papaya pok pok

Feeling: achy
Haha it's so weird how the date counter on here is always a day behind because of the time difference. So what day is it really? I have not the slightest idea. So Papaya Pok Pok is some kind of food where you take a papaya and poke it... It's also the band of which we have become *groupies.* They played at the rock show Sunday night to help out for Earthquake Relief Week and they were FAB, all of them. Mr. Dunn played "Wild World..." Nobody was in a rockin' mood though, just us. We bought colored hair spray at Buzz on Saturday (reminiscient of eighth grade football games) (except in blue, red, and blonde) and decked ourselves and all the guys out... They wore suit jackets and shorts (Ed's were plaid haha) and their choice of shoe (Ed's Chucks, Amit's Tibetan socks and sandals. Yep. Stylin') And Ed's black black hair was streaked with blonde glitter. Lookin' foine... At the end I finally got Amit with some red and blue, but it didn't show up too good by then because the gold was gone, and Boom got blonde-and-blue frosting. Thai guys plus Amit and Paul = awesome. Paul was blue, dabadee dabadi... It's hilarious to me what music is popular here. The combination is amazing. There is of course everybody's national pride, so we get every kind of Asian pop -Korean, Japanese, Punjab, etc etc etc - imaginable plus my Latin... And then there's all this obscure old-school stuff and everybody sings Backstreet Boys shamelessly just for fun. Especially 9th grade guys. Yep. Randomly interspersed Fastball and Van Morrisson and Elton John, among other oldies... Zeppelin, Eric Clapton, Elton John... There's Shaggy and Cat Empire and lots of Blink 182 and Kurt Cobain (he's huge), and I've introduced Mraz... Lots of remixes and oddball rap. Some favorites: "Sugar how you get so fly," "Hot in here," "Angel" and "Red-Handed," "Das Mahane," and the #1 "Lonely," which kinda gives me seizures of desperation. Anyways, it was concert weekend and our band was fab too - the Lion King medley rocked my world and everyone else's. Next semester we're doing Phantom and Star Wars :D Friday afternoon we had a Cassinath meeting... Gosh I wish there was a creative writing club at AHS. A worthwhile one. It's so cozy here because we can do it at staff members' houses and stuff. It was so fun. And we had chocolate chip bars. A rare treat. Friday night was a house party - we got to stay up 'til 2:30 (3 hours after lights out) throwing chocolate bananas and potatoes into the fire and then eating them, playing girl-bonding games, eating momos and chips and ice cream, and then watching "Finding Neverland." I surprised myself by surviving 'til the end. There were only about 8 of us left by that time. And got up at 8:30 for breakfast and headed up to school to work on the History paper. I got almost nothing done and had to leave after half an hour anyway for dress rehearsal. SATURDAY MORNING!!!! wtf?!?! And then we went to Buzz and I got tons of cool stuff, among them gur and laundry soap and fabric for a suit :) and after Nicole got into a long, painful argument with the sweater man (they're tight) we discovered this amazing art shop. Sweet muffins. Got fined for being back too late and then showered like a madwoman and went up to school for the concert. Through the whole thing Cheon Ha was playing footsie with my stand and it was shaking - very distracting. I gave him the evil eye whenever I could and we almost started laughing. Whoops. Fortunately nobody could see us because we're in the smack dab middle of the band. And then after the concert was Pod Night - we got to chill at Audrey's. Pritika and me got in an alu(potato)-peeling war and I whizzed through the bag. There were potato peelings all over the couch. Oops. We had this amazing chicken pasta courtesy of Maki (seriously, I'm her biggest fan - she's like the most amazing person ever) and a Bhutanese potato dish. So spicy. Except I had the non-spicy kind. Everybody else was dying, and the girls who cut the chilis washed their hands thousands of times and STILL their eyes burned when they touched them. And the onions were the strongest onions I've ever seen. Kesang was cutting them in the kitchen and in the living room all our eyes were burning like no tomorrow. Then we watched "Just Like Heaven," this ultra-cheesy but very cute Reese Witherspoon chick flick and again headed off to bed around 2:30. Except this time we were ALL left. Like 16 of us, or so. Of course I spent Sunday in the computer lab writing my history paper... HOURS. Like 4 hours. Technically I should have been working on it all semester... OK WE should have. Almost our entire history class was vying for computers all day. :x When I finished I put on my bathing suit and surf shorts and read my "Red Badge of Courage" and then we got ready for the concert and you know that part already. This morning I had band again and while Mr. Blume made the choirs work on enunciation ("HarK!") for about 5 or 10 minutes Akari and me did beatboxes in the background. Very quietly. But still. It really did sound like rap. Hahaha. Then in homeroom it was our Activity Week presentation and I read my thang. It was cool I guess, but Harkidun's movie kicked butt. It was hilarious. Amit danced and they were hiking and stuff... But ours got quite a few votes too. More than I thought we'd get. It wasn't bad. We weren't in it much though. Just a little. I wish, because we had some good material, like the riksha races... My favorite vids ever. Haha. Whatever. It was good anyway. Yeah so... History project due tomorrow and I gotta work on it. Almost done, but whatever. Catch you on the flipside. (Barty - remember that concert? Flipside rox)
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haha that reminds me of Area All State just because it was wicked fun! oh yeah we're going the the Carrier Dome friday for the first time in 10 years!
Hahaha I still have my half-made shirt. That was soo awesome.