Ωκεανό Tale Chapter 26

Listening to: Imaginary-Evanescence
Feeling: inpain

Sitting in his dark room, he took a sip from his glass and let out a sigh. He raked his hand through his hair and stood up. Walking up to his window, he drew the curtain back and saw the three down the beach. The picture of perfection made his stomach turn and he focused his gaze on her. She was looking up at something and he caught the smile forming on her face.

He knew where she was looking and slammed his glass onto a nearby table. Fuming, he walked back over to his bed and shoved both hands through his hair.

"That witch."

She was ruining everything before his eyes. At first he thought it didn't matter if the daughter of Felix, king of the sea, showed up and lived under the same roof. Now he knew why she was here. His last trip home confirmed it. He had exhausted his resources until he had finally tracked down her real identity.

How he had gloated in that success. He holds the keys to ruining his cousin's life forever. But now that woman is destroying all of it. She had brought laughter back to this hollow place and was even putting some light back in the man's dead brown eyes. First the dog and now children filled the castle with sounds of joy.

"This woman has to be stopped."

He stood up and walked back to the window. Looking down at the beach, he saw the children walking back to Eve and a slow smile captured his face. He was a complete idiot. He knew how to stop her and he didn't even have to reveal her well kept secret. Chuckling, he finished off his drink and left the window.

Quietly he left his room and walked down the hall. As he descended the steps, he saw his cousin leaving the parlor and waited. The man was off to somewhere again but he didn't have time to tail him. Right now he needed to start working on Eve. Holding in a whistle, he walked outside and made his way down to the beach.

He found the three heading toward the kitchen door and chuckled. His eyes settled on her retreating form and he counted under his breath. Slowly she came to a stop with the children up ahead and looked back at him. Her eyes darkened and a blank mask captured her face.

'So she knows...'

Offering her a charming smile, he quietly approached and felt her eyes following him like a predator.

"Beautiful day, isn't it."

"I see you have returned, my Lord."

He could hear the crisp distaste but chuckled at her willingness to play this charade.

"It is good to be back."

Her eyes narrowed and he asked "By chance, have you been asked to the ball this weekend?"


He smiled at his luck and asked "Why not? I would think any smart man would want you on his arm."

Her blue eyes flashed like lightning and she said "It isn't my place."

"Eve? You coming?"

She looked briefly up at Christopher and turned back around.

"Would you meet me in the library tonight? I'd like to talk to you about possible projects in the valley."

She glanced back at him and said "Very well."

Silently she left him celebrating and walked back to the children. The three headed to the kitchen door and he smirked as they disappeared. Getting her alone was the first step. Now he just needed to be ready for their meeting. Whistling to himself, he walked back around the castle and headed inside.

He cleaned up for dinner and fixed his hair. Changing into a navy blue shirt and black pants, he examined his reflection and chuckled. Leaving his bedroom, he walked down the wing and saw Grace leaving her room. She watched him disappear down the steps in a happy mood and hesitated. She didn't trust the man when he was like that and silently followed him downstairs.

They took their places in the dining hall and waited on their cousin. The dinner was served by Oric and some of the other maids. He leaned back in his seat and enjoyed the glass of wine poured for him. Grace kept a steady gaze on him until she saw Johnathan enter the room. The man took his seat and they ate their dinner in peace.

When Christopher put his utensils on his empty plate, Grace asked "What has you in such a good mood this evening?"

He finished his wine off and said "I have a meeting with a beautiful woman tonight."

Grace studied his expression and asked "About?"

Christopher stood up and shot his cousin a look. The man was watching silently and he smirked.

"I am preparing to invite our lovely guest to the ball this weekend after our afternoon talk."

He saw the slight change in the man's gaze and held in the laugh. Everything was starting to fall into place. Now that he was positive his cousin was drawn to Eve and he knew what he had to do. Grace stared at him like he was an idiot and he offered her his charming smile.

"I'm sure she'll be thrilled since she wasn't invited to the last one."

Grace held her tongue and he left the dining hall. She watched him head into the hall and looked over at her cousin. A small light of murder was in the man's eyes and she bit her lower lip.

"Are you going to stop him?"

"Why should I?"

The woman watched him stand up and leave his dishes on the table. She watched him retreat into the parlor and shook her head. Standing, she watched the kitchen door open and the children retrieved the plates. They disappeared into the kitchen and Eve entered the room.


The woman looked at her and she could see something was off. Normally the woman was calm and had a hint of a smile always on her face.

"You spoke with my brother this afternoon?"

She nodded and left the dining hall. Keeping her back to Grace, she let her thoughts haunt her eyes and took a deep breath. She stopped in front of the parlor doors and saw the man look at her. His eyes were burning and she forced a smile, hoping he'd buy into it. Quietly she walked to the stairwell and took a deep breath.

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