valentines escapades

Feeling: schizophrenic
ahh. last night w/ hubby was sooo funnn... 2am "crap i gotta call julee!" "great idea. lets call her now." "HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA..." half an hour straight. and watching chasing liberty with the shower going in the background when one person comes out of the bathroom and walks across the tv. and then 5 minutes later somebody else walks out of the bathroom and across the tv. and the cute whore cat. haha. good times good times... but ahhhh. we went to the mall today. and in looking for something for dave for valentines michelle got the bright idea of going into victorias secret. brilliant, really. so anyways i finally convinced her that it wasnt so brilliant after all and we turned around to leave when... me: shit. *hides behind michelle* michelleitsmrmessineomichelle.ahh. michelle: whaaat... ahhhh. mr messineo: well. fancy seeing you guys here... me: hiwerevalentineshopping. okwegottagobye. hahahaha that was the most scarring experience. ever. i definitely dont want him to picture us... ahhhhhhhh. *pukes* wow that is disgusting... and i still dont have anything satisfactory for dave. *sigh* i am so scarred for life. i think i will avoid victorias secret for the rest of all eternity. bcuz of associations with my 10th grade global teacher. ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh why do i keep making it worse!! hahahahaha valentines day is so difficult. *sigh*
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give him yourself
More importantly, what are you gonna get MR. MESSINEO!?!?!?
i think i might be dumb guys. haha