
Listening to: la tortura - shakira
Feeling: driven
haha last night I had a dream that, among other things, I went into a cafe really late at night with my cousin Andrew and two of my friends, and it was on the beach/riverfront and out the window we saw a huge, fat, pale pink pig in a yellow sweater fall out of a tree and sink into the water. He was saved once by a purple magic carpet, which dropped him too far from shore, so had to be saved a second time by a gold one resurrected out of the dust. That one granted him a wish and as they pushed to the sunny surface (me watching from the seafloor) I woke up to Mhabeni, sure she had some kind of mortal disease, so she wouldn't be able to walk up to Buzz with me to meet our roommates who both had academic probation. It was a weird, WEIRD dream. Tonight there's a dance. I am soooo psyched. My friends will kill me if I don't go to Buzz now, so I'd better go. Catch you guys later :D
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Chica!! Did you get my letter?!!

Write me!

Your bitchy
