Twisted Chapter 30 (FINAL CHAPTER)

Feeling: ok

Birds singing and morning warm rays spilled through an open set of windows and drifted through the room. The melody reached her ears first and she felt the warm rays settle on her face against her eyes. A soft breeze blew shadows across her eyes as the white sheers danced. Slowly she felt the blackness falling away as her body woke from its long restful slumber. Trying to move her hands, she found them stiff and unresponsive.

Her eyes fluttered until she finally managed to pry them open and the bright morning light made her close them again. The brightness was too much of a shock and she managed to lift one arm to shade her face with her hand. Slowly she opened her eyes once more and allowed her hand to buffer the intensity until her eyes adjusted. Her hand fell back onto the bed and she looked up at a ceiling made entirely of wooden beams. Looking around the room, she found it all wooden.

The window letting in the sunlight was giant and framed by white sheers. Slowly she planted her hands and pushed herself up. Her body cried with resistance but she bit past it as she forced herself to sit up.


A slow painful smirk crossed her face as the warm of his voice filled her aching body and she looked down at the warm comforter draped over her. A thick, dark hunter comforter stretched the size of the giant bed and she took in the four wooden bed posts framing the bed. She took a deep breath and shoved the bedding away from her legs. Her body shuddered at the temperature difference and she found herself only dressed in a long night shirt.

'What the heck am I wearing?'

She could feel his amusement and the growing in his power as he approached. Carefully she swung her legs from the bed and caught the mattress in her hands. Catching her breath, she pushed herself up onto her feet and caught hold of the nearest bed post before falling on her face. The strain brought a painful throbbing to her chest and she placed her hand over the area. A thin bandage rested over the bullet wound and she let out a sigh.

"Get back in bed."

Slowly she straightened and looked behind her. Joseph stood leaning against the door frame and she almost laughed at the look on his face. He was trying to be stern but seemed relieved to see her and enjoying her displeasure at the same time. The brute finally came to her aid and helped her to the end of the bed before she had to sit back down. He walked over to a pair of shut doors revealed a closet full of the clothes she would much rather be wearing.

"Why am I not in one of those?"

The man shot her a look and she saw the ghost of a smirk on his face. He grabbed her clean outfit and handed it to her before kneeling in front of her. His hard hand caught hers and she felt him place it over her lower stomach.

"Once the pain subsides you'll know."

She felt the fear rising out of nowhere and shook her head. Joseph caught her face with his hands and forced her to look at him.


"I can't carry another child."

"Yes you can."

She closed her eyes and felt his mouth brush her forehead. She burrowed into his neck and breathed him deep inside. Waking up a prisoner of her weak body was bad enough. Now she was supposed to be okay carrying a child while mending.

"Your father's aid sped the healing along but it wasn't until I detected the new life that we understood why you were healing at such a slow pace."

"When did you find it?"


Kara sat back and asked "When did you find her?"

"A month ago."

She raked a hand through her tasseled hair and asked "How long have I been asleep?"

"Two months."

"What happened?"

Joseph caught her chin and said "Don't worry about that right now."


"He's fine. Outside playing with his cousins."

Slowly he stood up and helped her to her feet again. Kara let his strength guide her into the bathroom and he started a warm bath while she took in the room. The tile floor was cool on her feet and the sky lights covered half of the ceiling, allowing natural light to fill the room. The tub was a giant corner tub with a shower head built into the wall above it. Joseph drew her to the tub once it was filled and helped her remove the night shirt.

The bandage was pulled back slowly and she looked down at the healing wound. He caught her chin and forced her to look up at him.

"Don't do that again."

"It's not like I set out to getting shot."

His eyes burned pure black and she pulled his mouth down to her. The hunger was there instantly and she slid her arms around his neck as her fingers danced through his blonde hair. Hands slid over all of her exposed body and settled around her hips. He drew her against him and lifted her legs up around his waist. The carnal needs filled her cells and she yanked his shirt off.

The movement brought a hiss to her lips and he chuckled as he drew back. Even in a healing state she was too much to resist and he lowered her into the waiting bath. Towels stacked at the edge served as a pillow and she closed her eyes as the warm water worked its magic on her body.

"Thank you."

He kissed the top of her head and snatched his shirt from the floor on his way out. He walked through their room and slid it back on as he stepped into the hallway. The door was pulled shut and he walked downstairs. The place was packed with the usual visitors and the meeting he had left without a word. The newly formed circle of leaders, the Pack, sat at the table in the shut up library and didn't hide their annoyance when he returned.

"You better have a good excuse Joseph."

He shot a look the hot headed speaker but refused to take the bait. The agenda of the day was laid out and they worked through the construction plans and housing applications. He listened and commented when he needed but his senses were focused on the woman upstairs. When the meeting finally ended, he walked everyone to the front door and shut it with a little extra force. Raking his hand along his neck, he felt the knots these meetings had come to form and leaned against the counter in the kitchen.

Staring out the back patio glass sliding door, he watched the waterfall flow over their old home and felt her the minute she entered the room. Kara slowly crossed the brightly lit room, taking in the wooden counters with granite tops and all the appliances filling the room. Her arms circled his waist and she rested her chin on his shoulder. She saw the old ruins and looked up at him.

"What changed?"

"Most of our kind still live in the ruins."

"Not us?"

Joseph drew her around in front of him and secured her against him. Her shampoo filled his senses and he listened to her steady pulse.

"I couldn't stay in that place anymore. Nor could you."

She looked up into his black eyes and asked "Your family?"

"Our family. They're sticking around until they know you are healed or until their new niece is born."

Her hands slid over her stomach and she sighed "I didn't mean for this to happen."

His mouth slid along her neck and she heard "Don't blame yourself. This isn't a bad thing."

He caught her hands and laced their hands together. Together they could feel the small heart beat inside her and she took a deep breath. His head jerked up and his body grew stiff around hers. She looked up at him and found his black gaze settled out the kitchen door frame. The front door flew open and she heard the loud voices approaching.

Joseph turned to shield her from initial view and they watched the old pack fill their kitchen. Zeke leveled him with a look but his words failed. He saw the smaller former behind his brother and an eye brow went up.

"When were you going to grace us with your presence Kara?"

She slowly wrapped a hand around the protecting man's arm and risked looking around his shoulder. The pack stood smiling and Angel ran across the room to take her in her arms. She let the woman hold onto her and felt Gabby join. The two sisters hugged her until she finally returned it and then slowly she was released.

"You look amazing."


Gabby laughed and said "Can't tell at all."

They smiled their mischevious smiles and walked back to their mates. Zeke held Angel at his side and turned his attention back to Joseph.

"Did you have to piss the Pack off?"

"I had an emergency."

Griffon rolled his eyes and said "You just hate those meetings."

Joseph drew his mate back to him and she settled against him as the others took turns examining her.

"Kara woke up while I was in the meeting."

"I doubt that gives you a reason to skip out."

"It's not like I answer to them anyways."

Kara looked up at him and asked "Can you guys give us a minute?"

Griffon opened his mouth to complain but Zeke said "Take all the time you need. I'm sure Joseph will fill you in."

The bunch left without another word and she let out a sigh. Slowly she turned to face her mate and found him leaning against a counter with his eyes on her.

"Okay, can you please just start from the beginning?"

He drew her up to him again and shifted her shirt to inspect her wound. The skin was almost healed but a small scar had started to settle in. Kara fixed her shirt before he could tend to it and forced him to focus on her question.

"Joseph, please."

He guided her out of the kitchen and onto the back patio. Two lounge chairs reclined to the side of the door and she took a seat. He walked over to the railing and rested his hands on the cool metal.

"We hid in the city after the battle. Michael tended to you while we figured out what to do next. The Pack became the elected circle of leaders that answers to us."


His black eyes turned back to her and he said "I am not letting you take all of the responsibilites on your shoulders as their leader."

"My grandfather never recovered."

He shook his head and she slowly stood up. Kara joined him at the railing and took in the open clearing and the giant waterfall.

"Why are we here outside the ruins?"

"Privacy. You need a place they cannot come to whenever they please."

"How do you think that is going to work?"

His arms slid around her waist and he growled "They'll listen."

She smirked and leaned her head back againt his chest. She could feel all those connections at a distance and felt his hand settle over their daughter once more.

"How is Mikail handling this?"

"He is thrilled."

She felt his arms tighten around her and breathed in the cool air. Feeling him sheltering her and standing in this secluded place left her at peace. She felt the soft stirring of her little one and looked out at the waterfall once more. The setting sun reflected off the cascading water and she closed her eyes. The battle was over for her people's safety and finally she felt at home with herself and the family she has built.

"You should get something to eat and get back to bed."

"You aren't my father."

He groaned and said "Don't bring him up."

Laughing, she let him lead her inside and the door was shut as she took a seat at a bar. She sat looking around the house, trying to figure out why their kind decided to settle for the ruins life while they got this beautiful house. Food cooked over an open flame rested in front of her and she worked on small bites while Joseph cleaned up the kitchen. She insisted on washing her own dishes and he waited for her in the doorway as she finished. His arm slid around her waist as they climbed the wooden stairs to their room and she let him lure her back into the warm king sized bed for the night.

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