{89} [title here]

I feel kinda shity today. I think i like someone, but i really scared to think it out. I don't want to tell the person i might like him because i am too scared that he won't like me back. Don't even ask who it is because i won't tell. I don't think i have really admited it to myself yet. I am really scared. I don't want to get hurt again. I really don't know what to do. I want him to like me back, but i am to scared to tell him how i feel. I don't think anyone likes me. If someone would just show some intrest in me, i have never really considered anyone i know or have seen like that. I don't know how long i have had this feeling, or how long it is going to stay. I just don't want to get hurt like last time. I need a hug :(
I am not doing so good now, I don't know what it is really, but i am just feeling sick. Both mentaly and physicly. I just need a day off. So i am not going to school tomorrow. I just don't feel like going to school. I would love to see all my friends. But i just don't want to go to school to learn. I really need someone. I am afriad that the someone i like, doesn't like me back. Maybe thats why i am so sick right now. I feel broken inside and outside. I still need a hug comment please, it is nice to hear from people when i am so down like this.
[]edit: 9/14[]
I really don't feel like making a new entry so i am just going to write here. I wonder did anyone notice that i was gone today? I didn't come to school because i just needed one day off. I still feel sick in all ways. I feel really broken today. I am still scared. i wonder if he noticed i wasn't there today. but still i am just here for the sake of writing. I slept all day. and i really haven't eaten anything yet. I am not hungry. My nanny is making me a new skirt. It looks cool. I finished reading this really good book. it was by christopher pike, and it only took me 2 nights to read it. I thought it was really good. I am really bored right now, i think i am going to go finish a drawing that i did. Talk to you all later i supose.
Read 4 comments
bah i shall type this all for the second time. i shall give some of my aweseom advice (its actually not but oh well) If the dude you like is someone u hangout with a lot than just pay more attention to there actions. and u might even be able to read there actions to c if they like u. and maybe u could give them some hints as well. that way it aviod embarassment from tellin them straight up that u like em. the first time i typed this it was longer
wow. nikki's comment was uber long...but it made sense. listen to nikki...sometimes she knows what she's talking about...

-commenting dude
only sometimes though. :P

everyone noticed.