spring fever/i <3 my kitty

Feeling: wistful
snow day! im weighing it... not sure im real happy about it but you know how it is... im def. having spring fever reallll baddd... starting over vacation, im soooo hyper and waking up at like 430 in the morning every day for like half an hour doesnt help! haha me n my kitty! Stars shining bright above you; Night breezes seem to whisper 'I love you'. Birds singing in the sycamore tree. Dream a little dream of me. Say nighty-night and kiss me; Just hold me tight and tell me you'll miss me. While I'm alone, blue as can be, Dream a little dream of me. Stars fading but I linger on, dear - Still craving your kiss. I'm longing to linger till dawn, dear, Just saying this... Sweet dreams till sunbeams find you - Sweet dreams that leave all worries behind you. But in your dreams, whatever they be, Dream a little dream of me. Stars fading but I linger on, dear - Still craving your kiss. I'm longing to linger till dawn, dear, Just saying this... Sweet dreams till sunbeams find you - Sweet dreams that leave all worries far behind you. But in your dreams, whatever they be, Dream a little dream of me. i love to dream... haha... *sigh* oh yeah... and im torn between wanting my other half to be happy and wanting to keep her all for myself... lol. i cant help being a hypocrite cuz while its going bad i want to give her moral support and whatnot... but when its going well i want her back! haha that sounds soo lezzy and whatnot...
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haha! i loveth you other half.