Twisted Chapter 18

Listening to: Anastasia-TMC
Feeling: ok

Mikhail lay resting in his bed and she gently ran her fingers through his blonde hair. His gentle breathing kept her focus on him and she felt a smirk crossing her mouth. The skin moved as she the power enter the room and she met Joseph's gaze. He took her hand and pulled her frm their son's side. She wrapped her arms around his neck and let his mouth slip over hers.

"How was his hunt this morning?"

Kara smirked and said "He enjoyed chasing some foxes before he settled for rabbit."

He glanced at their son and ran his hand through her hair. She leaned into his touch and breathed him into her. He tugged her from the bedroom and into the hot springs. She let him peel her clothes off her and check her for any harm while away from him. Slowly she drew his focus back to her face and ran her hands over his chest.

His mouth captured hers and she pulled him into the water. The heat of the water grew as she said her hands over his arms and felt the hard muscles beneath her fingers. She met his black gaze and slid her fingers through his hair.


"Open your door Leon! "

He jerked his door open and stared at the soldiers in front of him. They had their weapons drawn and he blocked their entrance.

"I will not hand over my daughter. Be gone."

The men slowly lowered their weapons and began falling back. Leon watched them start to leave and heard someone whisper to his comrade.

"We can still take the boy at the ruins."

He secured his family before shifting and pursuing the soldiers. He ran into the ruins and was met with silence and the scent of blood. Racing up the stairs he followed the smell into the old garden and found Maximus trying to save his mate. The two looked at each other and he heard the weak plea from her.

"Please save Joseph."

He closed his eyes and left the couple. Guilt built in his chest as he ran after the fleeting army.

Her body shook from the pain and she felt the strong arms lift her from the water. Her clothes were slid on and she felt her breathing finally slow. She looked up at Joseph and he slid his hand through her hair.

"Are you with me?"

She nodded and felt him take a deep breath. His body was tense around her and she found his eyes cold. He must have seen what she saw and she took a slow breath.


He helped her to her feet and said "I need to speak with Leon."

She caught his arm and said "You will kill him."

"No but he will suffer."

She let him leave with a sigh and walked into the bedroom to check on Mikhail. He was still sound asleep and she kissed his temple. Slipping her hand through her hair she stepped into the hall and tried sensing for Joseph. He had separated from her as much as he would risk and she reached for Zeke. The man was with Angel and she felt them being drawn to Leon's quarters.

She found other residents picking up on the mounting tension and the overwhelming power quickened her pulse. She found the quarters packed and saw the two staring at each other.

"I should kill you."

Leon took a deep breath and asked "What did I do?"

"You know."

"No I don't."

His jaw tightened and he growled "I saw you sell my parents out."


Kara pushed into view and Leon met her gaze. He let out a sigh and slowly looked back at Joseph. Black eyes threatened to suffocate him and sent chills down his spine.

"I did what I had to do to protect my family."

"You let them come in here and kill my parents in front of me! That's why you took me."

Leon raised his shoulders and growled "Don't challenge me."

Joseph watched him shift into form and felt his pulse calm in anticipation. Leon lowered his head and his fangs flashed. He watched the man shift his weight more onto his back legs and felt his power building to strike. The wolf was watching for a sign of submission but Joseph refused to give in. Leon flexed his paws and his hackles rose higher as his growldeepend.

He caught the push off as the wolf charged and shifted as he returned the charge. He jerked to a stop when Kara stood between them and let go of his wolf. Leon remained on all fours and watched her focus on her mate.

"Calm down."

He stared down at her and she caught his face in her hands. He felt that touch calming the raging storm slowly and she stepped closer.

"He isn't worth it."

"Thank you Kara."

Her gaze snapped back at her grandfather and she said "I am the only reason you are still alive. Next time I won't stop him."

She looked back at Joseph and took a deep breath.

"I need you to go. Right now you're unstable."

He stared down at her as the words settled in and he felt her arms wrap around him. He breathed her in and left the room. She held her breath and found Zeke approaching.

"Was Joseph right?"

Kara met his gaze and said "We saw it this morning."

Zeke stared at Leon and said "If you hadn't interferred my brother would have killed him for sure."

She took a deep breath and left the room. Her feet shifted to paws as she raced down the hall and she rushed through the crowd to the waterfall. She found him standing in the clearing and he looked back at her.

"You should go back inside."

She shifted as she caught his arm and "Don't leave."

He smirked and said "I can't trust myself right now. You shouldn't either."

"If you go, make sure you come back."

He slid his mouth over hers and said "As soon as I can."

She let him walk away and let out a sigh. Running paws drew her attention back to the waterfall and she watched her son emerge. He ran up to her and shifted as he threw his arms around her.

"Where's Father going?"

She wrapped her arms around him and said "He will be back."

Mikhail leaned his cheek against her shoulder and she slid her fingers through his blonde hair. Staring out at the open woods, she could feel the disappearing power putting more distance between them and she took a deep breath.

"Let's go see Rafe for your lessons."

Mikhail shook his head and said "I don't feel like it today."

Kara smirked and said "Let's go."

He sighed as she carried him back into the temple and she put him onto his feet. She watched him look up at her and he ran up the stairs to meet up with Rafe. Kara let out a sigh and took a seat on the steps. She could hear the whispers and tried tuning them out.


She looked up as her mother took a seat next to her and heard "I'm sorry."

Kara looked at Emily and said "It's taking every ounce of strength to sit here."

Emily wrapped an arm around her and sighed "I can't begin to say anything to cheer you up."

"Just don't defend Leon."

Emily laughed and said "I know better."

"Why would he do it?"

"I don't know the exact reason but if my father hadn't protected us you wouldn't be here living and breathing as Joseph's anchor."

Kara looked away and sighed "I know. As much as I hate him right now I know."

She stood up slowly and heard the laughter coming from upstairs. Emily followed her upstairs and down the hall to the courtyard. They found Rafe teaching the young ones to romp and pin one another.

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