Where The Wind Blows Chapter 31

Feeling: tired

The shades were drawn to block out the afternoon sun and the nurse looked over at the patient. The woman had been sleeping since the first treatment earlier in the morning. She looked around the room and found no evidence that anyone was sending her their support. When she stepped out the door it was an entirely different story. The three brothers sat in the chairs closest to the door but her attention was always drawn to the marshall on her other side.

He was leaning against the wall, waiting for her to leave so he could step inside and check on her himself. The nurse smiled up to him and he watched her walk by. Ignoring the looks from the otherside of the door, he walked into the room and shut the door. Walking over to the bed, he took a seat and slowly captured her free hand. Her touch was still cold and he prayed the first treatment would soon begin showing effects.

He looked into her resting face and smirked as he recalled her resistance to the treatment.

"The blood transfusion will allow for your body to recover at a reasonable pace."

"Who is doing this?"

"I am."

She looked over at Calli and shook her head. The woman took her hand and she forced herself up against the pillow.

"I won't risk it."

"Joe, let me do this for you. You've done so much for us. I owe you so much."

She held Calli's gaze and took a deep breath. Her gaze slowly slid past the two and settled on the silent observer by the door. He held her gaze and she looked back at Calli. Silently she nodded her head and the doctor wrote something on her chart.

"I have to go get the equipment and we will begin with the first treatment immediately."

Calli and the doctor left the room and she lowered her head back against the pillow. Taking a deep breath, she ran a hand through her hair and he came over next to her. Her brown eyes caught his gaze and he took her hand.

"We know what we're doing."

"If one thing goes wrong, this stops."


Leaning back against his chair, he took a deep breath and let it out slowly. Thankfully nothing had gone wrong. The doctor ran a test to make sure Calli had not contracted the disease and it came back negative.


Smirking, he looked at her and asked "Feeling better?"

She rubbed her temple and said "I'll let you know when I'm out of here."

He walked over to the table and poured a glass of water. Handing it to her, he watched her drink it slowly and took the empty cup when she finished.

"Everything go okay?"

He nodded and said "The disease didn't spread to Calli."


A knock killed the conversation and he approached the door. Turning the handle, he sheltered her from the visitor's view and opened the door. Calli looked at him and he stepped aside. She slid into the room and took his seat. He stepped into the hall and pulled the door shut.

"You look better."

Joe rolled her eyes and said "You just want me to believe it."

The woman smiled and said "I'm serious. There is a little color trying to come back."

She shook her head and watched Calli dig through her bag. The woman pulled out a small vile of blood and a sealed needle.


"I'm giving this to you to help speed up the reaction. The doctor made me dilute my system slightly before the treatment earlier. This will correct it."

The needle drew all the blood from the vile and she carefully inserted the tip into Joe's hand. The woman looked away as the blood was inserted into her system and Calli disposed of the needle.

"I'm going to go back and see if Will and Grace want to come see you."

"How are they?"

The woman smiled and said "Anxious for you to get out of here."

She nodded and said "I am too."

Calli walked over to the door and looked back at her. Joe's gaze seemed geniune but she had doubts the woman's faith was there. Smiling back at the brunette, Calli slid from the room and she let out a sigh. Alone in the dark room, she leaned her head back and closed her eyes. She listened to her system, trying to register any differences from her earlier condition.

Nothing seemed different and she looked at the closed window. Throwing the bedding off, she swung her legs out of bed and pulled the IV from her hand. Fixing the bed, she walked over to the table and found the bag containing clean clothes. She lost the hospital gown and quickly dressed in a pair of faded jeans and a white t-shirt. Finding her boots, she slid into them and laced them up.

Standing up straight, she looked around the room and took a deep breath. There was no way she was getting outside that door but she couldn't stay in this room another minute. Moving to the window, she carefully revealed the outdoors, checking for signs of any spies. Feeling the cool sun on her face, she closed her eyes for a moment and pushed the window open. Checking the sidewalks, she climbed out of the window and landed silently on the grass outside.

Keeping behind shrubs, she studied the road and walked into the stable. The scent freed her from the building tension in her shoulders and she walked down the aisle. Daemon met her at the door and she ran her hand along his face. He nudged her cool hand and she smirked.

"What are you doing in here?"

She looked over her shoulder and found the keeper watching her. He didn't seem too surprised to see her but she knew he was going to try and send her back.

"I needed a breather."

"It's good to see you up and about but you can't be in here. Reese'll kill me if he finds you missing."

She looked back at Daemon and smirked. That wasn't news to her. He had been keeping a close eye on her for her sake and his.

"I can't let you take that horse out of his stall."

She turned her brown eyes back on the man and asked "How bad do you want it to hurt?"

The man chuckled and said "Just bad enough to knock me of my senses."

Her fist struck home to his jaw and he crumbled onto the floor. Taking a deep breath, she grabbed the tack off the stall wall and quickly saddled Daemon. The stallion's tail twitched as she slid the bridle in place and guided him out of the stall. She swung up into the saddle when she knew she was still free and they trotted down the street. They were close to the outskirts of the town when she spotted two marshalls riding in.

Mike pulled his mount to a stop in front of her and said "Just the person I was coming to talk to."

She pushed Daemon past him and they took off out of town. The man turned around and pursued her. She let Daemon choose his pace and they flew through the countryside. The clouds above began rumbling and she looked over her shoulder. Mike was a few lengths back and she urged Daemon faster. Rain drops fell as the town grew smaller from them and a lightning bolt struck.

Glancing up ahead, she spotted the old tucked away cave in the cliffside and checked over her shoulder. She couldn't see the man and slowed Daemon. He stopped and she slid from the saddle. Walking him into the cave, she shoved the soaked hair from her face and ran her hand along his neck. Daemon shook the water from his mane and let out a soft call.


Checking the saddle bags, she found the gun dry and loaded. Sliding it into her waistline, she walked Daemon further into the cave until they reached the ledge to the lower cavern. She stroked Daemon's neck to keep him quiet and heard the sound of hooves entering the cave. She slid into the shadows and watched Mike dismount. He drew his gun and began looking around.

"Come out Andrew. Your little secrets are blown."

She watched him come closer and heard "I know the brat in the hospital, Will, is your son. I also know who his father is. I got to say I was surprised when I found out it was Reese."

Slowly he came to a stop and said "Just show yourself, Joe. This is getting dull."

Her eyes narrowed and she carefully exposed herself. He smirked and checked for any signs of a weapon.

"What do you want?"

"I want to settle that little score."

"Not going to waste my time with you."

He shrugged and said "Guess you don't care that I can have your son taken from you and his father."

"Leave Will alone."

"Grace is also up for grabs."

"Come close to them, and I'll kill you."

Mike chuckled and said "There's so much I can book you for and have Reese's reputation destroyed, along with his career."

Her fist curled at her side and he brought his gun up.

"What are you doing?"

"I want to repay you for the blow you gave me."

"A bullet is not a fist."

He smirked and said "It is when I'm a marshall."


The man looked over his shoulder and found his two partners. Adam had his own gun pulled out and Greg dismounted.

"What the hell are you doing?"

The man turned his gaze back to Joe and said "Mind your business boys. This is personal."

"Mike, drop the gun."

He adjusted his arm and she wrapped her hand around the butt of her gun. The trigger was set and she pulled her gun free.

"Would you look at that. I was hoping to see that gun."

Joe kept it at her side and said "Put yours away. This is stupid."

He shook his head and said "Sorry Joe. Not happening since you threatened me."

Her eyes narrowed and he pulled the trigger. Her bullet shot the gun from his hand as his landed in her shoulder.


She stumbled back and her boot slid off the edge. Hitting her head as she tumbled down the rock wall, she stopped at the bottom and came to a stop. Her vision was dimming and she tried to move but nothing responded. Hearing the voices up above and the faint sound of a fight, her eyes fell closed and she fell into the darkness.


Adam turned around and slugged Mike in the face. The man fell backwards and looked up at him.

"You're out of line, Marshall."

"You just shot her. She's innocent."

Mike sat up and whiped the blood from his lip.

"She threatened me."

"You just wanted to fix your reputation."

Adam looked back over the edge and said "She isn't moving. Greg, go get Reese."

The man nodded and ran back to his horse. He tossed Adam some thick rope and slid up into the saddle. Daemon broke into view as he left the cave and he barely caught hold of the stallion's reins. He let the crazed animal lead his mount back to town and through the growing storm. He made out the town's lights slowly and they quickened their flight.

They reached the town and flew down the street. He saw a local officer helping the stable keeper out and he pulled his mount and Daemon to a stop. The keeper left the officer and took Daemon's reins.

"Where's Joe?"

Greg ignored the man and ran across the street to the hospital.

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