Random Survey

Listening to: Biggie-2Pac
Feeling: bored
And then somedays, you just need to reveal unimportant and inapproriate informatin to the masses
If you could be called by any name in the world, what would it be?:Alex
Have you been in love?:Yes
How did you know?:I just did
What was the best part?:Sleeping in his arms
Who are the people in your life that you wouldn't be ok without?:My friends and dad
Do you know when you wake up if a day will be good or bad?:No
Are you an optimist?:Rarely
What's the ultimate point to life: to be happy or to help others?:To help others
Can you do both?:No
Do you believe there is a God/gods?:Yes
Who is he/she?:A he
Do you dream in color?:I don't dream
Do you have a theme song?:I don't know
Do you want to get married?:Yes
If you could live anywhere, where would you live?:Ireland
When you're falling asleep at night, what do you think of?:How I'm not going to get any rest
Why do you suppose that is?:Because I sleep too hard
Is your life missing anyone?:Yes
If you could change one thing about your past, what would it be?:Letting myself get played
If you wrote an anonymous letter to your first love, what would it say?:Why did you do it?
Are you happy where you are?:Yes
Are we all essentially alone or is there hope for us?:There is hope
How much does religion factor into your life?:The basics
What is your favorite work of "Literature?":Gone with the Wind
What is your favorite book?:Dark Legend
If you had to pick a favorite song, what would it be?:Forever Walking Alone
Why is your life the way it is?:I only focus on making others happy
If you could start over again, would you?:Yes
Sometimes, people come into our lives to distract us. Do you have one?:No
Has anyone ever saved your life?:No
Who do you think of most often?:My baby girl
Do you wish you could change that?:No
Do you think you are in love now?:I know I'm not
How old are you?:18
How old do you feel?:45
Do believe in reincarnation?:No
Who were you in a past life?:No one worth anything
What religion do you want to know more about?:Jewish
Can you chose who you love?:No
If you know you're falling for someone that is wrong for you, can you stop?:No
Do you speak any laguages other than English?:A little spanish and greek
Are we all in this together? Or is it one man for himself?:Every man for himself
Nature or Nurture?:Nature
What's your view on evolution?:It happens, no point in fighting it
Would you marry outside your race?:It just depends on the person
Outside your religion?:No
What is the most important thing in your life?:Keeping peace in my family
What makes you cry?:Knowing that I'm alone by choice
How do pick up the peice after your heart breaks?:I just try to move on
Isn't it funny that love is so ubiqutous? I mean, anyone can fall in love.:Yes
Why do we spend so much time thinking about love?:No one wants to alone for eternity
Is Love really all you need?:Yes
Who makes your world go round?:My baby girl
Is there someone you wish you could just hold...forever?:No
Why do you love or perhaps like the one that you do?:She is my world
Do you get that jumpy feeling when you make eye contact?:No
Do you blush?:No
Do you have hope for this relationship?:No
Why?:She is a dog
Is it all going to be okay one day? Or is it all ready ok?:Yes
In the end, is the love you make equal to the love you take?:No
What makes you attracted to someone?:Their inner soul
Does humor and intelligence hold more appeal than looks?:They're equal
What percetage of "bad" are you? Like 25%, 40%, 90%?:25
Do you believe in hell?:Yes
Do you believe in anything?:Yes
What's it all about?:Hell is where I'm destined to go
Is this getting existenial?:No
Did I spell that wrong?:I don't know
Tell me anything that you want to::You must have been bored when you made this
Do we all feel out of place sometimes?:Yes
Do you have a place that makes you feel at home?:Yes
What's the best feeling in the world?:Being protected
Thank you! Say anything in this last space::Boiler Up!
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You've been totally Bzoink*d
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random-- hey hows it going kid?