!la isla del encanto, que bonita!

Feeling: accomplished
Wow this week has been crazy... Puerto Rico is absolutely gorgeous, and the culture is incredible. I was proud of myself for understanding most of the language :) I think my interview went ok... my dad said he thought i should have "tooted my own horn" a little more... but hes crazy. so i hope i get in now :x Anyways. we went horseback riding and the guide picked us some fresh guavas. he was coooll... dont remember his name though. my horse's name was Shakira which is awesome. she had spirit, we got along real well. And we went boogie boarding, i have a surfers tan (nananana haha)... or maybe a burn. my nose is peeling and Asha and Maria keep giving me a hard time about it lol. We went to El Morro, the fort in San Juan Viejo, and it was incredible: 5 or 600 years old! made out of stone right on the tip of the peninsula, and the views were b-e-a-yootiful... the sewer system was brilliant for that era too. and in the dungeon there was a piece of a cannon shell lodged in the wall from the Spanish-American War. 1898! and we saw the cruise ship coming in with Aunt Bonnie and Uncle Bill, and without knowing we both took a picture of the other one haha. Old San Juan was crazy too, they brought la gobernadora the wrong way down this incredibly narrow and cobbled one way street! sillies... mi padre kept teasing me about wanting to run into javier from Havana Nights... and i cant say it didnt cross my mind but... thats not what i was thinking directly. I just know that it was filmed there and i wanted to see the square and stuff. It really was a crazy incredible place. And El Yunque was all mysterious and also gorgey. You can just picture los conquistadores marching through there in the rain... Romantical. And I stood under La Mina, the falls... Also incredible. but it kinda hurt my sunburn a lil bit. teehee. The mountain was all hazy on top and we were just about in the clouds... On Friday we went to Vieques and the beach was one of the most beautiful beaches I've ever seen, aside from Protestant Cay... Ha'penny Bay was pretty nice too. and we didnt see El Balneario de Luquillo so I can't compare. And the Orlando Bloom salvavidas made me laugh a little. But the nightlife was also interesting, though we missed out on the bioluminescence cuz of the moon and cuz we're dumb and went to the wrong place haha. glowing waters kinda neat though... Then awhile in the back of the "pickup" taxi, sitting on what felt like a sandy washboard and talking about random things con mis hermanos haha. Tom is so dumb hah... We saw some of the protest signs and crosses, and drove out on the road la marina were trying to build to the main island... Apparently our publico driver was deeply involved in the protests but since we were in the back we didnt hear the stories. unfortunately. What I know about it is crazy though... We went on a baby plane, 10 people total including the 2 pilots, and I got to sit RIGHT behind them! I was trying to watch what the guy was doing to fly it... but i got distracted cuz the water was about 8 shades of blue and the sky and the sea melted together where they met, so you actually couldnt see where that was... and wayyy better than the ferry, which they had to hold for us on the way there cuz were slow. haha. Last night in Chicago we went to TGIF and i was still in my capris and flip flops cuz a. i was in denial and b. since I'd caringly shared both pairs of sneakers they were all wet. and thats gross. Then the waiter Justin came and sat down next to me in the booth and he was a funny guy. and a swimmer. cool. I also saw another Orlando Bloom guy in the airport, and like 8 cute absolutely in love couples with 2 tiny kids running around chattering in multiple languages lol. So now I plan to finish my Caesar essay which i started in the terminal, and get revenge on Messineo once again by using a Spanish article for my current events. Mwahahaha. Great vacation... Gotta start planning the road trip now right hubby? hahaha...
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