doesn't mean you can laugh at me when my face gets pwned. The end Okay, well, I have some more stuff to write, but it's 4:30 now, and I need to wake up in a few hours. So I'm just going to go to bed. Plus SitD is down, so there's no pressure to keep working at this since I can't post it. So I'll edit more later. (This probably sounds odd to you, since at the time of you reading this, it's not really an edit. But whatever.) I'll let you know how awkard the silence is with Deanna tomorow. -_- Edit 02/28----------------------------- [90+ comments. Holy fuck.] Okay, it is now day 2 of my parents cuban vacation. So far it's been awesome. I brought my dad's laptop down to the basement (my room) last night, and I've always loved working with two computers. So it was awesome. Didn't go to bed 'till like 5. Right now I'm typing this on my dad's laptop in the kitchen, cooking supper for my brothers. Wow, I just stopped for a sec to put the spaghetti noodles into the pot, and I missed with ALL of them. So they went all over the top of the stove. Some of them were touching the burner, and caught fire. --Woah, I just looked over and the water was boiling over. -_- *5 minutes later* Cleaning up boiling water is a bitch. Anyway, yeah, some of the noodles caught fire, so I'm like "Ahhh! They've only been gone a day! I can't burn the house down yet!" So yeah, I just kept blowing out all the fires springing up, while attempting to remove the noodles from the general area of the burner without getting burned. Anyway, it's Monday, meaning that Gym Day was today. My Grandma came around 1 to watch my brothers, while I went with Deanna and her sisters, and mom to Gym Day. Pretty quiet drive to and from Gym Day. Deanna's mom asked how I was doing so far. "Pretty good." "Havn't burned down the house yet eh." "Nope." If she asks that on Friday, I'll be able to say "Almost". Man, burning spagetti stinks. So anyway, as I was saying, I can fly. Yes, I was talking about my flying. You don't even remember that do you? -_- Lousy degenerate kids these days. Gettin' hopped up on glue. Anyway, all that really happened today was that I got my finger pwned while playing Volley Ball, and I found out that Deanna's mom won't give her the keys to the car anymore. And her brother won't let her drive his car either anymore. It's not like she's just going to drive off with a purple van. -_- Did I mention she's 14 also? Most 14 year olds are smart enough to not take their parent's car out on the highway. Actualy, probably not, just me and Deanna. I remember this one Simpsons episode, where Marge kicks Homer out of the house, and Lisa goes to see Homer up in the tree house, and Homer asks Lisa to get Marge to take him back...Or something like that. Anyway, Lisa goes "No, you have to get her back yourself" "How?" "Find the one thing that only YOU can give her". Or something like that. My memory is just as bad as yours is (ya' glue sniffin' punk). So then it shows Moe come up, and give Marge some flowers and stuff. Then home comes along, walks into the house, holding a bouquet of flowers: "Marge! I've found what only I can give you! A bouquet of flow--" And he notices Moe's flowers. "Damnit!" Then something happens, I don't remember what, but it ends up with him walking out, then running back in on his knees, and saying "I know what I can give you! Complete and utter dependance!" Man, I've never felt so much like Homer since I saw that episode where he hired a hobo to shoot firecrackers at him, then ran off to buy a Hecate II. "I can offer you my silence. We all know how much girls hate guys who talk non-stop!" Silence is bad. I need that thing that...What's his name...The guy who came up with the black hole theory...The guy in the wheelchair with the keypad to talk. That'd be awesome. He's smart, and he doesnt' have to open his mouth! He would probably give anything to be able to talk though... But yeah, I need one of those portable text-to-voice things. People would think I'm really rude though. "He can talk, yet he would rather type to us. How rude. *slap*" Then I would die, and have a 401 error on my tombstone with a picture of a red image not found x. Sadly, I have nothing more to say. Except that I'm tired. And it's snowing. And I need to go out and shovel around 4. And I'm tired. And we're getting 5-10 cm of snow. And laptops rock. I'm currently writing this while sitting on the toilet. (Hopefuly my dad never finds this diary) Yeah, anyways... This one girl, who I know in real life (Not /know/, but she's someone I know of who I can actualy see in real life) is now scared of me. Aparently she found me creepy before she got my e-mail and added me to msn, because I don't talk much, and I just stare at the wall. Once she added me, she thought I was nice and stuff. Then her friend told her I cut myself for fun, and stuff, and she's like...Hang on, let me just find the convo log. [01:55:52 AM] Leah: so...u cut urself? [01:55:57 AM] Leah: thats bad [01:56:04 AM] Leah: and stupid [01:56:08 AM] Me: Heh [01:56:27 AM] Leah: ??? [01:56:46 AM] Leah: why would u do that? [01:56:54 AM] Me: 'cause blood is awesome. [01:57:02 AM] Leah: ewwww [01:57:08 AM] Leah: ur stupid [01:57:41 AM] Leah: get food coloring..thats red(no need for violence..or gore) [01:57:48 AM] Me: lol [01:57:55 AM] Me: It's not the same though :P [01:58:12 AM] Leah: good [01:58:18 AM] Leah: it shouldnt be [01:58:43 AM] Leah: to tell the truth im kinda scared [01:58:51 AM] Me: Of what? [01:58:58 AM] Leah: uu [01:59:21 AM] Leah: and ur cutting urself....and love 4 blood [01:59:30 AM] Me: lol [01:59:46 AM] Leah: lol....no really im scared [02:00:25 AM] Me: Heh. [02:04:02 AM] Leah: no really [02:06:08 AM] Leah: u wouldnt kill me...eh?(4 the sake of blood) [02:06:32 AM] Me: lol, no. [02:06:37 AM] Me: I only like my blood. [02:06:57 AM] Me: I don't like other people's blood, 'cause it means they probably had to experience pain to get that blood. [02:07:06 AM] Me: I don't like other people experiencing pain. So anyway, we had this big convo about blood, drugs, and stuff. But yeah. She finds me creepy again. "Nice, but creepy." ...Just thought Mike might want to know that there's another girl scared of me. =P Oh, and look what Mike wrote: Why do you get so many comments? You're just some little nerd who brings a computer everwhere, even the bathroom. XD lmao. Man, this is going to be such an awesome two weeks. I'm going to be walking around with this laptop everywhere I go. Dont' tell my dad I know his password. =P *sigh* I guess I didn't stall long enough to get 100 comments. 95 is pretty cool though. 30 more days 'till Val's birthday. 31 more days 'till Deanna goes back to work! Only one more month. Yayness.
Read 77 comments

I see you've got a cold. Wanna lick it?

Listening to: The voices in my head
Feeling: icky
Everyone has their "Haha, I've got the 'i have to pee' feeling! But I don't actualy have to pee" entry. So I figure hell, it's better than the "blah" or "tired" feeling I have a lot. Anyway, I just want to hope Amanda the best, and tell her that I'm praying that she doesn't have Shy-Grangers. Yeah, that's right. Some random kid on the internet is praying for your health. And if I died all you would do is go "Heh, I knew that guy". I'll bet you're feeling awfuly guilty right about now. Anyway, while I'm doin' all mah shout outs to mah peepz, I'ma have to yell at George for going out with Alanna, then lying to me, and telling me that he actualy doesn't like her. Grrr, that back-stabbing, two-timing, no-good imaginary friend. tking little fuctard. Does my diary take a long time to load? Aparently it does for Scott. I have no idea why. If it does for anyone else, let me know, and I'll try to fix it. If only Scott finds it slow, then we can all gather around and laugh at his messed computer. (jk) Oh! And I've got a 53 year old ex-psycho gay male telling me "That's a handsome picture of you after your boxers'd been nicked". How freakin' awesome is that?! btw, the pic in question is...THIS ONE! Building of the number fifty-three, Eminem has a music vid for Mocking Bird. So I went to look at it, and I saw a new 50 cent song called "Candy shop". Now, I never really like 50 cent all that much. He's got a few good songs, and he's got a cool style, and I LOVE that he got shot 9 times (I want to get shot 9 times. If anyone wants to let out any frustration, I'm right here!) But I just find him anoying most of the time. I can tollerate him if he's talking violence and stuff, but when it becomes "mainstream" (sex and stuff) then I just CAN NOT stand it. We all know that drugs and violence are much better than sex, eh? Or not. Whatever. Acording to my cousin, I like "angry music", and angry music generaly has lots of violence in it. But you can't really go by what my cousin says. She says I'm impersonal too. Pfft, me? Impersonal? Ha. Oh, right, 50 cent's song. k, well, I hadn't heard of a song called "Candy Shop" by 50 cent before, so I figure "Hey, maybe a song with a 'gay' name like that, will have lots and lots of violence in it! =)" Oh-ho boy was I wrong. I enjoyed it though. T'was a damn good laugh. [50 Cent] I'll take you to the candy shop I'll let you lick the lollypop Go 'head girl don't you stop Keep going 'til you hit the spot [Olivia] I'll take you to the candy shop Boy one taste of what I got I'll have you spending all you got Keep going 'til you hit the spot Really fucking anoying to listen to, but listening to 50 cent saying that...Priceless. Speaking of lyrics, I was going through a bunch of old Eminem songs I used to listen to. Sadly, I don't listen to him much anymore. And his new album wasn't all that angry :( Like Toy Soldiers was probably about as violent as it got. Now he's just trying TOO hard to be funny. He's a damn good lyricist at whatever kind of music he tries at, but c'mon, he does a whole verse on "Let's ask Dr. Dre. Dr. Dre, is it gay...." and he goes on and on about "Hypotheticaly speaking, would it be gay if I did this, or that..." I was laughing my ass off at "ass like that" (An uber-fucked up song if you've never heard it) I was crying through "Like toy soldiers". And...Yeah. It was a good album in that it didn't mention pimping even once. It was a bad album in that THERE WAS NO ANGRYNESS! BLAH So yeah, anyway, I was listening to "Nail in the Coffin", which I heard on "Cradle 2 the Grave", two days after I had heard it the first time. Man, I have so many memories attached to certain songs...Anyway, I heard this line, and I remembered trying to fit it in my msn name once, but of course it wouldn't fit. So now I have an online diary. With a damn big MySQL database. I can fit it into here! =D If you was really sellin' coke, Well then, what the fuck you stop for, dummy? If you slew some crack, You'd make a lot more money than you do from rap! I love that. So true. Eminem is the lyrical master. *goes off to gawk at Eminem like every other kid trying to be popular* But hey, some things become popular because they're good. Eminem is one of those things. You can distinguish him from pretty much ANY other rapper. He's damn good with lyrics. He can freestyle good (always a good thing in a rapper =P) (And no, I'm not talking about his role in 8 mile) He talks as different people in his song. You don't see too many rappers having conversations with themselves in their songs. He finds something, and he obsesses over it in his songs (Mom, ex-wife, daughter, Dr. Dre, etc) He's funny. He's not all full of himself in his songs. He's got his flaws too, but the media has forced the thoughts of those flaws from my mind. Hmmm, how many of you use bit torrent (bt). If you don't you're a n00b. I'm only saying that so I'll feel 1337. Anyway, bt is a p2p program originaly designed to transfer large files, such as linux distros, between users, thus UBER-reducing the strain of the server. I'm not going to go into how it works or anything, but the point is that people have gotten the great idea to use bt for illigal file sharing too. Well, one of the tracker sites is www.thepiratebay.org. They are located in Sweeden, thus US laws don't apply there. They have a page with all their threats from Dreamworks, MCAA, etc, and the replys they sent them. Since they're in sweeden, the U.S. companies can't do anything. http://static.thepiratebay.org/legal/ I was both, amused, and disguisted at these. I hate it when people get all mad at the MCAA, etc, for suing people for sharing music and stuff. "Fuck the MCAA! Free music!" etc. Like wtf. "Fuck the goverment! We don't want to pay welfare!" You may not want to pay welfare, and you'll be saving a lot of money if you don't, but what about the people who get the welfare money? What'll they do without welfare? You can kind of compare that to music. But really, wtf. That's like getting mad at the cops for arresting you for trading stollen marijuana. (Marijuana is legal in Ontario. To an extent of course) Except that the MCAA can't be like "Fuck you" and shoot you, fish the stolen music out from your pocket, and listen to it on their way back to the station. It just pisses me off so much to see people getting mad at companies who try to shut down file sharing sites/programs. It's so fucking stupid. I just...Just...Blah. I want my Hecate 2! T_T Hmmm. I don't go on msn as much as I used to, ever since my computer crashed. Wow, it's hard to believe it's only been a little over a week since that happened. Feels like it's been a month at least. Man, my life just fell apart when that happened. This is what's happened to me since Valentine's day (I havn't gotten much better since the day my comp crashed): I am now UBER-sleep deprived. I don't eat much. I've barely had anything good to eat since Valentine's day...I'm finishing that container of icing from my last entry, right now. I'm coughing a lot. My nose is bleeding a lot...Again. Today my dad noticed I had a gray hair. Scary. And scariest of all: I've lost interest in math! So yeah. Fuckin' virus. Totaly fucked me over. Oh, and sorry to Justine for leaving, and not comming back on AIM earlier today. Wow, it's 1:23am. I guess techincaly "yesterday". I went to eat supper, then I went outside to work on my snow fort. It's so damn awesome. I shoveled all the snow from the driveway and lawn all into a massive pile. Uh, hmmm, I'm gonna estimate it's about 10' x 15' x 5'. (It doesn't seem like very big until you're standing beside it. =P) I dunno, it might be bigger. I don't know. Anyway, I turnneled it out, and it's awesome. I'm still not done, but it's cool anyway. There's an entrance, and it turns into the main chamber thing. Like an igloo, with a twisted doorway. It's all dark, and looks so awesome with a flashlight. You can climb up it onto the roof and stuff too. Hop around all you want, it's damn thick. I make massive things like this every year. Last year I tried to do a backflip off it (In full snow gear too) with my dad spotting me. Heh heh, I didn't jump backwards far enough, so I ended up getting half way around, then smashing my head onto the top of fort, then bouncing down about 4 feet on my head, then, just falling back, and sliding the other 2 feet to the ground. It was so awesome! I just lay there like "Wow, that was fucking awesome." My dad didn't share my thoughts. "You're never doing that again." So now I want Matt to come over before the snow melts, so I can roll over his arm a couple times to get used to doing a backflip off the fort. I trust Matt =) I did it on the ground over his arm. It's fucking scary on the ground. It's one thing to do it on the trampoline. I mean, you can do it no problem on the trampoline. You're just bouncing along with your friend, and you just do a backflip out of no where, and scare the crap out of your friend...You know, fun stuff. But when you're standing on the ground trying to psych yourself up enough to do a backflip, it's just not the same. Once i do it a couple times I know I'll be able to just run up the wall and do a backflip, matrix style, then I can go back to whatever gym my mom put me in for 8 weeks when I was 5, and go up to the teacher and go "Ha! I learned to do a backflip! No thanks to your hour of warm-ups." *stick tongue out* *shows her backflip* *pulls thigh muscle* *starts crying in pain* *teacher just stands there shaking her head* So yeah, I have a kick-ass, half-finished snowfort, and the ability to do lots of tricks with a backflip on the trampoline. Yay me. Oh! Last night I was going through my e-mail folders, and I came across the "drafts" folder. Wow, there's some awesome stuff in there. I wish I had documented more stuff like it. Here's a quiz I did two years ago. btw, there's smilies in here too, but hotmail turned them into images, and I'm too lazy to go through and find them. (You may notice my writing/talking/opinions have changed slightly over the years) SIMPLE QUESTIONS: 1. Full name: Robert David Toyota 2. Nicknames: Robbie, Bobert...oh ya, there's an anoying little 5 yearold across the street...he calls me Robin, no matter how many times I correct him. 3. Eyes: Brown...I think 4. Height: I havn't measured myself in a long long time...I'm hoping I"m over 5 feet 5. Hair: BLACK...not brown...black...:| 6. Siblings: Anoying little brats who break my headphones :@ 7. Do u like to sing in the shower? sing? as in open my mouth and talk...HA! 8. Do u like to sing? No, and I don't think other people like it when I sing either. 9. Birthday: May 1 1990 10. Sign: pff, I don't pay attention to that crap...so I have no idea 11. Address: 8250, pheasant run, mississauga, ontario, Canada...feel free to mail me bombs 12. Sex: Well Darcy says the scientists are still trying to figure it out, but I beleive I"m male. 13. Righty or Lefty: I can use the mouse with both hands :D...Oh, you mean what's my dominant hand...uhh, Righy 14. What do you want in a relationship most? Depends who's relationship is...if it's on a soap opera, then I want there to be lots of conflict, then those big blonde guys will start beating the crap out of each other...then the third guy (the guy who amazing came out of the coma after getting shoved off a bridge by brandon) comes along with a shotgun and kills the two guys, then he gets the girl and then....uhh....what was the question again 15.Have you ever cheated?: in a relationship, no. academicaly...uhh...I'd rather not say..Amdec will send in their specially trained attack monkeys to kill me. jk FAVOURITES: 16. Person: Deanna 17. Place: In front of my computer...duh (great, now it sounds like I expect this survey to hear me, and change the question ) 18. Subject: math 19. Movie: I've got lots of favorites, I can't really choose. But em' put "thirteen" as her favorite movie. and I like that movie, so I'll put "thriteen" too. 20. Song: I love all 15 gbs of my songs :D 21. Website: I don't visit very many websites...I mostly just make them...then they get me sued by my school 22. TV Show: I don't watch tv...it distracts me from the computer...evil TV ;) 23. Food? Drink?: subway, and large sacks of sugar. and I ilke to drink pop...pop is always good, especially since I don't drink coffee (coffee is so bad for you, tsk tsk) 24. Number: umm...it's a tie between zero, and one 25. Cartoon: I dunno...undergrads maybe....Gimpy rocks ^_^ (did you know that one person does the voice of all four 'main' guys on the show? yes, I do read the credits...that's what they're there for ) 26. Disney Character: Tigger, ...or maybe someone else...I don't know, I"m not good at remember tv shows 27. Colour: black (yes, I can choose black, don't give me "it's not a real colour" or "it's a shade" or even "black is simply the absence of colour" *rolls eyes*) 28.Type of Shoes: I don't really pay attention to shoes. I've got a pair of airwalks that have lasted me a couple of years, so I guess airwalk. 29. Month: Winter months LOVE LIFE ETC: 30. Do you plan on having kids? well it all depends...if the kid turns out like me, then I'd say yes...actually no. he gets in trouble with his school...never leaves his computer...never helps me cary heavy stuff down the stairs...asks for a computer, only to overclock it, and melt the motherboard...hmmm, I don't like children anymore. 31. How old do you wanna be when you are married? marrage...big word... 'no rob, it's only 2 sylables' 32. Who do you want to marry? marry...another big word 33. Where do you want to live? Anywhere in Canada. Canada rules :D...or Japan...Japan is cool too 34.Would you have kids before marriage: no. 35. Do u have a b/f or g/f: Yes 36. Who? Deanna 37. Do you have a crush: umm, I have a squash 38. Who? well, promise you won't laugh? I named it Jimmy. (most people laugh when I tell them I named my vegetable) THIS OR THAT: 39.DQ/Pizza Hut: whichever one will give me a happy meal with chicken nuggets ^_^ 40. Green/Blue: well, if you blend them both together, it kinda makes black...so I would say both 41. Pink/Purple: purple is close to black...plus purple is cool 42. Summer/Winter: Winter! 43. Night/Day: night! 44. Hangin Out/Chillin: it's Canada, you know, the great white north...we're supposed to be Chillin' up here 45. Dopey/Funny: funny 46. You know I'm around when you hear: umm, I don't talk... where's 47? 48. Where'd you go on your first "date": aw damn >_ Actualy, reading through this, this isn't too old. I remember the "girls night out" thing was about a year ago. Man, that was awesome. Sort of. k, Deanna and Jessie go to a youth group every sunday night. There's usualy three or four other girls there. No guys ever show up, so they nicknamed it "girls night out". "Hey Rob, wanna go to girl's night out?" How's that supposed ot make me feel? On one hand "Yay! I get to spend time with Deanna." On the other hand "Should I be offended that they think I might enjoy girl's night out?" On the perverted hand "Whoohoo, I'm gonna be surrounded by girls all night." It wasn't too bad actualy. The leader was really sympathetic towards me, and let me sit out for most of it. They made cookies, attempted to get make a human pyramid, played a marshmallow game where Deanna got marshmallows in her hair (She's disliked marshmallows ever since) sat around and read a book thingy, and played a game. The only thing I contributed towards was the game, and the devouring of cookies. Man, we could have been having awesome outings like this all summer, but nooo, I just had to go and fuck it all up. --Which is a story for another entry. Namely the one on January 8th. I think it's the 8th. Whatever. No one's going to go look anyway. Speaking of getting in trouble, I got expelled from my online school last year, about a week after new-years, for creating a website with student information on it. I gave all the students access to the site to edit it for themselves, and one of them (David Baron) edited one of my news entries, and signed it "Robbie the Nazi". I asked a bunch of students to fill out a form, and put the information on the site, and about 20 of them did. Anyway, I wrote a couple apoligy/situation update e-mails to the students who were listed on the site. Here is the first one I wrote. (I don't have the others. I wsih I did.) Oh, and before I show you the e-mail, I should explain that the only way I got caught was 'cause a kid named Oliver was at a "cafe chat", or a chat where you can talk with other students at AMDEC (my online school). It is monitored by a teacher. Usualy the only chating you can do is during "class chats" with your teacher, where you go in, ask him/her your question, then leave the chat. Anyway, I think that's enough information for you to understand the e-mail. (It's the story of what happened) Hey, I'm emailing you all, because I took oliver's idea, and decided to apoligize to you all. (I'm not good at coming up with my own ideas...only dumb ones like making a website lol) anyway, here's the story so far: One night (I think someone put large amounts of alchohol in my apple cider)I got the idea to make a site where students can learn more about students...Don't tell amdec, but I still have the forms on my computer, so if u need someone who's doing grd 10 science, I can look through the forms and see if I can find someone doing grd 10 science to help you...if u need help with grd 9 english...well u get the picture. anyway, back to the story. so I made the site, and asked people to fill out forms, so I can put their info up. so I had it all running nicely...and then, on the morning of january 21, 2004, things took a turn for the worse... It was an avrage Canadian morning, large amounts of snow on the ground, -30 celcius, beavers driving moose-drawn-carages were out and about our busy streets. anyway, on that fateful morning, Oliver Banyard decided to log into first class, and visit the cafe for a nice little chat. But little did he know, that someone would go on about something stupid, and then there would be silence. We all know how dangerous silence is...esepcialy with your parents when u get in trouble. So Oliver decides to make convesation and says "hey has anyone been to robbie's new amdec site" so of course there were the usualy "oh ya, I know robbie, he's cool" and "pfff I'm way better than robbi---oh, you mean robbie toyota, ya he's the best". Mean while Mr. Cragie sat there saying nothing (my name must have brought back the horrible memorys of all the stupid questions I asked him, and he was in shock) So everyone assumed he had missed seeing the link. However, later that morning, Robbie's nice little sleep in time was interupted by the sound of "robbie! robbie! wake up. The principal jsut called about a website...did u call urself robbie the nazi?" so of course, my first thought was "I'm gonna kill david for that one" my second thought was "oh, I remember last night I told Joe if I got caught I would be screwed...jk :P...well now I can say that I really am screwed." Then my mom inerupted me and my thoughts and said "THe principal wants u to take the site down" so I got up, turned on my computer...swearing the whole time (in my head of course...It sucks to have to eat a bar of soap so early in the morning) then I deleted the site. So then, I called the principal, expaling some stuf, and saying I'm sorry...She stil sounded mad...even when I did those little bambi eyes...oh, maybe she didn't see it 'cause it was over the phone...damn, I knew I should of bought a webcam *note to all students...buy a webcam for situations where u may need to use bambi eyes to make the principal not as mad* Then I got on msn ASAP telling students what happened. Then my mom came down a little while later and said the principal was gonna call the people listed on the site...so of course I got online to give people the heads up...I got to most of you before you got "the call" as it's now called. Hehe, I've got some pretty funny stories about this...at the bottom of the email So anyway, I told most of you that you may get in trouble...most of you were pretty supportive (thanks guys) and those who were mad...eventually got over it when they learned they only got a warning. (which is good, because for a while Corie was one of the few people mad at me...and she's one of the only people who knows where I live (two doors down) at least she's not mad anymore :D *unlocks doors and windows, and tells guard dogs they can go home*) So as the day got longer, the principal was calling my mom giving her updates. So then she told me I was expeled...then they changed their minds and said I was only suspended...but they keep changing their minds...so they said they'll let me know by monday. But I made a big apoligy/explanation email and sent it to them tonight, so that should help a bit. I hope (please don't tell other students or your parents that I may get da boot in da pants...I don't want this to get to big...and besides, ur parents will think think worse of me...since I already got u guys in trouble for the site, it'll make me look worse if I get thrown out, and I won't be able to show my face at stratford for fear of getting killed by an angry mother) So anyway, that's my sad story, I never knew how much people liked me until I told them they may be in trouble, and they still suported me *wipes tear from eye* it's beautiful. I just hope you do the same to Oliver, (the one who posted the link in cafe chat) he didn't think it would get this bad...he didn't think it'd get bad at all. so please don't be mad at him, remember I'm the one who made the site Anyway, on the storys :D actually there's only 3...but I want to give the illusion that this is a realy long apoligy letter. Ok, first there's Joe snyder, probably one of the most supportive people. He monitered the phone calls, his parents emails...everything, just so that he could explain about the site first lol. It gave me the impression of a cop in those cool swat vans who have the big satalite on the top of it, that sit out at the front of someone's house (talk about inconspicuos) and they've got all that equipment "hold him on the line for 10 more seconds and we can trace the call...4...3...2...damn, he hung up" (GET CALL DISPLAY YOU IDIOT) which brings me over to gracie: I told Gracie just in the nick of time. I told her, then her phone rang, she looked at the call display, and say "amdec"...so he mom was calling to her, tell her to pick up the phone...so gracie says something like..."NOOOO ITS THE PRINCIPAL--I DID SOMETHING" then her mom goes "WHAT THE"...and then she picked it up, had a talk with the principle, and then she says "so what did you do?" hehe And then there was one kid in particular (this is a good idea becaus most of you have dialup...I feel sorry for you people without dsl...seriously, I feel sad for you. Not in a mean way of course) He is on dial up, so he decided to stay on the whole day so that he wouldn't get "the call" lol. So anyway, I just thought I should let you know that I feel really bad because you all got in trouble for MY website. And I feel extra bad for oliver because he feels bad for being responsible for getting you all in trouble, so maybe u should send him a message saying you forgive him or something. Special thanks for suport and stuff to: Joe, Carly, Aaron, Emily, Miranda and paul (and their mom :D), Lisa, David, Deanna (even though she's not in amdec, she tried to calm down some of the people who were mad lol) Natalie, Lauren, Joanna, Joanna's brother (uhh, Jon I think, sorry I don't remember your name :$) and Oliver (he was nice about the whole thing...not like HAHAHA! I BUSTED YA' SUCKA'! he was really apoligetic, and took responsibility for his actions, and all that good stuff ^_^) Remember, don't be mad at Oliver....and uhh...try not to be to mean to me :p Thanks, and I'm sorry - Robbie Man, my apoligy letter writing has really gone down the tubes this past year. Now when Akiko blocks me, my apoligy e-mail is I''m sorry! It's all Mike's fault! Please unblock me. =) Heh, it's no wonder she blocks me so often. Oh! And my parents leave for two weeks for Cuba on Sunday! Which means I'm left in charge of my little brothers. And they got Richard to baby sit! Richard is just a guy who comes home late, and leaves early. He doesn't bother us, and we don't bother him. Don't get me wrong, it's not like he's a scary ignoring guy, it's just he gives us our space. I love him so much. This would be the perfect chance for a house party. But a few entries ago, I explained why I can't do that. However, that means no Church, no Gym day, no skating. NUUUUU But guess what. Deanna's mom is going to drive me and two of my brothers to skating, and gymday. w00t! Except for the part where Deanna's mom hates me, and I'm probably going to get glared at a lot... But still, FUCKING YAY! Yeah, anyway... Wow, I just noticed my google ads are "Is He a Narcissist?" and "Mental Health Resource" wtf does that have to do with my diary entries?! *shifty eyes* k, I'm done. Congrats on making it this far. (Wow, 6.2 thousand words. Why can I never write this many words on my essays?) Days left 'till Val's birthday: 34 days Days left 'till Deanna goes back to work: 35 days. Edit 02/24/05----------------------------- Okay, I was reading through my assesment for one of my computer science modules, and I was getting ready to come on here, and rant on about how fucking useless pseudo code is for a 100 line program, and how I don't need to write a fucking external document, and...Just...Blah. (My computer science is actualy about programing. Unlike most other courses that call themselves "computer science") So anyway, this course is really anoying, in that you have to create pseudo code, external documentation, and stuff, for little tiny programs. (I've been programing for a few years. I know that all this stuff is useful on large, thousand line programs, etc, but I looked thorugh the course, and there's no need for this stuff in the course. I guess it's useful to learn and stuff, but most people who take this course are idiots, who are never going to actualy use this stuff in real life.) Blah, so anyway, I was going to write about how I'd get like 98% on this course if it was just the programing aspect. But no. You have to document everything. Grrr. It's like being a cop. You have to write a report for every little thing. Sucks so much. But then again, you get to cary a gun! =D It's just like that. You have to document everything. But hey, you get to have fun with your programing skills, and actualy get a highschool credit! "I can't believe they pay me to do this!" Anyway, this is my mark: Knowledge and Understanding : Level 4- Thinking: Level 3+ Communication : Level 4- Application: Level 4- Man I love this course. I love problem solving. I could just eat it up! But I won't. I don't even know why I wrote this edit. Just...Just go sign the penguin petition! Oh, and the Naruto petition. Just put your name. You won't get in trouble. =) Oh, Mike just said the funniest thing. He's listening to old people tlak on GTA radio. "Man, old people are so perverted. Can you imagine us at 80? O_O" Oh, and I think I figured out why it takes forever for this page to load. It's like 250 kbs. If I recal correctly, dialup downloads at 1 kb/s So yeah, may take a while. And holy crap, I've got like 125 kbs of text in these last 10 entries. Awesomeness. End Edit-----------------------------
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I'm running off the sugar high.

Feeling: torn
Okay Justine, I'm updating now. Happy? Probably not, but whatever. Let's start with a very important question: If I die. Would you be sad? If you say yes, then you're a freak. The only person who reads this who's ever met me in real life is Val. And she only met met twice. Oh, I called Mike and Tido once too. All I really did was giggle though. I got in trouble too. "I'm calling my friend in Quebec" eh Mike. XD So anyway, if you're one of the freaks who said yes, then what if I left you a million bucks. (I'm a freak too, in that I would leave some random kid I met on the internet, a million bucks.) Would you still be sad? Would you be sad that some random kid on the internet, who's diary you read a few times, has gone and died, but left you a million bucks? If you still say yes, you're an idiot. Weeeee Anyway. SOME FUCKTARD DECIDED IT'D BE COOL TO LISCENCE NARUTO, DUB IT, THEN BRING IT TO AMERICA! That's...Just...Wrong on so many levels. Idiotic little... Even if you don't watch the Naruto anime, or even if you don't know what the hell Naruto is, SIGN THIS PETITION! It just takes two seconds, plllleeeaaassseeee. If you're one of those freaks who would be sad if I die, then sign it! I'll die if they ever air it in America. Also, while you're at it, sign the penguin petition. Dani already admited that a penguin is a bird, but hey, it's always fun to pwn her more. If you do know Naruto, then watch this: http://www.narutocentral.com/index.php?page=content/extras/flashmovies.html I've already run out of stuff to talk about. Uhh...Hmmm... Oh! Remember that math test I bombed like...A month ago? I got 42% on it! w00t, I thought I got like 5% or something. (Yes, I'm still going on about that Val =P) Ummm...Hmm...What else. Oh, well, my compuer is back up and running. I barely lost anyting. w00t for dos. Kinda sucks though. I went through...Wow, only 5 days of hell, and I didn't get a new motherboard. v_v Man, it seems like its' been 3 weeks since my computer first crashed. Damn. Actualy, I got it up and running back on Friday. I stayed up all night fixing it, then I went to bed at like 6. Then, my mom woke me up at 10 to help clean up the house, becaues my little brother was having his 7th birthday party today. So I helped 'till 11, then I went back to bed. I slept through most of his party. I woke up around 3:00 with a bunch of younger kids running around in my room. "Get the fuck away from my computer!"...Is what I wanted to scream at them. Instead I rolled over, put on my headphones (I fall asleep listeing ot music) and turn on my music, and fall back asleep. I wake up half an hour later, and roll out of bed. The party is now over. So I walk upstairs, scare a few kids who havn't left yet, and walk into the kitchen. I walked right up to the cupcakes, took the icing, took all the toppings, and ate my breakfast. I then drank 6 litres of pop. Holy crap eh. So I worked more on my computer until 11. I was tired then. I went to bed. I woke up four hours later. I tried to fall asleep again, but I couldn't. I lay there for about an hour listening to rap. Take some BIG and some 'pac, 'n' you mix 'em up in a pot. Sprinkle a little Big L on top. What the fuck do you got? You got the realist and illist killas tied up in a knot It's like a fight to the top Just to see who died for the spot You put your life in this Nothing like survivin' a shot Sorry, it's been a long time since I've heard that line. Anyway, yeah, around 4 I just gave up trying to get back to sleep, and watched anime 'till 7. I had so much to catch up on. Still do. Then I went to church early with my mom, who had to go early 'cause she was one of the singers. Man, everyone thinks I'm such a freakin' nerd 'cause I bring math to do every sunday. And they never get tired of stealing my graphing calculator and trying to figure it out -_- Oh, and can't forget Crystal: (To her friends) "He doesn't get mad, watch! *pulls my hear* *smacks me in the head* *kicks me in the shin*" I just smile at her, and go back to my math. I don't really get mad, just anoyed."Leave me alone with my math!" Did I ever mention how hard it is to have a conversation with me? I don't TRY to make it hard. It just is. First, I sort of ignore you, because I know you've learned from past experience that it's better not to even try to talk to me. Then, if you do decide to talk, I sit there, smile, say cool, laugh, and answer quesitons. If you've ever talked to me on msn, you know what I mean. "You're like a robot who only says 'lol' and 'cya'" I have nothing to add to the conversation. So anyway, yeah, nothing really happened at church. I do the overheads for worship (Where you display the lyrics on the big screen) and sometimes the lead singer goes off singing his own little part of the song, and I don't know these songs very well, so I go berzerk trying to find what verse he's singing and stuff. I'm starting to notice when he's doing impromptu, and when he's not, and when he wants me to use a spell checker. So now I just sit there at the back and glare at the singer. A lot of people look back at me like "Where's the lyrics bub?!" I just sit there and glare at the singer. They'll get the idea. Ummm....It's snowing tonight. w00t. I get to shovel people's driveways tonight at 3. =) "Only you can say that and mean it." It's really enjoyable. Usualy. Hmmm....Ya' know what's really embaresing? Having your mom walk around telling everyone you got a virus. "MOM! STOP IT! YOU'RE EMBARESING ME IN FRONT OF ALL MY FRIENDS!" "You don't have any friends. -_-" "Yeah, 'cause you're making them all think I'm a n00b!" Okay, I havn't had anything good to eat in a day or two. I've been living off cupcakes, pop, and assorted packs of candy. And right now I'm eating icing. A whole pack...Er...Bucket...Or...Tub...Or...Jar... What do you call these things that icing comes in? I don't know, and neither do you. ...OH! OH! How many of you want to see me! k, this was a once-in-a-lifetime-thing. Because I'm probalby going to die or something before I'm legal drinking age. And we all know I don't break the law =) k, well, anyway, this is me trying to keep a straight face, while attempting to imitiate: Mike gave it to Krizel. And Krizel wrote on it, and made it her sig on my forums. XD Laugh it up bitches Wow, only 39 days until Deanna goes back to work. Edit - 02/21/05----------------------------- Okay guy, just a little update here. Not enough for a whole new entry... Even if it was, I like to leave these things up for a few days because 1) It takes a while to write them, and I don't want to waste away every evening writing them. 2) It takes a few minutes for people to read these, so they put them off for a while. And I really really really want them to laugh at my picture. 4) I don't lie. Only Mike and Krizel would understand #4. Anyway, I didn't get to shovel last night. My mom caught me at like 3, attempting to sneak outside with the shovel. "Don't! It's still snowing. You can use the snowblower in the morning." (You can't really start up a snowblower in the middle of the night... 1. It's illigal 2. I can't spell illegal 3. The neighbors will snow snowballs at you from the window. (Only in Canada baby XD)) So anyway, I de-dressed myself, and went to bed. My dad woke me up three hours later by dumping his waterbottle on my bed. Do you know how uncomfertable it is to sleep with a wet comforter, and pillow? Ugh. He didn't get any on the sheets though, 'cause he doesn't want a water stained mattress. So anyway, I went out, and started up the snowblower at 6. (It's illegal to start up a lawn mower before 9, but hey, this is Canada, the snowblower is basicaly your lawnmower. So I'm assuming it's illegal to start it up before 9 also) No one seemed to mind, as pretty much someone from every fourth house on the street was out shoveling/snowblowing also. So I mozy on down to the first house I'm being paid to blow out. (I get paid 200 bucks/season/driveway, to clear it before 7:00) After that house was done, I move on to the other one. Once that was done, I went back to our driveway, and did ours. (My dad works at home, and my mom only has a part time job, so it doesn't matter when ours is cleared.) Oh man, I got one of the biggest scares of my life (Well, not really...There's lots of scarier things...Like surfing crack sites and all of the sudden your hard drive starts hammering away.) The snowblower was going along (It pulls itself along, I don't push. Yay for semi-deluxe-model-sales-at-Canadia-tire) and I'm goign along beside the car, when the edge of the snowblower hits the...The...What's it called...The strip of rubber on the side of the car. Anyway, it hits it, and the car bounces up, and snowblower does a wheelie, and I screamed. (I have really slow reactions. It took me about half a second to think to let go of the "move forward" lever. Half a second is longer than it sounds =P) So yeah, no damage done, but it scared the hell out of me. It no, it wasn't a girly scream. *shifty eyes* Anyway, then I went back to bed, and my mom let me sleep in 'till 11! =O She's been letting me sleep in a lot lately. Then at 1, we left to go to gymday which is...Blah, every monday I have to explain it. I think I should like, create an FAQ page that I can refer people to whenever they read my diary. Like what a hecate 2 is, and stuff. So anyway, today was the teaching week (we alternate every week, one monday it's sport, next teaching, next it's sports again, next it's teaching again, etc) and they taught about the middle east. Most of it I already knew, but it was still cool. I love learning about politics and reasons why people started wars and stuff. Most of it was about Isreal, and how it's gotten pwned by one country after another. --I just wrote a big long explanation thing about the people of Isreal, and the Palestinians, but it made no sense, so I deleted it. Anyway, what it was leading up to, was imagine being Yasser Arafat. You're this close to peace with Isreal, then someone goes and blows up a bus, and Isreal is like "Fuck you!" and the peace dies. It's kind of Yasser's fault for setting a bad example in the first place, but still, if I was him, and if I was still alive, and if I ever found the guy who ordered that act of terror, I'd rip his fucking head off. "WE WERE THIS CLOSE TO PEACE YOU FUCKTARD! THEN YOU WENT AND BLEW UP A BUS! WTF IS FUCKING WRONG WITH YOU?!" etc etc. And it's happened so many times, and...and... yeah, it's really sad. I could bable on about this kind of stuff for hours, but I have math to get back to. There was something else I was going to put, but I've forgoten it. Oh well. Oh, and it's packing snow outside. 15 cm of packing snow biotch! End Edit-----------------------------
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Okay, I'm going to tell you a secret. You can't tell anyone. This is one of my most embaresing secrets. I got a virus. SHHHH! DON'T TELL ANYONE! I have a reputation as a computer geek who is too 1337 to get infected to keep up. Yes, I got a virus. I guess I was asking for it. I downloaded music, surfed crack sites, etc etc. --stfu about kiddie pr0n Mike. And Hentai, Krizel. Okay, well, Valentine's day was going just fine and dandy. I had collected $340 from suicide victims' wallets, as well as $4,000 and a haunted mansion from people's wills. Then, on the fateful night of Valentine's Day, I rebooted my computer after writing the last entry below *points* (You'll probably have to scroll a bit) and my computer got to the boot sequence, and hung itself. WHY?! DID I NOT LOVE YOU COMPUTER?! DID YOU NOT FEEL ADIQUIT?! DID I RELY TOO MUCH ON YOUR SPELL CHECKER?! Why did you have to go?! *falls on computer, crying* *steals video card from computer* Heh heh heh. So yeah, it won't even read from the CD drive. I see this as an excuse to get a new motherboard! ^_^ I wasn't all that worried though. I had my 160 gig hard drive with most of my stuff on it anyway, so I wouldn't loose much, just some program settings, school stuff, a couple important files, some of the websites/program source codes that I had been too lazy to move to my 160 gig. And I wouldn't even loose all of it. I had backed up my computer. BACK IN SEPTEMBER! k, in this house, we have over $1000 dollars worth of backup equipment/software. We've got 240 gigs worth of portable hard drives, a dvd burner, 4 zip drives, and a floppy drive in every computer. (I remember the days when a couple of floppies could save most important stuff. ^_^) Guess what. I hadn't used ANY of it since September. wtf is wrong with me?! So anyway, I'm not going down/formating C: without a fight! In the past 3, going on 4 days since my computer got depresed and injected itself with lethal viruses, I have gotten 13 hours of sleep. (Yes, I time everything Krizel.) My nose has been bleeding so much lately. And I REALLY REALLY REALLY wish I could stand coffee. Man, if I had coffee, this would be so...Much...*yawn*...Easier. But no, my mom won't even buy me a couple bottles of pop. v_v I can't say the past three days havn't been awesome. I mean, this is what I want to do when I move out! We have 5 computers in my house, including my dad's laptop. I have 4 computers in my room. And one of them doesn't even belong in this house. It's matt's dad's old P2, 200mhz, 8mb of ram, celeron, computer. Oddly enough, it's the only computer that can read my hard drive. The three other computers don't recognize it (they're all formated to ntfs too) Man, my room is SO awesome right now. *wets pants* I want to live like this forever. There's like, computer cases over there, random hard drives laying around, CDs scattered all over my desk, two monitors/keyboards/mouses set up to tow of the 4 computers, it's all dark, it's in the basement, I'm in my boxers and t-shirt, I've got screamo - which I burned off my 160 gig, through one of hte other computers - playing through my headphones, and past midnight, I take out the headphones, and let it on the speakers. That was a long, and incorect sentance. Let's list it. 1) All the computers have their cases off. It's just a metal frame with wires and drives in it. 2) It's all dark in the basement, except for the two monitors set up. 3) There's hardware, ribbons, and CDs scattered everywhere. 4) My math book is on my desk. 5) My bed isn't made. 6) There's currently music coming through SPEAKERS! 7) I've got my straw. 8) I get to use DOS! DOS! DO YOU KNOW HOW FUN IT IS TO BROWSE THROUGH YOUR COMPUTER, AND SAVE STUFF IN DOS?! Not as fun as unix, but still pretty damn fun. 9) I might get a new motherboard. 10) Summed up, my room looks like the set of some kick-ass hacker movie. Computers everywhere, code scrolling on the screen, uhhh, no techno, but some music that's even cooler than electronica! I just wish there was more monitors/keyboards that I could steal. But no. We don't have enough power bars. Now if only I had a couple of bottles of pop. Or, if I could stand coffee, a coffee machine. I tried it like 5 times since my computer crashed. I poored like a cm of coffee into a cup. I tried it black, and I didn't like it. So I put a drop of cream in. Didn't like it. It then dawned on me that I'm a fucking idiot. I had forgoten the sugar. So I get out the sugar. I but a dash of sugar in. Don't like it. I put like 10 cm of sugar into the cup. Tasted pretty damn good. Of course, by that time, with all the testing of coffee, there was like, none left. So now I'm running off a sugar rush. And I can't stop eating sugar, or I'll fall asleep. WEEEEEEE By the time I get my computer back up, I'm not going to have any teeth. Oh, right, I was talking about fixing my computer wasn't I? Okay, well, anyway, Matt's dad is a network administrator, or somehting like that, for the main office (I think it's hte main office anyway) of Canpar. I went with him to work once, for my homeschool group's thing where you go with someone to their work, and tell about it. It was cool. Very cool. Did you know Canpar hires programers to make software for them? The programers are just walking around, the IT guys are walking around with like, boxs of hard drives, and a screwdriver. There's a big cooling room full of servers. And...And... Man, it was like a computer geek convention. Without the case mod section. I would hate to be an administrator at a company. I mean, yeah, it'd be kick-ass 'cause you can spy on their computer and stuff. However it gets boring after a while, 'cause if they're not surfing pr0n, playing flash games, or reading e-mail, they're working. So that's the fun part. The unfun part is fixing their computers. "Oh, uhh, I got a virus. Can you fix my computer?" "Again?!" "Yeah..." "FOR FUCKING FUCK'S SAKE YOU FUCKING FUCKTARD, STOP FUCKING LOOKING AT FUCKING PR0N!...fuck!" Yeah, I'm really bad with my people's skills. But man, Dar (Matt's dad) had to upgrade pretty much ALL of the computers in the Canpar building (Something like 20 stories tall) with windows XP. THEN, a week or two later, everyone's complaining about it, so he has to go BACK and reinstal w2k on them all again. Took him a few weeks to do it too. Holy fuck eh? I would have stayed all night, and gone up to the top of the building with my Hecate 2 (WHICH SOMEONE HAS TO BUY FOR ME!) at like 6 in the morning and shot random employees coming to work. I mean holy fuck. It's not hard to teach all the employees how to instal an operating system. And CDs to burn xp onto for each employee arn't all that expensive. In the long run, it'd be cheaper, and easier to just buy the cds, teach the employees, and pay someone to sit there for a few days burning a cd for like, 10 people to share between each other, than it is to pay some guy uber-over time to go around and do it for each computer. Actualy, you can boot from a network, you don't even need to burn the cds. Okay, so anyway, back on topic, I havn't really gone anywhere with my story have I? So far, all you know is that my computer crashed on Valentine's Day Night, and that my room looks like a techie tornado came through it. Oh, you also know that I don't want to just format my C: because it's got some information on it that I want. Not pr0n. *shifty eyes* Source code. Yeah, that's it. Source code. That's what I need. So anyway, first thing I thought when I figured out that I couldn't get into my hard drive was "NOOOO! *sigh* Now I'll have to get a social life! Maybe try harder with my pathetic relationship with my g/f or something." Then I'm like "Pfft, fuck that! *Goes off and gets boot disks*" Boot disks are awesome. Unless you happened to loose yours, and have to download it off another computer, through 6 seperate floppy drives. Actualy, first thing I did was download a bootable linux cd, and burnt it. But it wouldn't boot from the cd. Blah. So then I looked for my boot disk. Couldn't find it. So I had to download one from microsoft, that only puts it on floppys. So I'm sitting here with two floppies, and it records part of the bootdisk to the first floppy, then it asks for the second floppy to continue writing, so I put in the second one, and stick the first one in my computer, then when both computer are done reading/writing them, I switch them, and so on, for six floppies. And it's not a fast process either. Geez, who would have thought it would take so long to write 6 megs. (I had to do this a bunch of times. So in the end I just said fuck it, and just got 6 floppies, and made the bootdisks perminant. Making the process a BIT faster. But I'm getting ahead of myself here.) So anyway, I got into DOS and tada, all problems are fixed. I access C:, type "dir", and all my files are there. I then try to cd to Documents and Settings. Whatdya know, cd won't recognize what directory you want to go to if it's got spaces in it, unless it's got quotations around the directory name. Now see, I didn't know that until yesterday. (Better known as day 2 for the VDay crisis) btw, for you people who use the mouse, "cd" is a command to change directories. Not just for DOS either. I hate the mouse. So anoying. The keyboard is so much better. Come watch me at my computer some time, you'll see I don't use the mouse unless it's necisary. Like spell checking for example. So anyawy, I figure "Fuck, I'm screwed now." Then I remember my ghost cds. Now, I don't want to format my C: drive, and I don't want to just instal XP on another harddrive, 'cause then I would have to isntal all my drivers and stuff. However, if I had another hard drive I could put the ghost info on there, and and boot from that hard drive. (btw, when I'm coding and stuff, I'll explain to Matt what I'm doing from time-to-time, and he'll be like "Why don't you just do it this way? It'll be so much simpler." I can come up with ideas and stuff, Matt can't. But once I explain something to Matt, he can make it simpler. The way I do everything, is...Well...Usulay the most long and complex way possible. For example, for our site, I made a php script that reads what directory you're in, so it can send you the relative path to another page. "Just write the direct path in the url." "*smacks head*" I don't think brackets are alowed to be this long. The point is, that this wasn't a good idea) So I went and got a 4 gig that I had in the closet, and used norton ghost to restore onto it. So now I have an operating system. I'm set right? Correct. Well, I should be anyway. I formated it to NTFS, and ghosted xp + drivers onto it. My bios wouldn't recognize it though for some reason. "Agggghhhh! I'm screwed now! Wait a second, this was a stupid idea. I just need to put my hard drive into another computer as a slave." So I did that. And I booted up the computer. Went into My Computer. And ya' know what? It didn't acknoledge that the hard drive was formated at all. Hmmm, maybe I can access it through DOS. *gets out boot disks* Nope, doens't recognize it in DOS either. (btw, at this point, I remembered that you have to have quotations around directories/files with spaces.) So then I took it over to Matt's, since his dad is used to dealing with this sort of stuff. I hate going to his dad for help with my computer. It makes me feel like such a n00b. (Imagine this with an Indonesian accent) "You got virus didn't you? Did you backup recently?" "N-no." "You should have. I told you. This is what happens when you look at pictures of girls." I generaly don't care what people think of me. Because I suck at pretty much everything. But when people start critisizing me about the computer, DDR, Ice skating, or Math, I get upset pretty quickly. "Your code looks messy. Maybe you should have documented it better." "Go fuck yourself bitch." "You have uber-bad posture." "I know." So yeah, anyway, while I was over there, my mobo decided that it was just too much work to recognize the CD drive. *sigh* Anyway, he tried putting my C: into his old P2, and IT RECOGNIZED THE FILES! So he just let me borrow it, and right now I'm using it to write this entry, because I got bored while waiting for files to copy from my C: to my portable HD. So yeah, for you people who miss me on MSN (Pfft, the only one who would miss me is Mike. And he doesn't read this far into my entries.) I'll be back in like...Like...Like...Like....Like...Like...Like...Like...A few more days. You know what really bugs me? When people curse stuff, then go "Why did it break?" "Damn you to hell computer." *computer dies* "What the fuck just happened?! Why did that just happen?!" So yeah, anyway, a lot of other stuff happened ("I should hope so. You've been working for 72 - 13 = 61 hours.") but I'm not going to go into it. Ummm...Nothing much else to say. My life has kind of been blown out of the water. Ummm..I my program that tells me how much longer until Deanna comes back is on my other hard drive (I don't have it counting down on my desktop...*cough*...) so I guess I'll have to count down manualy. 46 More days until Deanna goes back to work.
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This entry is dedicated to Andrew, because it is Valentines day. And I love Andrew. Actualy no, I don't. But still. I'll be he's never had someone dedicate an entry to him. Well, today is the happiest day of the year. People are off jumping off high places. I'm at the bottom ready to pocket their wallet. Isn't Valentine's Day great? k, this is going to be an uber-short entry, due to the fact that if I don't post this in an hour, Valentine's day will be over. Okay, today, I did nothing but sit around and do computer science. And not that crappy computer science that they teach in nomral schools. Computer Science is no more about computers, than astronomy about telescopes Here on AMDEC, I get to code in JAVA! Fuckin' w00t. Programing is awesome! Just like Math. Alright, the other thing I did today was go to gym day. I really like that name. It has no imagination put into it, what-so-ever. Anyway, aparently we were supposed to wear red today. I don't have red. I would offer to soak a shirt in blood or something, but the parents there already think I'm messed as it is. No need to go around offering to soak a shirt in my own blood just to comply to their attempts to make special days more interesting. One day when I was 9, I got a black shirt for my birthday. The lady who gave it to me said "I noticed you wear black clothes a lot, so I got you a black shirt". It was then that it dawned on me that I only had black clothes. And since I don't buy my own clothes (I'm too cheap XD) everyone seems to think I enjoy black clothes. Therefore, I have nothing but black clothes. Isn't that awesome? I've had one white shirt in the whole time I can remember. I can't remember very long ago, but hey, whatever. Black clothes are awesome. No Val, I don't want to go shopping for new clothes. I'm pointing out the stupidest things because I need to some how make this entry long, but I have nothing to write about. Hmm...Well, the new RvB episode is out. Awesomeness. Ohhh, right, what happened today with Deanna. Nothing. It all happened on Sunday. Why? Because Deanna's parents scare me with their extreme hatred towards me. Like that one time they tried to light me on fire, and send me to cuba. Actualy, it's not that bad, but still. Since it's a homeschool gathering thing, parents are there, etc. SO, Valentine's was un-officaly on Sunday. Okay, so what I did was, I bought a card, a teddy, and a chocolate bar. Which broke in half in my backpack, which I brought to church, because I brought my math to do there. And it makes hiding stuff from people's parents oh-so-much easier. Oh, and I gave up trying to be creative on the card. I ended up at 4 in the morning just writing Roses are #ff0000 Violets are #0000ff All my base Are belong to you In english: Roses are red Violets are blue Sugar is sweet And so are you Then I went off to play video games. Arn't I thoughtful. She offered half the broken chocolate bar to me. w00t. Andrea got pretty pissed at me, but whatever. She doesn't stay mad very long. "omg, that's what you got her?! You're hopeless, I would smack you. So, the square root of pie eh?" She got me a card, and a mug of chocolates. *drool* chocolates. Her pen exploded. So the card kind of messed up, but whatever, it's awesome. If you want to have a cool card, break open your pens. Oddly enough, I got bored while thinking of what to write on the card that night, and snapped one of my pens in half, and cut the ink tube thing. I covered my arm in ink, I drew ink blotch pictures all over a paper, And...Yeah, it was awesome. See, if I didn't get sidetracked so easily, I could get a lot of stuff done. Anyway, it's midnight, and I have nothing to say. 44 more days 'till she goes back to work! Maybe she'll get a computer before then. That'd be awesome. So yeah, blah, short entry.
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I still hate you Valentine's Day.

Feeling: bashful
I got a valentine's card from a 9 year old. It says "Trust me! Have a happy Valentine's Day" with Dorey, or however you spell her name, from Finding Nemo...The forgetful blue fish... Anyway, it has her saying "Trust me! Have a happy Valentine's Day!" I want to say that now. "Trust me" No one's going to trust me XD I can hear you Mike. All the way down here in Toronto. I can hear you. "PEDOPHILE! AHAHAHA" Wow, I've got the urge to re-use this card on Deanna now. Why am I so cheap? Because I'm not. I'm just money smart. Alanna is just jealous because I can make someone happy, for a low price. Under five dollars. I love Valentine's Day sales. A freakin' puppy thingy for 2 bucks. How kick-ass is that. Pretty damn kick-ass, let me tell ya'. So I bought it. It scares me to look at it. Whenever I look at I feel...Awkward. I don't know...I'm just scared of giving it to her. XD His big beady eyes, staring at me, arn't helping either. I have the urge to stab it now. I'll sort of get a chance to too! It came in a basket, and I'm only now noticing that it's sewn into the basket. (I've kind of kept it hidden away. Everytime I look at it, I get butterflies in my stomache) Wee! *gets out knife* *cuts thread* Take that you fucking dog. Man that was fun. Gotta love pwning defensless thread. Man, these perverted fucktards. The thread is right at the puppies butt. I feel guilty about ripping the thread now. Anyway, it's not a huggy-type teddy bear, so there's not really anywhere to put a note on, SO I'm going to make a card, instead of sew a note onto it. k, here's the two ideas I have for the card thingy which I'm going to make because CARDS ARE SO FUCKING EXPENSIVE! Now I know why my dad saves all his cards, and uses white-out on them to re-use them. k, he doesn't, but I am going to when I grow up. So anyway, I'm going to steal a quote from somewhere, and write it out. I'm not very original. Neither are you. You've bought cards before. That's what I'm sort of doing. roses are #FF0000 violets are #0000FF all my base are belong to you Or We met in a chatroom, now our love can fully bloom... Sure the World Wide Web is great, but you, you make my salivate... I love technology, but not as much as you, you see... But I STILL love technology... Always and forever I don't know though...She probably won't understand the first one, and the second one kinda makes me seem like I like Technology more than her... Which, I don't. *shifty eyes* Man, holding this thing makes me want to squeaze it...And rip it...And throw it...And...Just...Yeah. I'm gonna go look up geek love letters...Later So much fucking work for a fucked up day. (Valentine's day) I just want to document all of what I'm doing, so I can look back at this next year, and remember what to do. You probably don't care about all this, but yeah. *sad music start playing* You're the only people who will listen to what I have to say *snifle* XD Anyway, *looks up geek love quotes* Wow, did you know that "A Knight's Tale" is 6th on the about.com list of romantic date movies? That's awesome. *looks around some more* omg! You know it's love when you memorize her IP number to skip DNS overhead.I have her IP! XD People who have been reading my entries for a while, know that I have her IP, but not her real address. I could trace her IP/phone number though. But yeah. Wow, I could put that on a card, along with her IP. If her dad ever finds it, he'll flip out and call me a stalker. What else...Hmmm... A community is not a community of disembodied spoken statements, in part because the most important aspect of the communication that people have is emotional, and one often communicates emotion not in terms of the text but as a subtext. The physical body is not irrelevant to a human community. The emotional subtext of human communication is crucial to human thought. It isn't a footnote. Too many computer scientists don't understand this. So true. I don't even understand it. Like, I understand it, I don't know what it really means. Like, "Yeah, my leg got ripped off by a doberman. It really fucking hurt" "Yeah" I understand what's being said, I just don't really know it. Hmm, what else "Only one man in a thousand is a leader of men, the other 999 follow women" XD Damnit, it's hard to find these geek love poem thingies. Probably because I'm just getting distracted with all these awesome quote pages, but yeah.... "I've been looking for a girl like you - not you, but a girl like you" No, I'm ont going to use that, but Groucho Marx is awesome. k, enough of him, I'm just getting sucked into all these awesome quote sites. Must...Have...Self control... Also, if you are a hairy man in need of sleep, do not attempt to light your farts to impress your mate and/or friends. Explaining the four alarm fire engulfing your entire neighborhood to the fire marshal is neither a fun, nor an enjoyable, experience, no matter how loud the laughter is from your so-called ‘friends’. It is especially un-fun when you are completely covered in third degree burns and every hair on your body has melted into the top layer of your skin making you look like a giant talking mound of flesh-colored wax. And technically, you were working with flammable materials in a confined area so when the fire marshal gives you a ticket, don't act so surprised. Don't ask. Just trust me on this one, k? I'll bet you bastards don't even care about these quotes. Because you've read them before. Don't laugh at me because I have better things to do than look around for kick-ass quotes. o0o0o for you i would no longer pick my so-pickable nose or bite my delicious nails for you i would fix my teeth and buy a mattress for you i'd kill my favorite roach that lives in the woodwork by the drawing table all i have ever owned and all i will ever become is now half yours XD Damnit, if I don't find something soon, I'm going to have to write one myself. And I got shot in the head. And they had to remove the right side of my brain. So I have no creativity. ...You may have noticed that by how cheesy my excuse was. Anyway, *looks harder.* He pulled out a laptop for a navy blue nylon bag and asked if he could show me the different programs he had downloaded on it. I nodded yes as he walked across the room to a small table and chair. He instructed me to sit down as he knelt down beside me. I looked down at him and told him to grab another chair, as I couldn't understand why he was kneeling down when there were other chairs in the room. He insisted he was fine the way he was, and he fired up the laptop. There before me were two icons named "Second Present" and "Third Present". He asked me to click on "Second Present". I did and there before me was the most beautiful letter I have ever read. My face grew hot and tears filled my eyes. At the end of the letter it asked me to click on "Third Present". I did so and there opened the "My Pictures" folder. There was an icon that said, "Click here for your final gift". I looked over at him wondering what he was up to when I clicked on the icon. There before me was a digital picture of my engagement ring with the words, "Will You Marry Me?" written over it. My mouth dropped and all I could manage to say was "Omigod". Apparently I said it about a billion times because he finally said, "Courtney you haven't answered me yet. Will you marry me?" I screamed "YES!", followed by about another billion "Omigods!" of course. No, I don't know why I'm looking through proposal message boards either. But that's a damn awesome idea. #!/usr/bin/perluse Existence;use Vehicle::Human qw(@lifetime &Incarnate);use HeartFelt::Caution;my @HeartsDesires = ('Intellectual', 'Emotional', 'Empathetic', 'Coder', 'Writer', 'Philosopher', 'Scientist', 'Spiritual');my @Interests = ('Computers', 'Philosophy', 'Physics', 'Cognitive Science', 'Algorithms', 'Movies', 'Cuddling', 'Kissing');for each $moment (@lifetime){ if( defined($female) ){ $ThingsInCommon = 0; $Hopes = 0; if( open(FEMALE, " ){ foreach $interest (@interests){ if( $chat =~ m/$interest/){ $ThingsInCommon ++; } } foreach $desire (@HeartsDesires){ if( $chat =~ m/$desire/ ){ $Hopes++; } } } if ( $ThingsInCommon > 5 ){ if ( $Hopes == 8 ){ $FoundLove++; while( BiDirectionalInterest == TRUE) { enjoy_time(FEMALE); } } else { dash($Hopes); close(FEMALE); } } else { close(FEMALE); } } } }if($FoundLove){ die "Contentn";} else { die $! ;} *drools* Awesomness. Damnit, there's like, no geek love poems anywhere. Well, google didn't fail, I, the end user, simply did not help it enough. Agghhhhh Fuck it, maybe I should just write my own? *Hands it to her* "Yeah, it's kind of cheesy, but hey, what do you expect from someone who got half his brain removed?" I'll try write one at the end of the entry. If I forget, leave a comment to remind me. XD What else do I have to talk about? Nothing really. I've just been obsesing over this damn Valentine's day stuff. Well, not really obsesing, so much as thinking about it because I have nothing better to think about. Dani says I'm obsesive. Am I obsesive? Do I obsese over things? BUY ME A HECATE 2! Erm, yeah...Me and Dani are only friends because we both know what it's like to have people jealous of us. Well, not friends exactly. More like "I won't kill you in your sleep because you know what it's like for people to want to be as cool as you." and "I won't kill you in your sleep, because you know what it's like to have people spread rumors that you got a boob job too." btw, I didn't start that rumor if anyone asks. What else is there to talk about... I'm not procrastinating writing that poem if that's what you're thinking. Isn't that an awesome idea? ^_^ stfu Mike, I can still hear you. I meant an awesome idea for changing the case...Not an awesome idea for a game. No, I don't want to work at squaresoft to code a game like that...If anyone asks anyway. Hmm, in total (not including this entry) I've written a total of 153 pages, containing 53,971 words. "You're a loser when..." XD Man, and almost every single one of my entries (40 of them) have been commented on! Well, I didn't stat doing long entries until like 10 entries ago (That's a month ago! I don't write on here much =P) so yeah... Isn't it so fun reading these entries? These stupid, pointless, not-going-to-help-you-in-life entires? Well, people sit on the coach, and eat popcorn all saturday, watching a football game they can't control, and say it's fun. I guess this isn't so bad. At least here, when you yell at the screen I can actualy hear it (if you leave a comment saying what you yelled) I just, don't understand why people think programming is boring, but watching TV isn't. Can you control what's happening on the screen? Will it help you later? Do you actualy do anything productive with your TV watching skills? Okay, those questions have nothing to do with TV not being boring, but still... TV is just a useless waste of time. Much like the computer. But at least with the computer, you can actualy get satisfaction out of something you've done. Like, if you program games, or websites, or something, in the end, you have an end product, that people will like, including you. What do you get from TV? Nothing. "Hey, check out my 1337 TV watching skills!" "omg, haxxor!" No. That just...doesn't happen. "Today I learned that sitting at the computer will make you fat. Unless you're azn. Then you have a fast metablism. And I learned this from watching TV." ...If people actualy watched the shows that taught that, TV wouldn't be too bad. The only way to control what's on your TV is if you have a couple million dollars, and get cable companies to play your shows. Just...Blah.TV is a dead-end thing to do. Math on the other hand...XD Yep, it's that time again! ("Just write the damn poem already!") Hmmm...I have no idea what to do a math question for. Well, here, let me tell you about my geograph assignment yesterday. I was doing this uber-stupid assignment for geography on how I could decrease the size of my ecological foot print, or whatever it's called/however ecological is spelt. I found some sites on it, and one of the sugestions was: Instead of purchasing new books, I could use the library system.How messed up is that? Poor writers will barely get any money. So then, I imediatly start thinking "Fuck paper. Just have people buy the PDF, before it's printed." That'd be good right? Just pop up the PDF on your screen, and no trees die. (If you're worried about electricity, just use wind/solar-power) I would like that anyway, since I don't leave the computer. But then I realized a) Pirating books would become the biggest anti-pirate war since music. b) Not everyone lives at their computer, and sometimes want to read in bed, etc. 3) Some people don't like reading stuff off the monitor. So yeah, I say just...just...Leave the books alone. Buy all the books you want. Anyway, don't ya' just hate it when someone prints stuff out to read? Like wtf eh. The words are right there on the screen, you don't need to waste paper and toner, just so you can read your two page assignment. Grrr. Okay, still no math question. BLOODY FUCK. ! leah ! i wish my head was full of tropcal fruity goodness/i hate math,kill the math says: hi ! leah ! i wish my head was full of tropcal fruity goodness/i hate math,kill the math says: i still think u luv jessie ! leah ! i wish my head was full of tropcal fruity goodness/i hate math,kill the math says: i told her and deanna-deanna coldnt stop laughing' Ahhhh! Fuckin' little... Someone hurry the fuck up and buy me a fucking Hecate 2 damnit! Nimda - Member of DFC and APC {Awesome, I got a Valentine's card from a 9 year old. No Hecate 2 though } says: Blllahhh, I can't believe you said that to Jessie and Deanna >_ My knife would be fine right now. "Yeah, some crazed azn guy came through here, murdered Leah, and stabbed me repeatedly!" Techincaly I wouldn't be lying. Except for the crazy part. But it makes the story more believable if you make the murderer sound crazy. So yeah. I'll have to nearly kill myself to make it believable. But at least it'll be worth it. I'll have killed someone, and nearly killed myself, because Leah made a joke about me loving Jessie in front of Deanna. Hmmm, I'm also talking to Val.btw, it's 51 days until her birthday. ~* VaL *~ 51 days until my 19th birthday!! says: you're a sweety pie, you will think of something ~* VaL *~ 51 days until my 19th birthday!! says: tell her how you feel about her ~* VaL *~ 51 days until my 19th birthday!! says: tell her what it was like when you first realised you liked her ~* VaL *~ 51 days until my 19th birthday!! says: tell her what it's like when you're not with her ~* VaL *~ 51 days until my 19th birthday!! says: tell her what it's like when you get frustrated when you don't talk to her ~* VaL *~ 51 days until my 19th birthday!! says: tell her sentimental stuff like that ~* VaL *~ 51 days until my 19th birthday!! says: she'll eat it up! Whoohoo, inspiration for my card/note/whatever the fuck I'm going to write stuff down on. Okay, it's 9:40, and Val says I must have this entry up by 11. And I must write something. I'm going to spend tomorow thinking about it. I'll write something tonight, then, after sleeping/staying up all night thinking, I'll edit tomorow. Okay...Uhhh....Hmm...This thing has to be short. Because if I'm going to be writing it out, I can't write for very long. I hold the pen too tight, and I get a cramp after a couple of words. Umm...Hmmm... How to start off... Happy Valentine's Day! Let's go out and buy me a Hecate 2! Er, no, scratch that. I need to look at Valentine's card... I have no idea where to start. Awwwww, why won't people just let me write "Happy Valentine's Day"?! Blah. I have a new plan. If I go to bed early, I can get up early. And if I get up early, I can go to the store without my parents noticing. Maybe. I'm just going to buy a fucking card. Yeah. w00t. That'll get it started, then I just write something extra inside. That'll pwn so much more than writing something myself. Okay, so I guess I can't write anything for here. I'll update ya' tomorow after I get my card, etc. Holy fuck, I've spent like, an hour trying to write something.. Sorry to dissapoint you Val =P But I've still got to write something in the card right? I'll post that. It's almost 11 now, so I'll just post this. Sorry guys, no math problem for today. v_v 48 more day until Deanna gets back at work. ^_^ Yay, 40 something! Seemed like she was 50 something more days for like...ever. Oh, and technicaly me and Deanna's 1 year anniversary is on the 14th. However, nothing at all really happened from like, march break, 'till December 7th. So yeah, hasn't been much of a year. I wrote about what happened on like, January 8th or something, if you care =P Alanna and Amanda read it already. I forget if anyone else did =P So yeah. Blllaahhhh. I hate this day. So fucking much. HATE IT. FUCK IT. DIE. ASDFL;KJSAFKL;JSAFKL;JSFLKJDSFIJELAKJDSIFJSKL I'm going to go cry now. g'day Valentine's Day lovers. Edit 1:30, Saturday----------------------------- Okay guys, here's what happened. I got a card that says: A computer geek left his computer for an hour, walked to the mall, And spent valuable money that he was saving for a Hecate 2. If that's not love, then I don't know what is. Actualy no, I got a different one. I might use Alanna's idea and make that into a home made card though. (See, I give you credit Alanna XD) Actualy no. I bought a $5.40 card. FIVE DOLLARS AND FOURTY CENTS! FOR A FUCKING CARD! WTF Why are these things so fucking expensive?! Stupid lousy Shopper Drug Mart, and their expensive cards. Okay, so here's what happened. I woke up. 5:30 I fell back asleep. I woke up again, 12:30 I groaned "fuuuucckkkk" I fell back to sleep. My alarm goes off at 9:00 I wake up. I realized that I had only drempt that I over slept. I haev a lot of dreams about just daily life. My dreams mess me up so much. Anyway, I groan "what the fuuucckkk" Then I wake up. I walk to the mall. I got a cramp in my stomach and thigh. I need to get in shape. I walk into shoppers drug mart. I spend five minutes looking for a cheap card. I don't find one. So I grab a random one. I bring it to the cashier. All the counters are closed. "wtf" One of the employees sees me, and walks over to one of the registers. "5.40" "O_O Uh, here *hands over money*" I walk back home Cards are so fucking expensive. Why can't I find a store that sells cheap stuff? Anyway, card: On the front: "Remember how good it felt to send a heartfelt note to someone special, and ho much it meant to receive one?" Inside: This is my heartfelt note to you! Have a happy Valentine's Day" And I spent 5.40 on this. How is this worth 5.40? Makes no sense to me. Anyway, I'm thinking I'll write the "roses are #FF0000 violets are #0000FF all my base are belong to you" thingy in it. Holy crap, Andrea just called (She's the only person who would ever phone me instead of just IMing me) and asked if I have anything for Deanna yet. Anyway, yeah, is this really the original poem: Roses are red, Violets are blue, Sugar is sweet, And so are you, It sounds kind of...Cheesy. Too cheesy to get popular. I need to know, 'cause if I just put "roses are #FF0000 violets are #0000FF all my base are belong to you" She probably won't get it, so I'm going to write the real one too. Andrea's probably going to get pissed that I would write something that geeky, that she won't understand, but whatever. I like it. It's cool. So yeah, here's what I'm going to do today: Write the stuff onto the card. Won't that be fun. Then, tomorow I will give Deanna the card, the puppy, and the chocolate. (btw, tomorow is sunday) The over priced card, chocolate, and the puppy was probably ober priced too, but it was on sale. I hate holidays. All holidays. Die. Wow, I wrote like, three entries on Valentine's day. A normal person could have made it short. Like "Well, today I went out and bought a card. Tomorow I'll give her the card, chocolate, and the puppy", and voila! Done. Instead I've written something like 5 thousand words on it. Speaking of short entries, did anyone besides Andrew notice the one short entry yesterday? Or the day before, I don't remember. I didn't write that. Mike did. XD If I ever meet him in real life, I need to remember to smack him. But he's like, and weapons expert. "I can turn this ordinary everyday bottle rocket into a deadly weapon! Just shove it up your nose, and light the fuse." Heh heh, he doesn't know that I'm the only one who knows the secret goverment ninja moves. End Edit-----------------------------
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