
Feeling: happy

The soft singing from the trees outside filled the room with peace and the sun's light warmed the room as the morning in a jungle. His eyes flickered open and he took a deep breath. His hand ran down the pillow next to him and he found himself alone. Immediately he sat up in bed and found the room deserted other than for him. His brows came together and he hopped to his feet and ran into the hallway.

When he stood at the top of the stairwell, he heard, "I told you to leave that boy a year ago. I can't believe you would actually defy me and still be seeing, let alone sleeping with him."

Slowly he snuck down the stairs until he found Faith sitting in a chair at her kitchen table with her mother standing on the opposite side, ready to leave. His eyes studied Faith and he noticed the fetus position she sat in with her rich brown arms holding her long slender legs that had a short pair of jeans and white anklet socks covering them. Her torso was hidden from the eye by a white blouse that the neck revealed her collar bones and rested on the edges of her shoulders. He watched as her medium length, red hair fall down her back and dance on her face, accenting her soft face and amber eyes. His mind came back to reality when he saw her glance at him from the corner of her distant eyes and he knew she needed him.

A smirk crossed his lips and he quiet descended the stairs the rest of the way. Faith's mother lost her train of thought when he stood behind her daughter's chair with his hands rested on her shoulders and his blue eyes focused entirely on her.

Her hazel eyes narrowed and she said, "If I catch you in my house when I return, there will be hell to pay. Expect it or you'll reget it."

Then she picked up her suit-case and stepped onto the back porch. With a slamming of the doors, she disappeared from the house and Faith let out a well restrained breath. She let her legs fall down to the floor and slowly stood up. Then she turned to Jesse and he brushed his knuckles over her cheek as she held his gaze.

Softly she placed a hand on his and said, "Thank you. I didn't expect you to awaken soon enough."

He kissed her forehead and said, "I did feel a little resentful to have awaken alone when just eight hours ago you were right there next to me."

She smiled and said, "I didn't want to get up and leave you, but I heard my mother moving around and I had tried to get her stuff put together and disappear before she caught me."

His thumb traced her perfect lips and he said, "Someday I will have words with your mother. She can't keep talking you down like that."

Faith's smile disappeared and she said, "She can and she knows that. She is my mother, Jesse. That means she can do whatever she wants to me as long as it isn't illegal."

Jesse kissed her cheek and said, "Come on, let's go somewhere. Getting out of this atmosphere will help your spirits by a long shot."

Her eyes fixed with his and he slowly took her hand in his. Then they walked to the door and got into his Metallic green Grand Prix. Faith fastened her seatbelt, slid down in the seat so her knees rested on the dashboard, they pulled out of the driveway.


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