i got the chillllls...

Well, a lot of stuff has happened lately; beginning of semester is kinda over and we're getting into the swing of a freaking exciting lifestyle. Hah. I finally found a good church last weekend; (un)fortunately that's not all I found, but the other thing is not necessary to say here because it could cause some problems... But whatever. It rained last Sunday too, and that was amazingly cool. I haven't heard good rain in the morning in SO long... Anyways, last night was - no, you didn't guess it - Interactive Grease Night. You know what that means: my friends and I go all out dressing up and running through dorms asking for black flats for hours in advance; and then we go way too early and run around the boys' dorms for 15 minutes getting pumped for the movie; we sit down in the front row and sing really really loud, itching to dance, and finally in the last song Bani gets up and pulls me and Joey up cuz we're always ready and willing, and we dance swing and get prizes for "attempting to jive" and for singing loudest, and almost got best costumes, too, but insisted that somebody else get it. Tsering looked soooooo cute in her dress... I love the fifties. So anyways, Joey and me got Mr Monty to play our song one more time, and got into dorms fifteen minutes late, which would normally mean gating, but since we had so much fun we got Mr Monty to give us a note, and we got out of it. And then... We threw a party. With our non-alcoholic champagne and our pizza-flavoured Pringles, and the rest of my fun-sized Snickers, and Trail Mix. Mmmmm... And the Grease sdtrk, of course, even though now Joey's vowed not to listen to it again for 2 months... It was great. And we looked soooo hott... :x That whole day was kinda weird, actually... Joey straightened my hair and it was soooo long!! It was supposed to be prep day, but Mhabeni said I turned out looking boho. Haha, as usual... And Joey also sang in Assembly, crazy crazy good, man. This is where the fun in our room starts. At lunch I suggested bunking History, because we'd have Geddes and it wouldn't be any fun, yet we wouldn't get anything done either. But the other kids were like "No, we should just see, maybe it won't be so bad..." But Geddes is the ultimate fun-sucker. So it was. And then in RE Katie and me got so bored watching the awful movie that we braided our hair together, and walked around like that until after tea. It's become our Friday tradition to find a new and exciting way to hook ourselves together. Last week we tied our feet together and hobble-jogged to Cozy before class night, which was also incredibly fun... And next week we're belting our belts together and walking around joined at the hip. I think we were meant to be Siamese twins or something... :x Hehehehe... Well anyways, today there's a book fair, and Lucinda is OB. He was all trying to scare me yesterday with how all he does when he's OB is walk around the hillside in the middle of the night, and how sometimes tourists chop people up who do that... But I didn't get scared until it was too late. No, he didn't get chopped up yet, or I didn't find out about it... But I didn't express concern. I suppose that was his goal, though, so maybe it's better for me to be like pssshhh... Haha. My train of thought is sooo screwed up...
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you get all the fun, not fair

I think you wont want to come back to us

Sad.... =(

I am heart broken... Sex Muffin... I could use someone like you right now...I miss ya-Yulie♥