ring ring ring ring ring ring ring, bananaphone!

Listening to: still nothing -argh
Feeling: cool
the speakers are broken... >:o maketh me triste... today was okeedokee... i was kinda in pain for awhile there but i got through it... and then I was gonna make up a lesson but I had a bio test, possibly the easiest one yet. But still, not cool. Me n Bridg yelled at Dave for skipping bio for gym... again. haha. And at lunch Michelle claimed that she was the blackest one at our table, and Dave challenged her, but Dom convinced him that Michelle is indeed blacker... Though she's paler than me. haha. And Michelle and Dickie are brothers and they started flipping out on each other after school bcuz Dickie was beatboxing and Michelle thought it was funny. Hahahaha. I luffles my friends... :x After school Kat quit track and decided to come home on my bus, and Bridg decided that sounded like a good idea so she came too. lol. The bus driver thinks I'm weird, you shoulda seen the look he gave us hahahaha. I just bring random people home with me every day :x "I'm not a prostitute..." mwaha. So anyways we made caramel brownies and strawberry dacquiri smoothie and then stole a plate of hot brownies that was pretty much just chocolate gooey goodness and milk and went upstairs to bead some stuff for cleavage necklaces and it was fun. lol. Singin S-Club 7 & Avril Lavigne and Kat flipping out on us :x teeeheeee... Superfabolizzle You-totally-will-be-scarred-for-life-after-reading-this-wisdomosity Quote of the Day: "Yeah, I keep telling him that if he's never menstruated he shouldn't be allowed to talk about it... And you know how they always make anal rape jokes? I wonder if they've ever actually thought seriously about what that would be like... if you've never put in a tampon you shouldn't joke about gay sex!" mwahahahaha!!!!!
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AHH WE GOT THE 5th GEORGIE BOOK!!!! as soon as ariel reads it and i read it, i'm totally thrusting it at you!!!!! i'm psyched....ps-S CLUB IS GAYYYY

kool diary