Weathered Chapter 14.

Feeling: torn

When the pier was full of people waving and screaming welcomes, the railing on the promenade was covered by anxious passengers. They all waved back to their welcomers and waited the five long minutes for the liner to enter port and anchor. As soon as the ramps were attached, the passengers stormed down onto the dock and ran to their welcomers. She slowly made her way through the crowd and headed down the dock to the city entrance. She stopped walking when she stood in downtown and began looking around.

When she saw the street she wanted she headed south to the Star Motel. It took five minutes to reach the motel and a few more minutes to get her room. When she had her room key she walked to her room. Then she unlocked her door and quickly slipped inside. Right now she just wanted to get settled in before someone saw her and recognized her.

She unpacked her bags and put them away. Then she turned off the light and locked the door as she stepped outside. It was raining and she pulled her jacket tighter around her body. Then she took a deep breath and started walking back to downtown. It took her a few minutes to navigate through the town and then she found her old haven.

She slipped inside to get out the weather and made her way down the stairs to the club. When she stepped off the last step, she nodded to the bouncer and hung her jacket up. Then she walked over to the bar and spotted her old friend.

She brushed a lock of wet hair from her face and said, "Give me the house special, Billy."

He started to prepare her order and said, "That voice is sure familiar to my ear."

He handed her the drink and asked, "Who might you be?"

She smirked and said, "Now I know I'm not that hard to recognize, Billy."

His eyes widened and he asked, "Amy? Get out of town."

She took a drink and said, "Just got in. I'm here on an assignment, though I'm suppose to be on vacation."

He nodded and said, "You look good. The boys'll be glad to hear that you have come back home."

Hey eyes narrowed and she said, "I'd prefer that they didn't know."

Billy cleaned a mug and said, "You got it. They won't hear of your arrival from these sealed lips."

She relaxed and asked, "Has there been any new guys in town lately?"

He nodded and said, "Sure has. A businessman from a city somewhere was in here just last night. He had a woman with him and boy was she giving him one heck of a time."

Her mug was refilled and she said, "Thanks Billy."

He nodded and said, "You know you can always get information here, honey."

She nodded and asked, "By the way, do you have a job opening that I might sign up for?"

He smiled brightly and said, "Sure do and I'd be glad to hire you on."

She drained her mug and said, "Thanks Billy. I could use another job right now."

He nodded and said, "Just make sure you get plenty of sleep. It isn't half as easy at it looks."

A smirk appeared on her face and she said, "I will. Night Billy."

He smiled and said, "Night honey. See you tomorrow night."

She slid her money across the bar and got up. She walked over the closet and her jacket was immediately around her body again. She pulled it tightly around her and nodded to the bouncer. Then she stepped out into the cold rain and started back to her motel room. As she walked, the wind blew her hair into her face and she sighed while fighting it back from her face.

'I guess I can use this as a chance to get some extra dough while I'm here.'


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