the great henna adventure

So, you guys know how it was big news when I dyed my hair at first? Well, it was pretty much blonde by the end of tour; a lot shinier and more highlights, a different color than when I started out... George thought I was a redhead! But anyways, I decided I liked it SO much that I wanted to do it again. Except this time, I decided to save about 265 rupees and buy the home kit and do it myself. I read the instructions, but the real ones were in Hindi, so I read the oversimplified English ones. Minor mistake, no big... So this morning for some strange reason I woke up at nine. NINE!!! And I decided that it might be in my best interest of time to start soaking the henna powder in water, like it said. So I got these two nice big metal pots, and put Kira's black in one, and my red in the other, and let it soak for a little while until it became apparent to me that it wasn't going to turn into paste, like it was supposed to. At 11:45 somebody called for Kira and made an appointment with her for two, so we decided we'd better skip the extra soaking hour and start right then. So the two of us strip down to my pinkened bras, me in black baller shorts and Kira in flannel plaid pj pants, grab the Japanese cellophane from the drawer in the kitchen, and start in coating our tresses with this soupy goop. I skimmed off all the "paste" from the top and bottom of the pan and managed to cover most of the top and front layers of my hair. They were all weakly done, though, and haphazardly curled on top of my head, when I came to the frustrated conclusion that I was out of paste. So, with half a head still to go, I clapped my hand on top of my head, turned around, and dipped the rest of my hair into the pan. And then I sat there for a few minutes until I got impatient, which of course was pretty much no time at all, and dragged my mass of locks a foot over into the sink. It's a good thing the counter's marble, because I left a virtual lake of red water on it, and it woulda been henna-tized in like two seconds. So anyways, I dripped it a bit, and then piled it on top of my head, trying to catch all the little rivulets running down my neck, my back, ears, forehead, chest, stomach... all the way down to my shorts, and the pink-and-grey bra was quickly gaining a new color: rust orange. It now has two spots on the straps and a huge V in the front, all orange, and my torso and face are a little bit orange-streaked. I enlisted Kira's help to wrap my head first in TP and then cellophane, and went downstairs to make toast and watch VH1 until I could wash the stuff out, trying desperately not to drip on anything. Hah. Hah. And then the doorbell rings. "Hang on a second!" I called, and leapt up the stairs. "Kira! George is here! I'm borrowing your black jacket!" So this gangsta wearing a poofy black jacket, baller shorts, and saran wrap on her head, opens the door. George steps back, a little shocked, and then collects himself and steps inside, already getting out his screwdriver. "Hair wraps, hey?" "Henna," I said, thinking about the black and orange soups coating the bathroom upstairs. He laughed while I told him the story, and he finished fixing the chair surprisingly quickly and left. Then we realize it's almost 2:00, and that we have to be up at school by then, and both of us are still pretty much naked, with these crazy shower-bandage hats, so I call up Admissions like, "Hey, something came up... uhhh... can we bump it up a half hour?" And she's like "Um, that's such an inconvenience, let me call Mr. Chophel and ask, and then I'll call you back." Except nicer. So I'm like "KIRA! WASH YOUR HAIR!" And she's standing there upside-down in my black-spotted pink bra like "Do I need shampoo?!" And I'm like "I dunno! Uhh... here use this, it came in the box!" And she's like "Man, it's all coming out..." And I'm like "Hurry up!!" ... Then it was my turn, and I was standing upside-down in the sink, freezing my nunga-nungas off, giving Kira directions to the travel office. "Just start going, go there and there and remember that door with the two holes in it?! Yeah, and I'll run up after you... WAIT! DON'T FORGET YOUR PASSPORT!!" So I ran up after her and ended up just sitting there for awhile until she came back and told us when we can get into dorms, and then Alisa came up and told me a funny story about the long walk she went on today, and then we came up here to school... Anyways, if you're an ending-reader, my hair is red again. Ish.
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I fully enjoy the use of TP ;)
Miss & adore you.ur too funny with your stories.cant wait to see you again,well thats if u dont run off again:p