Weathered Chapter 11.

Feeling: famished

(A/N): seven years later...

The road was empty and rain made the tires' friction demolish to minimal safety. The wipers flipped back and forth in quick tempo in effort to keep the windshield clear enough to see to drive. Soft music echoed out of the speakers and the beat was drummed out on the steering wheel. When the song ended a hand pressed the cd button next to the volume button. Then the hand cranked the volume and the window next to the driver went down.

Brown eyes looked down the road and the song changed on the radio. Then a red light appeared up ahead and the car began to slow down. When it stood still he took a deep breath. His eyes moved to the sidewalks and studied the people going up and down the street. Couples walked embraced with one another and he turned his attention back to the stoplight in front of him.

'Just a few more minutes till I get there.'

When the light became green the car moved down the road. The city limits were straight ahead and he turned onto a small dirt road on the right. Fields surrounded the road on both sides and he kept his eyes alert for deer. Then he pulled onto a gravel lane. It took a few minutes and he reached the ranch house.

He parked his car in the garage on the far end of the ranch house and got out. He listened to the cooling engine and walked outside. The wind whipped down the front of his jacket and covered his chest. His muscles shivered at the cool touch and he entered his home. A golden ran up to him and he knelt to scratch her ear.

She licked his chin and he said, "Trust that everything is the same as when I left."

She only looked at him and he patted her head while checking the answer machine. Not a single message was flashing and he removed his jacket. He hung it on the hall tree next to the garage door and walked into the den. The golden walked over to the fireplace and collapsed onto her warm pillow bed. With a soft whine, she looked at him and fell asleep.

He watched her for a few minutes from a recliner across the room and then he turned the television on. Nothing new flashed over the news and he turned the contraption off. Then he leaned his head back and rested against the back cushion. Every inch of him was exhausted from the strenuous training he had gone through once more. Then his eyes fell closed and his hand slipped off the armrest as sleep devoured his worn body.


The light lit the way down the hall and the footsteps were quiet as she raced through the tunnel. Her feet splashed through the water, yet managed to remain soundless. When she turned to her left she found herself at a dead end. She glanced around the area and found a vent up at the top left wall. With haste, she opened the vent and pulled herself up into it.

When she placed the cover back on it footsteps caused ripples to flow into view. She rolled out of sight and listened.

"How on earth did you lose her?"

"She isn't gone sir. I saw her come this way, so she's still around here."

"Keep looking or I will take you there instead."

"Yes sir."

The voices faded and the footsteps moved down the tunnel. Her breath remained calm and she moved down the tunnel. With soaked pants she made her way through the dark. Her eyes slowly made out a ladder and she began climbing up. When she pulled herself out of the tunnel she covered the hole.

Then she stood and looked around the new surroundings. She spotted a fire escape and pulled herself up onto it. Slowly she made her way up the escape and stopped outside a window. Her eyes examined the room and she opened the window. When she stood inside, she closed the window and walked across the room.

She found her room out of memory and changed into dry clothes. Then she picked up her cell and dialed a number. Her ears remained alert and she listened to the line ringing.

"Did you get the disc?"

"I got it. Ran into Telk's boys on the way out."

"Take it easy then. Report in tomorrow at the same place."

She hung up and put her phone in a drawer in her dresser. Then she slid into her bed and looked out her window. It was still raining and the cold remained trapped in her body. She pulled the covers tighter around and curled up into a ball. Slowly her muscles loosened up and she fell into another light sleep.


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