Where The Wind Blows Chapter 24

Feeling: tired

"Morning sleepy head."

Smiling, she took a deep breath and opened her brown eyes. Meeting amber eyes, she stretched her arms above her head and let them slip around his neck as he captured her mouth.


He ran his hand through her hair and checked the clock across the room. Quietness surrounded them and he looked back down at her. Her fingers slid along his jaw and he kissed her brow.

"It's too quiet."

She sat up slowly and said "I wouldn't complain."

Smirking, he watched her grab a flannel as she slid out of bed and slide it over her shoulders. Her hair tumbled down her back and he slid from the bed. He caught her arm before she reached the door and pulled her into his hold.

"Whatever you are doing, it can wait until later."

Feeling the sun on his face, he opened his eyes and looked down at the woman next to him. She was sound asleep and looked better than he had seen her in a while. The sun was playing with her tan and she didn't look weak from the neverending fight. Sliding his hand through her hair, he felt the cool skin against his fingers and he stopped. Checking her pulse, he found it steady but it could have been missed if he didn't know what to look for.

Sitting up, he checked on her protector and found him still sleeping on his bed under the window. If Bear wasn't getting worked up yet, he was going to have to keep a hold on his own thoughts. He slid from the warmth of the bed and grabbed his waiting shirt. Sliding it on, he opened the door and slipped out without a sound. Grabbing his boots before shutting the door, he walked downstairs and heard slight movement in the kitchen.

Glancing into the room, he found Mack sitting at the kitchen table with a cup of coffee and the latest edition of the town's monthly paper. The man smirked when he saw Reese and pointed to the chair next to him. He poured himself a cup of coffee and took up the offered spot.

"I see you didn't slip out after dark."

He took a sip and said "Would've put us in an awkward position."

The man chuckled and said "At least I wasn't the one sneaking downstairs before everyone else got up."

"I don't sneak."

Mack chuckled again and "Don't try to fool me boy. I remember clearly what you are capable of."

Reese remained silent and drank more coffee. Steps creaked as someone came downstairs and they watched two older people enter the room. He caught the brief frown on Mack's face and felt their glaring stares on him.

"What's he doing here?"

He stood up and walked over to the sink as they seated themselves around the table. Mack kept silent and watched him wash out his empty mug.

"Dropping off my son."

"Will got home yesterday. Why are you still here?"

He turned his amber eyes on them and the woman growled "You aren't welcomed here."

"I could say the same for you."

The woman looked shocked at his remark and turned to who he remembered as her husband. The man chuckled but fell silent at his wife's look. Mack cleared his throat and stood up.

"You know we send no one home if they are here past sunset."

"That doesn't matter, Mack. Where did he stay? All your rooms are taken."

Reese saw the man look over at him and said "With your granddaughter."

That brought the woman out of her chair and she said "You have no right being here. You ruined her life."

He stayed by the sink and watched her approach with a cruel look in her eyes. She stood in front of him and he felt her blue eyes glare up at him.

"You come near my granddaughter again and I will make sure you understand why you can't be in her life."

His eyes darkened and he quietly said "Hold your tongue or I'll have my men waiting to escort you to your jailhouse."

She stepped back and looked up at him like he had slapped her across the face. Mack barely held back the snort and looked at his father. The man was holding back his laughter and his entire body was shaking in the process.

"Reese, you're still here."

He turned away from the woman and watched Will come in the room. His blonde hair was standing up and he looked exhausted.

"Making breakfast?"

"Only if Mack doesn't mind."

The man finished his coffee and said "Go right ahead."

Will hopped up onto a bar stool at the counter and asked "Pancakes?"

He almost chuckled at the boy's request and started digging out the ingredients. As the pancakes cooked, Jeff entered the kitchen with Billy and took seats at the table. Jeff studied the man behind the counter and glanced at his father's parents. His grandmother looked a little shocked and the two men were holding back laughs. Chip came into the kitchen with Grace and took up the last empty seats.

Reese hung back behind the counter and watched the family enjoy the breakfast. It seemed like they hadn't had such a big breakfast since he last stayed here. They were soon laughing when Mack retold the situation between Reese and his mother. The woman glanced over at him and he saw her finally crack a smile. She delved back into the conversation at the table and he slipped out of the kitchen.

Stepping into the hall and found Joe sitting on the stairs. She was listening to the noise in the kitchen and he noticed she had already showered and dressed in work clothes. He took a seat next to her on the steps and looked back at her.

"What did you do in there?"


"That's the first time I've heard everyone laughing in a long time."

He caught the underlying message and asked "Need me to stick around another day?"

She shook her head and said "You have to get back to your family."

His amber eyes slid over her face and he brushed a lock of hair behind her ear. She caught his hand, feeling the warmth seep into her cold skin, and slowly lowered it. He saw the small smirk on her face and he kissed her temple.

"I think your grandmother approves."

He earned a smile and heard "I am not surprised you managed to charm her. Always was a lady charmer."

He rolled his eyes and said "Like I care."

She stood up and said "We better get you ready to head out."

They left the house and silently crossed the drive way. He watched her open up the barn and grabbed his track from the office. Champ gave him a call as he approached and she watched him prep the stallion for departure. When they were walking to the doors, she followed and ran her hand along his nose as Reese adjusted the stirrups.

"Plan on leaving without saying goodbye?"

He smirked and looked over his shoulder at the porch. Will was standing with Grace on the porch and quietly crossed the driveway.

"Take care of yourself."


The boy stepped back and said "Don't get yourself shot between now and the next two weeks."

Joe smirked and heard "I'll do my best. Obey your mother."

He nodded and walked over to her. He wrapped an arm around her and she rested her arm around his shoulder. Reese stepped in front of her and she nodded. He grabbed the saddle horn and slid up into the saddle. Champ flicked his ears and they trotted down the drive way on his command.

Will watched him go and looked up as his mother. She caught his gaze and they walked back to the house. Grace joined them as they headed into the kitchen and found everyone cleaning up. Mack handed her a towel to help out and she finished putting the dishes away while the children helped clean the table. She saw her grandparents sitting down at the table and quietly joined them.

Her grandmother caught her hand and said "The boy is close to his father."

She smirked and said "I know."

"How long have they known each other."

"About a month."

The woman glanced at her husband and said "I was wrong to judge him based on person feelings."

"Apparently it is a family curse."

"What do you mean?"

She leaned back in her chair and said "Apparently all that side of the family judges people based on personal feelings instead of getting to know the person first."

"That is uncalled for."

"That is the truth."

Her grandfather caught her hand and said "He put your grandmother in place. Has more influence than we originally thought."

"Part of his family's role out here."

The man chuckled and said "It's more than that Joe."

She shook her head and said "Finish enjoying your morning. I'll make sure your items are brought down in time for your ride home."

Silently she stood and left them at the table. Leaving the kitchen, she walked outside and heard the door catch behind her. Glancing over her shoulder, she saw her brother following and headed into the barn.

"Want me to get their bags?"

She glanced back at him and said "The coach doesn't arrive until this afternoon. It can wait until them."

He watched her head for the tack and said "You're a bit edgy today."

She grabbed the tack and took it to Daemon's stall. Unlocking the door, she stepped inside and slid the saddle into place.

"Want to talk about it.?

"Not really."

"Grandma was just looking out for you."

She adjusted the straps and slid the bridle on.

"I can take care of myself."

"Not when it comes to Reese."

Brown eyes shot back to him and she heard "When it comes to Reese, you aren't the same person."

She guided Daemon out of his stall and said "You wouldn't understand."

"Then tell me."

They walked outside and she adjusted her stirrups. Chip held Daemon's brdle as she swung up into the saddle and looked down at him.

"My son finally has his father involved in his life. Right now, that's all that matters."

"If that is all this is about, then just say so."

Holding his brown gaze, she moved Daemon to the side and they trotted into the pasture. The sound of hooves beating into the ground echoed in her ears and she let the stallion take control. Their pace quickened and she felt the pressures slipping from her shoulders. The wind blew on her face with cool air and a small smirk captured her face. Silently they came to a stop by the woods and she swept her eyes up the thick shades.

"Let's go."

He snorted and began climbing his way up the hill.

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