on and off

Feeling: better
Thanks to Dycky I was actually pretty sane by the time I got to sleep... In the morning it had all come back cuz I hate mornings, and all through math Mr. Testo kept trying to catch me not paying attention cuz I was trying to get him to yell at me for not paying attention so I could tell him how much I despise math. With the slightest untraceable hint of despising him, of course he wouldn't be able to trace it and therefore it would be a ticket to ride 'til the end of the year. mwahaha. But he didn't ask, and I came up with the answer (vair dully and zombielike) every time... Yulie wants me to model for her... On the river. Wrapped in a white sheet so it looks like I'm naked. hahahahahaha. That sounds so lezzie... But anyways, that made my morning, other than that I was pretty pissy... And at lunch I decided I wasn't gonna take the crap from the guys cuz I wasn't in the mood, and usually I put up with it and laugh it off, but today hellno. So after Dave's first crack I was just like, "Guys - you have 5 sexist jokes before I leave." So Dycky started ringing them off until Ashley covered his mouth and brainwashed him into not finishing... So then later they were talking and I chose not to pay attention and he goes, "Oh, there goes Clara." So I got up and went to the next table. And they were all "Whoa did she really leave?" So I stayed there for the rest of lunch. And I was totally prepared to stay there alone for the rest of lunch but fortunately Kat and Michelle joined me, making my life better... Sure, it wasn't quite as interesting... But they need to know when to stop. Another thing that made my day was smelling good, I discovered this really hott scent sample (Avon's Pink Suede) and decided I adore it and got everybody's opinion and they all said it was me... Steve even went "Ooohooohohooo!" lol. Which made up my mind if I'd had any doubts up until then ;-) So I'm totally getting it... And I was not too bad by the end of the day cuz I hung out with Deanna and walked the track barefoot in gym and we did the packet in bio and when I'm in this mood it's always best when I can be free and better yethave something to concentrate on... And then I hooked up with Dom (not in that way lol, we just linked arms, sickooo :x) and we went to set. And everything came flooding back real real strong, so I got a lot of real work done in the first hour and a half, until we finished our job, and then I casually got the object of my anger involved in my job and got over it almost completely. Plus Jen showed up which is cool cuz I missed her today, hope she feels better real real soon. So anyways I guess we're good now. Cravings not subsided of course, haha. Good thing Dycky's head is on straight or mine would be rolling around under my bed by now :x Haha he even said it was cool that I left the table... When I repeat it now it sounds like he was glad I left, but that's not how it sounded when he said it. lol. So the set is gone. :-/ No time to relax before Washington, etc... Justo tomorrow, and then Spring Break I have to go to practice, I'm sick of having all this stuff riding on my back and I wish I could just dump it off, though I'd like to just sleep all day tomorrow I don't want to miss Justo and maybe now that I feel sorted out I'll be able to take everything better. And hopefully I'll be able to have a party over spring break, that would be neat... I didn't like Damn Yankees, it kinda bored me... Does that make me weird or something? Cuz everybody else seems to adore it... As you can prolly tell I'm pretty out of it...
Read 4 comments
yea it was cool you stood up for yourself; I have to admit I started telling jokes on purpose to see if you would do it- I was glad you did hahaha.
oh and yea Damn Yankees was a boring show, just everybody loves it because it has a few great songs. "You gotta have heart etc..."- just classic.
first two comments were by rich.
well, "heart" was good, but it got on my nerves after hteh 18247374 thousandth time, same with shoeless joe and just about every song in that show
i still like new york new york
but lonely town is a nono
as well as some other time
but i really liked "i can cook too"
and "carried away".
noboyd cares, but i didnt feel like posting this in my OWn journal so i might as well put it in clara's :)