Ωκεανό Tale Chapter 24

Feeling: inpain
The thunderstorm peaked in the middle of the night and spooked Tanner awake. He looked up at the woman curled up in the middle of the bed and let out a yawn. He nudged one of her hands and hopped off the bed. Stretching his small legs, he walked over to the bedroom door and found it cracked. His midnight wakings had led to the door being left cracked so she could get some sleep without him disturbing her. He slid out of the bedroom and made his way down the hall. Pausing by the central stairwell, he saw light coming from the parlor and listened. Music floated up the stairs and some smoke followed. Snorting, he shook his head and trotted to the East Wing. He found each door shut except for the master bedroom. His tail began wagging and he ran into the dark room. Spotting the large bed, he gave a running lead and jumped up onto the mattress. Almost slipping off, he dug his paws into the bedding and pulled himself up. Shaking his coat, he looked at the empty bed and glanced over at the window. He found the man staring outside at the storm and curled up in the middle of the bed. Johnathan looked down at him and sighed. The pup was becoming a nightly visitor against his own wishes. Shaking his head, he walked over to the bed and scratched the golden head. Tanner yawned into his hand and lowered his head onto the bed. He watched the animal drift to sleep and walked to his door. Silently he left the pup sleeping and walked down the hall. Spotting the light downstairs, he passed the stairwell and headed for the West Wing. The place seemed abandoned in the hall but he could feel the three inhabitants. He stopped outside the open room and looked inside. Now he knew why the pup had come to him this time. He walked into the room and approached the bed. Finding the woman curled up on her side, he brushed her hair from her face and let the softness play against his skin. She was so exhausted it didn't stir her. Glancing out her window, he took a deep breath and pulled the bedding down from the propped pillows. When he grabbed the woman to lift her, he saw the movement and blocked the incoming strike. He held her hand inches from his jaw and looked down at her. Ocean blue eyes looked up at him and she sat up. "What are you doing in here?" He stepped back and said "I was sent." She looked around the room and sighed "What did he do this time?" "He wanted you to move over apparently." Closing her eyes, she slid her hands through her hair and took a deep breath. Waking from the dream was fine by her. She was having another nightmare from her childhood and it always left her weary in the morning. "I'll go get him." "He's sound asleep." She looked up at the man and said "I'm sorry. Leaving the door open is the only way I can get any sleep with him these days." He walked over to her window and watched the storm begin to subside. The lightning disappeared from the night sky and the rain softened to a simple night shower. The ocean waves settled down and the hazardous weather disappeared. "Even if you tried keeping him in here it won't work." Eve drew her knees up to her chest and wrapped her arms around them. Her strength was still recovering and left her still bone weary. She rested her chin on her knees and said "He needs to learn or else he'll be put back outside." Brown eyes slowly looked back at her and he almost smirked. The woman looked so tired but she was still worried about annoying him with Tanner. The pup had already proven he wasn't going to be detoured from joining him at night. "He knows he can stay in my room as long as he doesn't disturb me." She looked up at him and asked "Why?" "After waking enough mornings with weight against your stomach you get used to it." Smirking, she took a deep breath and asked "What about the children?" He studied the weary light in her eyes and knew she must be running out of fuel. Never had he seen her this tired after sleeping for a few hours. The events yesterday really took a toll on her. "They'll stay until I find someplace for them." She uncurled her legs and rose to her feet. He watched her walk to her dresser and grab a hair tie. She walked to the door and pulled her hair out of her face. Silently she stepped into the hall and walked into Trevor's room. He lingered outside the boy's room and watched her check on the patient. She checked his temperature and found him still with no fever. Relieved, she ran her fingers through his hair and saw the beginning signs of her aid in the dark locks. His breathing was slow and smooth. Leaving the room, she slid past him and checked on Kara. The girl was curled up in the large bed and had her hair falling in her face. Tucking her hair out of her face, Eve fixed the bedding around her and rested her hand on the child's brow. She let the old chant slip through her and wrap around Kara's sleeping form. For the rest of the night the child would sleep peacefully and be well rested. The shift of power left her almost too weak to stand but she ignored it. She stepped back into the hall and pulled the door shut. Finding the man still watching her, she walked down the hall and descended the steps into the hall. The parlor was still reeking of smoke and she heard the old music. Smirking tiredly, she wandered through the castle to the kitchen and pushed the door open. The room was dark except for the evening star light and she walked over to a cabinet. The door opened as she poured herself a glass of water and she looked back at the dark brown eyes. The man leaned against the counter near her and she finished her drink. "Habit of yours?" She glanced at the kitchen door and put her glass on the counter top. Pulling herself up on top, she finished her drink and saw one brow go up. "What's he going to do? Fire me?" A low chuckle caught her ear and she looked back at the man. He seemed almost surprised as her and she could fight off the laughter. "It seems there is something left inside that cold armor." His eyes flashed and she shrugged. He poured himself a glass of whine and looked back at her. "How often are you down here?" She drew her knees up to her chest and shrugged again. Honestly she couldn't remember when this started. She just knew that she had slowly began coming down here in the middle of the night and enjoying the silence. This room had the best range of music for the ocean outdoors and she'd spend hours just sitting in here listening. "Just hope Oric doesn't catch you." "I'm not scared of him." He shook his head and said "You'd be surprised how old fashion the man can be." "Pushed him a little too much when you were younger?" He finished his whine and washed the glass out. Leaving it in the strainer to dry, he glanced at her and headed to the door. "Johnathan?" Hearing her use his name stopped his retreat and he looked back at her. She was looking out the kitchen window and seemed to be thinking her words over. Slowly she looked back at him and said "Thank you." He saw the dim light in her blue eyes and watched them slowly turn away. The moonlight slid into the room and rested on her hidden face. He took a deep breath and pushed the door open behind him. If he didn't escape now that woman was going to keep him prisoner willingly and that was something he wasn't ready for.
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