one little thing!

Feeling: bubbly
It's completely bizarre writing "2007" on everything. Every time I do it this little shock goes through my body and I think, "Wow, this is it, after this, I'm out." What's my life going to be like in 8 months? Who am I going to be hanging around with, where will my home base be? Will I be sure about life or unsure, will I be stable? Where will I sleep at night? How will I have gotten there? Because that's all that really matters anyway. If this doesn't sound bubbly to you, you are one sharp cookie. I mean a cookie with razor edges. Mmm. Speaking of being careful on Halloween... And that's exactly what I mean. The fact that I say stupid things like that might not mean a lot, but it's something. I honestly don't think I could shut up all day. There's something about being remembered, for me anyways. This random kid, I don't even know if he knows my name, but he was in one of the Global classes from the India presentation, and he was kind of cool. One of those incredibly smart guys who never gets told he's smart, but would have incredible potential if he could break free. Story of our town? Yes. In any case, his name is James and I like him. But I was just randomly walking by his class during 4th period and he poked his head out like, "Hey! I know you!" Most amazing feeling ever!! I kind of want to make him cookies or something, but not really. That would make no sense anyways. Thank you, James. Dee's been giving me a hard time about saying I like to do things not the normal way, yet I sit in the same seat at lunch every day and always complain about it. So finally today I decided to put an end to that nonsense, and we switched. Seriously, that is such a good way to spice things up. I didn't realize the cafeteria could look so much different. I've never sat on that side of the table before. Crazy. Still couldn't shut up though. One weird thing: Alex. Always weird, but whatever. Wants to go to the Kettle on Thursday, but would rather somebody else went who doesn't have anything else to do on Thursday afternoon. Incidentally, the new saxophone girl looks almost identical to Amanda in her younger form, except with straight hair, and more snooty-looking. Nobody really seems to like her, and I feel kind of bad, but of course I'm not going to go out of my way to get to know her or anything. She seems kind of unreceptive. After lunch in Spanish class Mrs Foote told us about the talent show... We have a music test tomorrow but afterward we get to work on our entry. Heather and I have been waiting all year to do a dance or something, but when she was explaining to us all the things we can do I almost exploded laughing because I thought how hilarious it would be to write a novela, you know those crazy soap operas on the Spanish channel? Awesome. Then Heather was all, "But I really wanted to dance." So, being the diplomat that I am, I just shrugged and replied, "Well, we can make it a musical novela, like in Bollywood when the entire cast breaks into choreographed dance, and it fits right into the script." Only problem is that we know how haywire my scripts go, all complicated and jazz, so instead of a mere entry in the talent show it will probably end up being like 2 hours long. Which will suck to chop down, but whatever. It will be fun anyways. Presently we came to realize that we couldn't do anything by ourselves alone in any case, so we carefully infiltrated (and when I say carefully I mean very very conspicuously, based on my mood) Cait's group, where Katie was trying to convince her and Pebbles to do a dance she made up to the Havana Nights music. I was so hyper, could NOT shut up, and all of them were laughing hysterically, because I am insane when my mind starts going, and then Mrs Foote was all "SHHH I HAVE A HEADACHE!" I'm pretty excited though. Band is so frustrating. We spent today learning about 6/8 time, which I know about in great depth, and I used to be shy to show off even though I should be in a higher level band, just because I've been playing longer, but I get so frustrated these days that I've stopped caring. I think I'm going to go insane by the end of the year. The good part about that band is that I get a chance to interact with all the band kids I wouldn't get to know otherwise. Which is really cool. Tony is bomb, for example. !Oye chicos! After school we had 8 kids at LAWS, which is amazingly cool... Before AJ and Pebbles and Jose got there we decided to go around school and hang up some signs, and we got to talking... It was cool to walk around with all the new kids, I guess it kind of helped them feel more involved, and we were talking about stuff, so next week we're going to have music, and dancing! Right there in the Commons! I'm too psyched. Now that I'm actually feeling comfortable in the group and I can say my ideas and contribute to the other ones, I appreciate what an awesome opportunity it is to not only get in touch with my Latina heritage, but to develop some leadership skills and hopefully make a change in the school. I've said before so many people have so much potential and the administration (who are a horrible representation of our demographics and do not understand - much like Congress) smash them like potatoes with butter. Except less tasty. (Haha, another idiotic whatnot...) One bad thing was that Mike called to say they have no service on the mountain, so I won't get to talk to him again until Thursday night. *sigh* Absence makes the heart grow fonder, I guess... It was so cute when he was leaving, and he kissed me goodbye, and then he was all, "I don't want to leave now!" And I'm like, "Get out of here and ski!" Haha. Love him... I am also pissed because my brother reminded me that we have to do the Mariaville thing on Saturday night, which means that I will not only be very tired but I am unavailable that night to continue the Star Wars of last weekend. Haha. , Gz, can you imagine me if I had a job?! I'm such a bum... But we finished the pennies! So that's over with, finally... It's so unreal, it seemed like we'd never finish and there would always be pennies to roll for the rest of eternity... So much for the food pantry getting their goods! Haha... Now that this schpiel is sufficiently representative of my long-winded mood of the day, I should probably stop, because no one will have time and patience to read down this far anyways, so there is no point in me going on. :D
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