Unaffected-Chapter 5

Listening to: Unaffected-Hoobastank
Feeling: blonde

The door opened and her eyes watched the man walk up to the counter. She saw the cold shadows etched behind his eyes and she knew. He looked at the lady waiting on him and she smirked a flirtatious smile at him. He looked past her coldy and placed his order. Then he walked over to his seat and slid off his jacket.

He laid it on the seat next to him and watched people walk by. His eyes studied all the faces and then the waitress handed him his mug of coffee. He took it without a glance at her and took a drink from it. Then he placed it on the table and returned to studying the pedestrians. He felt eyes on him and he looked to the kitchen door.

He saw the woman watching him and their eyes met. She sent a vibe of familiarity to him, but he shook it off as he memorized her features. Short brown hair and had a light brown tone. Her hazel eyes were the same as his, shadowed. He noticed the black blouse she wore and her snug blue jeans.

Then his eyes met hers again and she walked around the counter. She placed his food in front of him and looked directly at him. Then she stepped back and disappeared into the kitchen. He looked at the food and found a small piece of paper under the platter. He pulled it off and opened it to read the note.

Long time, no see

His eyes narrowed at the words and he looked back at the door to the kitchen. Then he shook the vibe off and started to eat his meal. When he finished it, he laid his money and bill in the middle of the table and left. He slipped his jacket on as he stepped outside and started walking down the sidewalk. His eyes studied the scenery and then he found a sign pointing to the boardwalk.

He looked around and slowly made his way to the boardwalk. When he stepped to a railing along the edge, he studied the Midway that was still closed until nightfall. Then he heard the normal music and looked down at the beach. People were lost in the sun's rays and he looked out onto the water. Everything remained perfectly detailed in his mind and he pulled out his pocket camera.

After he took some pictures, he looked around and made his way to the hotel. When he mounted the stairs, he walked to his suite. The minute he was safe inside it, he walked onto the balcony. His head was pounding from the stress levels over the area and he thought of a way to relieve the pain. When he remembered the weight room, he quickly left his suite and went to work off the stress.


Read 1 comments
i like the intro to ur site!
it is very good

sorry that i didn't read ur actuail entry...to long!

