caramel kisses

Feeling: sweet
Dog is supposed to be man's best friend, right? My butt it is. This stupid dog, he may be gorgeous, but he's the biggest pain in my butt ever. You know, among all the other things. I freaking have to feed him after he rapes my friends and gives me an amazing headache with his freaking high-pitched barking, and the rice exploded everywhere, which we feed him so he will get fat and not die of anorexia, so I had to clean it up, and he likes to run away, and I have to be at his freaking beck and call and let him out in the middle of my piano song, so he won't poop on the rug again and I have to clean it up. This was all after the whole day of me craving chocolate, the one day there aren't any ROTC kids walking around with boxes... And DeLorme telling us we were actually supposed to hand in all those random assignments, do we need her to give us due dates? I work better with due dates. And she waits 'til the LAST week of the quarter so I end up blaming her for me having too much to do instead of myself for not doing it yet. Plus the LAWS flop yesterday, and I'm out of caramel kisses, and I'm exhausted. Caramel kisses - it makes me want a kid, a little kid who will eat caramel straight because I let him and then he will give me a sticky caramel kiss and say, "I love you, Mommy." Not yet. Besides, if I hate taking care of my dog, would I be able to handle a kid? Probably not... Though at least I would love it. Haha. Last night I showered and then read my book, like Mike said, and I got the crazy impulse to put in rag curlers, which added at least 15 minutes to my bedtime routine... And to my morning routine. It looked awesome though. Looks. Hasn't frizzled out yet. Such a good book too. But I have too much to read and too much to write and too many websites to go to and too many calls to make, and too much to care about, and I feel like I haven't seen Mike in ages, which is, of course, ridiculous, because I just saw him at school and we even hung out on Monday. Anyways, getting compliments on my hair was nice today. It really is my vanity. And I actually did get a lot done today, considering... And I even bought some Rolos after school - which is not quite as good as Hershey kisses, I soon realized, but slightly cheaper. Double points in Spanish though! We got to watch Havana Nights, so that was cool at least. In the classes with windows I mostly stared at the quartz fields, the ice-frosted blades of grass that look like a million diamond crystals sparkling in the sun. It's absolutely gorgeous, I may never have seen anything so coldly beautiful in my life, but it's also freaky - it reminds me of The Day After Tomorrow, which is a horrible movie but a pretty scary idea when you think about it. Plus the whole global warming thing is a major issue these days... Gov & Pol was supposed to be West Wing Wednesday, but we spent most of the time going over the stupid Congress tests nobody really wanted to talk about, except the politics freaks who don't have to put in effort in the class... I really do respect them for it, but I personally don't have the motivation to put in the same external effort and therefore I have a marked disadvantage. Sigh... In gym Gina and I were laughing about the foibles of men - G-Unit is my favorite. I really do love watching the boys play basketball. It's wildly amusing. And Frankie is so cute... Today he asked me if I wanted to play dodgeball... But I don't like dodgeball, so I had to say no. I should probably put in some more effort in the class, but if Mr Liverio doesn't care I think I won't. The big scandal today was that wack party this weekend, how like 60 people's names were in the paper - a good chunk of our class and of the football team... In Sociology we were all discussing it and Mr Iorio said the best thing would be to get some koolaid and some soda and set out some chessboards, and then get busted. No alcohol in sight. Rich just turned around and said, "Hey Clara, how about it?" That would be pretty amusing, I must say... I'm sure Brigid's grandma wouldn't mind calling us in... And we wouldn't have to work very hard at it. The only time there was ever alcohol in my house there was like a box of Labatt Blue and two 6-packs of wine coolers in the garage for like 3 months, because the neighbors went on a diet and gave them to us, and we took it out of politeness, but nobody in my family drinks. Except church wine on Sundays. But you know. Wow, I feel quite a bit better now. Just don't let me start listing my duties and I might stay OK... Either that, or I just kind of "forget" about everything I have to do, and just not do it. Might not be such a fantastic idea, because then I'd really have to do it all tomorrow... Here I go again! Sigh...
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Mr. Liverio cares.