For Sky-Chapter 4.

Feeling: recalcitrant

The doctor put his pen down on top of the table and let out a frustrated sigh as his listened to the monitor in front of him. Then he heard the door open behind him and he saw Ty watching. He shook his head in amusement at the man's interest of this woman he had brought to him when they raided the German base in Luxenburg five weeks ago. Slowly his eyes returned to the woman in front of him and he read over the chart he had been marking since he took her in.

Ty slowly moved to the bed and said, "The idiots sent out a rescue team for her. Prepare for departure in a matter of hours."

The doctor sighed and said, "I can't. We both know this woman needs the medical equipment I have here. Otherwise, she'd be dead by now."

He looked at Casey and said, "She's a fighter. She'll be fine."

The doctor shook his head and said, "Since she is in my charge, I have to put my foot down. We can't move her."

Ty looked straight at him and said, "This woman let me get away when I was stuck in that organization's headquarters. We are returning the favor by giving her time to recover for that deed, Ben."

Ben sighed and said, "I will still not allow you to move this woman!"

His phone rang and he turned his back to the man as he answered the call. When he hung up, he looked back at his old friend and nodded. Ben smirked and relaxed back into his doctor position. Then the man left the room and closed the door tightly behind him. This allowed Ty some time to collect his thoughts and start to make the next plan.

When a soft moan came from the woman next to him, he looked down at her and found her slowly starting to wake. It took some time before she could open her eyes, but when she did he could tell she was starting to feel better. Then he watched her look around the room and he wrote on her chart the time she had wakened.

Finally she looked up at him and painfully asked, "Where am I?"

He looked over her face and said, "Somewhere you are able to rest."

She looked slightly past him and said, "I don't need rest. I need to get back to my organization."

His eyes narrowed and said, "Try all you want. You won't be getting out of here until you are better."

Her eyes looked directly at him and she growled, "Let me go."

She sat up quickly and instantly felt her body protest in pain along with a wave of dizziness. Her hand went straight to her head in frustration as she fought off the spell and didn't notice that he had a needle in his hand. Slowly he injected the medicine into her arm and she instantly looked at him. Her green eyes blazed with hatred and he could only smirk as he put the needle in the trashcan. When he looked back at Casey, he found her climbing off the bed and he quickly pinned her down.

With a growl, she tried shoving him off, but didn't succeed in getting him to budge one bit. He watched her eyes look for something to hit him with and when he saw a weapon nearby, he quickly snatched it. Then he tossed it to her and watched as she eyed him.

He crossed his arms across his chest and said, "Use it. Beat me and you can leave."

She smirked at his challenge and tested her footing before she lunged at him. He stopped her attack easily and spun her arm around until her back was up against his body. Everything stopped as she felt the warmth of his body surrounding herss and slowly she looked up at him. His deep eyes were too much and she slowly lost her control as her hand dropped the weapon. It clanked on the floor as she looked up at him and their gazes remained locked.

Her eyes slowly fell onto his mouth and he lifted her chin back up until she was trapped in his gaze again. When a deep breath escaped her, she quickly looked away and when she risked a glance back, she found him studying her as if she was something completely new. Then his hand tilted her chin to the right gently and she felt his hand drift down her old scar halfway down her neck. Just his touch stopped her breath in her throat and she felt her tongue wet her lips involuntarily.

His eyes seemed to be laughing and she mumbled, "Just stop before this goes any further."

He let his hand find her racing pulse and said, "I don't even know what's going on."

She looked directly at him and then the alarm went off in the hallway. Instantly she lost his warmth and she was left standing alone in the room as he disappeared down the hall. When she finished letting her body recover, she found some clean clothes and quickly changed out of her severely dirty clothes. With new clothes covering her, she slipped into the hall only to have to hide as footsteps reached her ears. Three men ran past and she sighed just as her eye spotted a nearby vent.

She immediately went to work on opening it up and when the cover popped off, she quickly pulled herself up into tight tunnel. Then she put the vent in place and started making her way down the tunnel. A gunshot reached her right ear and she followed it until she was above the conference room. The door was thrown open and she saw two men struggling to get the man into the room. When a chair spun around, her eyes narrowed and she listened as she watched the intruder move over to the man.

A blade sliced the sleeve on his right arm and she instantly saw his scar. When the blade ran along the scar, she heard a low growl come from his throat. She looked directly down at him and met his gaze.

Then the intruder chuckled and said, "It seems you are his legacy."

His eyes narrowed and the man asked, "Well, are you not Chris's legacy?"

Movement caught her eye and she saw a man slowly approaching from behind him. She took a deep breath and kicked the vent loose, causing her to fall onto the table. The impact jarred her body and she bit her lip to keep from screaming in pain. When two arms jerked her onto her feet, she held the scream in and looked straight into the intruder's face. She watched his eyes widen in surprise and then she was released by the men holding only to be squeezed to death in his embrace.

She let out a slight growl and said, "Buck."

He let her loose and asked, "Casey, what are you doing here and are you okay?"

Her eyes drifted over to the man and she found him eying the man next to her with caution. Then she got away from Buck and looked at the men holding onto the man. They immediately released him and she watched them leave the room without saying a word. When the door was closed, she looked back at the man and he leaned against the wall waiting.

Slowly she looked back at Buck and said, "I'm doing fine. They helped me out and actually helped me recover from whatever was wrong with me."

His eyes narrowed and he said, "Now that you are safe, le's get going. Jeff is waiting for us on top of the building. We're returning to headquarters."

She sighed and said, "Take the men out. I'll be right after you."

Buck rubbed the back of his neck and said, "Just be careful."

Then he gave the motion with his right hand the rest of the men followed him out of the room. When the door was shut tight, she slowly let out a sigh and looked back at the man.

One eyebrow went up in patience and she said, "That would be Buck. He's the head agent in our organization."

He remained still and she asked, "What?"

With one move he now stood directly in front of her and said, "Seemed rather more than just being two fellow agents."

She felt some heat in her cheeks and said, "Well, that's because we're involved."

His eyes seemed to burn and she asked, "What?"

One hand ran along her neck and he said, "That brut will only hurt you."

She blushed and said, "I know, but there's nothing else at this time."

When he smirked, she felt something snapped her control and her hand ran over his face. It was firmly shaped, but the skin was amazing soft for a man in his line of work. His eyes followed her hand and slowly she let her fingers run along his upper lip. She let her fingers trace his mouth and unconsciously bit her lip as she tried to find her control. One arm snaked around her waist and she let her hand drop down onto his chest just as their lips met.

It was unbelievably what she'd always wanted to taste and when she wrapped her arms around his neck, the passion bloomed into a fire. Her teeth ran over his lip and she heard a low growl come from his throat. Then everything became clear again and she quickly stepped back. Her hand covered her mouth as she let the shock of her actions pass and then she looked straight at him. He looked slightly unnerved and she smirked.

Then she walked to the door and opened it while saying, "You know, I never did catch your name."

His eyes met hers and he said, "Ty."

She smirked and said, "That's nice. See you around, Ty."

Her hand turned the knob and she stepped out into the hall only to find Buck heading her way. She must have wasted more time than she had intended, but there was no way she was going to tell him what had happened. She met him halfway down the hall and he looked over her before turning around. When they reached the Learjet, she took the passenger seat in the cockpit and checked in with Jeff. The flight was going to be long like normal and she filled Jeff in on everything within the organization that she had seen before they'd left.


The slides moved from new training strategies to new available missions and halfway down the list of possible missions, he found something interesting. He dropped his hand back onto the table and listened as the presenter went into depth about this particular mission. When the next mission was brought up to topic, he quickly grabbed a signing application and filled it out. It took him the rest of the presentation to finish the application while listening to everything read to him. Then he quietly rose to his feet and placed his application next to the boss.

Then he left the room and quietly headed to his wreck room. When he closed the door, he flipped the light on and placed his jacket on the chair next to him. He shrugged out of his shirt and laid it across his bed. His shoes were put at the end of his bed and he walked over to his equipment. With the cool cushion on his back, he took a deep breath and started his normal workout.


The sound of hitting someone echoed through the silence and made everyone wince just from the painful cry. When the cries ended, he looked at her and she kept her eyes waiting for something. Then a gunshot broke the silence and she lowered her gun slightly in acknowledgement of the victim's death. Once a minute had passed, she raised her gun and gave the motion to move in. Her eyes slowly spotted her target and she raised her gun up to find its mark.

Movement caught her eye and she saw the form of the victim slowly getting to their feet. She glanced at Buck to handle the target as she moved in to get a better look at the victim. When the body stood as straight as possible, she let her eyes travel down the spine that was still covered in red. Slowly the rain began to wash it away and she watched the victim look sideways. Her eyes widened in surprise and she watched the target raise the whip above his head.

She heard the whip hit him across the top of his back and she closed her eyes just listening to his painful cry. Then she looked back at Buck and gave the motion to finish the task at hand. One bullet ripped into the man's chest and she watched the target fall to the ground with his eyes opened in surprised. When the body was completely still, she saw his legs give out and she quickly moved to his side. She caught him just as he fell into the mud and she smirked as she recalled the same situation when she had found him the first time.

When she heard a soft moan escape from him, she looked up and saw Buck slowly approaching. She nodded and he looked into a nearby tent for a blanket and med kit. While he was gone, she looked back down at the young man in her lap and took in all the wounds the target had put on him. Then Buck returned and under his arm was the med kit and a warm blanket. Together, they maneuvered Ty into a position to get him back to the Learjet.

It took them at least fifteen minutes to reach the med center in the organization, but once they were on top of the headquarters they took him back to the bunker. When they laid him on the examining table, Buck quickly left to leave her at work and she quickly found an IV. With the nutrients flowing into his body, she began to examine his wounds and started by unwrapping his cold body from the blanket. The material was soaked and she placed it to the side as she cleaned and closed his wounds. When she finished stitching the final wound closed, she buzzed for Buck and gathered up the wet blanket.

The instant she put the soaked material in a basket for washing, Buck entered the room and they moved Ty over to a warm bed. Then Buck took the basket from Casey and left the room. When the door closed once more, she sighed and looked back at the man sleeping in this bed. He looked so different from the last time they had been together and to add to his aging differences, she knew he had suffered dearly while captive.

Then she shook her head and said, "You've really overdone it this time."

She finished examining a wound on his arm and he said, "Not entirely. I'm working on a mission and this was part of it."

His voice made her look up and she asked, "What kind of mission?"

He looked at her and said, "Boss wants to know what we're up against when it comes to your organization."

Her eyes met his and she asked, "Do you plan on fulfilling this mission?"

Slowly he began to chuckle and then he said, "No way in Hell."

She smirked and said, "That's good to hear. Now, your system is low on nutrients and the pain won't go away just yet. I suggest you get some sleep because I can guarantee that my boss will want to have a word with you."

He nodded and said, "No arguing there."

Her hand slid through his hair and she said, "Get some sleep cowboy."

She heard him grunt as she walked across the room and quietly stepped into the hall. Just down the hall she found Buck waiting for her near the stairwell and she rubbed her hand along the back of her neck. Slowly she approached him and he pulled her into him. Then he looked at her face and she smirked as he studied the tired lines that ran along her face.

His face ran down her cheek and he said, "Come get some sleep. You're beyond exhausted."

She smirked and mumbled, "I may be tired, but I'm not ready to call it quits."

He kissed the top of her head and said, "We'll let Tammy work with the guest for a while. You are going to call it quits for the night and join me in our apartment."

She rolled her eyes and said, "Fine."

With her defeated, he quickly scooped her up and mounted the stairs with her trying to get down. She wasn't set free until they were safely in their apartment and then he dropped her onto the bed. Then he walked over to the kitchen unit and grabbed two drinks as she slipped into some loose clothes to sleep in the bathroom. As she brushed her hair out, she sat on her bed and watched the news. When she finished removing all knots from her head, she placed the brush on a side table and slipped under the covers.

Her eyes slowly started to slip closed and she felt his warmth against her body as his arms wrapped around her. His lips ran down her neck and she sighed in defeat before rolling over. When she found him watching her, she smirked and ran her hand through his hair before she finally drifted to sleep. The last thing she could remember was Buck rolling away from her and she felt herself do the same.


The door opened and footsteps slowly entered the room with the door making a closing sound behind the footsteps. The footsteps stopped next to the bed and he slowly looked up at the person. When he saw the boss, he slowly sat up and met the man's gave. The idiot took his time by pulling up a chair and sitting comfortably in it, and then he looked at him.

Jeff smirked and asked, "So, why are you back?"

He fixed his gaze slightly off the man's left shoulder and heard, "You don't talk and I will have you tortured. I won't get easy on you just because you have my two best doctors wrapped around your hand just because of your scar."

The door opened quietly and he saw Casey slip into the room with Buck right behind her. His eyes narrowed slightly on the man with his hand wrapped around her small waist and he caught a slight rift between the two. Then he looked back at Jeff and found the man waiting for him to respond to him.

His eyes returned to back to Casey and she said, "I do believe he's not up to answering your questions yet, Jeff."

Jeff chuckled and said, "One more day. That's it."

Jeff got to his feet quietly and left the room without a sound. Buck glanced at the man in the bed and then he whispered something into her ear. When he left the room, Casey closed the door after him and walked over to the bed. Then he swung around and got to his feet quickly. She watched him remove his IV and then she handed him some clean clothes she had brought from Buck's dresser.

He took them and quietly went into the back locker room to change. When he came back into the room, he found her cleaning up the bed and he slowly walked over to her. With a touch on her arm, she looked at him and he watched as she studied his sculpted chest. Then she ran her hands over his chest wounds and made her way onto his back. The feel of her fingers running over his skin made his chest tighten slightly, but he put it aside as her hand left his back.

Then she stood in front of him and said, "If you're going to run, do it tonight when the security is down."

He slid the shirt over his head and pulled it down his chest while saying,"Come with me."

She looked at him somewhat startled and asked, "Are you insane? I couldn't do that."

With a shrug, he looked at the window and said, "Not leaving until the sun is down, think about it."

Slowly she ran her hand through her hair and asked, "Why should I come?"

Ty sat on his bed and said, "I can show you what your boss wants to know about my organization."

It did seem tempting and she asked, "But if I go, then I won't be coming back right?"

His dark eyes met hers and he said, "No."

She turned her attention to him and asked, "Then what?"

He was instantly in front of her and said, "Come with me and then you can return here with the information."

Casey sighed and said, "I can't just take time off to come with you."

A smirk crossed his face and he said, "You won't be if you get an assignment to do as well."

Her lips formed into a smirk and she said, "You definetly do not understand the concept of me being involved with Buck."

With one arm, he pulled her into him and said, "You think you're involved with this guy. I see otherwise."


Read 4 comments
great chapter
good plot development
Its is good from what my eyes will let me read
your a great writer you always have been
Question is the title about me or just a conquedence
oh ok