i love the king

Listening to: nothing - gerrrr
Feeling: achy
bleh bleh bleh. today we went to church in some nonexistent town - seriously, it is a nonexistent town. But the people were really realy really cool, and it was cool. Then we scrounged for about 10 minutes in Hector's truck and my mommy's purse for 5$ each in change so we could see Will's play... Which was cool, we got there 45 minutes early and freaked everybody out cuz we were being so loud and hyper, so they all thought we would be crazy loud through the whole thing. But we surprised them with our incredible and unexpected self-discipline. HAHAHAHAHAHAHA... ok done with that lol. Then, after we'd been awed by the niceness of the Fonda school, Andy dropped chocolate cake on the floor and then Michelle stepped in it, so about 5 minutes later we randomly all just stopped talking and walked far away. All at the same time. Unplanned. It was totally awesome. So anyways. Roger & Hammerstein's Cinderella: Will did totally awesome... he could make it in our drama club. That school is so small though... Our drama club is huger and stuff. Everybody should come see On the Town first weekend in April... cuz I will TOTALLY be in the pit!!!!! hahaha. Good incentive huh? So anyways afterwards we went to a truck stop to eat, and bought glitter putty and I got a headache and a stomachache and all of a sudden our hyperness died... And I took painkillers and am now waiting for them to work. My mommy bought me a totally awesome iron-looking lamp and its the cool... she gotsta put in a switch though, in both of my lamps, and then it will be the coolest thing ever. She's great. I S2 her. lol.
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