Open Your Eyes Chapter One

Feeling: giddy

The sun filled the streets and people gossiped about the latest news. Kids ran in between the adults talking and chased birds around. A teenager stepped out of the shadows and looked around the busy streets. She ran her eyes up and down the booths and smirked.

Silently she walked among the people and drew close to the victim of the day. She stood next to the person and watched them hand some money over to the cart tender.

The tender looked at her and asked, "Can I help you?"

The smile went unnoticed by the customer and she said, "I'm fine today. Thank you."

The customer looked at her and said, "You need some food. Give this young woman some food to put meat on her bones."

The tender smiled with pleasure and handed her some fish and bread.

She secured the food in her sack and said, "Thank you."

Silently she withdrew from the streets and slid into an alley. She walked down to a boarded up home and slid inside. Climbing the steps, she reached the main room and crossed the room.

Her mother looked up from her weaving and asked, "What is this?"

She placed the sac on her mother's lap and said, "Food."

Her mother sighed and said, "Take it back."

She frowned and said, "You need it, Mother."

The woman shook her head and said, "Krystal, we have our own means. You must stop this."

She frowned and picked up the sac. She walked over to the dead fireplace and started the fire. She sat down next to it and skinned the fish free. She cut it into a skillet and put it onto the fire.

Her mother got to her feet and said, "We cannot eat this. Take it back."

She ignored the woman and pulled out the bread.

Breaking off a piece, she shoved it into her mother's hand and said, "Eat it, woman."

Her mother sighed and walked back over to her bed. Krystal turned the fish bits in the skillet and poured them out onto two plates. She put a plate in front of her mother and carried hers over to her bed.

Silently she ate her fish and looked out onto the market. She watched the kids running about and finished her fish. Getting to her feet, she took her plate over to their dish pan and looked at her mother. She took the plate and added it to hers. Silently she grabbed a brush and cloth and carried the bucket down into the alley.

Silently she worked her way through the market to the washing well and sat down. She pulled out her first plate and washed it clean. Putting the dish away, she heard the fanfare and looked back at the market. Sighing, she picked up her last dish and began washing it. The people in the market began yelling in glee and she put her plate in the dish bucket.

Frowning, she got to her feet and headed back into the market. She paused by the alley and watched the guards lead the family through the crowded streets. Keeping her gaze down, she stepped into the alley and walked back home. She stepped into her home and put the dishes away. Her mother rested on her bed and she walked over to her bed.

Picking up her shaw, she wrapped it around her and secured her sash to her shoulder. Silently she walked over to her mother and drew the blanket further up onto the woman's body. She kissed her forehead and picked up the woman's finished pieces. Placing them in her sac, she walked down the steps and back out into the alley. The sun was almost set and she stepped into the market.

The townspeople had gone home and she made her way through the market streets. She spotted the sole cart still open and approached it slowly. The tender smiled when he saw her and waved her back into his little home. She stepped inside and closed the door behind her. Slowly she pulled out her mother's work and handed it to him.

He eyed it with a smile and said, "Though the woman is frail, her work improves greatly."

She held his gaze and asked, "Will this sale?"

The man laughed gently and said, "Of course. The people love your mother's work."

She smirked and said, "Thank you."

He nodded and she slid outside.

She pulled her shaw back around her and stepped out around the cart. Glancing down the streets, she walked through the market and listened to the happy families. Holding her arms, she took in the evening solitude and came upon the town square. She walked over to the fountain and sat down by the running water. She ran her hand through the cool water and let out a soft sigh.

"Get your filthy hands out of the water."

Her eyes narrowed and she slowly looked over her shoulder. A local guard stood with his sword drawn and she slowly got to her feet.

She sent him a fake smile and said, "I meant no harm."

He eyed her cautiously and asked, "What are you doing out of your home after dark?"

Her eyes narrowed slightly and she said, "I was just taking a walk. I must have forgotten the time."

The guard caught her wrist and growled, "We have laws, beggar."

She yanked her arm free and growled, "Watch your tone."

He laughed in spite and asked, "Are you correcting me, woman?"

She fixed her shaw and said, "You are no better than the King himself."

He caught her throat in his hand and pressed his sword to her skin.

His eyes flashed and he growled, "Hold your tongue and heed your place."

He threw her onto the dirt and said, "You beggars are the same. Looking for trouble."

She growled and got to her feet. Her hands wiped the dirt from her clothes and she picked up her sac.

He stepped in her path and she said, "I'm going home."

The guard chuckled and said, "Not now. You're coming with me."

Her eyes flashed and she said, "Make me."

She threw dirt into his eyes and ran past him. His scream filled the night air and he ran after her. She ran through the streets and turned a corner into an alley. Hitting someone, she stumbled backwards and they caught her before she fell to the ground. She looked up and her eyes widened.

The man smirked and asked, "Are you okay?"

She stepped back and said, "I'm sorry."

He waved it off and said, "At least you are okay. Now, why are you in such a hurry."

She met his gaze and heard, "Get away from him!"

Sighing, she looked over her shoulder and saw the guard behind her. He caught her wrist and yanked her away from the Prince.

She met the guard's gaze and he growled, "None of you touch him. It's disrespectful."

She looked away from him and heard, "Easy Thomas. I'm fine."

Looking up, she turned to the Prince and found him watching her.

Slowly she turned her gaze back to the guard and heard, "I'm sorry this one ruined your night out. Come with me."

The guard yanked her out of the alley and she growled. She grabbed his sword and jerked free.

His eyes widened and she said, "I'm going home. Stay out of my way."

The guard growled and she stepped around him. The Prince caught her gaze and she found him watching with curiosity. She smirked to herself and bowed as an actor before shoving the sword into the dirt. She disappeared into the alley and quickly climbed into her home's safety. Silently she climbed up to the house and dropped down onto her bed.


The Prince looked back at the guard and pulled his sword out of the dirt.

He handed it to Thomas and asked, "Who was that?"

Thomas cleaned his sword and said, "A criminal. One of the last ones to escape prison."

He smirked and said, "She seemed harmless."

Thomas looked at him and said, "She tainted the public fountain."

His eyes narrowed and he asked, "Tainted?"

Thomas nodded and said, "Had her hand running through the water."

He frowned and asked, "I suppose you caught her and tried to chase her home."

Thomas smirked and said, "I did. Then she insulted your father."

He smirked and asked, "Did she now?"

Thomas sighed and said, "This is not amusing, Prince Alexander."

He winced at the name and said, "I told you to quit calling me that."

Thomas shrugged and said, "I will once you quit mocking our traditions. That woman deserved to spend her life in prison and you let her off."

He smirked and said, "She outwitted you. I just stood by and watched."

Thomas growled and said, "Home with you."

He waved the man off and walked past him. Silently he walked back through the market and headed to the castle. He slid through the main gates and walked into the castle. He climbed the stairs to his wing and disappeared into his quarters. He stripped down and climbed into his bed with thoughts of the woman running rampant in his mind.

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