
Feeling: glowing
hey... well to sum up today i got in catfights with two guys today, one over chocolate milk and a pen and one over another guy; i tried to read eragon before school but im back to my wiredness and couldnt focus; did my other half's dirty work for her in gym cuz she was too chicken ;-) and fell in love with the way tim gaugler moves... i wreaked havoc in english and counseled like 8 people... well not really, just 3, but hey. later im going to my hubby's and we're gonna have a bbllaasstt! teehee! flirting is fun but too bad its so hard with the person you actually WANT to flirt with... lol. so basically i was all dancing and being happy around him and then dom got all up in my grille and called me a hussy or something, so i called him straight and we started hissing and bucc-slapping each other, then i got tired of that and went out to the bus. if i get up the guts i have a sorta-ok excuse to call him and maybe hang out with him if he buys it (not dom stupid) and i think i might, but its a little cheesy. it would be cool though. lol. ok must stop obsessing. cuz it makes you boring. evidenced by like, all my friends... dark. life sucks that way. but i suck at hockey and its still fun so i guess you can kinda parallel that...? haha. tomorrow we go to mariahville again and ill get obsessed with drunk firemen again! and grind 70s-style and do karaoke and the cha cha slide, and get yelled at by all their wives when the potatoes overflow all over the table. haha. fun times. then i get to look forward to the band banquet(!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!) and famine!!!!!!!!!!!!! wooooo! life is good! well most of it... :P
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i totally owe you for gym! heehee

sorry i'm boring, but this kid means a hell of a lot to me other half....