Ωκεανό Tale Chapter 48

Feeling: tired
The ocean cried as she fell deeper into its hold and her eyes drifted closed. She heard the heart beat from the pier and felt a tear slip down her cheek. Cries echoed around her and she felt something catch her. Lacking the energy to open her eyes, she felt herself being lifted into two arms and felt something warm surrounding her. "Can you save her?" "Yes." "She looks bad, Father." "Liam, be ready to get her back to the surface." The man looked back at his father and said "She's done." Felic shook his head and said "She is the only one that can stop that witch." He let out a sigh and watched his father cover his sister in a warm light. It lit the entire area and faded away. He watched his father focus on her and she slowly opened her eyes. She looked at her family surrounding her and Liam took her in his arms. Quickly she was pulled back to the surface and took a deep breath into her empty lungs. "Don't go." She looked back at her brother and said "I have to finish this." He closed his eyes and she said "Take care of Father for me." Liam nodded and she swam to the pier. She could hear the shouting from above and pulled herself up along an old fishing net. Grabbing the rail, she pulled herself over onto the pier and dropped onto her knees. Her lungs still burned and she took a second to catch her breath. A few people saw her and ran over to her. "You're alive? How?" She looked up at the faces of the people and forced herself to her knees. They helped her through the crowd and she heard the fighting. Úna laughed and she continued walking. "They won't let you." The witch laughed and asked "Who would stop me?" "Me." Her voice sounded foreign in her ears but then everyone looked at her. The crowd subsided as she drew into the center and met the witch's gaze. "Daddy brought you back huh?" Her eyes narrowed and she looked over at Johnathan. He kept his shock hidden but she could feel it. She turned to the people holding him and they released the man. Quietly she looked back at Úna and the witch lifted the weapon into view. "I killed you once, I'll do it again." She smirked and said "Only if you can catch me." Úna opened her mouth but she moved. The crowd disappeared as she slid behind the witch and snatched the weapon from her. Úna spun around and found her holding the weapon by her side. "I see Felic gave you his strength." "It's over, Úna" The witch laughed and said "Yes it is." She watched the woman disappear into the crowd and a curse slid from her mouth. Racing after the woman, she saw her stop at the railing and look back at her. "I'll tell your daddy you tried." Her eyes narrowed and she reached the pier as the woman disappeared into the ocean. Grabbing the rail, she watched the woman disappear deep into the ocean and pulled herself up. "Eve!" She stopped and looked over her shoulder. She watched the man step out of the crowd and he came up to her. "How?" "I wish I had time to explain." He caught her shoulders and said "Don't even think about going after her again." She turned her blue eyes up on him and said "I have to. She'll kill my father." His brown eyes stared down at her and she pulled his mouth down to her. The power fueled her and she pulled back. His brown eyes followed her as she climbed the railing and dropped into the ocean. She closed her eyes and let the weapon pull her. They flew through the water and she could feel the witch just up ahead. Úna had her father separated from her brothers and was starting to chant. She closed her ears to the sound and saw the light form in the witch's palms. Pushing herself fast, she reached them just as power was thrown at the king. Everything went dark as cries echoed in her ears and she fell into her father's outstretched arms. He brought the weapon around and Úna's cry never left her lips. The witch disappeared and he swam for the surface. Breaking the surface, he looked at the pier and found everyone watching. He found the man at the pier and saw the drain on him. The connection had thrown a blow at him the moment his daughter had been struck. Felic swam up to the pier and he watched the man jump down into the water. He swam up to them and looked at the blonde woman in the king's arms. She was bleeding terribly and turning pale fast. "Can't you help her?" Felic shook his head and said "It is up to your people." Johnathan fixed him with a cold look and looked up at the pier. Grace pushed her way into view and he met her gaze. "Get the doctor!" She nodded and disappeared. Taking Eve into his arms, he watched the man back away. "Wait." The man looked back at him and he said "Thank you." Felic nodded and said "Save her." "Will she be returning to you?" The man sighed and said "That is her decision." Johnathan watched the man disappear into the water and swam to the extended rope. He grabbed hold and secured the woman in his other arm. The people pulled them out of the water and he rolled onto the pier with her protected against his chest. Blood ran down his hand and he lifted her into his arms. Pushing his way through the hushed crowd, he found the doctor quickly approaching. "We need to get her somewhere dry." He watched the man turn and dropped to his knees. His vision started to grow blurry as arms helped him up and he felt someone trying to remove her. His hold tightened on her and he was guided along. Everything was hazy until they stopped outside the gate and Solomon looked down at him. He pulled himself up into the saddle and held the woman on his lap. The doctor climbed up behind him and they took off for the castle. The ride was fast through the hillside and they raced into the stable minutes later. William held the stallion as he swung to the ground and carried the woman out of the stable. The doctor raced after him and they moved into the castle. Leon helped him inside and they climbed the stairs in silence. The doctor stopped at the top and asked "Her room?" He shook his head and led the man back to the master bedroom. The doctor pushed the doors open for him and he carried the woman over to the bed. Gently he lowered her onto the bed and found her extremely pale. The doctor came up next to him and took her pulse. "It's barely there." "Save her." The man looked at him and said "I'll do my best. You need to go catch your breath." He watched the man lower his bag of tools onto the bed and stepped back. Retreating into the bathroom, he left the door barely cracked and slid his boots off. Stripping out of his clothes, he lowered himself into the warm water and tried washing the blood off. It glistened on his skin and he eventually gave up. Climbing out of the tub, he dried himself off and dressed in a pair of spare clothes resting on a stool across the room.
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