not enough sleep, too much party food, too much goodbye

Feeling: mellow
Now that officially it's a matter of days... I'm beginning to be suuuuuperexcited about everything, how cool India's gonna be, and coming to terms with goodbye... But it hurts. Still. Anyways, yesterday was the party. It was kinda slow compared to usual, I dunno why... I guess the atmosphere was sadder? Maybe? I dunno. It was still fun though. We did all the classic stuff and had a lot of pool wars and everybody wrote me reallllly nice cards and gave me cool stuff to remember them and be all sentimental and stuff... I dunno why it took me so long but I went to Brigie's around 10:30 and watched the end of "Moulin Rouge" and the guys had to leave after like 20 minutes cuz Brigie's mom had work and stuff... Goodbyes... We finished the movie and started arguing cuz Kat said it was stupid cuz she didn't even watch it and she can't sit through movies haha, and me n Bridg were like "You didn't even give it a chance!" Then we talked for awhile, being lazy, until finally we decided to get up and make mac-n-cheese and it was goooddd... actually it was mostly Kat n Bridg cooking and I just sniffed the black cherry candle cuz it's sexy, and then Trish came out and laughed at us for making boxedcheese at 1am, and then she came and sat with us for awhile... She went to bed after an hour or two... Kat, Bridg, n me stayed up til 6 talking. We weren't even tired. Like we lay down and couldn't sleep, so we just talked and talked and talked, and it was sooo good, I haven't done that in awhile... We shared those weird secrets nobody knew, I don't have many but you know, irrational fears and stuff that were easy for them to dispel... And even then we only went to sleep so we wouldn't get caught... We were gonna pretend to sleep for an hour and a half until Brigie's mom went to work and then wake up again. But we fell asleep... Woke up at 10, walked home looking high with bloodshot baggy eyes, printed up some pictures and made Ben a picture CD and printed a picture for Kat's card and then pasted pictures into a calendar for Ben, took a quick shower, and ran out the door... Of course my mom first lost her carkey and spent like 15 minutes looking for it and talking to my dad on the phone and I was like "Dude they're waiting..." Then she was trying to drive and adjust her seat at the same time and she tried to brake for a stoplight and the seat like exploded forward, she landed on the horn and started cracking up. Hahaha Then we went to Northampton Beach for Kat's party. That was pretty fun, we swam and hung out and watched ducks and stuff. Cuttte... Lotsa goodbyes... Ben's leaving tomorrow morning and we have like... no time left. Crazy kid... It's been some great times, weird to think we've only been hanging out for a few months, two or three... It feels like forever and it's been wonderful... Like we only had 5 days left two weeks ago and those five days feel like so much longer and I'm glad... But now we're really down to our last moments and we've already said goodbye but I think we're going for a walk before I go to Ella's shindig and he goes to the movies and then at 4am he leaves for Cape May and I won't see him for another year... *sigh*
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