Twisted Chapter 2

Feeling: tired

The moist dirt shifted under her paw and she looked back at her mother. She was hiding in the edge of the forest while her mother and Leon stood in the open. They were talking to someone in hushed tones and she focused on their moving mouths.

"It's too risky, Emily."

"We don't have a choice."

A man with brown hair shook his head and said "I don't know if anyone has been there in ages."

His eyes narrowed in on the forest edge and she felt the cold slip through her. His eyes turned black and she recognized the man's face.


"She's hiding in the trees."

Emily stepped into his path of sight and growled "Keep your eyes off her and do not touch her."

Her last words came out with a bite and the man chuckled. He looked up at Leon and the man nodded. Joseph sighed and pulled out a piece of paper.

"The last resident on site left this, over twenty years ago."

Emily took the paper from him and said "I hope you remember how to get in."

He shot Leon one more look and the man held his gaze.

"You want to risk everything just for one pup?"

His throat was caught by the strong hand and the man growled "That pup is my granddaughter."

Leon tossed Joseph away and turned to his daughter. She took a deep breath and glanced back at the forest. Kara caught her look and shifted before stepping into the open. She caught the swift gaze of black eyes on her and tightened her jaw as she joined them.

"We need to get moving."

She remained quiet and followed the three into the empty city. As they walked down the main street, she saw the shadows moving in the covered windows and glanced up at her mother. The woman was keeping a watch on everything as they moved further throuth the city. The sun was setting when they left the large city and moved out into another forest. Kara studied the plants as they walked deeper and watched the three adults shift.

Her eyes fixed on the large black wolf Joseph bore and she felt those black eyes peering through her. Emily let out a low growl and he looked away from Kara as she shifted. They used the setting sun as their guide and came to a stop where she heard running water. The sound was foreign to her and she peered around her mother to see a large waterfall towering over her.


Emily looked down at her as she drew closer and said "This isn't the whole thing."

Kara looked up at her and Leon said "Follow us."

She watched her grandfather run along the water edge and slip behind the waterfall. Joseph followed with a fluidness she hadn't seen before and he disappeared behind the raging water. She looked up at her mother and followed her closer.

"Try not to get soaked."


Emily chuckled and said "Think of something."

Kara watched her mother disappear quickly through the water and she took a deep breath. Her eyes studied the water cascading down and she glanced down at the pooling water. It was crystal clear and she saw the fish swimming along with frogs. Animals that were supposed to have disappeared over a century ago according to her father but here they were. Clearing her thoughts, she focused on the water and ran straight through.

Feeling a little wet, she shook her head and stopped walking. Her eyes slid over the moss and vine covered ruins built into the cave wall and she spotted the sunlight coming in from a small opening in the center of the cave.


She spotted her mother waiting for her by the foot of the steps that move up into the ruins and she trotted up to her. Emily stood waiting as her daughter returned to her human form and wrapped her arm around her.

"What do you think?"

Kara looked up at her with her hazel eyes and said "It's amazing. Where are we?"

Emily walked her up the steps and said "Home."

She led the child into the ruins and Kara found long stone halls leading several directions.


"Your grandfather found this place. It's home to all of us."

Kara walked with her down one hall and into a large room that appeared to be a chamber. Her grandfather sat on a set of steps leading somewhere and Joseph leaning against a wall beneath a circular opening.

"All of our line has a birthright to be here."

"But why am I?"

Leon stood up slowly and Emily knelt in front of her. She caught her daughter's shoulder and smirked.

"This is where you are going to develop your skills."

Kara saw the hesitation she was holding back and asked "Are you staying?"

"I cannot."

Her words stopped and she stared back at her mother. She hadn't allowed herself to grieve her father's death and now she was losing her mother.

"Kara, your grandfather will be here with you until I get back."

"How long will you be gone?"

Emily took a deep breath and said "I do not know but I want you to promise me to stay strong."

She nodded slowly and asked "And what about Joseph?"

The man settled his eyes on her and Leon said "He is one of the most trustworthy of our species and your protector."

Kara looked back at the black eyes and turned her gaze to her mother. Emily hugged her and looked at her father.

"Dad, I think we need a moment."

Leon nodded and slipped out of the room. Emily looked at Joseph and found him unmoving. He wasn't watching them but was declaring his position. She took a deep breath and looked down at her daughter.

"I'm staying until tomorrow night. I want to take you hunting before I leave."

Kara nodded and asked "Where do we stay?"

She smirked and said "In any room you want. They are all furnished."

Her hazel eyes looked at her with disbelief and she laughed. Emily stood up and led her from the room. They walked down the hall until they entered a separate area of the ruins. She was shown into a large circular room with a large bed and she looked up at her mother.

"Do you have to go?"

Emily walked her over to the bed and had her sit down. The woman left her to go through all the corners and openings in the room and Kara drew her knees up to her. Emily returned with a smirk on her face and waved her over. Uncurling her legs, she walked over to her mother and Emily led her through an alcove into an adjacent chamber. A large body of water welcomed her in the room and she saw another ceiling opening that showed the stars in the dark sky above.

"What is this?"

Emily smiled and said "Your bath."

Kara looked up at her and asked "Are you crazy? That water has to be cold."

Her mother laughed and said "Just try it. Your muscles will welcome it."

Holding her thoughts to herself, she slid out of her clothing and shoes and walked over to the edge of the water. The water brushed against her skin and she stepped into it. Warm water surrounded her ankle and waded further out. Dipping below the surface, she swam a little further and surfaced.

"How does it feel?"

Kara looked back at her mother and said "Great."

Emily smiled and sat at the edge of the water. She rolled her pant legs up and allowed the water to rest along her calves as she watched her daughter enjoy herself for the first time in ages. Kara swam back slowly and looked around the room.

"How is the water heated?"

"Your grandfather made sure to select a place where hot springs were accessible and your blood."

"My blood?"

"You are your father's daughter."

Kara climbed out and dressed without a word. She felt her skin dry quickly and slowly looked up at Emily. The woman ran her hand through the wet braid and they returned to the bedroom.

"You have the abilities your father possessed as well as our bloodline."

She sat down on her bed and allowed her mother to run her fingers through her wet hair. Emily freed the locks from the braid and worked all the curls loose. Her daughter's hair rested at her waist and she settled Kara under the soft bedding. Emily rested beside her and ran her hand through the soft wet hair.



Kara looked at her and asked "Is Dad really gone?"

Emily wrapped her in her arms and kissed the small brow. She didn't have to say it but she knew the child was accepting the loss. Closing her eyes, she took a deep breath and allowed the silence to pull them into a resting sleep.

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