fun with [dick and jane]

Listening to: hallelujah - newsboys
Feeling: petrified
Ironically, I am not feeling the "Hallelujah," and neither am I sure perturbed is quite the word for how I feel. Hanging over my day is the feeling that I am forgetting something of cosmic proportions. I also want chocolate, and there is none within reach. I have fallen behind in my updates. Today I detail the plans of Dick and Jane, namely, Emily and I, for the weekend. All plot mastery credited to the Emily-Clara tag team (adapted from a conversation). I'm bored, and I don't want to sit still, but there's nothing I want to do either. I want to go on an adventure. It's too cold to run around outside, Emily sprained her wrist, Katya and I could think of no adventure which to undertake, and Mike is working and lacrossing. I think we should rappel from the ceiling of the armory and kidnap him while he's washing dishes, maybe chuck in a smoke bomb or two. Then they'll get so confused, and we can leave a note that says if they want him back they have to bring 10000000000 dollars to the railroad junction. Emily could rig me some rappelling gear - she's good at knots, AND she looks pretty good in black! The catch would be that we would have to have hefty disguises. Catsuits, maybe. Once, Emily was in a play and she was a man. Such a good looking man, that the gay director was hitting on her. She thinks it was the unibrow. That wouldn't work all that well though, because for all the padding she needed to be fat enough to make her boobs look like normal fat man deposits, it would make it difficult to rappel. Thats not a problem, though, because the only reason we have to disguise ourselves is so Mike wont get mad at me for freaking out that he works too much and doesnt have time to spend with me. SO, we only need voice distorters and masks, AND CATSUITS! And he'll just be like, "Ooh, hot chicks stealing me from work. This is very cool." Voice distorters like FUN WITH DICK AND JANE. That was the best scene. Despite the fact that Emily's wrist hurts, we should film an espionage movie this weekend, because there would be no end to the adventures in that. And we could post it on YOUTUBE and everyone would watch it, and then we'd get famous. And since we'd be famous, Mike wouldn't have to work. It's the perfect plan!
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