Where The Wind Blows Chapter 29

Feeling: tired

aughter filled the room and Reese looked up at Will. The boy was looking through some stuff his sister had given him.

"What's so funny?"

He smirked and handed him a newspaper. The paper had clippings of a young version of Reese and Joe running from the town officer after pulling a prank. He checked the date and smirked. That was the last prank they ever pulled on anyone, the day before everything fell apart. He handed the paper back and found Will flipping through photos now.

"These you might like too."

Will handed him the photos and he found them a collection of him and Joe again. Pictures from their early childhood to the most recent times. He found the most recent one a shot of them talking after he had dropped Will off. A smirk was on her face and they were sitting on the back porch steps.

"Who's been taking these?"

"I have."

Reese looked up at him and found the boy with a smug look on his face. He could imagine just what Joe would say when she found out.

"Your mom okay with this?"

He shook his head and said "She doesn't know. I wanted photos of you two together so I could remember what it could've been like."

"Don't talk like that."

Will looked down at his hands and said "It's going to happen. I see it every time she comes in here. The shaking is the last stage."


He looked up and met the hard stare. How the man didn't know he didn't get but he hoped just maybe Reese had a cure for her too.

Nodding, he said "When she doesn't have anything in her hands they shake. The doctors told us when that stage comes we can't stop the end. It's when the body gives out."

Reese heard the catch in the boy's voice and stood up. He handed the photos back to him and ruffled his hair.

"I promised your mother I'd take care of you and that means keeping her around just to pester you."

Will smirked and asked "Can you really save her?"

He walked to the window and said "I need to have the doctor run a few tests and then I will know for sure."

"There's a cure?"

Glancing back at Will, he nodded once and left the room. He found Grace waiting by the door and she slipped inside. The door shut behind him and he walked down the hall. He found the doctor at the receptionist desk and caught the man's attention.

"How's our patient?"

"He's fine."

The man smiled and said "I'm glad to hear that."

"We need to talk."

The receptionist looked up at the tone of his voice and the doctor led him into an empty room. He shut the door and looked back at the marshall. The man was looking out the window and had his stern, hard pose in place.

"What is it?"

"I need to know for certain if Joe is going to die."

The doctor sighed and said "I believe it's only a matter of days. Nothing is improving despite the turnaround for Will."

"Run some tests before you confirm it."

"On what? Your blood mixing with hers? I did that and nothing happened."

He shook his head and said "Try my sister's."

The doctor looked a little taken back and asked "Your sister?"

"Calli's blood is what cured me when I had the disease."

"If it cured you, why not your mother and twin?"

Resse looked straight at him and said "It was too late. The disease had destroyed everything."

The man raked a hand through his hair and said "I'll need to have her here."

He nodded and said "I can get Jeff to go get her."

"Why would he do that for you? I may just be a doctor but anyone can see the tension you have going on with Joe's brothers."

"My nephew is his kid."

The doctor opened his mouth but Reese left the room. He walked down the hall to the exit and stepped outside. The air was cooler than the past week, signalling the fall was almost over and winter would be returning soon. He took a deep breath and crossed the street to the hotel. Climbing the stairs to the second floor, he made his way to the family's rooms and opened the first door.

Jeff was packing his bag for the trip to see Mack and looked up when he entered. Billy dropped his boots from the table to the floor and sat up straight in his chair.

"Need something?"

"Bring Calli back with you."

Jeff shot him an annoyed look and said "Your sister doesn't need to be here."

His amber eyes narrowed and he said "Don't make me repeat myself. Bring her with you."

Billy cleared his throat to cut the tension in the room and asked "What about Teddy?"

"Will would appreciate his company."

He glanced at the joint door and heard "Joe's not in there. Cliff and her went for a ride. She needed the break."

Looking over at the eldest brother, he held the man's look of disdain and matched him with one of his own. Billy rolled his eyes and shook his head. The war between the two older brothers was going to be the end of all of them if they didn't call a truce soon. He was ready to intervene when Reese turned around and left the room. Silently he walked down the hall and descended the steps to the lobby.

He stepped outside the hotel in time to see the twins dismounting at the stable. Cliff took the two stallions in for the night and he watched her cross the street for the hospital. Her hands were flexing as she entered the hospital and he quietly followed. She made her way down to Will's room and opened the door. It was left open as she entered and he heard the laughing inside.

He stopped just outside the door and listened. Will was denying something while Grace was trying to distract Joe but she was failing.

"Let me see."

Will gave a sigh and slowly exposed the photos. She looked through them and slowly gave them back to him.

"Your doing?"

He slowly nodded and heard "Just don't lose them. You won't be getting copies or similiar ones."

He let a smirk cross his face and Grace asked "How was the ride?"


She crossed the room to the table as Reese came to the door and grabbed the water pitcher. He watched her pour a glass and set the pitcher down. Will briefly glanced at him and then back at Joe. Her free hand was shaking slightly but he kept quiet.

"Who's going home?"

Joe looked out the window and said "Jeff."

"Will he bring us an update on Bear?"

She smirked and said "I imagine so. He wouldn't be able to show his face otherwise to you."

She put the glass down and turned to face the two siblings. Feeling the electric shock slip through her head, she stopped and took a deep breath.


She tried to tell them she was okay but her stomach clenched and she felt heat spreading through every inch of her. Reese stepped into the room and approached her as she closed her eyes. Grace caught Will's arm to keep him still and then Joe dropped to her knees. The coughing ripped her throat raw and her empty stomach threatened to empty itself of acid.

"Get the doctor in here."

She heard his voice but couldn't get her body to respond except to itself. The only thing she was able to do was keep from spitting the blood out. Reese caught her shoulders and she heard more people enter the room as the coughing slowly settled. The heat dissipated and her stomach released the knot inside. She could feel the sweat slipping down her neck and let the man help her to her feet.

The doctor said something but she could understand it. Grace brought her a glass of water and she drank it as her system spun.

"We need to get her to bed. She needs some liquids."

"She needs a treatment."

"There isn't anything we can do besides making her rest."

She finished the water and caught the look on Will's face. He was terrified but hiding it for Grace's sake. She wanted to sit down between them and ensure them she was fine but all she could feel were the arms holding her up. The warm seeping from his body into hers spread through like fire and she felt every inch of her relax. The cup fell on the floor and he caught her as she went down.


The doctor knelt on the other side of her and checked her pulse. It was weak and her skin had grown cooler.

"Get a bed ready with blankets and a line for fluids."

The nurse left the room and he turned back to Reese.

"We can't keep her in here. It's not safe for Will."

"Leave her in here!"

They looked back at him and he jumped out of bed, ripping the IV from his hand. He ran over to them and knocked the doctor out of the way.

"Mom, get up. Get up!"

Will looked up at him and said "You promised to help her."

"I am."

"Then why won't she wake up?"

Reese took a deep breath and glanced over at Grace. The girl was sitting frightened on the bed and he turned back to the boy.

"Go to your sister. I'll take care of Joe."

The quiet command broke through the chaotic mind and Will slowly stood up. He walked back to the bed as Reese lifted Joe off the floor and watched him climb back under the covers. The boy took his sister in his arms and Reese carried their mother out of the room. The doctor quickly led them down the hall to another room and he carried her over to the bed. The nurse had the bed ready and as he lowered her, the woman prepped the IV line.

He stepped back as Joe was hooked up to the machine and the doctor recorded her vitals. He looked up at him and sighed.

"Unless a miracle occurs, your sister isn't going to be able to reverse it now."

The nurse turned to him and said "She needs to be monitored at all times."

He watched her leave the room and he took the seat next to the bed. The doctor laid the clipboard down and approached the other side of the bed.

"We should keep her sedated. If she doesn't die from her body shutting down, it will be from the pain that comes prior."


"Reese, it's only fair to her."

He turned his amber eyes on the doctor and said "I gave her my word that wouldn't happen."

The man sighed and slowly left the room. Letting out a deep breath, he took her hand and felt her cold skin chilling his warm body. He ran his other hand through her hair and kissed her brow.

"You have to keep fighting. Will and Grace need you. Don't let this beat you, Joe. You're stronger than it."

He kept his gaze on her face and pulled the blanket futher up over her. Closing his eyes, he took a deep breath and leaned his head on their joined hands. The door flew open and he slowly looked up. Cliff and Billy were frozen in the doorway and the anguish on their faces just made the situation worse.

"Did Jeff leave?"

His calm tone drew them out of their daze and Billy said "Yes, but I should go catch him."

"No. He needs to get Calli."

"He needs to be here with us."

He shot them both a look and said "Calli is the only hope you have of Joe making a recovery now."

"Your sister isn't going to save her. I don't know what you think you're doing, but this is it. Joe is dying and right now our family needs to be here."

His quick jump to his feet and speed across the room startled them both as he held Billy by the throat against the wall. The man was slightly pale and the grip on his throat felt like pure iron. He looked into Reese's eyes and found burning desperation and strength.

"Let him go."

"She isn't going to die. There's still time."

"Reese, you have to let him go. You're suffocating him."

He shoved Billy into the wall again as he released him and said "I won't lose her again."

The two watched him leave the room and Cliff helped his brother to his feet. He hadn't seen Billy shaken up by anyone before but then he didn't recognize the man that just left this room either.

"Do you think it's possible? Could he be right?"

Cliff shook his head and said "I don't know."

He walked over to the fallen chair and sat it up straight. He sat down and Billy left the room. Rubbing his throat, he walked down the hall to Will's room and found the door open. Grace and Will were sitting on the bed and he found Reese sitting in the chair across from them.

"You promise?"

He nodded and said "I won't let your mother die. I'm going to need you to be strong for the both of you."

Will nodded and Reese stood up. The man came to the door and stepped out into the hall. Billy backed out of his way and the man turned his amber gaze on him.

"How is Calli going to get here in time?"

"Bear will know."

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